#6s with either wing are the champions of ambivalence đź« 
novafire-is-thinking · 1 year
As per my last reblog/post:
I came across this excellent complaint about Prowl in IDW.
They make a good point about JRo writing Prowl as being too expressive at the end of MTMTE, which I agree with, but the first part is a different story:
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@/icecreamrobot writes:
“As amusing/classic IDW Prowl as that line is, it directly contradicts pretty much everything about Prowl’s character/development in SOTW. This takes place after SOTW, doesn’t it? SOTW, where Prowl directly acknowledged that his way of doing thing’s wasn’t perfect, and that he’d been wrong? Recall his decision to *not* pop a cap in Hubcap’s aft? That change of heart? That doesn’t seem like the kind of mech to say “Everything I did was right” a few days later.”
While I understand the confusion, what I see here is perfectly believable. In fact, it’s an excellent example of unhealthy use of Te and Fi in an INTJ.
Most of you have no idea what I’m talking about at this point, but that’s okay. You don’t need to. Just read and learn. :P
Immature Auxiliary Te expression:
extremely inflexible; cannot change ideas and plans
addicted to work and sabotages personal life
tends to be stiff, humorless, controlling, forceful
excessive or perfectionistic pursuit of “productivity”/“results”
categorical black/white judgment; blind to nuance/context
Tertiary Fi loop:
can’t see that black/white approach creates or worsens problems
easily frustrated by challenges; takes results too personally
refuses to accept negative results, thus, doesn’t learn from mistakes
knows the right way but continues with the wrong way anyway
uses trite moral justifications to harden faulty beliefs/approach
treats moral judgments as factual truth despite no evidence/poor results
shoots down good advice as being too hard or too complicated
irrational fear about “compromising” oneself or one’s integrity
(source: @/mbti-notes)
Sounds almost exactly like IDW Prowl, doesn’t it? Maybe even Soundwave, at least a little?
So what I’ve decided to work with in my story is a messed up INTJ (Prowl) and a slightly less messed up INTJ (Soundwave).
I am having fun. (Mostly true)
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