#But his nails aren't gonna trim themselves tho
You think Steve goes through a brief period after Starcourt where he struggles to cut his nails??
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excaive Β· 2 years
i want to give you more reasons to click clack bc you seem so delighted and its wonderful to see so β€” which of your OCs (including KJ ofc) would paint their nails? would/have any of them gotten a manicure or do they prefer to do it themselves? do any of them bite their nails? have a good day!!
Let me just list out names first of who'd paint their nails and then I'll talk about some of them that are fun :3
KJ, Roger, Cass, Keith, Jaquoya, Jasmin, Rykiel, Rosell, Inal, Mark and Michael.
I will just talk about the first four because they're on my brain constantly all the time
KJ - initially I was gonna make that they actually go frequently to get manicures to have Claws and the pink and yellow painted nails BUT
I've decided that the claws and pink, yellow colors are attributes from their parasite worm Jamie. KJ is SO obsessed and love the look and base their whole wardrobe to match their nails and eye color. Their parasite is like.... a type that can kind of manifest minor attributes based on what the host likes, so most of the time it works out very positively.
Maintaing the sharp nails tho? They'd go get someone to trim them and while they're at it make them look Glossy because when they try to do it themself, they often end up trimming them down really short because their brain Said So and then they turn into a sad wet pathetic beast because they can't go clickity clackity and poke their skin for the Sensation to stim - which gets them agitated and they scratch their skin pretty badly :(
You'd think the sharp nails would enable the scratching but they do the opposite because heehee clickity clackity I'm cured of my mental illness I'm so normal. They also don't bite their nails because of this. Clickity clackity for the fucking win
the only time they trim their own nails is if it's like... just their two middle fingers. For reasons :p
ROGER - Roger paints his nails sometimes! KJ influenced him when he moved in with them because Roger had a real bad habit biting his nails and KJ introduced him to the concept of painting his nails to prevent him from doing it.
And it worked! Roger hasn't completely kicked the habit, he still does it when he's agitated but he tries to paint his nails when he's feeling like that. His nails are also doing way better compared to before :] He just does it himself he finds it fun. He just goes with black most of the time but might use colors that match his hair, clothes or eyes
CASS - So Cass doesn't like. paint her nails really, but at some point she does humor Roger and lets him paint her nails - and claws occasionally.
Cass keeps her nails short and makes sure her claws aren't like Ultra Sharp but still have some grip and can totally still break skin if she puts force into it. This is mainly with hooking up with ladies in mind ;p
at some point she also invests in Claw Caps which are colorful and will at most make marks in skin but won't break it. Roger also likes to paint on them, he paints carrots on them :3
KEITH - Keith is very basic. They paint their nails black at times. Might do something colorful if it's like for a party or something to goof around. They just do it themself, not much for manicures.
They keep their nails short but they don't actively think about it, so if their nails get a bit longer and they get agitated, they'll begin picking at the grown out part to rip it off. most of time this has no consequences other than having to properly cut them later so they're even - but occasionally it will rip into the flesh part and that's just Agony. <- haha that's me usually R.I.P.
KJ is gripping me tho and showing me the delight of long nails and going clickity clackity so no ripping nails for me πŸ’–
and also like.. cutting my nails to be pointy? it really helps smother the ripping urge bc there's not really a flat part on the side i can dig into like there is when the nail is more rectangular in shape. I hope that makes sense lol
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