gynaecologist01 · 2 years
Can we do yoga after an Abortion
Abortion is the sad procedure that marks the end of the pregnancy phase. Although, the way of aborting a child differs from woman to woman yoga becomes the common solution to this problem. So, the doctors of Amri hospital Dhakuria makes it their priority to include yoga in their treatment options. Basically, concerned gynecologist suggests yoga for helping the mind to calm down the storm of depression. For More - https://digitalmarketingdeal.com/blog/can-we-do-yoga-after-an-abortion/
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
World Blood Donor Day – AMRI HOSPITAL
Be there for someone else. Give blood. Share life.
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Every year, on 14 June, countries around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day. The event serves to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood and to raise awareness of the need for regular blood donations to ensure the quality, safety and availability of blood and blood products for patients in need.
Transfusion of blood and blood products helps save millions of lives every year. It can help patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and with a higher quality of life, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures. It also has an essential, life-saving role in maternal and child care and during the emergency response to man-made and natural disasters.
A blood service that gives patients access to safe blood and blood products in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system. An adequate supply can only be ensured through regular donations by voluntary, unpaid blood donors. However, in many countries, blood services face the challenge of making sufficient blood available, while also ensuring its quality and safety.
The host country for World Blood Donor Day 2018 events is Greece, through the Hellenic National Blood Centre. The global event will be held in Athens on 14 June 2018.
SOURCE: World Health Organization
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Our health holds a mirror to what we eat and think. Thus, a healthy mind is imperative for attaining optimal #health. You must train your #mind to believe that your #body can achieve whatever you want it to be. #AMRIHospitals #AMRIHospitalKolkata #AMRIHospitalBhubaneswar#Fitness #positiveAttitude For more, please visit our website: http://www.amrihospitals.in/ or Our blog at https://amrihospitals.wordpress.com/
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amrihospitals-blog · 7 years
Can artificial sweeteners used by countless bakers, offering the taste of sugar without any calories, really be that terrible for you?
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
Everything You Need To Know About Cardiovascular Disease
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Cardiovascular disease refers to a class of diseases that involve the heart and blood vessels. The cardiovascular system supplies blood to all the parts of the body. It consists of the heart, arteries, veins and capillaries. Cardiovascular diseases cause the most number of deaths globally every year.
According to doctors at AMRI Hospitals, one of the best heart hospitals in Kolkata, the symptoms can vary, depending on the type of cardiovascular disease. Here are some of the symptoms:
Pain and discomfort in the arms, elbows, back or jaw
Pain and pressure in the chest
Fatigue, confusion and shortness of breath
Light headedness and cold sweat
The lifetime risk for cardiovascular diseases is more than 50 per cent for both men and women. In 2015, approximately17.7 millionpeople died from cardiovascular diseases worldwide, and they accounted for 31 percent of all premature deaths. Here are some of the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases:
Smoking and drinking are very dangerous for a person suffering from this disease
Lack of sleep is another risk factor. A person should at least get sleep of 7 hours to avoid this problem
High blood pressure and high blood cholesterol can also lead to cardiovascular disease
Diabetes and stress are also major risk factors
Physical inactivity
Important causes of cardiovascular diseases include atherosclerosis, which happens due to the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries. Diabetes, virus, infection and structural problems can also lead to this condition, suggest medical practitioners at AMRI Hospitals.
One can avoid cardiovascular diseases by following some important guidelines, such as:
Avoiding sedentary lifestyles. Staying physically active can help in avoiding this disease to some extent
Reducing the intake of salt to keep blood pressure in control
Avoiding alcohol and smoking
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables to increase the intake of important vitamins and minerals
It again depends on the type of condition a person is suffering from. However, the options include:
Lifestyle adaptations, which include weight control, exercise and dietary changes
Medication to reduce LDL cholesterol
Surgery, such as coronary artery bypass grafting
Cardiac rehabilitation
According to doctors at AMRI Hospital, one of the best hospitals in Eastern India, cardiovascular diseases affect both men and women equally. A study has predicted that 23.6 million people will die from cardiovascular diseases annually by 2030, mostly due to stroke and heart diseases. Statistics have proved that cardiovascular diseases are very dangerous. However, it can be prevented by taking the necessary precautions and preventive measures.
SOURCE: premium-healthplus.com
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
Eastern India Health department gears up to check spreading of Dengue
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Monsoon rains provide more breeding grounds for the mosquito that carries the dengue virus. In India, dengue cases usually peak during and just after the rainy season that normally lasts from June to September.
More than half the Indian states were affected by the deadly disease in 2017. Delhi, Maharasthra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Kerala were the worst-affected regions. To address the dengue situation in Eastern India, primarily West Bengal, AMRI Hospitals in Kolkata has started an awareness campaign on social media, with the tag #AMRIagainstDengue, as well as created adequate medical facilities to address patients afflicted with the disease.
The disease, which hits its peak between June and September, has a lot of serious implications not just for the health of individuals but also for healthcare facilities. This year as well, the conditions are pointing towards a possible outbreak in Eastern India. However, the government administration, as well as private healthcare enterprises like AMRI, has created a buffer to counter the disease at the very ground level. In addition to the mobile care units in Kolkata by the West Bengal government, there also have been sufficient awareness initiative in the region to combat the very basic problems associated with Dengue.
On that line, AMRI has been particularly proactive with their social channels — publishing news, social posts and campaigns. In addition to their social work, AMRI Hospital Dhakuria has also planned to organize an Anti-Dengue month throughout August. Doctors at AMRI Hospitals have also geared up to combat any critical situation.
“We have made special arrangements for the patients being admitted to the hospital. There are separate wards where trained staff is available 24X7 to tackle emergency cases,” says the doctor at AMRI Hospital.
Here are a few facts you must know in order to beat dengue –
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are responsible for spreading dengue. They breed in stagnant, fresh water. When the mosquito bites a person, the virus is passed into the blood stream, causing complications.
A person only gets symptoms after 7 to 10 days of getting bitten by an infected mosquito. It causes severe joint pain, nausea, abdominal cramps, fever, bleeding from gums, nose or ear.
Some patients also develop a hemorrhagic fever that may cause death from shock or even cause multiple-organ failure. These complications make it a deadly disease.
In the last few years, dengue outbreaks were reported from a number of countries across the tropics, putting 3.5 billion people at risk of infection.
Around 390 million people get infected with dengue in more than 100 countries. Children and the elderly are more vulnerable to this disease.
Early management of symptoms can prevent complications. People often get treated symptomatically, which is good.
There is a need to get tested if symptoms last for 2–3 days or get worse with every minute. Although dengue has no cure, the symptoms can be managed if things are controlled at the earliest.
SOURCE: diet2x.com
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
Suffering from shortness of breath? Here’s everything you need to know
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An average adult takes about 14 breaths per minute, provided he/she is at rest. Shortness of breath is generally experienced after a heavy workout or at high altitudes, but the sudden onset of breathing issues could indicate underlying problematic condition. The medical term for such sudden shortness of breath is Dyspnea.
Your lungs do not get enough air in dyspnea and like every other medical condition, this can be acute or chronic. Some of the major symptoms are:
Tight feeling in the chest
Issue in deep breathing
Sudden breathing issues in daily activities
Not everything related to breathing issues is about lungs. Dyspnea can be experienced by a person who does not have an aligned Body Mass Index (BMI), which can be fixed with regular workout. However, it is equally possible that dyspnea points to a serious condition. Some of the most common causes of this condition are:
Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary hypertension
Choking in breathing passage
Allergic reactions
In selective cases, dyspnea can be caused due to extreme reasons like:
Heart Failure
Collapsed lungs
Heavy loss of blood
There can be multiple triggers for the onset of dyspnea. Areas in the vicinity of industrial factories have pollutants like fumes, chemicals, etc., which aggravate this condition. Dyspnea is even associated with asthma. The exposure of pollutants like smoke and pollen to asthmatic people can initiate shortness of breath.
According to pulmonary specialists at AMRI Hospital Kolkata, the primary approach is a full body checkup, accompanied by changes in eating habits or environment.
Since it is not confirmed that only lungs are involved, CT Images and chest X-rays are taken to observe the involvement of other body parts. Dyspnea can easily involve heart or chest issues.
The degree of dyspnea is determined by the patient’s description of the event, frequency and medical reports.
Extensive examination and treatment is done by a pulmonologist – a doctor with specialization in lungs and respiratory system.
As the cause and intensity of dyspnea varies from patient to patient, so does the method of treatment. There are three methods, which are usually used by doctors:
Medications are directly dependent on the cause of dyspnea. Specific sources like pneumonia are treated with antibiotics, while steroids are sometimes applicable on patients with asthma. Other general courses include anti-anxiety drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Breathing patterns
There are rehabilitation programs, which teach breathing techniques like pursed lip breathing to COPD patients.
External supply
This is a rare case, but sometimes oxygen level in the blood is low. Machines like oxygen concentrator are prescribed to patients for maintaining the blood-oxygen ratio.
Shortness of breath (Dyspnea) is an issue that needs immediate medical attention. The cure to this is solely dependent on its nature, intensity and root cause, but there is always a scope for improvement, and it can be minimized to a prominent extent over a certain period of time.
SOURCE: www.4exercisemats.com
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
Dengue Fever outbreak: Symptoms and precautions
AMRI hospitals organizes social awareness campaigns to curb Dengue in Easter India and West Bengal
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Dengue fever, also known as break bone fever, is transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti and Aedes Albopictus mosquitoes. Every year, more than 390 million dengue infections are reported from across the world, with around 96 million resulting in illness. The four kind of viruses that causes dengue are DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4.
It is widespread in nearly 100 countries across Asia, the Asia Pacific, the Americas, Africa, and the Caribbean. The Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, Southern China, Taiwan, the Pacific islands, the Caribbean (except Cuba and the Cayman Islands), Mexico, Africa, Central and South America (except Chile, Paraguay, and Argentina) are among the regions highly prone to dengue.
Health experts at AMRI Hospital, Kolkata state that the symptoms of dengue fever can be seen up to 7 days after the mosquito bites you. However, the signs and symptoms can vary from person to person. Some of the most common symptoms include:
Muscles and joint pain
Rashes in the body (which disappear and then reappear)
High fever
Low blood pressure
Loss of appetite
Severe headache
Pain behind the eyes
Vomiting and feeling nauseous
Dengue in its most severe form can also lead to:
Bleeding from the mouth, gums, or nose
Clammy skin
Decreasing number of blood platelets
Stomach disorders
Small blood spots under the skin
Weakness and Fatigue
Without prompt treatment, Dengue fever can prove to be fatal, warn health experts at AMRI Hospital. However, ensuring proper precautions can help you in safeguarding yourself.
This year, in order to beat dengue, AMRI Hospitals has created a social media awareness campaign that highlights on information and details about the disease while giving out preventive solutions. In addition to that, AMRI has also planned an Anti-Dengue month from August at AMRI Hospitals, Dhakuria.
The campaign runs in tandem with our vision to curb the spread of dengue, running synonymous with their hashtag – #AMRIagainstDengue with their #AMRIcare tag.
For the common population, here are a few ways to counter dengue and prevent the disease –
Avoid over-crowded and heavily populated residential areas, if possible
Use mosquito repellents, even indoors
Avoid storing stagnant water. It should be replaced every alternative day
Do not ignore early symptoms. Consult a doctor in case you experience any of the symptoms. Doctors at AMRI Hospital recommend NS1 and Elisa tests to patients with symptoms of viral disease to rule out dengue
Keep yourself completely covered when you step outdoors
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
Quality Initiatives Are Making Healthcare Affordable In West Bengal
Making quality healthcare affordable and available is very important. The West Bengal government has launched several initiatives in the last few years to transform the healthcare landscape in India.
Likewise, the government of West Bengal has ushered in a revolution in the healthcare sector of the state. It is the only state in the country to have a Chief Minister handling the portfolio of its health department. “A number of initiatives have been taken in the state, which have been well supported and aided by all the leading hospitals,” says a medical practitioner at AMRI Hospital in Kolkata.
The new government has made every kind of treatment free in government hospitals. It has set up 107 fair price medicine shops in the state. The government is also providing the land, electricity and water to the hospital premises.
Aiding the initiative, the private sector is also providing medical facilities at reasonable rates. Apart from this, 33 CCUs and 17 HDUs have also been built by the government in the last 4 years.
The initiatives taken by the central government including the Mission Indradhanush, E-health, Ayushman Bharat, National Organ Transplant Program, Drug Regulation, Tobacco Control Program and many more, have benefited all the states. Five regional organ and tissue transplant organizations have been established in West Bengal; the organ donation rate has increased in the state since 2012.
World famous hospitals like AMRI Hospital, Apollo Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital, Desun Hospital, Medica Super speciality Hospital, and many more are emerging as a hotspot for medical tourism in West Bengal. The credit also goes to the government initiatives that have paved the way for upgradation of the existing hospitals, while giving green signal to the new establishments.
With advanced technology at their disposal, these hospitals are providing a vast range of health services. Some of the important specialities offered by these hospitals include cardiology and cardiac surgery, dermatology, dentistry, radiology, obstetrics, oncology, gynaecology, orthopaedics, neurology, etc. They are equipped with state of the art Cath labs, LINAC for radiotherapy, OT’s with HEPA, MRI and CT scan machines. These hospitals treat a number of patients every day, providing un-interrupted healthcare services to the locals, as well as foreign nationals.
There is hardly any doubt about the credibility of healthcare industry in West Bengal. Both government and local healthcare centres have witnessed a massive change. “We have witnessed a major change with new reforms and initiatives, as most of the hospitals are capable of treating a number of patients with various diseases under one premises,” says a general practitioner at AMRI Hospitals. The central government and the state government of West Bengal are looking to launch a number of new initiatives in the future that can further boost the industry.
Source: bluetreeweb.com
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
Everything you need to know before undergoing an Orthopaedic Surgery
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Orthopaedic surgery is a medical treatment performed on the musculoskeletal system. It addresses issues related to the skeleton and its attachments, the ligaments and tendons. Orthopaedists at AMRI Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata, explain that the surgery is mainly performed in case of injuries or damages to joints due to other conditions.Surgery can also treat issues related to the nervous system, like the ones that arise from injury to the spine. These issues can be in the form of birth defects or as the result of aging. They can be severe and chronic, too.
What happens during an Orthopaedic surgery?
Diagnosis of the injury
Treatment using medication, exercise, casting, surgery or other options
Recovery process, which includes exercises or physical therapy to restore movement, strength and function. It can require a long period of time
Precautions to prevent injuries and stop the disease’s progression
Conventional orthopaedic surgeries were based on the use of braces to treat skeletal deformities in children and straighten their bones. Surgeons inserted foreign material in the form of screws, wires, pins, tongs, and prosthetics, into the body to place the damaged bone in perfect alignment or to replace the bone and even the connective tissue.
Orthopaedic hospital in Kolkata state that these surgeries are mainly performed on the ankle, knee, hip, wrist, elbow, shoulder and spine.They are effective in treating various health conditions like:
Cerebral palsy
Club foot, knock knees, bow legs, bunions, hammertoes
Bone tumours
Spine disorders (eg: sciatica, scoliosis, ruptured disc)
Fractures, sprains, and strains
Muscle, ligament, and tendon damage
Some of the most common orthopaedic surgeries include:
A minimally-invasive surgical procedure, which helps in treating problems occurring inside the joint. It uses special cameras and equipment to visualize, diagnose and treat problems inside a joint
Internal fixation: 
A procedure,which is based on the surgical implementation of implants for healing a bone. Metal plates are used to hold the broken pieces of the bone in the required position
A surgical operation, which helps in correcting the bone deformity by cutting and repositioning it. It is also used for straightening a bone that hasn’t healed perfectly after a fracture
Joint replacement: A procedure of orthopaedic surgery,which involves the replacement of an arthritic or dysfunctional joint surface with an orthopaedic prosthesis; it can be partial, complete or revisional
Soft Tissue Repair: 
An effective surgical procedure, which mends the soft tissue, like torn tendons or ligaments
Risk factors associated with orthopaedic surgeries
Risk of excessive bleeding or infection
Allergic reaction to anaesthesia
Inflammation, where foreign materials (pins, prostheses, or wires) are introduced into the body
Damage to nerves or to the spinal cord
SOURCE: life-healthy.net
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
All You Need To Know About The Common Health Problems During Pregnancy
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Pregnancy comes along with a number of health problems. With the right knowledge,however, one can always prevent or find a solution to the common problems that may occur time to time during those nine months.
Here are some common health problems during pregnancy, listed by the best gynecologists at AMRI Hospital Kolkata:
Gum Bleeding
One may experience swelling and pain in the gums during pregnancy. After some time, there may be some bleeding as well, especially when you brush your teeth.It gets better naturally after a few days. But, if the problems remains, you may be suffering from a gum disease. Make sure you visit the doctor
Feeling Hot
One may normally feel hot allthe time, even during good weather conditions. The changes in hormone levels and the increase in the supply of blood often leads to this condition. There is no real reason to worry, although you should always remain cautious
It is very common during pregnancy due to all the heat and hormonal changes. It is important to intake a lot of fluid to avoid the same. Include fresh fruit juices, milkshakes and coconut water in your diet, but avoid caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee
A pregnantwoman may feel very tired throughout the day, especially during the first 12 weeks, suggest medical practitioners at AMRI HospitalKolkata. One must avoid excessive walking, but eat healthy food and rest as much as possible
Mild headache is a common problem during the initial weeks of pregnancy. But, it can become quite severe after some time. One must try relaxation techniques and get enough sleep to avoid headaches during this period
Heartburn and Indigestion
Indigestion is also caused by the hormonal changes, as early as the beginning of the second trimester. As the baby grows inside the womb, it puts pressure on the stomach, resulting in indigestion as well as heart burn. One can control the problem by eating light meals and avoiding oily and fried food. Also, it is important not to stay hungry, which can also be the cause of heartburn in some cases
Increase in vaginal discharge
It is a very common problem during pregnancy. There is no need to worry about it, as it helps ward off any infection that may move from the vagina to the womb
You may find it difficult to sleep during pregnancy. Once the abdomen grows considerably, it becomes very difficult to lie down, which can hamper your sleep. The best gynecologist in Kolkata suggest finding a position that makes you feel comfortable, even if you have to use a chair. Try to find a comfortable chair, until you become used to the change in the size of abdomen
All in all, it is very important to know about the problems and their solutions, rather than visiting the doctor for small reasons. However, if the discomfort exceeds the limit, you should always consult a doctor and follow the procedures.
SOURCE: mlaguidetohealth.org
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
Wrinkles and hair loss reversed in mice
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The dream of being able to preserve our physiological youth has haunted humanity for centuries, and the more science advances, the more we gain hope that this dream will some day become reality  Are scientists getting closer to finding the secret of rejuvenation?
Hair loss and the development of skin wrinkles are something we all begin to experience, to greater or lesser degree, as we grow older.
These symptoms of aging are largely dictated by decline of mitochondrial function within cells.
Mitochondria are key cellular structures that produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the "fuel" that maintains healthy cellular function.
When mitochondria can no longer function properly or produce the required amount of ATP, this can have harmful consequences.
Other than leading to the wrinkling of skin and hair loss, mitochondrial dysfunction can contribute to the development of many chronic diseases.
In a recent study, Keshav Singh — from the University of Alabama at Birmingham — and colleagues have been experimenting with ways of reversing a DNA mutation that leads to mitochondrial dysfunctions.
SOURCE: medicalnewstoday.com
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
General and Minimally Invasive Surgery
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General surgeons perform procedures that focus primarily on the abdominal area.  A number of these procedures can now be performed through minimally invasive or laparoscopic surgery, which uses small incisions that enable more rapid healing.Minimally invasive or laparoscopic surgery involves inflating the abdomen with gas to create space between internal organs and the abdomen wall. 
  Narrow tubes are inserted into small incisions, and instruments pass through the tubes to perform the surgery, which the surgeon sees in a magnified view on a video monitor.  The advantages of laparoscopic surgery are many: access to internal organs is less invasive and post-operative pain is reduced, as is the need for strong pain medications.  This means faster healing and a quicker return to normal activities.Our General and Minimally Invasive surgeons specialize in procedures involving the intestines, stomach, colon, liver and pancreas.  
They also perform procedures that include the repair of hernias, surgery for diverticulitis and reflux disease, as well as removal of the gallbladder/gallstones or the appendix.We are also able to implant gastric stimulators, which send mild electrical impulses to the lower stomach, alleviating symptoms of nausea and vomiting in patients with severe gastroparesis.  Dr. Steven M. Yood, a member of our surgical team, is the only surgeon in Eastern Massachusetts who is able to implant gastric stimulators.
SOURCE: metrowestphysicians.com
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
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India’s ambitious healthcare scheme Ayushman Bharat will be rolled out in alliance with state health plans. With the states not giving up their own brand of health programs, this decision to include it under the umbrella program was obvious. Ayushman Bharat aims to provide an annual health cover of Rs 5 lakh to 10.74 crore families. According to Indu Bhushan, the CEO of Ayushman Bharat, 1,53,000 health and wellness centres will be set up across the country under the preventive health component.  The beneficiaries will be identified on the basis of deprivation and occupational criteria, as per the socio-economic and caste census 2011 data. In order to roll out the scheme, a MoU has been signed with 15 states and everything has been built into the document. In West Bengal, the programme will be in alliance with Swasthya Sathi scheme, providing opportunity to leading private hospitals like AMRI Hospital, Apollo Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital, Desun Hospital, etc, to build on the state’s major healthcare scheme in accordance with Ayushman Bharat. Swathya Sathi was announced on February 17, 2016 and officially launched on December 30, 2016. The scheme provides basic health cover for secondary and tertiary care, up to Rs 1.5 lakh per annum. All the pre-existing diseases are covered in the scheme. It also comes with real-time uploading of e-health record of the beneficiaries on discharge. Besides, this the scheme has an online grievance monitoring mechanism and an android-based Swasthya Sathi mobile app for assistance to beneficiaries. All the state health schemes will continue to run. The Centre will pay 60 per cent of the premium for beneficiaries where the existing list of beneficiaries is larger than the beneficiary list as per SECC data. In order to identify the beneficiaries and prevent frauds, the process of verification is important. There are enough hospitals mapped for empanelment in West Bengal, which include popular hospitals like Apollo Hospital, AMRI Hospital, Desun Hospital, Columbia Asia Hospital, etc. These Hospitals will have a software and hardware to verify the eligibility of a person. Apart from this, the state health agency will be needed by the states to implement the scheme. The total expenditure will depend on the actual market-determined premium paid in the states or UT’s. According to the experts of the industry, Ayushman Bharat healthcare scheme can prove to be decisive in making the healthcare affordable and available to the unprivileged. Also, the decision to roll out the scheme with state health plans will only boost the ambitious program in the future. SOURCE: blog.thevoiceofnation.com ​
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
Effective ways to control high blood pressure without medications
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High blood pressure is a common health condition in which the pressure of blood against the artery walls is high. Health experts at AMRI Hospital, one of the best multi-speciality hospitals in Kolkata, explain that the amount of blood pumped by your heart along with the resistance to blood flow in the arteries determines the blood pressure of your body. More the blood pumped by your heart, the higher is the blood pressure.
Though, there is no specific cause of high blood pressure, a few factors play a major role in contributing to it:
Narrowing the blood vessels, smoking results in high blood pressure. It also reduces the oxygen content in blood, which makes your heart pump faster
Lack of exercise
Physical inactivity is one of the major causes of high blood pressure. Fitness experts at AMRI Hospitalstate that exercise is one of the best ways to manage blood pressure
High salt intake
Various studies show that blood pressure is majorly determined by an individual’s salt intake. People who do not eat much salt have lower blood pressure
Mental stress
High stress levels have a serious impact on blood pressure. It causes a temporary spike in your blood pressure, which can damage your blood vessels, heart and kidneys.
Alcohol intake
Blood pressure is also determined by the amount of alcohol intake. The people who consume alcohol regularly tend to have higher blood pressure than non-drinkers.
High fat diet
Consumption of a high fat diet is also one of the major reasons for high blood pressure. Nutritionists at AMRI Hospital state that not all type of fats lead to high blood pressure. Fats from plants like avocados, omega oil, nuts and olive oil are beneficial for you. It is the fats from meat of animals and related food products – trans fats and saturated fats — lead to high blood pressure
High blood pressure is also common among diabetic people (especially Type 2 diabetes). Along with hypertension, it is also said to cause several other health conditions like obesity and a few cardiovascular diseases
How to control high blood pressure without medication?
There are several ways to keep a check on your blood pressure without medication. Minor lifestyle changes can lower your blood pressure.
Maintain a healthy body weight
Ensure physical exercise
Stick to a healthy diet
Avoid food products rich in sodium
Keep a check on your alcohol intake
Quit smoking
Avoid caffeine
Manage your stress levels
Keep a check on your blood pressure level at regular intervals
SOURCE: search4diets.com
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amrihospitals-blog · 6 years
A quick guide to the symptoms, risk factors and treatment of Heart Diseases
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Heart diseases pose a great threat to human life. They are one of the leading causes of deaths globally. However, keeping a check on the symptoms can safeguard you to a great extent, say experienced cardiologists at AMRI Hospitals. The causes and symptoms of a heart disease depend upon its type and condition. Listed below are some of the most common signs that indicate an impending heart attack:
Slow or racing heartbeat
Dizziness and fatigue
Discomfort or pain arising at the centre of chest (also known as angina)
Discomfort spreading to different parts of your upper body
Shortness of breath (also known as dyspnea)
Palpitations (feeling like your heart is beating too fast)
Your arms may feel heavy
Choking feeling in your throat
Sweating, which may be very heavy
Breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or light-headedness
What increases the risk of a heart disease?
Weak heart muscles
Congenital heart defects (heart defects since birth)
Excessive smoking. Heart attacks are much more common in smokers as compared to non-smokers
Unhealthy diet
The risk of heart diseases is also determined by your sex; men are usually at a greater risk of heart attacks
Age also has a major role to play in it; aging increases the issues related to damaging and narrowing of arteries, which further weakens your heart muscles
Poor hygiene: medical experts at AMRI Hospital warn that unhealthy habits like not washing your hands regularly lead to viral or bacterial infections, which increase the risk of heart infections
Poor dental health also contributes to the risk of heart diseases
Lack of exercise
High blood pressure (hypertension): it hardens your arteries and further narrows down the vessels through which blood flows
Excessive alcohol or caffeine intake
High cholesterol increases the risk of plaque formation in your blood
Drug abuse
Unrelieved stress tends to damage your arteries and worsen other risk factors for heart disease
Family history of heart problems, especially heart attacks and strokes
A few chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapies can also increase the risk of heart diseases
How to prevent a heart attack?
Various ways have proved effective in alleviating the risk of a heart disease. Small changes can bring about a major difference to your cardiovascular health, say senior cardiologists at AMRI Hospital, Kolkata. Listed below are some of the best ways to keep a check on your heart health:
Quit smoking
Eat a healthy and balanced diet
Avoid dairy products with added sugar and high calorie content
Avoid animal proteins, and include nutrients like as potassium, calcium, and magnesium
Don’t consume food with excess salt
Ensure proper exercise
Keep a check on the levels of cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides, and Body Mass Index (BMI)
Maintain a healthy body weight
Manage stress. Health experts at AMRI Hospitals recommend taking out some time every day to do something that relaxes you
You can take a low-dose aspirin each day after consulting your doctor
Ensure proper sleep
Keep a check on your alcohol and caffeine intake
Ensure plenty of exercise
SOURCE: hugecount.com
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