#--TNP Destruction play-by-play post x_x
bonefall · 7 months
this is based of the halloween special patrols in clangen but what would the clans think a scarecrow is? would they thinks it's a really fucked up Twoleg or a twoleg creature like how they think cars are twoleg controlled monsters
They're easily spooked by them! They can't see them unless they're at a vantage point where they can view the whole field, unlike a crow which FLIES at the farm. Clan cats approach from the ground and are small animals.
So they usually find them by bumping right into the pole. It's obvious it isn't a real human but... is it not unsettling? That humans create these... straw effigies of themselves?
A rumor would get started that it's actually a poppet, a channeling tool for forbidden magic, and it would make WindClan feel sick to its stomach. EVIL humans, of COURSE they have their own Dark Forest!!!! They probably don't even have a StarClan! Awful, fiendish beings!
WindClan is the only one that visits the fields on a normal basis though, and even then, only in times of scarcity when there are no wild grains to make into dough. They would likely avoid fields with scarecrows, if they had a choice, and if they did visit they would be more discrete than usual. Usually, they'll kill vermin as "trade," leaving crows and rats on the farm doorstep, but not if there's a scarecrow present.
Chelford Townies knew about the Clans long before science did though. So they probably caught onto it. WindClan never takes a noticeable amount of grains, and the vermin cleanup is appreciated. I'm not sure what they did to make the scarecrows less terrifying to the cats but equally terrifying to the crows, though...
I feel like adding anything shiny would just attract crows and magpies, which the the absolute opposite thing they'd want, so they wouldn't learn that through happenstance. Putting out the classic catfood and toys would just scare WindClan even more, "THEY WANT TO MAKE US INTO KITTYPETS!!!!" And the farmers deeefinitely don't know anything about their star-based culture.
So yeah, unsure. Communication issue. Maybe it can get better at the Lake where someone can go to a talk in the nearest town and approach a researcher directly. In any case I'm sure the actual staff at Windover Farm (they dont own it, the Windovers did before selling it to DevCo) in Chelford miss the cats terribly.
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