#(again—I may have thrown her a bone when I said the corporate office wanted nothing to do w/it
dinasilvertongue · 11 months
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Well, kids, she is officially insane…. I mean, this is not gonna stop… ☝️ It’s obviously madness that couldn’t possibly result in anything good for that bitch—(I mean, “dead animals in the hallway”?—my cat has never even been in the hallway)—but I hope you realize that these don’t have to be true, or even current photos: even if I stop letting her out, or put her on a leash, these complaints can still be fabricated or encouraged, so it doesn’t even matter anymore….
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readingontheedge · 5 years
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Welcome to the Sovereign Kingdom of Bagumi
The Kingdom of Bagumi is one of the last intact African monarch states. Treaties and alliances over several centuries have ensured their continued dominance in the region.
Each generation of the powerful and proud Royal House of Saene is bound by loyalty to their family and duty to protecting their nation.
However, soon, long-trusted traditions come under attack and change becomes inevitable, especially when love clashes with duty.
The long-standing, distinguished Royal House of Saene is about to be rocked by three sexy, determined interlopers. Princesses Amira, India and Isha may have to choose between sacrificing their hearts or their kingdom.
A spoilt princess and a commoner…a match made online.
A widowed princess and a reluctant king…a match shrouded in suspicion.
A crusading princess and a freedom fighter…a match built on conflict.
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Meet the Royal House of Saene: The Princesses
His Defiant Princess by Nana Prah (Book One)
Princess Amira Saene has always done the right thing when it came to her beloved Kingdom of Bagumi. Yet her unorthodox online relationship with a man across the sea has derailed her from cultural norms. She doesn’t care. After a year of communicating, the man she’s developed feelings for comes to visit. Their chemistry is intense and she tumbles the rest of the way into love. With the threat of war looming over her country, Amira is thrown in the middle as a peacemaker through an arranged marriage.
Jake Pettersen never thought he’d meet the woman of his dreams, much less online. Flying thousands of miles to West Africa to meet her verifies that the feelings he’s developed are real. Too bad her family doesn’t think he’s worthy of her. When he learns that Amira has been betrothed, he must decide whether fight for her or accept the loss for the sake of her homeland.
Is their happiness worth the devastation of her country?
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Amira Saene paced in her eldest brother’s office. Zawadi, the next king of Bagumi watched her for a moment, shook his head with a deep frown, and returned his attention to his computer.
 Adrenaline wouldn’t allow her to sit as she waited for Jake to arrive. When had her stomach ever been tied in such knots? As a princess, she’d been trained to remain cool and composed at all times. It would’ve been ideal for her nerves to remember that as she gnawed on her manicured nails.
Why hadn’t she broken protocol and gone to the airport to meet him? Resisting her favourite treat of peanut brittle had been easier than forcing herself to stay in the palace to receive her guest as decorum demanded. It also might’ve made things easier if she’d told Jake who she really was, but she hadn’t. The way he’d treated her like a regular person had kept her lips sealed about her status as a princess of one of the most prominent countries in Africa.
She glared at Zareb, the youngest of her older twin brothers and the chief of palace security. When she’d requested permission for Jake to visit, she’d pleaded with Zawadi not to tell anyone about her relationship with him. Meeting someone on the Internet these days wasn’t a crime, but she doubted her family would agree.
Zawadi had insisted on informing the hardest member of their family. She’d had to relent because of the current instability in Bagumi. The neighbouring kingdom of Ashani had become more violent with direct attacks on cattle herders over the past month. Disputes over the water rights of the river between their two countries would lead to war if her father didn’t defuse the situation soon. Although a smaller country, Ashani held a powerful army. Too many lives would be lost if they fought.
Zareb hadn’t been happy about Jake coming into the country in the first place, but not even he had ever been immune to her charms, or incessant whining. Sometimes, being the youngest and the only female in her mother’s line had its benefits.
“Amira, you will not speak during the questioning,” Zareb ordered.
Pinching her lips together kept her from arguing. He wouldn’t hesitate to fulfil his earlier threat of kicking her out of the office altogether. She gave a curt nod and strode to the window. Too bad Zawadi’s office faced the back portion of the palace’s extensive grounds instead of the front where the driver would drop off their guests. Maybe seeing him from afar would settle her racing heart.
She jumped as a knock sounded on the near-impenetrable Bubinga wood. Inhaling and then exhaling twice as long through her nose like she did while practicing yoga did absolutely nothing to calm her.
“Come in,” Zawadi said.
His secretary opened the door. “Your Highness, the two guests you were expecting have arrived.”
“Thank you. Please escort them in.”
Amira swallowed the nothingness drying her throat. Every cell in her body vibrated at a higher frequency, and she swore she could’ve evaporated.
She pivoted her head towards the voice of her eldest brother. When had he gotten up to stand beside her?
“Sit down.”
With stiff legs, she toddled to one of the gold and maroon armchairs across the room. As taught in her multitudes of etiquette classes, she lowered herself onto the seat and crossed her legs at the ankles.
The door opened again, and all composure bolted as she leapt to her feet. The man she’d gotten to know over the past year entered, sucking all the air out of the room.
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His Inherited Princess by Empi Baryeh (Book Two)
India Saene, Princess of Bagumi, must enter a marriage alliance to save her kingdom from an economic crisis. Tragedy strikes when her husband of a few hours is killed in an accident on the way to their honeymoon. She recovers from a coma two weeks later to discover she has been inherited by her husband's younger brother!
Sheikh Omar El Dansuri has never wanted to be king, nor does he desire a wife. However, when his older brother dies, he not only becomes the future king of Sudar, but he also inherits his brother’s bride through an age-old tradition. Falling for the headstrong India is out the question especially when evidence points to her as his brother’s killer.
Neither India nor Omar wanted this marriage, but the passion that burns between them cannot be denied. When India’s secret is revealed, will either of them survive the consequences? 
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She pushed aside the thoughts, focusing on her present need for answers. What was Omar doing here? Had Majid sent him?
“Is she in a lot of pain, Doctor?” Omar asked, his gaze directed at someone on the other side of the bed.
“She shouldn’t be in unbearable pain, Your Royal Highness. In fact, we’ve reduced the dosage of her pain medication.”
“Why are they calling you Your Royal Highness?”
As she’d been made to understand, there were three formal styles used in addressing members of the royal family in Sudar. ‘Majesty’ for the king, ‘Royal Highness’ for the Queen and the presumptive heir, and ‘Highness’ for everyone else.
“Who—where’s Majid?”
Her voice grated against her dry throat. Worry snaked up her spine. Something was wrong. She felt it in her bones.
Omar looked at her, and she found herself trapped in his gaze.
“How much do you remember?”
She frowned. “Remember?”
As if his rich voice had unlocked a door, it came to her all at once. She and Majid had been in the car, discussing the protocols to be observed for his coronation. Funny, since he’d apparently already broken one rule by travelling in the same car with her. She remembered the relief with which she’d latched on to the topic, glad to take her mind off how they’d approach their first night as husband and wife.
It sounded like a gunshot or maybe a canon. The car careened to the left. Everything happened so fast. The driver swore, maintaining an iron grip on the steering wheel, but the car kept speeding.
“Watch out!” Majid yelled.
Screeching tires, then another bang! Something had hit them. She only remembered seeing headlights at the window before they were airborne. The car may have flipped over before crashing to the ground. Then, everything went black.
She shut her eyes as if it would somehow turn off the faucet of memories. Warmth engulfed her, and she realized Omar had taken her hand as he sat on the bed.
“You and Majid had an accident,” he said softly.
“How’s he?”
Dread clutched her gut, telling her she knew the answer. Prince Majid didn’t make it.
“Majid fought bravely, but eventually succumbed to his injuries.”
“No,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.
For several seconds, she hoped this was a nightmare. She’d wake up and find Majid lying by her side, and they’d laugh about this weird dream. Because if this wasn’t happening in her head, then it meant Majid was dead; she was a widow. What did it mean for the alliance between their two nations?
Her mind was in no position to process matters of such enormity. She refocused on what Omar had said.
One word stuck in her mind.
“Eventually? How long have I been here?”
“Two weeks,” he answered. “Since you’re awake now, you’ll be coming home soon.”
Coming home. Why did that sound off? She frowned as something else occurred.
“You called me your wife.”
He stared at her for a long moment as though trying to decide whether to answer.
“In accordance with our tradition, I inherited my brother’s widow.” 
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His Captive Princess by Kiru Taye (Book Three)
Isha Saene has perfected the act of balancing her life—a celebrated corporate negotiator spearheading an international trade deal that could catapult her country to one of the fastest growing mid-sized economies in Africa, and a loyal First Princess of Bagumi Kingdom set to seal ties with a neighbouring nation through marriage.
Until one careless moment knocks her carefully choreographed life into chaos.
Zain Bassong has always fought for the underdog—a patriot dedicated to fighting against the oppression of his people by the country's elite. He believes the pen is mightier than the sword and chooses the diplomatic route, no matter how many times he is arrested by the repressive regime.
Until devastating news triggers a chain reaction.
Isha and Zain are thrown together and their lives change. For better or worse? They will have to figure that out before it’s too late. 
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“Mr Bassong, if you will, please arrange for a phone to be sent to me. I would like to rest now. You are dismissed.”
He burst out laughing, a cold, echoing mirth that didn’t reach his eyes and chilled her to the bones.
As quickly as it started the laughter died and he took a step in her direction.
Her impulse was to step back but she hadn’t done anything impulsive in years. She stayed where she stood as he advanced.
“First Princess Isha Ruby—”
“Don’t call me that!” Isha couldn't stop the visceral response or the vehemence in her voice when he used her middle name. Her gut wrenched and the throbbing returned to her temple.
He jerked back and raised one dark brow.
“Is that not your name, Ruby Bagumi?” The tone of his voice baited her and his rigid posture mocked her.
She stiffened her spine and squared her shoulders. “You know very well that I am the First Princess of Bagumi Kingdom and my given name is Isha Saene. You can address me as Your Highness or Princess Isha.”
“Oh.” He tilted his head and scratched the hair on his chin.  “Ten years ago, I met a student in London. She was beautiful, intelligent, compassionate, or at least I’d thought she was at the time. She had these brilliant ideas that could change the world. She told me her name was Ruby Bagumi. But I found out it was a lie.”
He cut her open with his words, a thousand paper-cuts, making her bleed from her soul.
She closed her eyes tight and balled her fists.
She would not go there, would not bleed for him to see.
I am First Princess Isha Saene, she recited in her mind. Isha Saene.
“I am First Princess Isha Saene,” she said out loud and took a deep breath as she opened her eyes.
He stood close. If she reached out she could place her palm on this chest. Was his heart thumping as hard as hers? His scent clung in the air, sandalwood and citrus, tantalising her with each breath.
Memories she'd locked away hovered, threatening to break free.
Nails biting into her palms, she took a step back. “I demand a phone call.”
“So that’s the way you want to play it.” He nodded, moving away as he made his proclamation. “First Princess Isha Saene of the Kingdom of Bagumi, you are now a captive of the MLG group. You will remain in our custody until our demands are met. As for your demand—” he spat out the word as if it was offensive “—you have no power and no rights here. This is Wanai where the supreme power remains with the supreme leader and in this region, I am the supreme leader. You will do as you are told while you are here.”
“I will not,” she retorted, bristling that he dared to make such a declaration. “I do not submit to your leadership. The only authorities I recognise are my father, His Majesty the King of Bagumi and Almighty God.”
He gave that cold laughter again, the one that sent shivers down her spine.
“You are engaged to a Wanaian man. What do you think will happen after you are wedded? In Wanai, your husband will have total authority over you.”
Her chin jutted as she glared at him. “Kweku and anyone else will be out of their freaking minds if they think I’m going to abide by that antiquated edict.”
Her mother would blanch in horror if she had heard Isha speak in this manner. Language suited only to commoners. Still, this man made her forget herself and her upbringing every time.
“There she is. There is the woman I once knew as Ruby Bagumi.” For the first time, a small smile tugged the corner of his lips. “Welcome to Wanai. Make yourself comfortable, well, as comfortable as you can under the circumstances. I’ll see you again soon.”
He whirled around and was gone before she could respond.
Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath and make sense of what just happened.
Why was Zain doing this to her? Why was he set on resurrecting the past? 
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Love Africa Press is a publisher that celebrates all things African in genre fiction.
From the Îles des Chiens in Tunisia to Cape Agulhas in South Africa, Santo Antao in Cape Verde to Rodrigues in the Mauritian Islands, our stories take the readers on adventures across the African landscape, whether it is in cities or villages, deserts or jungles, mountains or beaches. No African location or experience is off limits.
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His Defiant Princess - Purchase: https://www.loveafricapress.com/product-page/his-defiant-princess-by-nana-prah His Inherited Princess - Purchase: https://www.loveafricapress.com/product-page/his-inherited-princess-by-empi-baryeh Nana Prah - Website: www.nanaprah.com Nana Prah - Facebook: www.facebook.com/NanaPrah.Author/ Nana Prah - Twitter: www.twitter.com/NanaPrah Nana Prah - Instagram: www.instagram.com/NanaPrahAuthor Add His Defiant Princess on Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2B3jhKQ Empi Baryeh - Website: www.empibaryeh.com Empi Baryeh - Facebook: www.facebook.com/empibaryeh Empi Baryeh - Twitter: www.twitter.com/empibaryeh Empi Baryeh - Instagram: www.instagram.com/empibaryeh Add His Inherited Princess on Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2K27m2t Kiru Taye - Website: www.kirutaye.com Kiru Taye - Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorkirutaye Kiru Taye - Twitter: www.twitter.com/kirutaye Kiru Taye - Instagram: www.instagram.com/kirutaye Add His Captive Princess on Goodreads: http://bit.ly/2T4isIF Love Africa Press Newsletter: www.loveafricapress.com/newsletter Love Africa Press - Facebook: www.facebook.com/loveafricapress Love Africa Press - Twitter: www.twitter.com/loveafricapress Love Africa Press - Instagram: www.instagram.com/loveafricapress
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Alliance and Hierarchy pt.1
This is a Mass effect fanfic Idea I’d been playing with and I’m actually going to post the first two parts of because I think they’re just about as good as I can make it at this time. XD
Sibling Shepards, and I freely admit to making things up to fill in the gaps that I personally don’t know, so if that mismatches the official information on the background stuff, uh... Let me know, but handwave it all away as Lady Icarus making things up. Yeah.
This Jane Shepard is in fact the same one that I’ve got a (still) incomplete work on [here], so she is not going to be The Shepard (with a capital T in the article). But she is a Spacer/Sole Survivor Shepard, so Akuze brings issues.
Part 1
Part 2
3 June 2177
Akuze Colony Approach
04:38 Local Time
22:54 4 June 2177 Earth Time
"God damn!” Must have hit another sinkhole - how did anything stay on the surface with that much air under them? Her CO was still barking at her, pay attention. “Shepard, never drive a Grizzly again. Man the gun. Toombs! How’s your driving?"
“Good enough to pass!”
Jane shrugged and did as she was told, trading places with the Corporal. "Sorry, Boss, they didn't teach driving in field-tech school. Just how to fix'em."
She earned the light hearted laughter when the Odette called in. "Odette to Away teams, you're getting close to the beacon. We don't see the ship, nor the colony, but keep an eye out for the crew and civilians, over."
"Away to Odette, we copy that." The Commander flashed a grin over his shoulder. "Use your technical skills to find the ship, colonists, or crew, Lieutenant Shepard. Sending out the orders to the rest of our poor S-O-Bs who came with us."
“Yeah, yeah, on it, boss-man.”
"Atta girl. You owe us a round when we get shipside for your shitty driv- Toombs! Watch that mountain cliff! Jesus, Joseph, and Mary, did any of you learn to drive properly? Since when were these vehicles supposed to drive vertically?"
Jane grinned and tapped a few buttons on the Grizzly's cannon. Point three-oh-four percent power increase.
"LT, I'll pass on the drink if you'll just teach me how to make a gun stated to be performing at its best even better."
She started to laugh. And then stopped. "I see the beacon. Small camp around it. Ship must have crashed into or too close to the mountains, the colony’s not supposed to be that way either."
"Which way?"
"Three-thirty for the ship, Commander. The colony should be at about eleven-thirty. Unless I got North mixed up again."
“Spacers. Can’t tell North from East, but they can make a top-performing canon even better than it’s supposed to be.”
“Shut up, Rain.” She grinned to let their medic know she wasn’t serious.
The Grizzly turned and she adjusted to line back with the beacon. Toombs had apparently left the driving to someone else.
"Wonder how many survived?"
"Three structures, broken down Mako, one badly broken Grizzly that looks like it's been here a long time. Structures likely have lavatory, kitchen, showers. Can hold up to five comfortably each, but can hold three times that. Five, three, fifteen. Forty five about highest to expect. None at lowest. Must have been set here for a couple of weeks now."
"Shepard, I don't want to know how you calculated all that for the space."
"Spacer kid, it was a game John and I would play based on the size and class of a ship."
"I just said I didn't want to know."
"Check the comms, anyone on chatter?"
Toombs called out. "No. Just the beacon."
"Alright. Rain, stop the Grizzly at the edge of camp. If anyone's there, we don't want to be seen as a threat."
"On it."
"Shepard, status."
"No movement. No lights." She waited as the vehicle slowed before setting the sights to zoom in. "Wait! I see a couple bodies. Scientists. Think I saw one move. I think. Might have been us moving."
"Let's load out and look for ourselves."
She really didn’t want to, not after improving the canon, but more people out there meat the faster they could find the missing colonists.
They left the vehicle and looked around. Jane examined the beacon for news, cursing when the beacon's VI turned out to be damaged in an odd way.  The beacon worked, but it was also running a secondary signal, and the termination sequence couldn’t be completed considering the button was missing and in fact covered by solid metal. Cheap equipment, she frowned at the thought.
The other members of their team drove up and disembarked as well to join the search.
The ground shook.
"Alright, who stayed on their bear?"
The full team sounded off as being in the camp.
Second Lieutenant Araina “Rain” Sunny pulled out her medical field kit and started checking over the bodies.
"Sir, I think this was a trap. These bodies are torn-” The ground quaked as a … giant worm thing screamed to look down on the puny mortal humans. Not a worm. The Citadel reports had these things as- “Thresher maw! Shit! Into the M29! Go, go!" The great beast spat toxic ooze over the team medic as she screamed warnings.
"Damn it, Rain!"
Jane climbed over the cannon of the vehicle and popped the top open to drop down, eyeballing for the cannon's target. "Give me a rocket!" The Maw dropped below the ground as a head count was made.
"Damn, we lost four."
"And no more-" Jane was cut off as the vehicle was thrown into the air, she looked above her and saw the Akuze surface. "Shit. Missile!"
"In, Shep."
She fired the damn-fucking rocket and blasted bullets as they fell, turret first.
"Noo!" Screams echoed into her comms as four tons landed. Her hands stretched from her face. She kicked with one leg, but the other didn't respond. Her throat was raw. Maybe the screams were hers.
"Odette!--" Toombs, he screamed as the Thresher Maw dropped back into its hole, and his voice had an echo to it.
"Shepard here. Headcount? Fire your blaster into the sky if your mic's down." Nothing.
"--ette to ground team. Come in, ground team."
She tapped her helmet. "Shepard to Odette. Beacon was a trap or something. Thresher Maw attacked. I can't move one of my legs very well. I repeat, Thresher Maw attacked. I-I don't know what happened. I can't get up, or look around very well. Working my way out."
She repeated most of the message several times as she crawled out from under the Grizzly and made her way for the jungle. Out of open space where the Maw would attack. No fucking wonder there were sinkholes everywhere.
"Shepard! Odette here. We have your signal, and we're coming in."
"Thank-" She wasn't sure she finished when she passed out.
She was all that survived of the original ground team. The bodies of a lot of her people, and the original people to be rescued, couldn't be found and the rest were declared KIA. Her claims of Akuze being a trap were dismissed by the brass.
She couldn't feel one leg. The Grizzly cut and destroyed what remained of it. It was a clean amputation, messy with the infections that left her in surgery under the levo equivalent of Quarian-strength antibiotics. They had to cut the rest of the femur out, even the joint because of the toxins, infection, and bone rot.
"Lieutenant Shepard."
She almost glared until she realized it was the Odette's captain. The reflexive salute was all she could do in-protocol. "Sir, I'd stand, but..."
"No, stay seated. How do you feel?"
"Angry. I know Rain wouldn't lie. She said it was a trap, I believe what she said. The beacon was weird too."
"The top's refusing to listen, I'm sorry. I believe you. We saw the recordings. You're getting the best cybernetic leg we can find, even if it means going to the Council for it."
Jane looked at the bandage on her hip. There wasn't even much of a stump anymore, just the ball joint left that was scheduled to be removed in a few hours. "Sir, I can't afford--"
"The Alliance is paying, and for the therapy too."
She glared. "To keep my mouth shut?"
"No. To prep you for N7 training. Staff Lieutenant Jane Shepard, as the last officer in command before the last of your team was lost, you’ve been field promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Your quick reactions, even when falling upside down impressed the brass to bump you into N7."
"I'm being rewarded for failing my team?" She shook her head. "That's... Fu-Messed up. And I know messed up."
"Yeah. I can imagine how you feel."
A small suspicious part of her noticed that something was up. "What is really going on?"
"I don't know. Your recovery will be slow, but they'll be starting the book training before the physical part when you return from medical leave."
Jane closed her eyes as she felt a pair of boxes be placed in her hands. "Fuck."
"My condolences, Shepard. Commander Trapper was my friend, too."
"Thank you, sir." The doctor shooed her guest away and pushed the button to inject the sleep agent again.
“You’re a strong, brave, woman, Shepard.”
Her leg hurt where it used to be, and she didn’t do anything very brave.
Name: Jane Shepard Age: 22 [As of 4 June 2177] Current Rank and Two-Character Vocational Code: N6 [passed to be N7] Lieutenant Commander [Field promotion, sole ranked officer left surviving and in command, recording of at least on person of lower rank than she when Commander Trapper and Lieutenant Commander Heath perished] Notes: Younger sister of John Shepard and the daughter of Hannah Shepard. Born on the SSV Elizabeth. High scores on practice tests that have not been submitted, but appears to self-sabotage certain tests to avoid something. May have psychological issues regarding what she calls "the Shepard Legacy" and highly protective parents. Took up N-training, possibly to escape rumors of nepotism from other Naval officers. Was N-classed before her older brother. Updated Notes: Older brother was the Hero of Elysium. Updated Notes: Sole official survivor of a Thresher Maw attack on Akuze. Promoted to Commander and N7. Artificial leg as a result of the attack. Uncertain psychological profile changes to come. Alert appropriate Cerberus Cells to upgrade defenses in case Shepard decides to follow through with her warnings of investigating the beacon and attack. Update: Thresher Maw toxin results in a higher tolerance and requirements for achieving the effects of drugs and alcohol. Observe Jane Shepard for signs of substance abuse.
A lit cigarette was lifted to the mouth of a shadowy figure. A woman became visible, walking to him as they observed a blue giant be devoured by its denser neighboring star.
"Miranda, report." The smoking person was male.
"The Alliance is uncertain about suggesting Shepard for active duty, even with the Captain of the Odette vouching for her mental health. While he was not acting under any of Cerberus' direct suggestions, I recommend putting his proposal through."
The other sighed and lowered the cigarette. "Jane Shepard is one of many candidates for Humanity's first Spectre. We have others."
Miranda lowered her head for a moment. "Then why put the investment into her replacement leg?"
"She didn't do much of anything spectacular in order to survive the Thresher Maw."
"Then why the leg?"
"She survived. I want to see what she will do now."
"Have her put into active duty. On Earth, she under constant Alliance watch, and wary of being locked away into a mental health facility. Or she would be, based on her previous psychological profile."
"An interesting thought."
Miranda's eyebrow twitched.
The man's silhouette hinted at a smile. "It is good to see you are concerned about all of our candidates."
"Yes, the other was not showing nearly as well as Shepard siblings. On Torfun, the Butcher was not our other candidate either, but two people we had not considered. It is a shame the Akuze Rescue turned into a disaster before Shepard even arrived."
"Report received."
"Thank you." Miranda disappeared.
The man hit a few buttons. "I explicitly said not to use Akuze, doctor."
"I'm so sorry. The signal was jumbled."
"You will be punished for your failure. But not today." He ended the call before looking at the stars around him. The Thresher Maw project had some prospect survivors who might revenge. "Or the younger Shepard will."
"It is fitting that Shepard, our most scarred mentally and physically candidate, be a Spectre. Too bad she will now be unpredictable after finding the truth about Akuze. If not her, then her brother will be a Spectre. But he will also be unpredictable after learning the truth, liable to seeking revenge for what had been done to her personally or through the justice system." He lowered his hand to tap off the burnt ashes of the stick. Taking in a slow drag he spoke again. "I will need to adjust our plans regardless."
There was only a slight, but low-ranged sound, creak of machinery to respond to him.
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