#🌲 | ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ |
fifthbornforrester · 3 years
Physical Touch (just do the whole category)
anything for you kitty
does your muse like being hugged?
Oh, definitely! Hugs are nature's medicine, are they not? She definitely loves hugs, but only from those she cares about. Casual hugs are fine, but they never do the trick like a hug from a friend or loved one.
where could someone touch your muse to calm them down?
HAIR! HAIR HAIR HAIR! Talia loves playing with people's hair and loves having her hair played with in return. It is incredibly calming and if there's a little scalp massage involved? She will melt and maybe fall in love. Also her back! Rubbing soothing circles into her back always calms her down.
is there anywhere on your muse’s body they want to be touched most?
Hmmmm. Probably her hips. Whether someone is wrapping their arms around her or moving her around somewhere, a gentle press to her hips always gets her attention. Also her arms. If someone runs their fingertips along her arms, she's a goner.
does your muse find themselves subconsciously seeking out physical contact? ( ie. reaching for s/o’s hand without realizing it )
Another definite! It's more grounding than anything, knowing the person she cares for and loves is there, real, and in the flesh. Seeking out touch to remind herself is so important, especially when she can succumb to loneliness. Just that physical presence is enough to keep her going.
headcanons based on the 5 love languages
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fifthbornforrester · 2 years
what compliment does your muse hear the most?
what did your muse want to be as a child?
if your muse had to chose: would they prefer someone cheering them up, or being left alone when they're in a foul mood?
how does your muse take a compliment?
does your muse agree that people never change and they just show their true colours?
where is your muse most qualified to give advice about?
what compliment does your muse hear the most?
One of the compliments that Talia hears the most is that of her singing voice and how beautiful it is. There is a folktale in the family that her presence and voice was the only thing that got her brother to stop crying, although she couldn't sing as a newborn. Another compliment is how creative she is. She's a great poet even though she keeps them close to her.
what did your muse want to be as a child?
In canon, all she wanted to do was make her family proud. There had always been dreams of being a princess like many other girls did. But she also wanted to be a knight. She remembers her family laughing at her when she expressed as such, but she would have dreams of both, even at the same time.
In modern, Talia wanted to be a plethora of things. She comes from a wealthy and affluent family with the world at her fingertips. Her parents heard all of them: a fairy princess, a fairy mermaid princess, CEO, fashion designer, actress, author, poet, singer. Thankfully she settled on one, although she still wishes it was the fairy mermaid princess.
if your muse had to choose: would they prefer someone cheering them up, or being left alone when they're in a foul mood?
She would rather be left alone. Being seen as weak is something she still struggles with and with that vulnerability, there's a risk of weakness. If she wants comfort, she'd seek someone out personally.
how does your muse take a compliment?
She's not great at taking compliments, but she's learning, which is all that matters. Always being a shadow, it's hard to accept them, but slowly but surely, she's trying her best to believe them.
does your muse agree that people never change and they just show their true colours?
Talia believes that everyone has the ability to change, but if they push her too far or hurt her or someone she loves, earning her forgiveness is near impossible.
where is your muse most qualified to give advice about?
Anything with art or family drama. Talia knows way too much about both to not give adequate advice to someone.
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