#( obvi with modern marian in mind- )
maiiden · 4 months
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bold what applies. italicize what sometimes applies. strike what doesn’t.
likes artificial watermelon . sleeps in what they are already wearing . eats their cereal with milk . listens to music with earbuds . hates the summer . can recite passed the first four digits of pi . eats frosting out of the jar . doodles on their notebooks . can bake cookies . has a garden farm . has had a snowball fight . eats pancakes without syrup . prefers shorts over pants . can name more than ten superheroes . has a plan for the zombie apocalypse . uses the same password for everything . can’t hold their breath for more than fifteen seconds . watches anime . can say ‘ i love you ‘ in more than one language . prefers mechanical pencils . thinks space is cool . takes personality tests more than once to make sure . can’t tie their shoelaces . has a purse . likes salads . likes cool colors better than warm colors . knows how to braid hair . reads biographies . can ice skate . knows their mbti . reads astrology charts . prefers the star wars prequels to the original trilogy . plays video games . reads the newspaper . likes chocolate ice cream best . doesn’t cuss . memorizes song lyrics . collects coupons . has a preferred order at starbucks . likes movie theater popcorn . has seen a play . listens to music with headphones . owns a hoodie . would rather own cds than online copies . has written a poem . can shuffle cards . subscribes to a magazine . double dips when eating . drinks directly out of the milk container . keeps a journal .
tagged by : yoinked from @peculiarbeauty ! tagging : anyone who drank water today !
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