#Biofeedback Therapy in Pune
drrupalibandgar · 1 month
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Say goodbye to painful & #ChronicConstipation disrupting your daily life! Experience relief with our Advanced #Biofeedback for constipation treatment at Kaizen Gastro Care. Our effective and affordable therapy offers a permanent solution to your discomfort.
Take control of your digestive health today!
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Experience relief with biofeedback therapy for chronic constipation from Dr. Vikrant Kale. Get personalized solutions for long-lasting comfort and improved digestive health. Schedule your consultation today.
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Pain Management Clinic in Pune - Painmedic Pain Clinic
Pain management involves various approaches aimed at reducing or alleviating pain, whether it's acute or chronic. This medical specialty focuses on improving a person's quality of life by addressing pain through different methods. Some common techniques used in pain management include:
Medications: This can involve over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription medications like opioids, muscle relaxants, antidepressants, or anti-seizure drugs, depending on the type and severity of the pain.
Physical therapy: Exercises, stretches, and physical manipulation techniques help improve mobility, strength, and flexibility while reducing pain.
Injections: Injections such as nerve blocks, corticosteroids, or other substances can be used to target specific areas of pain, providing relief.
Acupuncture: This involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain by stimulating nerves.
Behavioral techniques: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), relaxation techniques, biofeedback, and mindfulness can help manage and cope with pain.
Lifestyle changes: These may include diet modifications, stress reduction techniques, and regular exercise to manage pain.
Dr. Kauser Mujawar at Painmedic Pain Clinic in Pune appears to be highly regarded for pain management treatment.
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kaizengastrocare · 1 year
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Are you struggling with chronic constipation? Are you tired of relying on laxatives or other temporary solutions?
Look no further! Our biofeedback therapy for constipation is a cutting-edge, non-invasive treatment that can help you achieve lasting relief from this uncomfortable condition.
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awakeningwellness · 3 years
Awakening Wellness Retreat
The Awakening Wellness Retreat is one of the best rehabilitation centers located around the Gurgaon and New Delhi sector, focusing on the mental health community and has thereby succeeded in serving a diverse range of clients in the past 10 years. With a multi-specialty team of qualified and experienced professionals, we offer a caregiver therapy available with 24/7 support. Our biopsychosocial model of treatment along with the psychotherapy and medication process ardently ensures a supportive and a speedy recovery.
 The Awakening Wellness Retreat Rehabilitation center mainly focuses on the mental concerns of our clients having at the different stages of their lives and preventing them from reaching their complete potential of turning into an addict and becoming a part of the society and their families. Using certain comprehensive assessments for behavioral, emotional, psychosomatic and neurological disorders we help each of our patients individually. Providing individual group therapy, family and marital counseling sessions, crisis intervention and management of stress, management of chronic pain associated with the stress and poor mental health, we focus and start from the absolute basics.
 Our team treats a variety of mental conditions such, which are as follows:
●        Adjustment Disorders
●        Anxiety
●        Phobias
●        Panic disorders
●        Depression
●        Bipolar Mood Disorders
●        OCD
●        PTSD
●        Schizophrenia
●        Personality Disorders
●        Dementia
●        Geriatric Psychiatry
●        Drug Addiction
●        Alcohol Addiction
●        Autism
●        Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
 We understand that mental health is very important for well-being and to lead towards a successful life. An individual who is emotionally and mentally balanced is absolutely capable of working productively and making ever significant contributions towards their society and community. On the other hand, the mental issues are absolutely non-negligible and form a negative impact on the way we individuals think and behave and react in our personal goals and satisfaction levels.
 If an individual is left without the treatment process, their mental health will surely decline which can cause effects on their life emotionally, socially and in their interpersonal front too. By seeking the help of our team, you can address them in a safe and secured, totally supportive and confidential environment. We also provide tele-counselling sessions with our international patients comforting and guiding them from their homes.
 Having years of experience in treating alcohol and mental disorder patients, our team consists of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and special educators, where we use the evidence based therapy sessions and als special interventions bringing a positive change in your life. The age groups we tend to undertake are: Child, Adult and Adolescent.
 Key Takeaways:
 ●        Medications are usually provided by the expert and experienced in-house doctors keep the record of the patient in mind.
●        Psychotherapy which includes family, group and individual.
●        CBT
●        Mindfulness training or other complementary and alternative medicine therapies which are repetitive transcranial with a magnetic stimulation.
●        Neurofeedback and Biofeedback.
●        Services for international patients.
 We are one of the premium rehabilitation centers having patients from Noida, Faridabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Goa, Pune, Mumbai, Indore, Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Dehradun, Ahmedabad etc. Also, we have our international patients coming from The United Kingdom, The United States of America, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uganda, New Zealand, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Malaysia etc.
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hhcpune-blog · 5 years
How to Treat and Prevent Constipation
Constipation is defined as the difficulty in passing stools. It is generally defined as less than 3 bowel movements per week. It also means passing hard stools, passing stools infrequently, or difficulty in evacuating bowels.
Causes of Constipation:
· Lack of fluids or fiber-rich diet.
· Ignoring the urge to pass stools
· Due to a side effect of iron supplements or anti-depressants.
· Lack of physical activities or exercise.
· Sedentary lifestyle.
· Pregnancy
· Obesity.
· IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Syndromes)
Symptoms of Constipation
· Hard and lumpy stools
· Less than 3 bowel movements per week
· Feeling of incomplete evacuation.
· Needing help to empty rectum such as using fingers to remove stools.
· Stomach ache or cramps in stomach
What are treatment options for constipation?
Constipation can be treated through ayurvedic medications or advanced laser procedures. The ayurvedic treatment includes ayurvedic medicines and pelvic floor physiotherapy. At Healing Hands Clinic MCDPA procedure is used for constipation treatment.
M: Medicines: A short the course of a probiotic supplement is given to increase the count of healthy gut bacteria.
C: Constac: It includes ayurvedic medicines and these medicines are given under the doctor’s guidance.
D: Diet: Diet rich in fiber and healthy diet is guided by a nutritionist at Healing Hands Clinic.
P: Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy: The weakened pelvic floor muscles in a female are one of the major causes for constipation. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is used to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
A: Ayurvedic Therapy: Ayurvedic therapy is done to relax pelvic muscles and anal sphincter.
Biofeedback Therapy
It is a non-invasive treatment in which a probe is inserted into rectum and muscle activity is monitored on screen. With the help of this physiotherapist guides and trains the patient to improve defecation.
STARR Surgery
STARR (Stapled Trans Anal Rectal Resection) technique was invented by world-renowned colorectal surgeon, Dr. Antonio Longo. Dr. Porwal learned this technique from Dr. Longo himself. This procedure is performed through the anus, requires no external incisions and leaves no scars. A patient can join his office work by 5th day of surgery.
How to prevent constipation?
· Drink plenty of fluids.
· Eat a diet rich in fiber.
· Avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
· Do regular exercise or physical activities.
Healing Hands Clinic is a certified center of excellence for constipation treatment in India having centers at Pune, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Nashik, and Bengaluru. All the centers have well qualified team of doctors and surgeons and state of the art facilities to provide holistic treatment for constipation.
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lybrate00-blog · 6 years
Fitness And Nutrition - How Can Alternative Medicine Help?
Allopathic medicines are typically compound definitions that are utilized to treat maladies. In any case, elective prescription, once in a while alluded to as integral and elective solution (CAM) is increasing adequate gradually to fix numerous illnesses, for which allopathy does not offer a complete cure.
Read on to know the absolute most basic types of CAM and how they can add to wellness and sustenance:
Ayurveda: Ayurveda, which means the investigation of life, trusts that wellbeing is when there is a harmony between the 3 segments in the body – Vata, pitta, and Kapha. The lopsidedness between these three prompts particular maladies. Thus, all Ayurvedic cures are gone for reestablishing the harmony between these three components. Be it the asanas, the nourishment solutions, or the way of life changes, Ayurveda is gone for reestablishing this adjust for all encompassing wellbeing and wellness.
Needle therapy: This framework trusts that the vitality needs to stream in particular examples, and adjusted examples of stream prompt infection. In this way, the treatment is gone for reestablishing this way of vitality stream, which is done using metallic needles.
Homeopathy: Homeopathy trusts in the reasoning of "like fixes like". Similar synthetic concoctions that incite the illness are utilized in little weakenings to treat the ailment. It additionally trusts that the clinical introduction of an infection is only one viewpoint, and there are numerous different indications which are covered up and should be recognized before landing at a medicine. This again proposes changes in eating regimen and way of life accomplish finish fix.
Naturopathy: This again utilizes a blend of regular cures including Ayurveda, yoga, and guiding. The individual likewise is put through an alternate way of life, taking into account more self-assessment, following a more straightforward way of life, which influences them to esteem wellbeing and wellness more. These words are by Dr. Nilesh Jadhav, he has done his Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Alternate Medicine. And he is a well known Alternative Medicine Specialist in Pune. He is one of the best Alternative Medicine Specialists in Wanowrie, Pune. He has been a successful Alternative Medicine Specialist for the last 13 years. Dr. Nilesh Jadhav has done Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), MD - Alternate Medicine . You can visit him at Shree Madhavaamrut Ayurvedi & Panchkarma Clinic in Wanowrie, Pune.
Contemplation: The body has its own recuperating force, and centering all the quality prompts mental and physical prosperity. From nervousness and dejection to breathing issues, contemplation can help fix an assortment of illnesses. Additionally, in light of the fact that it centers around and enhances breathing, body work is enhanced from an atomic level.
Herbalism: various herbs and flavors are broadly utilized in numerous antiquated drug frameworks, including Ayurveda. The conviction is that these herbs have natural restorative qualities and are in this way generally utilized in relieving different ailments. The way that they have been utilized for quite a long time makes them more satisfactory. Further, there is no reaction from any of these.
Biofeedback: This is another method that is picking up notoriety. While capacities like pulse, body temperature, and circulatory strain are for the most part thought to be automatic, biofeedback trusts that they can be controlled. Dietary changes are additionally presented, which are nutritious. The wellness of a man is definitely enhanced by regular methods.
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drrupalibandgar · 2 months
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Searching for the best gastrophysiologist in Pune, Maharashtra? Look no further than Dr. Rupali Bandgar-Jankar, a leading expert in GI motility and biofeedback therapy. Dr. Rupali offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for various gastrointestinal conditions.
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drrupalibandgar · 2 months
Searching for the best gastrophysiologist in Pune, Maharashtra? Look no further than Dr. Rupali Bandgar-Jankar, a leading expert in GI motility and biofeedback therapy. Dr. Rupali offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for various gastrointestinal conditions.
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drrupalibandgar · 3 months
Searching for the best gastrophysiologist in Pune, Maharashtra? Look no further than Dr. Rupali Bandgar-Jankar, a leading expert in GI motility and biofeedback therapy. Dr. Rupali offers comprehensive diagnosis and treatment for various gastrointestinal conditions.
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kaizengastrocare · 1 year
Looking for the best Biofeedback Therapy in Pune? Kaizen Gastro Care is the best clinic for biofeedback therapy in Pune. Kaizen Gastro Care offers our biofeedback therapy in our calm and comfortable Gastro clinic. Our patients have given the unit a satisfaction rating of over 98%. Biofeedback therapy is used to treat several bowel disorders such as incontinence, constipation, and painful spasms of the pelvic floor muscles.
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