#Again I didn’t expect this to become a fully-fledged AU. Whoops 💀
hrokkall · 2 years
for his neutral special, P03 wields a gun
Maybe the remaining subordinates could be carapacians or consorts? Either that or they get to tag along like the guardians when the Scrybes enter the medium.
What would each Scrybe's planet look like/be called? Who would be Derse/Prospit royalty?
Idk what would be funnier more compelling; P03's second prototype being Luke to parallel Kaycee and Leshy or it somehow being the uberbots?
Okay, I'm going to try and answer all this one at a time (Readmore just in case):
SPRITES: I hope you know that was the exact reason why I was torn on P03's sprite. On one hand Luke "spawning" in the factory and P03 wondering how the fuck someone got in (much less a human) is funny as hell, but on the other hand P03 succeeding in prototyping its dreamself only to find that, because it had never properly awakened, that it's a past version of itself in the form of G0lly? Oh, he would be infuriated.
Ultimately though, I think I'd make its sprite Luke just to include him more completely in the story, as little sense as it makes. But if there's a better way without sacrificing the dreamself drama I'm all ears.
PLANETS/LUNAR SWAY: Lunar Sway is pretty easy. As much as I'd love to make them all Derse dreamers because that's funny (and because they're all active classes who tend to wake up on Derse), I think putting Leshy and P03 on Prospit and Grimora and Magnificus on Derse would make the most sense. Grimora is the only one initially awake, the rest just learn about their dreamselves through the grapevine. Chances are the Prospitans never actually wake up.
Planets on the other hand... are a little tougher. I completely forgot if there are any definitive rules the planetary naming conventions, so I’m... going to have to do the one thing I didn’t want to do and actually Look Shit Up. (Note: I know they’re in a dead session and therefore should have burial ground + gas names and dead consorts, but… I’m actively ignoring that for sake of design and because I honestly don’t care about accuracy.)
LESHY: Land of Thicket and Chase — Exactly what it says on the tin. A seemingly infinite swath of deciduous forests that hum with wildlife that crouches just out of sight. In many places, light scarcely filters though the trees, and you’d be hard-pressed to find any sort of clearing over a mile wide. The only respite from the strangling growth lies in the mountains, which hold their own dangers. The more ill-equipped imps seem to die from the elements before Leshy can even think of getting to them, giving him a virtually free abundance of grist.
GRIMORA: Land of Coffins and Copse — The only one whose planet actually somewhat fits the description of a void session… not for very long, albeit. Long swaths of meadow interspersed with long-forgotten mausoleums waiting to be marked. Being both the Scrybe of the Dead and having a classpect that allows her to manipulate the concept, the (original) consorts are back to life in no time! I say original consorts because, at least previously, the consorts appeared to be a bunch of beetles! Cute. :] Less cute when you learn they may have driven the previous consorts to extinction but, hey, they all seem to get along now. Probably.
MAGNIFICUS: Land of Spell and Parapet — Essentially a crystalline-studded moor, with any consorts banded together around ever-crumbling walls and the crackle of magicks tangible in the air. Very much in the medieval age architecturally—at least in comparison to the other planets—with walled castles not being uncommon, giant stone bricks surrounding equally impressive natural crystalline towers. Of course, none of the consorts can actually control the random zaps of enchantment that frequently threaten to destabilize everything that’s ever been built. If only there was someone who could (Magnificus doesn’t want to, obviously, but his sprite has already spread the word of what a great wizard he is).
P03: Land of Steel and Circuit — A confusing mess to just about anyone but P03 (and P03 too, though he’d never admit it). Slithering wires that lead nowhere, flat planes of wielded metal broken up only by basins of churning, charged water with a salinity far too high to support anything living. If it can manage to make it to any of the satellite towers that stick out like jagged teeth against the otherwise flat landscape, it’ll have complete control over the terrain.
Their planets are direct parallels to their lands in-game, albeit just… more.
SUBORDINATES: The remaining subordinates are definitely consorts; that's the idea I had initially. With the exception of Lonely Wizard who is a carapacian who is So Fucking Lost, they're all consorts encountered on the Scrybes' respective journeys (we'll assume the consorts are a little smarter in this "AU" and just... behave like people would as opposed to animals). Ghoul/Consort! Kaycee steals Kaycee's name.
Leshy’s subordinates are all vastly different species (his is the only planet to have varying consorts, not counting Grimora’s formerly extinct ones). The Prospector is a thorny devil, Angler is a crocodile, and the Trapper/Trader are a pair of snapping turtles.
Minus Royal, who is her sprite, Grimora’s subordinates are a 50/50 split between living and dead consorts. Sawyer is a (dead; now skeletal) mauritian giant skink and Kaycee is one of the (living) carrion beetle consorts who stole her name after a conversation with Leshy’s sprite.
Magnificus’s underlings are also a mixed bag. Goobert is his sprite, Pike is an axolotl consort, and Lonely is a Dersite carapacian.
P03’s underlings… he wishes he made them himself. Unfortunately—despite the fact that he thought the planet was completely devoid of life—he was wrong. Disguised amidst the cables along the ground were snake consorts. Inspector is a gopher snake, Melter is a corn snake, and Dredger is a blue-lipped sea krait.
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