#( loves: elvin ivarsson. )
euphoriclusts · 5 months
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
bambi abernathy x rupert newton this is giving friends (to potential) to me, i think. maybe they've known one another a real, long while. either hanging out in the same friendship group or maybe they've worked together once upon a time. either way, i definitely feel as if rupert loves bambi a whole lot. so far removed from the majority of people in his life (in the best way possible).
fawn x elvin ivarsson a siren and an olympic swimmer? that could be hella fun. elvin is always in the water whether it be swimming pools or the ocean, so perhaps they could meet on the / near the beach or something like that? he's incredibly naive and far too trusting, so they could be an interesting dynamic?
cricket hernandez x dexter teagan i'm thinking dexter could be a babysitter for cricket's kids, either that they could meet in some random but brilliant meetcute! dexter is sassy and cricket has that quick wit so they could be fun/challenge each other in one way or another.
natalia morrison x kian buckston i don't know when/if this would ever be plausible, but i can see kian defending natalia at some stage of another. becoming protective of her, and growing a genuine fondness/adoration for her. they give sort of soft vibes. like after a fight, kian comes to natalia and natalia tends to his wounds, better than anyone else ever has.
cilla diaz x peter cooper they couldn't be more opposites attract....which i definitely love a lot. she's timid, he's capable of murder if he needs to. maybe he'd even commit murder for her, even if she'd never ask that of him and is genuinely horrified by it. wouldn't stop him though, not if he can protect her!
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sunsetsvibe-archive · 7 years
      oft en . otto and elvin would go out on their father’s boat with him, hoping to help, but they’d get distracted by these silly games that otto took way too seriously and not much would ever get done. but their father entertained every single one of their silly games, and enjoyed himself whilst he was doing it . 
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sunsetsvibe-archive · 7 years
*mulan voice* let’s get down to business.
three of my muses ( lucas and elvin & otto ) have been . really really affected by their fathers for completely different reasons, and i want to talk about it because it is fucking important to me
it took me a long, long time to process lucas’ relationship with his father, that was because it wasn’t something he wished to process? nobody has ever made him hate himself more than that man, and it took me...a long time to work out why.
first and foremost, lucas michael taylor is the spitting image of his father, whilst his two siblings are...identical to their mother. it’s not even in just looks alone, it’s in personality and...well, everything to put it simply. 
lucas enjoyed ‘girly’ activities, such as; dancing, musical theatre. which is something he came to learn from his mother. his mother was SUPPORTIVE of her son, and everything he wanted to be -- his father on the other hand, despised it...completely and made sure everybody knew it. 
things took a turn when he was still a kid; about seven or eight he walked in on his father sleeping with his secretary, whom just so happened to be a man. he cheated, on his wife / lucas’ mother and lucas is the one person who witnessed it. it caused an even bigger rift in their relationship, and he made it seem like lu had done something wrong, not him. to put it bluntly, lucas’ father is a cheater, and he’s also not as straight as he wishes he was. he suffers from a deeply rooted internalised homophobia, which is something none of his family really knew about...nobody but lucas
it’s from then on that the emotional abuse....increased drastically, and for a long long long time ( up until this damn week ) lucas believed he deserved it, but didn’t know why. he was called a sissy, called a trixie, called a wimp, a coward; for expressing himself and his feelings, and being who he wanted to be -- someone his mother, on the other hand -- was always ridiculously supportive of. as a result, lucas...shut off a lot of his emotions, and even now -- he doesn’t know how to handle them, or how to show someone he cares for them, or even how to explain his feelings. not wanting to be considered weak or cowardly. instead, he acts. he gives people what he expects they want from him and usually, that happens to be sex. 
to his dad, however, lucas was someone he had wanted to be, someone he could have been but was too scared. lucas’ dad is the coward and lucas has only recently realised it. he doesn’t hate his dad, he feels sorry for him. he blames him for how he handles situations now; blames him, even if he knows he can’t always. lucas’ way of handling situations/love in particular, is a direct result of his father’s emotional abuse, and self-hatred. lucas IS his dad, and his dad can’t stand it. 
lucas’ dad is a closeted bisexual, a cheater and -- often completely void of human emotions and he’s forced those qualities that onto his youngest son. though lucas is trying so hard to be a better person, and would never EVER let his children feel a fraction of the guilt his father put him through. 
then...then there’s elvin and otto which is an entirely different kettle of fish, ( get it -- their dad was a fisherman, anyway )
the ivarsson’s dad . from the VERY beginning, has been extremely supportive of both his sons, and their sexuality. of course before, they really knew what sexuality was themselves, both their father and grandfather made a point of letting them see that sexuality wasn’t a black and white topic, and though they didn’t know who their sons/grandsons would love, they wanted them to know never to judge someone based on who they do love. 
both of the older men were very vocal, and when their grandad was a youngster, he helped a young gay man escape a beating, and he became one of his best friends. his grandad was always uniquely happy to see gay couples together in the street holding hands, and both older men often took both otto and elvin to pride events, and joined in by themselves. 
as a result, both boys never really thought about sexuality as something they needed to worry about; they were proud of who they were, and were happy to explore that part of their identity, and...every other part of their identity too. they’re proud to be who they are, but are constantly working to better themselves, and to make a different to the world, something they believe both their favourite men did -- and they’re constant inspiration to them both, even though they’re no longer around anymore. elvin has a locket with their faces in, and otto has their pictures blue tacked onto his bedpost, and he talks to them when he’s struggling, and even when he’s not.
they were good people with good hearts, and that in turn brushed off on both ivarsson boys. 
they don’t judge people, and when they do they curse themselves out even if it was internally; 
tldr; lucas is his dad by design, elvin and otto are their father/grandfather by choice. 
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sunsetsvibe-archive · 7 years
cerulean eyes the colour of the ocean you love so much / baggy shirts / oversized sweaters / the rise of your shoulders when you laugh / a radiance that could put apollo to shame / jagged cuts and murky bruises / the violent aftermath of your battles with poseidon / do not ask me to tell you who is winning / the bitter taste of saltwater on your lips / the burn of the sun on porcelain skin / you were born, once before / don't you know your rebirth happened much later? / it started like this / in screams and cries / in confusion in hurt / dad! dad, come back! / it hurts, it hurts so much / to know you are not your mothers mistakes / a smile that ignites so much in others / but hides so much in you / tell me, does it frighten you? / to be cured of the ache of your heartbreak? / your father didn't die for you to suffer, elvin / do not mistake the sting of the salt water to be his death on your hands
and elvin ivarsson thanks to @chokedsilence
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