#Brook literally gave Nami an island sized chunk of gold she's just bargaining because she thinks it's fun
charkyzombicorn · 1 month
God au
Some more sayings
windy rain - Nami is kissing her wife (except in alabaster where it’s Vivi is kissing her wife)
Solar eclipse - luffy hugging brook
Lunar eclipse - brooks hugging luffy
Blood moon - brook is blushing
Food gose moldy - usopp stole my/your meal
Food is burnt - Luffy stole my/your meal
sundog - (called luffys eye)
Everyone: Hail the goddess of weather! May she take our offerings and forgive us for existing! May she have mercy on our souls! All hail!!!
An Alabastian: Oh hey Nami no I'm not giving you half off on clothes again yes I know the queen would look lovely in these garments no that's not enough for a discount yes I know it was three years ago but it hasn't been for the last 156 weeks since that you've visited no I do not fear your wrath if I give you a coupon for Alabasta McDonald's will you just pay for your items? Okay, see you next week
Edit: thought I replied to the wrong ask but now I don't remember what this ask was in response to and also cannot find it so I think I was just talking to myself for a bit there
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