#( thread; jameson carter 01. )
aiylademirci · 3 months
LOCATION: Covington Hospital Emergency Room WITH: @jamesonxcarter
The emergency room was relatively quiet, which for a small town, could become hectic in the snap of a finger. Instead there was a gentle flow of kitchen mishaps with knives, clumsy children, and the occasional drunk. Pretty standard for a Wednesday evening, and so Aiyla found distraction in a crossword puzzle. She was chewing on her pen, her frown deepening at a particular clue that had been puzzling her for a few minutes now. But all of a sudden there was a flurry of crying and panicked footsteps bursting through the door, and in one fluid muscle memory movement, Aiyla pushed her chair back and rose to her feet.
The man was visibly panicking as he clung onto the child in his arms, who was throwing his head back and screaming. Shit - she knew that face. Shit - they had shared drinks together. Aiyla stood frozen for a split second, watching as a nurse tried to scurry them to a private room. "It's okay - It's okay." Aiyla called out, her attention zoning in on the cries from Asher. "It's okay, I know him." her steps quickened as she stepped into the room.
"Hey-" she did her best to keep her voice steady and calm as she could feel the panic rising from Jameson. "Look at me," Aiyla moved to stand beside him so she wasn't obstructing his view of Asher, a hand moving to rest upon his shoulder. "Can you tell us what happened? We need to know what happened leading up to this, okay? We're going to help him the best we can, we just need to know what we're dealing with first."
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