#Btw the kitten that died in September was named Kibbles
cyclonestudios-alt · 1 year
We got baby chicks yesterday, and uh they are adorable. Two of them are turkeys and the other 4 (?) are supposed to be roosters I think when they grow up so there will probably be a lot of fights soon but whatever xD. The real reason we got them though was cause my parents want to raise them for eating (yea sorry if I traumatized anyone) and these are the first we've had since I was little.
Actually, I have no idea why I'm posting this, I guess I just wanted to give you all a little inside look on what's been happening in my life so far. I am still desperately hoping that another baby kitten will show up, because the last one we had died in like September from being run over (we only had her since August, when she first showed up) and I am still very sad about her death, especially since she was so young. (I think my dad guessed she was around 7 months, but I'm not entirely sure) anyways, Im starting to think that maybe a cat showing up when we have baby chicks may not be the best thing lol (And wondering why getting baby chicks would remind me of my cats/kittens)
So yeah, that's sort of what's been going on lately
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