#* a giggly bitch by nature ! (ooc://)
webhaed · 1 year
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:// Aight, not gonna lie coming back here has scared the shit outta me, there’s too much new stuff wth. ;w; Either way life has gotten to the point where it’s so shitty I no longer feel like trying for it anymore nor being more organized as an adult. Life is short, I’m coming home. I have 2 doggos named Luci and Luna, yes you will see them here. I will be making major changes and fixer uppers to the blog here since I’m too attached and don’t wanna restart (maybe) 
Glad to see ya’ll again !
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prosewrote · 1 year
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:// me?? still alive? yeye ! 
Work and life have been beating the utter shit outta me but I am making an ACTUAL return here and across 2 other blogs ! I need it, I miss it and all of you so expect to see my gremlin ass more often ! I won’t be here QUITE as much than as on Petey and Denji but I am still here too ! Let’s see who wants to be bugged by me after reviving from the dead askjaskfhds.
Also may be doing a revamp of things around here and of the URL but haven’t decided on THAT quite yet.
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chaensaw · 1 year
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:// Blog is currently under construction ! Working on getting some icons too but fuck is it hard to find a source that doesn't have a screen blocking system ugh. Not to mention this whole fucking new tumblr formatting system is complete shit, why can't they just leave it. Even had to make it difficult to do small caps blagh.
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bardsballad · 3 years
Moving Jask here to the multi ! I'll return here probably when S2 comes out lmao but at the moment I've burned out here.
FIND US AT @prosewrote !
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solardaeze · 3 years
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I have FINALLY moved back to my main multi. This blog was a side blog to my WRITING blog for lowkey purposes but I’ll leave it be for sentimentality ! So if you wish to continue writing with me and my babes, proceed over to @prosewrote​ !!!! Hope to see ya’ll there ! 
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ohpuddin · 3 years
So,,,, i just cut my tongue on a sucker
👁👅👁 💀
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culturedkiller · 3 years
Hello ! I'm slowly making my way back to this wonderful hellsite, however you can now find Hanni at @inksouled , my multi that will be revamping very soon ! Hope to see you there !
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prosewrotea · 4 years
Specify muse, please ! It CAN be multiple if you want them.
Mutuals only !
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
(In response to your reblog of my Snatch fic) I'm sososo glad you enjoyed it!! ;0; I was nervous about posting that fic, since I wasn't sure if I got Snatcher's characterization right, or made him too ooc. And, Tumblr sucks at processing copied stuff from Microsoft Word, and for this fic specifically, I had to go in an manually bold every other sentence... (hope I didn't miss anything..) Though, when I'm in the scenario you're in (blushing silently, laughing from BONUS), I wiggle around like a little worm until I feel better. Hope that helps! Lol
OMG MOOD, FIRST OF ALL. Tumblr likes being a bully sometimes smh >:(
Your version of Snatcher is like, PERFECT, he's totally in character. I seriously love his flirtatious bitch nature.
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sucuretcannelle · 3 years
This took way too long cuz I was overthinking it and I was anxious for no reason
Anyway take your drunk hcs
—I was gonna say "who's dad is this?" Bitch-
—He seems much more relaxed, it doesn't even seem like he's drunk
—Just, very fucking chill
—Not to be that person, but he doesn't get drunk often
—If you really wanna go to extremes, he rarely even drinks
—And when he does, it's typically just red wine
—Like someone else would have to pick his drink for him to actually drink something extra strong
—And even then he still makes sure he's always super aware
So no, he's not a lightweight. Though it would be funny if he was
—So if something bad happens, he will blame it on himself
Also he may or may not start crying. I don't make the rules
—Who gave her a drink
—Cuz I'm gonna have to fight whoever did it
—Whenever she drinks, she picks the strongest thing she can find
—And if it isn't strong enough naturally, she'll find something to make it strong enough
—Her main problem is that, her drunkness is a late reaction
—And it all hits at the same time
—So technically she could leave the room totally fine, and then come back drunk asf
—And she never fucking learns her lesson so she always does this
—Shes the typa person who swears she can fight while she's drunk
—Girl just take a nap or something cuz...
—She acts pretty much the same, she just talks way slower and her words get mushed up a bit too much
—Curses like every 2 seconds but not in like, an angry way. Like she laughs right after
—A giggly drunk. Like more giggly than usual
—She just seems really tired
—Like you know how you laugh at everything when you're tired? Yeah that's what's happening
Literally just think of Tankman. That's it.
—Passes out after a while
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mark-warfstache · 7 years
tag dump
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webhaed · 1 year
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:// slowly making my way back here, sorry it’s taking so long ! But right now it’s mostly my laptop working slow so I’m fixing those issues until I can get a newer model or upgrade this one. 
Until then I’ll mostly be here night times MST, ANDDDD you can definitely find me active on my latest blog because of course I fell down that rabbit hole for chai.nsaw m.an <33 
Find me here ! @chaensaw
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prosewrote · 2 years
:// bazinga, I'm making some major changes to to my mu.se list for the sake of my sanity because I have mu.se for new and old but can no longer handle more than maybe less than 6 chara's, much to my dismay. Working full time and aiming for a second job really drains me and I feel bad for not keeping steady for ya'll whom I feel I keep losing/changing mu.ses too quickly before we really write for them. So !
I hope you like the chara's that stay and the new ones I bring in. This community IS my home, so I need a cozy safe space on the blog here to achieve that. 🤟🏼✨️
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prosewrote · 2 years
It has been HELLA stressful getting back to work and breaking ASS just work up money in a toxic work place. BUT I have today and tomorrow off and GDI I'm relaxing without coworkers calling favors, fuck 'em all minus my fellow trans friend there. So expect to see me creeping along ya'lls dashes finally with a few new characters and the faves 🤓✌🏽✨️
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webhaed · 2 years
:// the fl.u still has a strong grip on me 😖 I shall return soon ! 😩💀🤟🏼💙❤ it's already day 6 and the fever/aches are gone its just my coughing and throat
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webhaed · 2 years
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:// It’s been while. I could go on a long haul and explain how everything’s been a mess, I was manipulated and isolated by an IRL ‘ best ‘ friend who I’ve now broken it off with and a now free again. Or how working retail for w.alg.reens has been a tiring shit show and makes it hard to get my life back together since 2.020 to now due to low pay and awful hours, while still navigating my grief for my father.
But I’m not. I DO however apologize for being MIA so long and for what ? THIS is home to me and I wanna come home. Please have patience with me as I get back into the swing of things once more and start over fresh with everything. I hope to speak with you all again soon loves.
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