#📚 college verse⚡| a thesis written with bloodied knuckles
phoenixduelist · 2 years
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💀 Scorched Seas 🥀
🌹 Queen verse ⚔
🪽Good end/Wings United🪶 ➡ @pirataimperatix
🐆Mercenary verse🗡 ➡ @warwicked
🏍 Modern verse 🎸
🔥 Goddess verse ⚔️
⚔ Supernatural verse ⚔
📚 College verse⚡
⚡After death/Hazbin-Helluva verse🗡 ➡ @lightningdamned
☀Sci-fi/dystopia verse🌌 ➡ @solarbladewinged
🐙 Spiderverse 🌊
☣ Zombie apocalypse 🫀
🪦 Mafia verse 🕸
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phoenixduelist · 2 years
College verse
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Rozália had a peaceful childhood. Loved by both of her parents, her talents encouraged, their love not suffocating. Despite her appearance, she was rarely trouble, or better said the source of the trouble. Bold and always getting in fights for the weaker earned quite a reputation but her heart was warm, kind. She was an outgoing spirit, readily showing off the newest kickbox or taekwondo moves she'd learned or improvised something on electric guitar to entertain. Her joy was broken when her mother revealed she had breast cancer.
Despite the treatments, her state was rapidly worsening; the sight of her beloved mother turning into a husk of herself hardened and broke her spirit. She no longer found enjoyment in anything, just in her achievements, so she pursued both the physical and mental challenges. As a result she graduated from highschool as one of the best of her year, having a black belt in both kickbox and taekwondo.
She thought she will probably end up in the Honvédség like her father with all of her pent up sorrow, but her mother had a different idea. Before her death, without Rozália's knowledge, she had sent applications to the best universities, colleges in hope of giving her daughter a chance in life she had given up on. She was accepted, the letter arriving the day after Serena passed away.
Her father not only convinced her to go but also traveled with her to America. He quickly found a job in the police department due to his military past and Rozália took on a double major: English language and History. Just when life supposed to settle, her father took part in a case stretching way past him and the members of the mafia gunned down their door at night. He was almost immediately killed, for punching one of the executioners her right hand was shot through, with an another two bullets following into her chest.
By miracle Rozália survived and her physical condition was the same as before after years of physiotherapy. And there she stood, in a foreign country as an orphan, with lost scholarship due to the time she spent in hospital. All she had was her mom's last unspoken wish to live a better life than the paths grief guided to.
She had no intention of being trapped in debt, so she made use of her talent: she became an illegal cage fighter, soon gaining favors, better pay and the Devil alias; which she honored with a full back tattoo:
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However one job didn't cover all of her expenses, so she decided to use her acrobatic abilities in a strip club, as a pole dancer. Her upper body was always clothed to conceal the tattoo along with a mask to protect her identity. Due to her always wearing leather or latex, never allowing to be touched by clients and the tattoo peeking out from the bodysuits,
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her alias in that world became Burning Rose, a name that hinted at her incredible strength for the acrobatic pole tricks, nor the passion in her dance.
Rozália is often late to her classes, her accent is strong and she won't hesitate to harshly correct someone guessing she's Eastern European. Full of mysteries and secretly longing for to play the guitar once again, she balances her triple life extremely well, save it for a few times when she couldn't hold her opinion at the supposed notes of the professors.
She could pass as Kate Beckinsale's stunt double in Underworld with her clothes and hairstyle, goddess with a switchblade. A rare glimpse of her light which is clouded by the raging storm within shines through at the playful flirting and almost Victorian era gestures.
Since leaving the hospital, Rozália tried and succeeded in making her life too busy to mourn, to remember; the scar on her palm however still manages to haunt her. And she haven't dared to touch a guitar since, despite the raw yearning to hear creation flowing from her fingertips.
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phoenixduelist · 2 years
Ark to Rozy College AU "Did you fucking text Bluebell off of my phone telling her I love her?!" .... "Why the fuck did she agree to a date?" ..... "Ya know what fuck it, I'm doing this date thing but I will kick your ass later!" ... "Not physically cause I don't fight but I will do..... something about it." "I'll fucking write a song about it."
Lulu cackling in the background, "fuckin' finally."
Lulu was the one who stole Ark's phone but because she knows for a fact Rozy won't hurt her 😏😏
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“Who the fuck you think you are to speak to me like that?”
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To her defense, she was already in a terrible mood and in pain before the furious false accusations rained down on her.
“I did not touch your phone, by now you should know I respect privacy. Rare trait, isn't it?” Rozália was sincere but her words still had a bite and a cutting edge
“Why don't you call her ‘Gonebird’ or better yet, ‘Ruinbird’ because every time she flutters by, someone- who was often me in case you forgot in your self pity- has to take all of your broken pieces to build you up again.” She didn't fully understand from where that explosive anger came from, all she felt was a mixture of dread and pain.
Her bag thrown to the ground, a mouthful of crimson spat onto the street between them.
“Oh, you write a song about it, how touching.” her stance meant she didn't consider it as an acceptable option to fight
“And you except me to help pick out the flowers too? Time to finally accept the harsh reality: that bitch will never stay. And I did NOT touch your fucking phone.”
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phoenixduelist · 2 years
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phoenixduelist · 2 years
for the college au with Ark
"I'm fully convinced you never graduated kindergarten."
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The sigh leaving dark red lips was soundless; how many times has she heard variations of that. Can't even she order a burger in peace? A few seconds passed as the small plan formed, Rozália turned towards the man with her best charmingly dumb smile she could muster, living a double, no a triple life also served a great acting course.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
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“I don't speak English too well.” an another foundation of the lie to keep the facade of stupid innocence
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