#4402 lore
brisquad-unit-4402 · 30 days
for your writers truth and dare (lmao get asked)
🥑🐇 [juice box emoji] (bc my phone doesnt support it wtf)
from this ask meme!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
ack and gasp i would NEVER!! without vsf supervision of course.
i also got no idea if some of these people are my mutuals or not because i follow from my main blog but i wanna interact anyways <3
@mystaposts you're a sweetheart but i know you've shed blood at one point or another and i need that on my side. you take the legs i'll take the arms. we're slinging this bitch into an incinerator
@thechaoticplayer you give energy like you would tell me about a tv show you watched recently where they killed a guy using this specific method and how to recreate it to dispose of the body, and then i would tell you that bc it's on tv we can't copy it entirely, but we do get inspired along the way and do our own thing with the method in mind. what i'm trying to say is that you would unironically say "did you know that ricin is toxic in small amounts and easy to overlook during an autopsy? i saw it on breaking bad"
@vezalust maybe it's the y2k robot dog banner speaking but i feel like you have experience with this sort of thing? i think you would suggest a place to hide a body and then immediately say to forget it because you've already hidden one there
@celestiaras there's two ways this could go. either you're a stone cold killer baddie that ends up being the mvp, orrrrrrrr you get queasy at the sight of mysta and i hauling the body. either way every good plan needs a freeloader and i think the princess herself would provide excellent commentary without getting her hands too dirty
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🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
reader inserts!
but i feel like sometimes reader inserts are original characters. i really love incorporating backstories, personality, etc into them because even though they’re blank slates, you can pretend that you’re a different personality than your own whenever you reader a reader insert. it’s almost necessary for me to make them distinct in my longer fics.
in a previous fandom i ended up writing a [character] x reader fic on request for a soft and shy reader. i ended up writing 9k-ish words on this reader that looks scary because they’re huge compared to other people, but they had an adorable hobby along with being a gentle giant. i ended up giving that reader a proper name, design, and never shared my oc outside of my friend group but i love them dearly even if i’m not so active in that fandom anymore…!
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
ah. well. i don't really have any! i'm just a unit i'm just a guy
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.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
✧. ┊ ask meme ✧. ┊ masterpost ✧. ┊ kofi
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weird-squish-cube · 2 years
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#they came right up to me. ine flew up on top of that yellow thing and they all got so excited about the crumbs!!!
My Top Posts in 2021
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How I'm gonna wake up after making fun of axe for being 5'3
6 notes • Posted 2021-06-14 19:28:22 GMT
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Shade bois
8 notes • Posted 2021-05-25 14:04:22 GMT
JUST finished watching the newest owl house episode (S2 ep7) and That sure was a Fucking Lot.
Seriously, things that happened this episode-
More eda backstory
Raine whisper introduced And reveled to be a traitor to the emperor
Eda has a crush!?!
More effects of the curse discovered
Kings DAD is just out there !!!?!
King getting a name change/Adopted by Eda?? My Heart!!
Also I love that the vegetable fanfic girl from the first episode showed up that was neat. An Amazing episode
9 notes • Posted 2021-07-26 18:15:45 GMT
Watched the first few episodes of Redwall, and in Summary.....
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11 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 19:42:37 GMT
tHE NEW Episode is INSANE!!!
Eda discovering literal Power in self acceptance?!?!!
Eda and Lilliths DAD!! AND MORE RAINE
Whomst is the ? Cloak person!
Kings got powers now!!
Hooty can Bake.
More demon lore??!
Luz and Amity finaly talked about the Kiss. Theyre Adorable.
And then Kings Maybe dad???? Hotty Better barf up that Fucking letter! or I. Will. Loose . It
12 notes • Posted 2021-07-31 21:56:25 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
4402's zombie au notes and commentary
so obviously i started thinking about this au for this request but let me tell u! when it comes to big aus like these one of the best starting points for me is to think about the worldbuilding. which i guess always happens with me, but the thoughts i had on how the characters translate to an apocalypse setting plus not abiding by other media rules on zombies was simply too much to think about that couldn't get covered in that fic! so here u go! free brainrot material! obvious spoilers for that fic btw
i didn't want to tie myself down with the mechanics of zombies, esp ones we already know from other media like the walking dead or whatever. so a lot of the terminology here is vague. the "outbreak" can refer to an illness just as well as an infection or mutation or even an invasive species, but the important part is that it's highly contagious, kills, and then regenerates the body FAST once it comes in contact with blood
on that note. it is confirmed topical/parenteral contact with the zombie spreads the condition, but when reader tastes the blood on their face in the final scene, uh, bad news for them, oral administration/digestion would not end well
every character has a role in their party. shu is the brains (and was a lot more of a support than leader before the events of the fic), while luca is the brawn. vox and ike are doers- vox is an active presence and throws himself into danger, while ike stays behind and makes sure the little details run smoothly. mysta was the moral compass that made sure everyone's spirits were high enough to avoid conflict. and reader is an observer. they usually intake information faster than the rest of the crew, and know how to perceive when things aren't adding up
every character has a weapon, and i wanted these to be more unconventional ones to really hone in the apocalypse theme. i almost gave vox a machete but i figured that's only something rural homeowners would have on hand (i wanted everyone's origins to be vague so this fic is more relatable) and also, it's a little too on the nose, no? besides, using a rebar ripped from a broken building? that's metal as fuck
when i started the fic shu was entirely an improvised weapon guy. lots of disposable things. the molotov was a reference to his fire sorcery, and millwall bricks are made entirely from newspaper. as i continued i realized he needed something consistent, so he got a fire poker as another reference to his lore
luca is the only person with two weapons, a shotgun and a spiked bat. he's the muscle after all! i tried to veer away from lore bc obviously some luxiem would have a huge advantage if they had, say, demonology or curses available. but i will say it's probs canon he's been around the block at least, no comment on if he was actually a mafioso or not. either way. he's the only one there that really understands firearms and how to stay calm until you really need it, and the spiked bat is his default. it's brutal and easy to use
reader uses two climbing picks. i'm not totally sure why, but for the past few months i've been enamored with climbing picks as a weapon. watching the new puss and boots last month didn't help either. they're like sickles, but less difficult to use since they aren't as curved. and they're practical outside of a fight too! this is the important part about why reader uses them. they're observant. sure, there's more conventional weapons in the party, but the picks are multiuse, and can get you out of a pinch, like how you and vox scaled the townhouse to escape. total bummer you were trapped underground, though
ike... okay. i'm not immune to eki. and it's just that he pairs so well with knives, no matter how hard i tried i always came back to them! more specifically how he has a set, not just one. the others don't come into play but he has a full set of kitchen knives- the others, he meticulously cleans and uses when preparing food or shelter. the largest chef's knife is dedicated for zombie slaying, and the cleaver can cut through bone. you have to use force to use a cleaver correctly. it's impractical for when a zomb's in your face, but give him the time and he can confirm none of them rise again. one of the may ways he stays in the background and makes sure everything is going to plan even when his assistance isn't really flashy
i never wrote him using it but mysta had a woodcutter's hatchet. he also chose his weapon for practicality like reader and ike. however, if you know anything about realistic axe fighting, it's that woodcutter axes are wildly different from fighting axes. the former is extremely heavy while the other is light. once you swing with a woodcutter's hatchet you can't stop. he was looking for a lighter alternative before the townhouse incident, like a proper weapon or a fireman's hatchet, but. well. um
mysta himself is more of a concept than a character in this fic. he definitely had a presence in the party before the events but there's a reason he never had any dialogue. he represents the morale of the party just as much as he does the unreachable sun. "because mysta died" is an unspoken motivation for just about everything the characters do in this fic, and his name becomes synonymous with a peaceful afterlife after hell on earth. when the characters can't even utter his name, it's because that peace is so far away they can't possibly fathom it
the luxiem + reader dynamic was way more lighthearted before mysta's death. it wasn't all joy, because hello, zompocalypse! but it was enough. his death is what kickstarts the animosity, as well as the trauma responses of the rest of the guys. ike's is mentioned by reader a few times and shu's grief is a source of tension but the rest of luxiem wasn't as focused on
vox is characterized with this heroic, "it's up to me to make things right" type of savior complex. mysta's death is the first time things have gone so horribly wrong, and the way that he sees it is like, "i watched him get swarmed, and if i could watch him then i could've ran and fought. my inaction is the reason why he died". even the way he breaks the news to shu and the gang is presentational because he detaches himself from reality for this whole hero thing, even though he doesn't recognize it himself. he's very dramatic. but he also deflects emotion in pursuit of action, like telling shu to set the townhouse on fire, and ignoring reader's concern over him. his last action is attempting to save reader and ike even when he knows there's nothing he can do, and all he has to show for it is his hand getting crushed by a piece of rubble that falls on it
i am VERY PROUD of how i wrote luca. which is to say i didn't write him at all. his characterization is invisible and that's what makes me so happy about it! i feel awful for him them most out of anyone here! vox witnessed mysta get swallowed up by the horde but luca was there with mysta the entire time, and when mysta sacrificed himself so luca can live, luca froze in shock and fear. he never gets over that moment. and luxiem doesn't mean to exclude him, but they're so worried over shu's meltdown and what to do next and this and that to read how mixed all his feelings are on it. vox is fixated on protecting him, and when he's in shock ike hides luca's vision so he's the only one that doesn't see mysta's silhouette in the townhouse before it goes up in flames. i... don't want to give away the answer, i'm sure rereading will identify it, but there's this one line of dialogue that sums up everything he's going through perfectly, and even reader the observer doesn't notice it like how he wants it to be noticed. my heart bleeds for him. when the ceiling collapses reader is struck by how he freezes, and it's a reprise of mysta's death for him. he's not getting over that either. after all he's the muscle but what good is muscle if it can't move?
shu,,,,,, if there's anything that i can say it's that he's not trying to be the villain. he had to mercy kill his brother in one of the most brutal ways imaginable, and then had to speedrun the five stages of grief because someone needs to lead this team. vox tries to lead just as much as shu does, but luca makes a good point. i don't think shu hates them at all. he's a very mama-bear type of character. he has a clear vision in mind of what he wants the path to look like, and anything outside of his vision is uncertain and thus dangerous. but luca makes a good point, and how malicious it's intended to be, i can't say, but he shuts down vox and luca a lot. he would never admit it during the events of the fic but there is a very ugly, very cavernous part of his soul that wants to blame someone, plural
so reader and ike are dead right. those two were the most mentally healthy(?) of the group, or at least, the ones that could help the group manage stress the best. now all that's left is vox, who hates himself for failing to save his friends three times now; shu, who already wasn't taking mysta's death well and certainly isn't going to do any better with the latest casualties; and luca, who everyone wants to protect and no one wants to listen to, and can barely get a word in between shu and vox's fights, and knows he doesn't have the instinct to act when it matters. i wish i had the clarity of mind to see and write their travel together. two of them were already at each other's throats, and the third is about ready to snap. i wish i could tell you how they destroy one another
there were so many points in this fic where i had to ask myself, am i going too far? this happens often, especially with angst, especially with romantic x readers. sometimes i wish i could describe ugliness! snot from crying and screaming so hard you retch in chunks, contortion, all that noise! when i get an opportunity to describe gore i fuckin' take it because that's pretty grody but in a hot bloodshed way. lots of other nastiness isn't very attractive, though, and the point of romantic x readers is to be attractive. so these "should i take a step back" moments really come in through with shu's breakdown, which was written to be as visceral and scathing and uncomfortable as possible. in early-early planning mysta was originally intended to been bitten and turned as you would expect, but the fire was added to it promptly to continue the plot- and when i wrote it, i felt so awful, it was such a brutal way to go out. that's when i figured i just need to commit to the thought, make things feel raw and tangible instead of manicured, and that i'd just be generous with tags. i'm very glad i stayed committed. even though i had to take so many mini breaks in ike's final moments to just look up and mutter to myself "man i'm so fucked up for this one". i'm also very glad that i knew reader would've blacked out and repressed the memory of killing ike, because i did say earlier, cleavers cut through bone. i love a good bloodfest but i think i gotta draw the very-far-away line at ike's head split apart, hotdog not hamburger
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
hello i made a ko-fi
hello my name is unit 4402 but all my friends call me 4402. i don’t like to take my tactical gear off but you can tell it’s me because i’m holding all my groceries in one trip
and if you (🫵) want to make sure that i can still buy groceries while writing nijisanji fic on my off days:
then you can buy me a ko-fi here
it would be much appreciated but don’t feel pressured to donate <3
at $50 raised i will actually explain why i don’t like to take off my tactical gear because i’ll be making a 4402 lore drop post. but yeah at it’s core this blog is still just niji x readers so don’t get too worried
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