#4. she's been poor. she's personally lived through the gap in wealth. she's tired of The Rich in general after dealing with the masters.
khalesci · 6 months
things that dany would change immediately after taking the throne:
adopting linear primogeniture inheritance laws like in dorne
more extensive laws regarding consent in regard to marriage and adding an age requirement to marry
more protections for bastards and requirements for fathers of bastards to monetarily provide for their children and their mothers on a regulated basis
no more taxes on the poor, tax the rich instead bc it's very clear that a lot of these fucks are just hoarding wealth like jfc no wonder the kingdom went broke if they were pulling all their money from the people who have none to begin with meanwhile joffrey's wedding had like 77 courses for dinner
portions of food, clothes, etc. from imports and exports will be set aside and regularly distributed to those most in need, especially during the winter
schools!! teach these kids to read and write ffs maybe then the populace can help take better care of itself
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