#*sees wips posted around the same time getting more traction than this* oh. nvm this is trash after all
ayyponine · 4 years
me: *posts 1st chapter of fic & gets zero interaction in the first few hrs* you know what :)) this is fine. yes i did hope for a good response as added motivation but tbh it looks like a lot of content is being put out rn and i can understand if ppl dont want to get into a wip especially since i couldve summarised n pitched it better, but lbr itll probably get more traction once it's finished so it's fine if the current influx of works pushes this out of the field of vision fr now i mean it is only the first chapter lol why would anyone care to read it. yknow if anything i actually prefer it this way bc now i am not chained to other ppls expectations knowing they're like waiting on me to finish n post the next instalment so tbf i can really do this at my own pace and focus on my personal satisfaction w it instead of being a slave to the notifications and
*checks the chapter again and sees it now has four hits and a kudo* oh thank god
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