#4/ which I'd have a better rhyme for but it's not like I'm the lorax
bogleech · 1 year
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CRITIQUE though, these guys were real assholes working for a corrupt rich military guy in medical tech and this is simply way too mild, leech bites are painless and if you’re immortal what does blood loss matter? It should really be the flesh eating type of hell worm. This is a setting where you only go to hell if you’re like as bad as a murderer but I feel bad just mildly inconveniencing a cashier so it would be tricky to share my good ideas with this demon (don’t miss his dialog he makes great noises) if he didn’t have an email or anything. I guess I’d have to tell Etrigan to tell him for me, who exists in this continuity. I dunno how easy my advice will be for him to convey in rhyme though, another obstacle.
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