#'But Formchanges weren't in BBS?' Shush you
theskylarkin · 9 months
KH OC Week Day 5 - Abilities
As all my OCs are keyblade wielders apprenticed to Scalan masters who aren’t Xehanort, I think the answer to today’s original prompt is a little too obvious. (Some characters are more susceptible to darkness than others, but that’s spoiler territory…) So here’s my OCs’ keyblades finally illustrated as well as their associated formchanges and shotlocks instead.
Detailed info on individual keyblades
More info on individual fighting styles
Weapon Illustrations Here
Keyblade: Taenite
Primary Formchange: Hammerscale
The most common formchange of Ferrum’s keyblade is a war hammer. It’s about as large as his normal keyblade length-wise, but the smaller impact surface of the weapon allows for more precise hits and greater damage against armored foes. Just like the normal keyblade form, the “window” in the center of the hammerhead can be lit up in dark spaces and glows when he’s charging an attack.
(Hammerscale - the byproduct of the process in which iron ore is refined and forged.)
Unique Shotlock: Ironside
This shotlock lets Ferrum become immune to all physical and magical damage for a period of time (which lasts for ten additional seconds after the shotlock ends) and rush targets repeatedly for non-elemental damage. (Bonus - Extra input causes the last target to be flung into the air, potentially setting up an aerial combo.)
The most useful aspect of this move is the brief damage immunity/I-frames it grants.
(Ironside - A person of “great strength or bravery” according to Merriam-Webster)
Weapon Illustrations Here
Keyblade: Paradigm Shift
Primary Formchange: Episteme
The most common formchange of Sophia’s keyblade is a double-ended naginata. This form gives her more melee attack power and range than the normal, magic-focused keyblade. However, due to the differences between wielding a keyblade and a polearm, it took Sophia quite some time to learn how to use it effectively.
(Episteme - refers to a principal system of understanding/knowledge in Ancient Greek philosophy)
Unique Shotlock: Demiurge
This shotlock allows Sophia to lock on to a single enemy and fire crystal-shaped projectiles at them. These crystals surround the target, growing in size as they leach HP/MP/Focus from them before violently exploding into tiny shards. The resulting blast hits not only the initial target but any other enemy in their vicinity with non-elemental damage while Sophia harvests the rewards. (Bonus - Extra input speeds up the crystals’ growth.)
The most useful aspect of this move is the leaching effect, as that is unblockable whereas the final explosion is (by the initial target only, the splash damage can’t be blocked).
Weapon Illustrations Here
Keyblade: Firebrand
Primary Formchange: Crossfire
Form 1: The most common formchange of Brandr’s keyblade has two stages of transformation. The initial form is a pair of double-barrel wheellock pistols. To continue with the Bloodborne reference, these guns don’t use traditional ammunition (and therefore don’t need gunpowder or reloading) but every shot fired takes away a bit of Brandr’s health. So he can’t just start blasting away indiscriminately, or there will be consequences:
Brandr, weakly: “R… for… r-resuscitation—” *flatlines*
Form 2: In the second stage of the transformation, the two double-barrel pistols combine to form a single four-barrel blunderbuss. This gun is impractical, unwieldy, and can only be fired once before a very long cooldown period (as it still has the same life-leaching effect, but doubled). However, that one shot is very powerful. Brandr only uses this form in dire emergencies because of the Gazing Eye embedded into the weapon is whole in this state, rather than split like it is between the two pistols.
(Crossfire - “Firing… from two or more points so the lines of fire cross” or a “rapid or heated exchange of words” according to Merriam-Webster. *coughIjustwantedapun*)
Unique Shotlock: Muspell
This shotlock allows Brandr to launch several salvos of tracking fireballs all at once, which deal additional damage over time after the initial hit (like the status effect Ignite) even when the target is otherwise immune to fire damage. (Bonus - Extra input causes projectiles to explode on impact for extra damage.)
The most useful aspect of the move is as a source of non-elemental damage since most of Brandr’s other attacks are fire-based.
(Muspell - another name for Muspelheim, the realm of fire in Norse mythology.)
Weapon Illustrations Here
Keyblade: Rootstock
Primary Formchange: Severed Scion
The most common formchange of Nemus’ keyblade is a pair of hand claws. They give him an extra edge in close-quarters combat, which he doesn’t see very often and needs all the help he can get in those situations. They also allow him to finally have the one cat-like trait he never got from Dr. Moto and her team, but he does dislike how even this form of his weapon is still branded by the Morpho Biotech logo.
(Scion - Can be either the part of the plant that is attached to the rootstock during the grafting process or an heir to a powerful family, which Nemus pretends he is.)
Unique Shotlock: Heart Rot
This shotlock allows Nemus to lock on to a single enemy and summon roots up out of the ground to temporarily bind them, causing non-elemental damage. When the roots finally loosen their grip, the victim will be left with at least two of these status ailments: Confuse, Poison, Blind, Silence, Sleep, and Slow. (Bonus - Extra input will add a rare chance to also inflict Doom on the target.)
The most useful aspect of the move is temporarily freezing the enemy in place, giving Nemus a chance to reposition himself if needed.
(Heart Rot - A fungal disease that targets the center of a tree trunk, known as the heartwood, causing it to decay internally.)
Weapon Illustrations Here
Keyblade: Norna Dómr
Primary Formchange: Ýdalir
The most common formchange of Virdandi’s keyblade is a bow that shoots arrows made of pure energy. This form was brought about by her accepting that *sigh* fine, she really needs some form of ranged attack in her arsenal. However, her opinion on the bow changed dramatically once she got the hang of sliding past attacking enemies and shooting arrows into their backs before they could turn around.
(Ýdalir - in Norse mythology, this is the realm of Ullr, a god associated with yew trees and bows.)
Unique Shotlock: Bifröst
This shotlock lets Virdandi cloak herself in dazzling, iridescent light and then rush at targets repeatedly, dealing non-elemental damage on contact. (Something like a fusion of Prism Rain and Lightning Ray. Bonus - Extra input causes tracking light orbs to stream off of her, further damaging their targets.)
Despite the light show, the most useful aspect of this move is the I-frames it grants.
(Bifröst - in Norse mythology, this is the burning rainbow bridge connecting Earth with the realm of the gods.)
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