#Amaretto the Peppiclone
smalltimidbean · 3 months
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Since it is the year of the dragon, time to show the two 'dragon' clones that I made months ago and never shown anywhere (there are so many clones I haven't shown yet, please help me (silly))
Amaretto might look like a dragon, but is actually made up of various different animal DNA (mostly lizards, bats and goats), making him technically not a dragon - It was either too hard for Mr D'Angiolini to acquire an actual dragon, or they simply Do Not exist - So he can't fly or breathe fire (and he is definitely not bitter about that), But he is pretty venomous, so don't let him bite ya!!! Is he more standoffish and grumpy rather than straight up aggressive, but he is pretty hot-headed and easy to rile up if you push the right buttons
Edam is a giant clone (not Chickpea-sized, but still considerably large, which is why average-sized Amaretto looks small), and they are made with Cheese Dragon DNA - which since Cheese Dragons are creations of the Tower, it was much easier to get access to their DNA - So Edam can fly (and is actually one of the few clones who can, and certainly the only giant clone who can) and they can breathe fire, but they much prefer to chill and be friendly, so they don't do either of much
And they are friends, bc we love giant softie and tiny grump friendships here!!!
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