#(my followers like what do you mean y'all are writing sick comfort for ed AGAIN)
eastprince · 1 year
—-☆ starter: @alchemsol​
By the time Roy turned onto his block, the sun had just about set. 
He’d only been off of work for an hour, maybe two, and it was already dark. Exhausted, he parked his car, took out the brown paper bag full of groceries he’d bought for dinner, and closed the door firmly behind him. Almost unwittingly his gaze flickered up toward the house that was his only by technicality; it was a narrow house, one that he rented rather than owned, and he wished he could simply walk in and collapse on the couch and sleep there.
Yeah, that’d be nice...
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If only there wasn’t a sick teenager in his house right now.
Well, he didn’t know about sick. When he’d left in the morning for work, Elric had seemed a bit unwell, but that was all. It didn’t seem like anything that couldn’t be fixed with some water and a nap. Yet as Roy walked up the little pathway up to his front door, he felt uneasy. Maybe it was because it was completely silent; there were no voices floating through, muffled by the door, nor bickering, nor anything else he’d come to expect from the Elric brothers. Just silence.
Roy fumbled for the key only to find the door already unlocked. It opened easily and it closed just as easily behind him. And still it was too quiet; there was no clanking of metal, no padding footsteps—nothing. Absolutely nothing.
“I’m home,” he called out.
He walked further in, paper bag cradled in one arm, and he was stopped short when he stepped into the living room.
It was a mess. Or rather the area centralised around the couch was a mess. The coffee table was cluttered with papers that he certainly hadn’t left there; on some of them he could make out scrawled handwriting that looked far messier than the neat cursive he was used to seeing in Fullmetal’s reports. And Fullmetal... He looked worse than he had when Roy left that morning. A lot worse. 
Roy just barely had the restraint to keep from telling him flat-out that he looked like shit.
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"... Where’s Alphonse?”
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