sallytjoea · 3 years
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#EsTehSusu #SuperSuikiaw #Bocai #JiaMianBeef #QiuMian 😋 and #ShouMian from #PoNoodleBar (at Pò Noodle Bar - Joko Sutono) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQqvqdPhFr5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chowwoyzz · 4 years
A meaning of #shoumian is long life noodles. #longevitynoodles #chinesenewyear #chinesefood #noodles #cookingvideo #cooking https://www.instagram.com/p/B7sBCdOABtu/?igshid=11g29fdtl25qr
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wintervon · 6 years
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Day 8 of December ! IT'S MY BIRTHDAY !!!! Supposed to be having brunch with the birthday guy (pls! He/she is no longer a boy). But in the end, both of us nua at home until he has to meet his gf. Lovely breakfast from dad. Because to him... i always love bee hoon mee with egg and luncheon meat. Which is true.. i need my 甜酱。 Then after nua all the way till 5 plus pm... went to my sister house and her mum so qiao cooking 寿面。。 So birthday girl got 口福! Besides showing her love for me all over the social media... @graciagst also meet me at night together with @midnightghostress at Punggol. We had our bucket and took turns to stream until the end of my birthday.. THANKS GIRLS !!! #mydecember #mybirthdaymonth #punggol #loopsgirls #beehoon #shoumian
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conectarteblogposts · 3 years
Cumpleaños con fideos
Mientras los occidentales celebramos cada cumpleaños con un pastel y regalos, los cumpleaños chinos están llenos de tabúes y tradiciones especiales. 
En China los cumpleaños no se celebran tal y como los conocemos. En vez de una tarta con velas, el plato más importante es un bol de fideos. Estos fideos de cumpleaños deben ser muy largos, ya que representan la duración de la vida. Por esta misma razón, reciben el nombre de «shoumian», los fideos de la longevidad. 
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El cumpleaños más importante de los más pequeños es el segundo, pues en China se considera que el niño o niña nace con un año de vida. ¿Y cuál es el mejor regalo para los chinos? Sobres rojos con dinero, también conocidos como «hongbao»
Los cumpleaños chinos deben celebrarse antes de la fecha de nacimiento real. No se puede celebrar un cumpleaños de manera tardía aquí, es mala suerte.
Los familiares y amigos cercanos que no puedan asistir a la celebración del cumpleaños comen ese día fideos largos para traer longevidad a la persona del cumpleaños.
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sitiomagico · 4 years
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El Año Nuevo Chino conocido como el “Festival de Primavera”, se celebra el sábado 25 de Enero de 2020. De este modo comienza el año 4.718 del calendario tradicional chino, que se corresponde con el año de la Rata. Es la celebración más importante de China, con un período de 15 días que comprende: • Día de Año Nuevo (25 de enero de 2020): primer día del primer mes del calendario lunar. • Fiesta de las Linternas (8 de febrero de 2020): decimoquinto día del primer mes. Son 15 días llenos de celebraciones en los que se suceden las visitas a familiares, comidas especiales, conciertos, desfiles y fuegos artificiales. Todo el mundo celebra el año nuevo, sobre todo durante los tres primeros días del festival. Como en todas festividades chinas suelen estar acompañadas de la gastronomía típica. Los platos que se preparan para esta ocasión son considerados como “símbolos de buena suerte”. También se realizan muchas actividades culturales durante los días del festival. Unas celebraciones tradicionales que vienen acompañadas de petardos, adoración de los antepasados y danzas del dragón. Los dragones y los desfiles toman el centro de las ciudades, no solo de China sino de las principales ciudades del mundo. En el extranjero se realizan muchas actividades relacionadas con las tradiciones chinas. La cena de víspera de año nuevo, conocida como la cena del reencuentro, es la comida más importante de todo el año. Es equiparable a la cena de navidad para los cristianos. Se comparte una gran comida en la que no pueden faltar los tradicionales “raviolis” (shoumian), que representan la longevidad. Esta cena dura hasta las doce de la noche, momento en que da comienzo la cuenta atrás del año nuevo. El calendario chino es diferente al que usamos nosotros (calendario gregoriano). Se basa en los ciclos lunares mientras que el occidental está marcado por el ciclo solar. En la antiguedad, el “calendario lunar” causaba graves problemas a los agricultores chinos, por la dificultad de fijar las estaciones para las cosechas. #añonuevochino #añonuevolunar #añodelarata #arziade https://www.instagram.com/p/B7vWILHgn4n/?igshid=g9z6jwcov1ax
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g9trip · 4 years
Fascinating birthday traditions from around the world
KLM will be celebrating its 100th anniversary on 7 October, and we wanted to get a head-start by seeing how birthdays are celebrated worldwide. The typical Dutch birthday usually sees people sitting in a circle, drinking coffee, eating cake, chomping cheese off decorative toothpicks, and generally having a very ‘gezellig’ time indeed. Let’s see how people elsewhere celebrate their birthdays.
Vietnam – Chúc Múng Sinh Nhât!
Many people see their birthday as their own special day, but not in Vietnam, where everyone celebrates their birthday on the same day, which the Vietnamese call Tết Nguyên Đán, or just TET for short. This day also marks the start of spring and the start of Vietnamese New Year. People set off fireworks, decorate their homes and buy flowers that are available in abundance from street stalls. The festival includes various rituals that revolve around the celebration of family ties. Many people make offerings to ensure energy and happiness in the new year. There’s great food to eat and people celebrate happiness!
Germany – Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
German children get a double dose of happiness on their birthday, because they don’t only get gifts from family and friends, but also get a homework-free day. There is a rather unusual tradition in some parts of Germany, where men who are bachelors on their 30th birthday are brought to a public place, such as a church or city hall, where they have to sweep the stairs or pavement outside, to show how good they are at cleaning. The birthday bachelor is only allowed to stop sweeping when he is kissed by a woman.
Australia – Happy Birthday!
In Australia, birthday cake is sometimes replaced with “fairy bread”, which is white bread and butter, topped with coloured sprinkles. In addition to fairy bread, birthdays “Down Under” are often celebrated with a barbecue in the garden (thank you, sunny climate!). Ozzie’s really make something special of 21st birthdays, which is when youngsters officially become adults. During this tradition, the birthday girl or boy is often symbolically presented with the key to the family home where they live.
China – Zhu ni de shengri kuai le! – 祝你生日快乐
In China, birthdays are family celebrations. The house of the person celebrating their birthday is decorated with red paper bearing the words Shou Xing, meaning “Long Life”. Food is another key ingredient of birthday festivities and the person celebrating traditionally eats shouxingzai (eggs), shoutaobao (Chinese bread rolls) and shoumian (noodles). To ensure long life, the birthday boy or girl has to slurp up all the long noodles at once. Another special feature of Chinese birthday celebrations is that some years are skipped, because the numbers are considered unlucky. Chinese women never celebrate their 30th, 33rd or 66th birthday, for example, to avoid bad fortune.
Mexico – Feliz cumpleaños! 
In countries that are predominantly Catholic, people often celebrate their name day as well as their birthday. This is also the case in Mexico, where people celebrate the day of the saint they were named after. This means people have two days to celebrate, which also means twice as many gifts! Unless your birthday and name day are on the same day, of course. No birthday in Mexico would be complete without a piñata, which is a brightly coloured container filled with sweets, which is hugely popular among children.
Jamaica – Happy Birthday!
Jamaica also has its very own birthday traditions. On the Caribbean island, it is customary to shower the birthday boy or girl with flour, while dancing to reggae music. This tradition is known as “flouring”. Another important birthday for Jamaicans is that of the King of Reggae, Bob Marley, whose birthday is celebrated on 6 February.
Korea – Saeng-il chuk-haham-nida! – 생일 축하합니다
In Korea, a child’s first “birthday” is celebrated at 100 days. This baby shower and birthday combined is called Baek-il and dates from a time when infant mortality in Korea was high. After 100 days, many of the threats were considered to have been averted, which was certainly worth celebrating. A child’s real first birthday is called Dol and is even more important than Baek-il. One of the traditional customs involves seating the birthday baby at a table filled with all sorts of symbolic objects. The first two objects the infant picks up predict their future. Money and rice represent wealth; a pen symbolises intelligences; bow and arrow foretell a military future, and so on.
We’re very much looking forward to celebrating our anniversary on 7 October. Do you know of any other interesting birthday traditions? Please let us know in the comments!
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