#(which is what kushina was trying to prevent and kind of went over minato's head lolol)
mixelation · 10 months
maybe i should just FULLY lean into deidara's roll in reborn au as "the girl one"
"the girl one" being how women tend to be treated in media like naruto where there's usually only one girl per team so they're forced into specific roles, not as like a comment on Deidara's gender
someone going through Emotional Turmoil? somehow it gets made deidara's responsibility
minato gets a bunch of complaints about team 4 being Horrible and Mean and he's like "i don't think i could convince itachi there's anything wrong with his behavior" and "kushina banned me from telling tori how to behave because it's sexist or something*" so he calls deidara in and tells him, and ONLY him, that he needs to be nicer
deidara, every time: what the fuck is happening
*what really happened:
minato, debating out loud what to do about team 4's poor social skills: i could give them some guidelines. suggest smiling more or something
kushina: if you tell tori to smile more, she will kill you and i will help her
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