#And a hozier title to celebrate snagging tickets to see him this year <3<3<3
mistysharks · 1 year
All you have is your fire
(and the place you need to reach) AO3 Pairing: Eddie Munson/Chrissy Cunningham/Steve Harrington Rating: E tags: Sex pollen, Virgin Eddie Munson, Everybody lives, Alternate post s4 universe, Post-apocalyptic vibes, Steve Harringtons bedroom skills, look we all know he has 'em Summary:
”Come on, man, what are you looking for here, tips and tricks?” he asks, and Eddie... doesn't answer at first. Just keeps a hold on Steve's sleeve, and his face is turned away from Chrissy, so she can't tell what it's doing, but something must be clear in it because the next thing out of Steve's mouth is-
”Wait, really?”
”Fuck off, Harrington, I've never actually done this before, OK? I don't even – ” He lowers his voice.” I don't even know where it is.” Or: A sex pollen Hellcheerington fic with a surprising amount of plot
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