#A catalyst. That one out of place thing amongst a beautiful painted picture
clara-christensen · 6 years
Character solidifying!
questions under the cut!!
1. How does your character think of their father? What do they hate and love about him? What influence - literal or imagined - did the father have?
As a child who only knew any bit of affection at the hands of her father (she couldn’t remember her mother), she would idolize her father and do whatever she could to please him. He would tell her stories of amazing schemes he carried out, and how he was thwarted by magic and monsters and unfairly imprisoned. He promised he’d get them out one day. But as Clara grew older and realized escape wasn’t in their future, she found herself to be less tolerant of him and he of her. Clara began to sought out an escape from home and new sources of affection, though she still remained the closest with her father. These days, she thought nothing but a sad usurper and an indifferent father, constantly demanding that they find their way into Auradon’s ranks so he can be released; However, even if Clara did somehow find herself with the power to free him, she wasn’t sure if she would. 
2. Their mother? How do they think of her? What do they hate? Love? What influence - literal or imagined - did the mother have?
Clara has no real living memory of her mother, only faded pictures of the two when she was a baby. All she knows is that her mother was a young woman of nobility, just as all of the Christensens’ mothers were, and that she died not long after her brother, Luca, was born because of complications due to childbirth. Hans told her constantly as she grew up that she looked like her mother, though it never really seemed like a compliment. 
3. Brothers, sisters? Who do they like? Why? What do they despise about their siblings?
Clara has three siblings; Noah, the eldest brother, Mikaela, her only sister, then Luca, her younger brother. Though they were so close in age and circumstance, none of them were very close. Living under Hans never really fared well for their familial ties, with Luca constantly butting heads with him, Kaela preferring to stay in the background, Clara trying to stay in his good graces, and Noah nearly absent most of the time. Clara doesn’t really despise any of her siblings-- in true Clara Christensen style, she blames them for not loving her, for never being there when she needed them. Not that she was ever there when they needed her either.... but maybe being in Auradon can change that. 
4. What type of discipline was your character subjected to at home? Strict? Lenient?
There was no real discipline in the Christensen household. Hans lacked consistency and the patience and attention span to keep his children to any sort of rules. Mostly, they learned not to anger their father, and then when they got older, they learned to stay out of his- and each other’s way- as much as possible. But the only time the Christensen manor was really quiet was when everyone was asleep. 
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
Clara was only protected in the sense that the Christensens were one of the better off families when they were imprisoned. With a disgraced royal for a father and a large manor for a household, they had plenty of antiques and comforts to last them awhile, which was more than many others could say. 
6. Did they feel rejection or affection as a child?
Admittedly, Clara had felt both. Though her father often greeted her with indifference or belligerence, he did have his moments. Sometimes Clara wondered if he only ever pretended to love her so she’d love him back. But sometimes she felt so sure that he did, that he loved her more than any of his other children because of how alike they were. 
7. What was the economic status of their family?
As mentioned above, they were a few steps below royalty when they were imprisoned. Hans was still considered a prince of the Southern Isles despite his misbehavior, and he married three noblewomen to pad his wealth with their dowries. Once they were imprisoned, however, with no opportunity to prolong their wealth, it drained away slowly as they had to trade their things for food and supplies and the manor quickly fell into disrepair. 
8. How does your character feel about religion?
Clara’s completely indifferent to it. In a world where miracles and feats of magic happened, where a royal could forge his own nation and prison, the possibilities of who created the world they lived in and why seems to have an immeasurable amount of answers. 
9. What about political beliefs?
Despite her party girl demeanor, Clara actually cares a lot about the politics of Auradon, mostly because she’d been shorted her entire life as a result of Auradon politics. Her memories of trying to escape Auradon- of trying to find hope for a future, of longing for fresh food, or any idea of what was beyond the barrier- fuels her interest everyday despite her new residence. She thinks it’s ridiculous that children were imprisoned with their parents when they’d done nothing wrong, and that magic was ever outlawed for the safety of its wielders. She also is a bit of a regiphile, having been told about her broken royal history, so she’s interested in pretty much any business involving royalty. 
10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
Clara’s your classic “too-smart-for-her-own-good” case. She’s just smart enough to figure out how to get herself deep into trouble but usually not smart enough to get herself out of it. She’s never been good at school because it’s not good at keeping her attention, but she’s good at scheming and flattering and figuring people out. 
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
She sees herself as uneducated compared to her Auradon peers, and most of her Isle peers. Again, she never tried very hard at school so undoubtedly everyone who did knows a little more. However, she does think she’s smart enough to handle everything herself. 
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
The people of the Lost Isle had little inhibitions when it comes to curses or vulgarities, so it was easy for Clara to pick that up. However, her prim and properly educated father never used such words, so she knows the difference between appropriate and inappropriate speech and adjusts herself according to her conversation partner. 
13. Did they like school? Teachers? Schoolmates?
Again, Clara saw school as more of an opportunity to socialize and flirt than to learn. What was the point when you were trapped on the island for the rest of your life? Now, however, she’s doing her best to do a little better and make sure she graduates from college.
14. Were they involved at school? Sports? Clubs? Debate? Were they unconnected?
Isle schools were never the most diverse or opportunistic, and most kids preferred to stick to their own friends anyways. Clara mostly just sat in the back of most classes, flirted with the hottest guy in the room, snagged invites to parties, and the loped around the island most of her days. 
15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED?
Clara graduated from the Isle’s equivalent of high school, then was allowed to attend Auradon University.
16. What does your character do for a living? How do they see their profession? What do they like about it? Dislike?
Clara’s just a student for now, though she works as a shot girl at the local bar and dabbles in theatre on the side. She chose it for its apparent ease, but she actually has a knack for it and wonders how exactly she could pursue a career with such a major. If not, anything that didn’t feel too academic or shabby would be okay for her. 
17. Did they travel? Where? Why? When?
Clara’s probably one of the least-traveled of her peers. She’d never been outside the Isle’s barrier for most of her life, then she never traveled too far from Auradon U’s campus, even during breaks. Sometimes she thinks it might be cool to visit her relatives in the Southern Isles, but fearing their complete rejection, doesn’t. 
18. What did they find abroad, and what did they remember?
Laleh remembers all her travels. She has kept a photo journal that reminds her of all the beauty she has seen but, also, with each photo she has put a caption about exactly what she was doing and her parents were doing at the time the photo was taken that way she can remember the moment forever. Laleh also enjoys getting souvenirs from each place she visits. More often than not she winds up getting a recreation of one of the places famous artworks. She loves art and has a huge collection of the worlds paintings now.
19. What were your character’s deepest disillusions? In life? What are they now?
Laleh always assumed that people would care more about poverty than they seem to do, especially royals. She believed everyone would fight for those who didn’t have a voice like her parents do and she is prone to do but that is not the case. It angers her that people don’t care more about the well being of others and instead care more about the money in their pockets.
20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?
Laleh celebrated when women in Saudi Arabia got to drive. She was over the moon about this.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
She is very well mannered even when amongst friends although she is a big more relaxed in those sort of social settings. She was raised to be a princess after all.
She is a Catalyst-Hero, born to set about change in others.
Laleh really doesn’t hate anyone except Jafar and that is simply because of the emotional abuse he inspired in her mother. She is very adamant that an abuser can never change and she knows Jafar will always stay the same.
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
Laleh has very few friends. Traveling around so often it was just very difficult to keep friends. Every other weekend she was visiting someplace new or helping her parents out with foreign dignitaries. Really her only friends became her parents and her cat.
Laleh, again, does not have any lovers. The only person who comes close is @luciencharming. She would never fall for him though. He is someone she wants to sleep with but is too smart to sleep with. He doesn’t want a relationship and she doesn’t want anything tying her down.
Her ideal partner is someone who rivals her. Laleh has always felt at her best when someone is challenging her. It pushes her to be smarter and better when someone is challenging her. Of course she doesn’t want to spend the entire time fighting but here and there it would be nice to have a challenge.
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
Laleh wants someone to travel with her. She wants someone who is willing to see the world and fight for justice just as she does. Laleh likes sex but she doesn’t need to be having sex constantly. Really she’s out for more of an emotional relationship than a physical. The physical is just an added bonus.
24. What social groups and activities does your character attend? What role do they like to play? What role do they actually play, usually?
She loves going to art events. Gallery openings, sculpture classes, painting nights. She doesn’t participate because she has no artistic ability in that sense but she loves watching others work. This is often times when she brings her camera too in order to take photos. People working on their art provides some of the best subjects for her photography.
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
Besides traveling, Laleh loves photography. She also quite enjoys hiking and going antique shopping.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Her home is a palace so we’ll describe her room. Laleh’s room is covered in artwork. Every inch of her walls are taken up by paintings from around the world. Her bed sits in the middle of the room and she has only a desk and bookshelf as other furniture in the room. Her closet is huge and full of varying styles of clothes. Much of it is also from her travels but she prefers her traditional dresses from her home. The floor length dresses often flatter her the best. She wears her hair natural which is quite curly and voluminous and she hardly ever wears makeup. The most makeup she does wear is eyeliner.
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
Laleh wears what she feels that day. If she’s in the mood to be comfy then she’ll wear pants and a shirt but if she wants to be a little more put together than she’ll slip into a dress. Everything is high quality due to her money but she doesn’t like to draw too much attention to it.
28. Who is your character’s mate? How do they relate to him or her? How did they make their choice?
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
She is incredibly indecisive. To this day she still doesn’t know what she wants to do. Traveling has allowed her to be indecisive because if she isn’t in the mood to stay at home then she could just hop on their plane and fly wherever she wished and mid course she could just change her mind and go somewhere else. She has never had solid roots. Staying in one place is really awful for her. Laleh also expects to be good at something as soon as she tries it. If she isn’t good at it then it isn’t of interest to her. Except art. But she’s very good at appreciating art so, there’s that.
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
Yes. Except its not something from her past, its from her parents past. She does not believe she could ever forgive this person, though.
31. Does your character have children? How do they feel about their parental role? About the children? How do the children relate?
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
She is the sort of person who has been in countless high stress situations and at this point she is rather chill about it. Laleh can sometimes even be found making jokes in high stress situations.
33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health?
She used to drink but after confessing her love to @princerose one night - which she is not in love with him at all - she has decided to take a break. She does not do drugs. Laleh is incredibly healthy even though with her dietary habits she shouldn’t be.
34. Does your character feel self-righteous? Revengeful? Contemptuous?
Oh she totally feels self-righteous. She has seen so many things that she feels she has enough knowledge to take over and guide people to the proper actions. She is not revengeful nor contemptuous.
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
No. Laleh can admit her faults. She believes they are rare but she will own up to something she has done wrong. A lot of times she is very embarrassed and acts very awkward when confessing.
36. Do they like to suffer? Like to see other people suffering?
Obviously not. Laleh lives a life where she works very hard not to suffer and tries to end the suffering of others as well. She is a very caring soul and seeing others in distress puts her in distress. She is an activist and wants nothing more than to help the people who are suffering in the world.
37. How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Laleh lives very much in reality. Despite constantly wanting to be in the world, she is very much a realist. Jading herself with daydreams is just silly. The world is tough and there are many horrors to it. She may be optimistic and try to get through life with a positive outlook but it can be hard because she’s seen just how horrible things can get. She lives very much in the here and now, though, even for being a history major.
38. Are they basically negative when facing new things? Suspicious? Hostile? Scared? Enthusiastic?
No. She’s very enthusiastic about trying new things. In fact she tries to do one new thing every single day. Even if its really stupid like balancing a spoon on her nose. Laleh is incredibly adventurous when it comes to new things.
39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
People who do not care about other people but instead care only about money and power. She also finds people who judge others based on race, sex, and sexual identity incredibly stupid and she is not afraid to tell them so.
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
Laleh is actually pretty childish in her sense of humor. She’ll laugh at fart jokes and dad jokes. She can be pretty funny but it’s only when she’s not trying to be. But, yes, she has a sense of humor and can laugh off most things.
41. Is your character aware of who they are? Strengths? Weaknesses? Idiosyncrasies? Capable of self-irony?
Laleh is very self aware. She knows exactly who she is, she knows her strengths and weaknesses. She is able to tell a person just what it is she approves of and disapproves of.
42. What does your character want most? What do they need really badly, compulsively? What are they willing to do, to sacrifice, to obtain?
Laleh wants friends. She wants a sense of belonging with the people around her. For a person who fights for the people, Laleh has a very hard time connecting to others. She’s talkative and sometimes ignorant of the people she is talking with. Laleh’s ultimate goal is to find someone who makes it worth staying in one place.
43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?
Not really. Shes a very open person. Besides, secrets were almost the ruin of her family so she tends to stay away from them.
44. How badly do they want to obtain their life objectives? How do they pursue them?
Very badly. Laleh is a very determined person. When she sets her mind to something, she will do it. The only problem is, she is at a time in her life where she has to make a decision on what it is her future holds.
45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?
Laleh is incredibly pragmatic. As much as she likes to joke around, she can be incredibly real. When it comes to making large decisions she is thoughtful and responsible. She talks it out with her parents or other people involved. The most important detail about Laleh is that she is passionate in every thing she does. If she isn’t passionate about it, she won’t do it.
46. Is your character tall? Short? What about size? Weight? Posture? How do they feel about their physical body?
Laleh is of average height, she is thin, and always has great posture. She has never really cared to judge her physical body, she is that confident in herself.
47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Does they want to be visible or invisible?
Laleh doesn’t care about what image she gives other people spare for when she is meeting with important foreign ambassadors. When it comes to social events at school, however, she is one hundred percent herself and free. She does not care if people don’t like her because, in the end, she’s only going to be here temporarily and that person wouldn’t have made for a very good friend anyway.
48. How are your character’s gestures? Vigorous? Weak? Controlled? Compulsive? Energetic? Sluggish?
The girl is very strong and energetic in all her movements much like her father. She is bursting with energy.  
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
She has a very distinctive voice of medium strength, deeper tones, and lyrical rhythms that makes everyone just want to stop and listen to her. She does not have much of an accent due to all the traveling she has done.
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
Cheerful and sarcastic are about her two main facial expressions.
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mountphoenixrp · 5 years
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
                             Beverly Bang, who is known by no other name;                                           a 23 year old daughter of Cao-Guojiu.                                                             She is an actress.
FC NAME/GROUP: park sooyoung / red velvet. CHARACTER NAME: beverly bang. AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 23 / september 3, 1996. PLACE OF BIRTH: manhattan, new york city, NY. OCCUPATION: actress. HEIGHT: 167cm / 5’6”. WEIGHT: 54 kg / 119 lbs. DEFINING FEATURES: doe eyes are often narrowed in a way that is greatly intimidating to many, showing that her guard is consistently up through her face. lips are soft and typically painted a coral pink with cheeks polished with a light rose color.
PERSONALITY: sugar, spice, and everything nice. that’s what girls are made of.
or, at least-not girls like beverly bang. domineering, manipulative, and materialistic were far better words used to describe the socialite. being an obsessive overachiever with a shaky moral fiber, she’ll go to great lengths to get what she wants. and to put it simply, beverly is the classic ‘it-girl’ who disregards other’s feelings in the protection of her own. not interested in anything unless it revolves around herself.
she is the cliche rich bitch who basks in the spotlight because she can’t get the same attention at home. beneath it all, it isn’t hard to see that the actress is not as put together as she would like to believe. despite being manipulative, scheming, bossy and controlling there’s an insecure side to beverly she tries hard not to let slip to the surface. a type of self-loathing that sits underneath a façade of confidence and luxury items. when she is in the mid of one of her schemes or tantrums, it is quite obvious she is feeling second best. the fallen princess ruled by her insecurities, despite a confident exterior, her worst is usually at the cause of her feeling inferior.
she wants the world on a silver platter, wants it wrapped around her finger like the prettiest of diamond rings–and, growing up amongst the elites of manhattan, beverly was raised to believe she’ll have it too. she was a little pearl of a girl, born with a silver tongue and a magnetism that had her playing the heartstrings of every soul she crossed. every soul but her parents’, that is.
born to a renowned hollywood director and his beautiful wife, (an heiress who wasn’t known for much, except being part of a real estate empire), the girl appeared to have it all. a picture-perfect family if you will. though behind a pristine image, secrets, and lies were hidden. not everything that shines is golden and beverly knows first hand as she grows up in a less than loving household. parent’s neglectful, she excuses their ways with the conclusion that they simply don’t have the time for her. instead, it is a rotation of nannies, assistants, and chauffeurs who are there to fill the place where her parents should have been. yet, it’s not like her parent’s absence stops them from influencing their child. though, mr. and mrs. bang were not always there, it was clear they had cultivated in their daughter a taste for the finer things in life. buying their child’s love through lavish gifts, she grows a hunger for delectable desserts and dreamy dresses that would one day prove ravenous. they plant within her the seeds of luxurious ambition. by the time beverly is seven, that ambition has landed her, her first role in a huge motion picture.
beverly’s world is turned upside down once she has conquered the big screen. suddenly, people sing the child star praise as if they were singing to the heavens of the church choir while other’s doubt the child’s abilities. claiming it was her father who had snatched her the part. but regardless, it is love and attention which swarms her. even her mother had succumbed to her charms, making time for her daughter and doing things she hadn’t done before. everything is great but, it still isn’t enough for the up-and-coming actress. no matter how many people flocked the girl’s way with admiration, it meant nothing when the only person that she wanted to look her way had suddenly seemed farther than ever.
truth be told, for a young beverly, her love for movies and acting all rooted from her parents. her interest for the art, first beginning with the reenacting of the classics which littered the shelves of her dad’s study. the queen b always, desperately, saught the love and affection of the man she knew to be her father. full days of casting calls and auditions, all just a ploy to get closer to the man that often treated her coldly. but, all was for nothing, as beverly hopelessly pursued a career in the same field as him; hoping to unite the two yet sadly he only grew more and more distant.
by the time beverly has reached her teenage years, she has put her daddy issues to bed. or, at least she claims she has. and her time is spent juggling between the hollywood hills, and the streets of manhattan. during this era of her life, she is surrounded by actors her age who do as they please because hollywood gives them the privilege of being wild and careless. and, when she isn’t among her fellow thespians she is immersed in a world where teenagers run around with black cards, a status symbol which gives them the right to feel like they own the city of new york. indulging in the luxuries only adults should.
as the girl grows older, the cracks in her families’ relationship become more and more apparent. the reality is, her father is never home, and her mother is no longer discrete about the string of men she invites into her bed. she begins to question if her mother had ever kept her affairs a secret, or if bev had just been too young to realize what had been happening all along. she slowly finds herself despising her mother. a bitterness which plagues her heart has her blaming her mom for the absence of her father. fuel to a fire its the start of the self-loathing that begins to fester within her soul as she starts to chew over the hidden meaning behind the coldness of her family.
despite her home life, on the surface, all anyone can see is that beverly is manhattan’s it-girl, a star among hollywood royalty. to the world she is an american sweetheart. when high school rolls around the corner, the actress naturally falls into her rightful place among the social ladder. queen b of her catholic private school, it’s a place only the richest children in new york can attend and it is her, who takes the crown as the school’s resident mean girl.
she collects hearts like trinkets, puts them on a shelf for all the world to see–look but don’t touch, for all the skills she’d been instructed in, she never was taught how to share, and like most children given the choice, she didn’t care to learn. it’s often said that men cower before that which they call beautiful, and the same could be said for her. so afraid were they to let such a pretty thing go without. she perfected the art of getting what she wanted. honeyed persuasion and batted lashes, she had a talent that served her well in nearly all of her endeavors–both work and play.
despite her hatred toward her mother, it was hard to deny that she had become more and more like her. beverly always sought the comfort of men looking for something she had been lacking all her life. yet, nothing was every satisfactory. no one was ever good enough to fill the void that had made itself permanent in her heart. so she schemes and makes a game of her high school life. a distraction from everything she was trying to run away from, she takes it upon herself to live life to the fullest.
but her life comes crumbling down when she is met with the truth regarding how she came into this world. it’s about the time she turns eighteen that her mother sits her down for a serious talk and reveals the paperwork her father had sent over to legally disown her. the divorce is soon to be final. she wonders why they waited until now to dump all this on her.
though beverly had always had her speculations, it’s a hard truth to swallow that the man she had always known to be her father was now nothing more than a stranger. and an eighteen-year-old girl has trouble coming to terms with the idea that part of her creation is thanks to a god she has never heard about. it’s that day which marks the catalyst of her downfall.
she sinks into a downward spiral. with rage boiling in her blood, the girl grows a hatred for the world as she knows it. lacking the emotional maturity, beverly deals with her emotions in the best way she knows possible–throwing herself into her work. yet, once that no longer works as an escape mechanism she turns to the next best thing. partying.
by the time beverly is twenty, the star throws her cares out the window and goes on the quest of ruining her families image. her dad is about to remarry a girl who is practically her own age.
she can’t stand the idea of everyone moving on, being happy, except for her who is left with the emotional wounds of her parent’s infidelity and neglect. for the use of better words, she throws a tantrum. her vindictive streak soon to be the reason for her own demise and things the girl once would have done in private, she now does for the world to see. acts out intentionally in front of the camera with the hopes her picture will end up on the cover of next weeks tabloid. hoping that everyone on the planet will see the mess that she has become, or perhaps has always been. hoping to shame her parents, embarrass them, maybe they will be so angry they will give her a call. pay her a visit? but, that is all wishful thinking.
a pretty young thing was ready to act out in a cry for attention. though, it’s too late when she has given up her act. she may have tainted her families name, but it was at the expense of ruining her whole career. when the girl is ready to take her work seriously once more, it’s her pr team that has to break it to her, that her image is completely destroyed. no one wants to work with her. when they advise her to lay low, to avoid the spotlight, her mother is the one who informs her of a place known as mount phoenix.
it’s there beverly sets off to start a new.
PANTHEON: chinese CHILD OF: cao-guojiu
master liar and manipulator—beverly has always had a way with words, seeming to know what to say in order to get what she wants. but with the combination of beauty and charisma, she never thought twice about how easily people took her word for truth. lying and manipulating had never been a problem for the girl, spewing fabrications as if it were fact since before she can even remember. perhaps, that was the thing that made the child star such a great actress at a young age. how easily she was able to absorb a character and read lines off a page as if it were her own story. who would have known there was something more behind what critics called raw talent?
natural born performer—theater, acting, being the center of attention, these all were natural gifts the upper east sidder was born with. anything that dealt with performing it seemed as if beverly had an unnatural aptitude for.
STRENGTHS: ambitious, charming, hardworking, intelligent, cultured, loyal, romantic. WEAKNESSES: selfish, manipulative, materialistic, vain, elitist, insecure, vindictive.
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