#(‘but Vines you say QS deserves to know so why doesn’t NMJ?’ bc QS can’t help her paternity but NMJ can help being bad at politics)
poorlittleyaoyao · 10 months
I’ve seen people lament sooo many times that ah, alas, if only JGY had told his sworn brothers about his mistreatment at Jinlintai! Surely they would have helped him! So you can imagine my surprise when we first hear about it not from JGY himself, but from LXC talking to NMJ:
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LXC knows that Madame Jin beats JGY and JGS disregards him, and he most likely heard this information from JGY himself! NMJ as of this moment also knows this! And while this revelation does get NMJ to back off a bit (albeit too late; this is right after NMJ kicks JGY down the stairs, so JGY has made his decision to switch the music), there’s no indication whatsoever that either he or LXC ever went to the source of the problem and confronted JGS directly about anything. The fact that NMJ keeps going to JGY about XY instead of taking it to JGS himself suggests that the other sect leaders either can’t or won’t go to JGS.
It’s my opinion that JGY wouldn’t have wanted them to face off with his father, since it would potentially hurt JGY’s status within the sect; familial acceptance is the only ironclad way to ensure his own security, never mind his filial piety. But it’s also pretty clear that just talking to someone wouldn’t have singlehandedly solved his problems here because like. He literally did that.
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