com3d2fujihajime · 1 year
PostProcessVolumeのBoxVolumeで設定した色をVisual Compositorに反映する手順~5月のご支援御礼と6月の構想に代えて
This time it is a UNITY memorandum. There is also a video, but it is free as it is a SFW video in the process of production.
Issue: PostProcessVolume allows the expression to become darker as the water depth increases in Scene, but this is not reproduced in GameView through VisualCompositior.
やったこと: What I did: https://zenn.dev/kanonji/articles/2a3eba20dbd40e
Referring to this page, I reproduced the expression that the deeper the water gets, the darker it gets in PostProcessVolume and got the given effect on the SceneView!
So, I plugged the water volume and the darkening volume into SelectionGroup and mixed them in the Render~Blend node, but they did not darken well.
作ったPostProcessVolume PostProcessVolume created.
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それをSelectionGroupに入れる Put it into a SelectionGroup.
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だが… but...
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シーン上ではこうなるが On the scene, this is what happens.
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Visual Compositorの出力はこうだった The output from Visual Compositor looked like this
First, connect the output of the SelectionGroup to the Render node. So far, this was correct.
Next, connect the Depth output of the Rendering node to the FinalOutput node in the Layer node.
設定値はこんな感じ The configuration values look like this.
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その結果、得られた結果の動画がこう Here is a video of the resulting outcomes
The only other issue is to fill in the PostProcessVolume settings on the surface of the water so that the walls don't look so blue.
After that, I will create motion in Blender and next month I hope to have the three of them tangled up at the bottom of 50 metres of water.
This is the last sentence, but thank you very much for your support this month.
Next month, I will continue to learn as I go along like this, so I would be very grateful if you could throw in a few pennies every now and then to have a look around.
投げ銭はこちらからどうぞ Click here to make a throw.
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