bwicblog · 7 years
DD: hello is anybody maybe around here right now
ID: kiiinda.
DD: kinda what does kinda mean
DD: i mean i also feel like that is kinda here but i am hoping that is not for the same reason that you feel kinda here because it is on account of feeling pretty awful and i wouldn't want you to feel pretty awful
ID: kinda as in i'm in the trap. so not really glued to my mobile.
ID: also that sucks. are you like. sick? maybe there's a virus going around.
SA: Pheres was also sick... it would be bad if there was a bug, it could have been at Cascara. But I don't remember seeing Dazzle there
SA: I hope you feel better soon.
DD: oh dear i did not mean to contact you while you were
DD: indisposed??
DD: and i have no idea if i am ill with a landdweller disease of some sort or if i am just unsuited to the desert DD: i am probably going to die or something but i am not sure i care very much anymore
DD: but i appreciate the well wishes!!
ID: it's fine, i gotta get my carcass out of the water anyway- uh. wow. mm.
ID: can you just... be. not in the desert if it sucks that much...?
DD: i dont think so i mean not really i mean DD: i am here because i am working with the station for tech development and beta testing and also i am supposed to be somewhere far away from where i was before so that the people who were trying to kill me wouldnt be able to find me so its kind of a twofer
SA: I doubt that, dazzle. Perhaps a doctor would be of use. 😃
DD: and everything hurts and i want my moirail except he is not even my moirail anymore because of the whole i am not around and the murder attempt and all that and there is no water and no fish in this desert and i couldnt even get some orange juice like you said pri because the lady selling it says she doesnt serve seadwellers except she used a much meaner word and everything is awful and
DD: sorry i should not be posting
AC: ..yes a d0ct0r s0unds l1ke a g00d 1dea als0 1f y0ure a seadweller 1n the desert d1d y0u remember t0 keep y0ur g1lls wet?? because thats,, pretty 1mp0rtant actually AC: and 1m s0rry ab0ut the rest 0f that but 1 th1nk thats g0nna get better 1f y0u take care 0f the f1rst th1ng pr0bably def1n1tely
AC: yes l1ke 0a sa1d g0 d0 that 0r g0 1nhale there are als0 patches f0r th1s but 1 d0ubt y0u can get th0se 1f y0u c0uldnt get 0range ju1ce
DD: i have been trying but the water here is different and makes my gills sting and i ordered this little package of blocks you can dissolve in water to make it more akin to saltwater in terms of salt and other mineral content but it is not DD: here yet and i am not sure how long drone delivery takes on land i thought it would be here already
AC: ..th1s 1s g0nna s0und dumb but cant y0u just put salt 1n 1t f0r the t1me be1ng
ID: i mean. throw your hue around a little to the delivery company. that'll get it faster.
DD: (also im afraid i am not sure where to find a doctor but i suspect that is me wallowing because it seems like a difficult tast but so does getting up at all at the moment)
AC: r1ght here actually 0r maybe 1n p0rt m1na but 1 have n0 1dea where 1n the desert y0u are 0r even 1n wh1ch 0ne
DD: oh i am not at the station at this very moment unfortunately but yes there is one other seadweller there the general and i kind of wanted to ask them for help but i think they think im a little bit daft DD: and oh dear i was going to just add salt but then everyone said it wasnt the same so i didnt but
DD: i am in port mina it is the closest town to station 11 which is where i am working!
AC: O:B d0 y0u kn0w the c0ffee sh0p thats shaped l1ke a teap0t
ID: can't you buy sea salt in stores. that... seems like it would work? i think?
SA: salt water is more than salt water it also has a particular mineral content, etc
DD: yes it is super cute i kind of wanted to go there but i am afraid they might not serve me like with the orange juice lady and then i am going to cry in the shop and that will be really embarrassing
SA: otherwise caring for my clown fish would be hell on alternia
SA: they have to serve you. Threaten them.
AC: n0 1ts f1ne 1m w0rk1ng r1ght n0w y0u c0uld def1n1tely c0me 0ver 1f y0u wanted s0meth1ng t0 dr1nk
SA: become mean and hatedul
DD: and oh dear i dont think everybody sees it that way oa but that is very kind of you to say so i mean DD: maybe i should call someone DD: i dont think
DD: er
DD: i
SA: and then reel it back in
AC: please d0nt threaten me actually
DD: i would rather not do that honestly especially since i think you were complaining about people that do that earlier prisma and i dont want people to dislike me and also im not sure if i would even be able to threaten you right now ac i mean unless you are deathly afraid of people crying i can probably threaten you wit hthat
DD: actually i am not even sure if prisma is being serious or maybe making fun of me
AC: yes em0t10nal pe0ple are terr1fy1ng 1f y0u cry 0n me 1ll cry t00 thats sarcasm by the way
ID: yeah pris maybe. don't tell daz to be a jerk to lowbloods i think we. get enough of that.
SA: sometimes I have to be cruel and hateful too to convince higher blooded trolls to take me and my business seriously. But I understand hesitance
ID: from other highbloods.
SA: yes but I know they aren't that way inside so it seemed like a logical solution
SA: I apologize
DD: being hateful sounds like it takes a lot of energy i would rather just DD: i dont know
DD: i dont know im very confused in general right now i think that might be the temperature a little bit
ID: oh. uh i can see why that could. fry your pan. got any ice? put it on like. the back of your neck.
DD: and even if it is sarcasm ac that is okay i dont really know where you are so i could not do that regardless
DD: i think maybe the hotel has an ice machine that is where i am now
DD: i guess it is an inn
DD: oh
DD: i
DD: missed that completely you have my apologies
DD: oh!
AC: 1m a she but yes there was an 0ffer 0f ju1ce here 1t 1s aga1n just t0 be super expl1c1t 1m at the teap0t and 1m 0ffer1ng y0u ju1ce 0r maybe tea the c0ffee 1s g00d t00
DD: oh they said i could have something to drink too that is very kind
DD: she
DD: you have my apologies again i am sorry
DD: i would very much like some orange juice and also maybe tea i have never had tea or orange juice before though i have had coffee though i have kind of been living off of coffee and lattes a little bit theyre very delicious and one of the things that dont taste weird here
DD: also i am sorry for being sorry >:P
DD: you are both very kind however that part is not a joke
AC: y0u havent AC: what?? AC: 0kay we need t0 f1x that 1 mean 1m reallyreally b1ased t0wards the c0ffee here 0r anywhere really but 1f y0uve never had tea y0u need t0 try 0ur lem0n 0ne 1ts great AC: wh1ch s0unds l1ke 1m try1ng t0 adverte f0r us here wh1ch 1m n0t even 1f 1t def1n1tely reads l1ke 1t but yes y0u get the p01nt
DD: i mean right now really the fact that you are willing to make me something without any of that threatening messiness is enough of an advertisement really but it also sounds really nice and i would like to try both the orange juice and the tea and the coffee i mean i havent had enough to drink in general probably and i cant tell how much of it is my gills drying out or actually drinking but yes
DD: once i
DD: figure out how to get up
ID: probably should start with. cold drinks there. with lots of ice.
DD: and no i havent had those things because they do not really happen underwater i guess except in pouches so thats how i am familiar with iced coffee
AC: actually thats g0nna take y0ur b0dy m0re energy t0 heat them up and pr0bably 1snt that great f0r y0u
DD: and oh right there was the ice machine
SA: less sugar will hydrate you faster
DD: oh but i would like something cold right now i dont really
AC: 0h r1ght s0rry 1 f0rg0t ab0ut the underwater th1ng the 0nly seadweller 1 kn0w d0esnt really spend a wh0le l0t 0f t1me there s0 1 tend t0 f0rget that 1ts a,, uh,, a th1ng
DD: i dont think my body heats things up
DD: maybe its the other way around since i am violet i have been using energy to cool everything down
ID: i mean if daz is overheating, cooling him down is. good.
DD: and oh that is interesting
DD: i didnt realize there were people that dont live in the water very much
DD: it seems very difficult
DD: i
DD: i dont know um i suppose everything sounds like it makes sense
DD: i want to run a bath but the fresh water makes things hurt more
DD: maybe i can just put my head in it without breathing it or getting it on my gills
DD: that seems silly but like maybe it would feel nice
DD: take my head out when i need to probably
DD: and oh my lusus is on base actually i would kind of like to crawl into the tank they use for the aquatic lusi but i cant bring an aquatic tendrilbeast to the hotel unfortunately
DD: i can definitely ask the inn staff i think hopefully they have enough available and yes then i am going to do all of those things and then maybe stop dying
DD: sorry that all seems very obvious in retrospect i think maybe i am also not thinking especially clearly at the moment
DD: also um oa are you maybe still okay with bringing me something from the base maybe i think i am probably actually sick but also i dont want to do the threatening thing that prisma mentioned earlier that seems like a good way to make people stop being nice to me or really liking me at all
DD: oh dear well that is a very nice way of putting that and thank you very much i am also very appreciative of your help and also your patience on account i was admittedly wallowing quite a bit earlier and things seem a lot less awful right now DD: and oh my name is dazzle that should also be what the block is under whats your name? and also ac if she is still around she was very nice and i still want to be able to meet her at the teapot cafe later if she still wants to
AC: yes h1 1m st1ll ar0und th1ngs are sl0w t0n1ght 1m lapyen AC: 0r just the blue 0ne 1n the bun and the glasses 0r actually really just the blue 0ne y0u cant m1ss me h0nestly
AC: als0 1m n0t sure 1f y0u can base my actual n1ceness 0n just a c0uple c0mments 1 made t0 y0u 0nl1ne 0ver the span 0f half an h0ur and 1f 1t really w0rks l1ke that and as a sec0nd als0 thats really 0m1n0us and 1m super cur10us what y0u even mean by that 0a
DD: that sounds very dramatic!! DD: the youll know comment i mean not the blue thing the blue thing makes a lot of sense actually given my recent experiences and i feel kind of bad to be happy that there is someone kind of highblooded around because that seems a little unkind of me but yes i mean youre very nice and i have learned recently i am not good at talking to lowbloods that i am not working with DD: and it is not just the comments i mean also you are inviting me for tea and all of those things thats pretty nice
AC: 0h n0n0 d0nt w0rry 1 def1n1tely get that 1t can be really super awkward t0 talk t0 l0wbl00ds 1f y0ure n0t used t0 1t and als0 theres _s0_ much y0u can d0 wr0ng when y0u d0 that 1ts a l1ttle terr1fy1ng 1f y0ure n0t fr1ends w1th them already AC: als0 1 c0uld be lur1ng y0u 1n t0 r0b y0u y0u d0nt kn0w my m0t1vat10ns 1 mean 1m n0t and als0 that w0uld be pretty hard 1n br0ad m00nl1ght 1n a p0pulated area but 1m g0nna st0p typ1ng n0w
AC: a f1gure?? what k1nd 0f f1gure 0h my g0d
DD: well in that case i look forward to seeing you i mean if you decide to come up i am not sure if you wanted to with the staff comments or anything but that sounds intruiging and you have created an air of mystery and intrique DD: and yes that is a good description of how i feel lapyen i mean prisma and hadean and riccin have all been very nice but even then i messed up and prisma yelled at me so i am not always the best at being social with people at all really DD: though i think probably i dont think anybody would try to rob me or i mean you could try but i dont think it would work very well especially not like in a crowded teashop where you are employed : P
OA: ;o(
DD: omg ahaha
DD: ow
DD: that hurt but i am going to keep laughing anyways because i do not think i have smiled in two nights
OA: :o)
DD: theyre kind of stuck im not sure if i could even rip them even by laughing 😦
DD: i tried to peel one open earlier with my claws but i almost ripped a filament instead and they are all gummy and theyre not supposed to be
OA: >:o?
AC: n0t that k1nd 0f f1gure 0h my g0d ab0rt ab0rt AC: but als0 d0uble 0h my g0d that d0esnt s0und l1ke 1ts supp0sed t0 be l1ke that maybe def11ntely d0 the salt th1ng and then let me take a l00k at them later 1f y0ure,, uh,, 1f y0ure c0mf0rtable w1th that?? because 1f theyre s0 dry theyre glued shut theres a teeny t1ny r1sk 0f 1nfect10n n0th1ng t0 w0rry ab0ut but maybe s0meth1ng t0,, t0 l00k at
DD: oh dear
DD: it is pretty nasty yes especially because it is my body and i like my gills i also like them being working and not infected and
DD: um that is to say yes i would appreciate that lapyen if you are okay with that i mean you mentioned earlier you are a docterrorist and i dont know where else to find one and
DD: oh dear
OA: >:o?
DD: oh um i thought maybe you already were i think you mentioned they had medicine earlier but i am not sure what they have really or how it works or what i need which is not very helpful of me
AC: um
AC: actually maybe read the l1ttle,, uh,, the n0tes that c0me w1th them and als0 d0nt take all 0f them at 0nce under abs0lutely n0 c1rcumstances
DD: oh dear
AC: just read the 1nstruct10n leaflets 1ts all 1n there 1ts f1ne
DD: that sounds like a good idea i am going to do that i mean if you are a docterrorist you know better probably
AC: s0rry n0 0ffense but 1 d0nt th1nk 1m g01ng t0,, 1 mean attend1ng med sch00l feeds just t0 kn0w that leaflets are 1n there t0 be read and n0t t0 take up space
AC: yes theyre exactly l1ke b00ze wh1ch 1s why y0u expl1c1tly d0nt d0 that please
AH: hahah oh wow poor Lapyen
AH: sorry Riccin's dumb ass came to ruin your evening
AC: 1ts n0t ru1ned my even1ng 1s f1ne but thanks and h1 gl1ese
AH: give it time. they're good at being a little bitch. but sup, how's life
AH: I went to a ren fair a little while ago, shit was wild
AH: what have you been doing? you landed that new gig, right?
AC: 0kay that s0unds k1nd 0f,, 1nterest1ng 1 guess was that c00l?? AC: and yes!! 1m d01ng an 1nternsh1p r1ght n0w we w0rk w1th r0b0ts 1ts supersuper c00l and h0nestly a really welc0me break fr0m sch00lfeeds 1m n0t say1ng that the stress 1s t00 much but the stress 1s pr0bably,, k1nd 0f a l1ttle b1t t00 much
AH: Haha damn, no, it probably is. It was interesting for _me_ , that's for sure, given I dragged a friend's sorry ass off to a mediculler, saw some absolutely fucking atrocious fashion, met up with Canela again, and met some new people.
DD: what no riccin has been lovely they are being very nice and are helping me out i dont think that counts as being that
AH: But what kind of robots are you working with. Are they cool?
AH: lmao Riccin's probably just sucking up because you're violet
AH: I can't be bothered to backread
AH: but I'd bet money
DD: i mean they didnt ask me to pay them or anything
AC: theyre very c00l but als0 we just g0t a b1g gr0up 0f cust0mers s0rry 1 reallyreally need t0 put my ph0ne away AC: y0u can t0tally talk t0 me ab0ut that later th0ugh and dazzle y0u can abs0lutely st1ll c0me 1n whenever y0u feel l1ke 1t s0rry bye
AH: well why would they, they have clowns taking care of their oversized ass
AH: they just like to feel important
DD: i hope you have a good night that sounds like a lot of work and i will definitely come by when i am feeling like i can walk!!
DD: and i mean you said money
AH: awww, damn
AH: but good luck and all
AH: ...I said I _bet_ money, not that you were paying them lol
AH: learn to read
DD: i can read i am just having a hard time doing so on account of everything being very hazy at the moment but also to clarify saying id bet money can be interpreted as you betting money on it or betting that money is the key factor hence the nature of my misunderstanding
DD: but also i dont think anybody has felt much like ingratiating themselves with me lately and instead its been more of the opposite so i think riccin is just being a nice person
AH: holy shit, who fed you caffeine, I want a word
AH: Also lmao you have terrible fucking judgment if you think Riccin is nice
AH: but then I guess they would be to you because they're like...loyal to clowns and up
AH: I think
AH: I don't know how their crazy pan works
DD: i mean they were very nice to lapyen as well and also i havent had caffeine in a while i heard it dehydrates you and i am having trouble with that lately so i did not want to make it worse
AH: mother grub, what the fuck, are you dried out or something? go jump in a lake or whatever, surely you have _that_ much survival instinct.
AH: or does fresh water hurt seadwellers? try it and let me know.
AH: wow look what the meowbeast dragged in
AH: the world's worst yellowblood
AH: also, I was legit just giving Lapyen a warning because I'm a good fucking friend, but you know, if you wanna froth at the bit for some words your way, be my guest
AH: that's not pathetic at all
AH: ...Dazzle
AH: Their name is _Dazzle_ ??
AH: ahahaha fuck that's amazing, only a fish would have a name that stupid
IA: :(
AH: Yeah, I know the concept's foreign to you, but try to understand
AH: Who told what lie, you're making even less sense than usual
AH: which is a fucking accomplishment
AH: also wow, a single sad smiley face, IA. Really pulling on my pumper strings here. Let me borrow Hadean's violin and play it for you.
AH: Oh wait, my strings broke.
AH: Fucking tragic.
DD: i am not in the tub i tried to get in and it made everything hurt and i decided to wait for the salt DD: and my name isnt stupid i use that one because its fun its actually my last name and my first one is laurel DD: so you can use that if it helps you not be a total jerk
IA: Why is every-one fighting all the time in here :(
AH: because we'd be bored as hell otherwise, _duh_
AH: what are you, a wriggler? grow a backbone
AH: when a seadweller's a pansy it's extra sad
AH: Laurel's a little better yeah. Also fuck you I am the _finest_ of bile, the absolute queen of bitterness, it's right in my fucking handle you blind ass.
AH: Yeah well it's a shame someone so wordy has so little to say, so...what are we gonna do here.
IA: I just th-ought this was supp-osed t-o be a fun, Empire run chat, I didn't expect t-o run int-o s-o many c-onfr-ontati-onal tr-olls.
AH: Your first mistake was putting "fun" and "Empire run" in the same sentence. I mean it is fun in here but it sure as hell isn't because of the Empire.
AH: Literally all we owe them for is making the stupid thing.
AH: Not like _they_ provide entertainment.
AH: Bunch of boring nerds.
AH: wow did everyone piss themselves in fear when I walked in or what.
SA: Hello Gliese.
AH: sup
SA: how has your evening been?
AH: I had to run around extra because somebody fucked up my lusus's water, but at least it got settled.
AH: So mostly routine aside from that.
AH: You?
IA: I ap-ologize, I'm a bit distracted between things. I'll be swimming in and -out.
SA: your lusus's water? What happened...?
SA: I am fine. I had breakfast with sipara and hadean this morning.
SA: hello, IA.
AH: And we all miss you so fucking terribly, IA, bland as water as you are...pun not intended.
AH: Nothing much, but some dumb kid knocked over his trough.
IA: Hell-o Pris!
AH: I was pissed, but judging from how they were shaking I think it was an accident, so I let them off with a cuff and a warning.
SA: how are you, IA? aside from busy.
SA: hmm. I'm sorry
SA; I hope they are. Feeling better now.
AH: Eh, probably, not like I actually hurt them
AH: They were probably like six sweeps max
AH: Not worth it
SA: Oh I meant you rlusus but yes, hitting children is often not encouraged by myself.
AH: Oh, yeah, he's fine. Luckily I had more on me, I'll just have to order extra.
AH: I also gave him some carrots, he's good.
AH: You like, don't have a lusus right?
AH: That must've been weird
SA: it was not terribly weird.
AH: Really?
SA: it was stranger when I realized it wasn't the norm.
AH: Oh lmao
AH: I guess that makes sense
SA: i was raised and cared for in a fairly neticulous way.
SA: it levelled out much of my development, I suppose.
SA; rather than being raised by
SA: ...
IA: Y-ou're quite mean AH
SA: an ibis?
SA: I think it was an Ibis.
SA: I could just be filling in, though.
SA: I genuinely don't remember.
AH: Nooooo
AH: God you sound like Kit, except even he's learned better by now
AH: Ibises are cool
AH: Don't a lot of lowbloods have bird lusii?
AH: Could swear I heard that somewhere
SA: I couldn't tell you the statisticla information on that.
IA: Als-o I'm d-oing well Pris, thank y-ou f-or asking!
AH: Dunno, bunch of them from my town did. Even Matari's lusus had wings and it was a hoofbeast.
IA: It's fairly hit -or miss isn't it? I'm n-ot sure if I've met a l-ot -of l-owbl-o-ods with bird lusii myself.
AH: have you met a lot of lowbloods _anyway_
AH: how much do you even come out of the ocean
IA: The last time I've been in the -ocean was ab-out three m-onths ag-o and bef-ore that, nearly a year. I w-ork m-ostly -on land.
IA: I meet and talk with a l-ot -of l-owbl-o-ods actually :)
AH: yeah okay probably by sticking a blade in them or something
AH: protip: gurgling doesn't count as conversation
IA: I d-on't d-o that :(
IA: Why w-ould I d-o that?
AH: Uhhhh
AH: You're a SEADWELLER??? Y'all fucks make my caste look meek with your goddamn murder fetish.
AH: It's a reasonable assumption.
IA: I m-ost certainly have a let's-n-ot-murder fetish
AH: Haha wow that was some of the most awkward phrasing ever
AH: The fuck do you do then
IA: I'm a detective! I w-ork with the Empire here -on Alternia and l-ocal g-overnments t-o help reduce and prevent crime.
IA: F-or all castes, I may add
AH: lol yeah pull the other one
AH: everyone knows the system's rigged to high hell
AH: I mean I get it, whatever, you all want to ~do justice~ for those of us who'll still be around in a hundred sweeps to hate your faces
AH: but still
IA: It's tail-ored t-o the standards -one w-ould expect f-or -our vi-olent s-ociety, yes, but I d-on't mind n-or care what -others think -of me in a hundred sweeps.
IA: And just because -our system is tail-ored s-o d-oesn't mean I can't d-o my best t-o make pe-oples' lives easier AND better.
AH: Yeah, sure, even a violet can't do a whole lot to change a system run by tyrians. Unless you're gonna argue with them, in which case, have fun with that.
IA: Well, thank y-ou! I d-o l-o-ok f-orward t-o pr-ove y-ou wr-ong :) I have already seen the differences I've made and it's m-ore than en-ough t-o make everything w-orth it!
IA: My name is Nemm-on, what's y-ours, AH?
AH: Gliese, though you have no idea how tempted I was to tell you something stupid and see if you bought it.
AH: I mean we have _Dazzle_ in here.
AH: And the only reason I'm pretty sure they're not making it up is that they seem too dumb for that and because they're a fish.
IA: Well there is n-o way f-or me t-o verify it if y-ou did lie t-o me.
IA: Why didn't y-ou?
AH: Meh, might make things confusing later.
AH: Also you'd probably not question it and be boring as usual so what's the point.
IA: That's kind -of y-ou Gliese :)
AH: Please, I couldn't care less about your feelings, this is purely for my own convenience. I care more about the dumb kid who knocked over my lusus's water trough earlier than you.
IA: I didn't say anything ab-out my feelings, i just stated it was kind -of y-ou t-o decide against lying. I h-ope y-our lusus is alright th-ough?
AH: Kind for who, if you don't care. Also stop being nice it's weird.
AH: Even Budino being depressing was better than this
AH: You just sound creepy
IA: I'm s-orry :(
AH: and now we're back to boring
AH: is ANYONE ELSE in here before I give up or die of dullness.
OA: hONk.
IA: W-ould y-ou be m-ore c-omf-ortable if I wasn't nice?
AH: not really because then you'd be fake as hell and that's even worse
AH: I'm less uncomfortable and more wondering how anyone can be so tedious without wanting to stab themselves.
AH: Hey Riccin look it's another fish. Go kiss ass like you were hatched to do.
AH: Entertain me.
IA: I'd rather we didn't kiss my rear.
AH: aw, you ruined Riccin's night
AH: how could you
IA: :( It'd make me extremely unc-omf-rtable
AH: lmao what
AH: I know two fish and one of those is older than dirt
AH: and the other is Canela, who's probably on another date as we speak
AH: and possibly ditching said date again if they suck lmao
AH: fun fact, Nemmon, nobody gives a shit
AH: lmao you don't know Canela do you?
AH: she does that to all her friends
AH: she's just bubbly
IA: Y-ou're c-orrext --OA, I have been! I've been w-orking hard lately and haven't had much time t-o s-cialize
AH: lmao that went right over _your_ head
OA: :o)
AH: whatever, you weren't contributing anything valuable anyway
IA: --Oh I'm s-orry, is there an-other IA? I wasn't aware and I ap-ologize!
AH: oh my god how is anyone this dense
AH: even Riccin's not this dense
AH: I'm fucking mourning now
IA: I have n-o c-ontext f-or this c-onversati-on, Gliese.
IA: I'm afraid I d-on't kn-ow the regulars.
AH: Okay WOW I'm going to spell this out for you and then go
AH: because I'm fucking exhausted by your existence
AH: Riccin MEANT that you were sparse with SPAMMING HEART EMOJIS compared to CANELA, who uses them like they're going out of style because she just fucking does that
AH: and now I'm going, because I have shit to do and a thinkpan to maintain
IA: Bye Gliese! :)
IA: S-o h-ow are y-ou --OA?
IA: Riccen, right?
IA: I see! Pleasure t-o meet y-ou Riccin!
IA: I'm d-oing very well, thank you f-or asking!! It's a sl-ow night but a g-o-od -one t-o relax -on.
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
TC: h=owdy fr=om several h=ours in the future
MD: What are you doing se:veral hours in the future?
MD: This is Cyrrus, by the way. I'm uh MD: Tallow's friend. MD: My palmhusk came in.
SA: im dead and I'm back at my hotel. starving.
AH: what, really, Prisma?
AH: did you not buy food?
VV: ♚ ~ Room service, Honeycomb. Room service...It'd be rather upsetting if you simply wasted away, yes?
AH: lmao I don't think he's _that_ stupid.
AH: Only someone who deserves to be culled anyway just sits there and lets themselves die.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh my! Such a strong opinion. But I guess one so well suited for this world like a blueblood would have the most reasonable views on the matter anyway. Survival of the fittest and all that!
TT: hah The fu(\/)king nerd forgoT To eaT
AH: He was a little fucking busy.
AH: Also where the fuck have you been, it's been forever.
VV: ♚ ~ So many royal hues tonight oh my. hehe I'd say it's an honor but I think we all know where the honors lie. With all of us. Naturally.
TT: iTs been a few days (\/)hill The fu(\/)k Tf ouT TT: why did you miss me so mu(\/)h
TT: lol whaT
VV: ♚ ~ hm?
VV: ♚ ~ I know you're wonderfully educated. I feel reiterating myself would simply be offensive.....What is your name? I don't particularly enjoy just typing 'TT' to someone of such standing.
TT: whaT is even ^ wiTh you like wiTh The (\/)rown and The royalTy Talk like whaT TT: i donT parTi(\/)ularly enjoy jusT Typing To you eiTher so i mean
VV: ♚ ~ It's called an aesthetic and image which I'm shocked you don't care about.
AH: what, really? I must've missed you then. And I didn't but I wondered if your dumb ass crawled off and died or something.
VV: ♚ ~ Ohoho
AH: why are you het up about the poncy rust, TT
AH: this chatroom has way worse dickbags
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic's my name. I appreciate the observation but my name is much more delightful I think.
AH: Read that as Purrdia for five seconds. You're a meowbeast in my head now.
VV: ♚ ~ oh how cute I'm rather okay with this :3c A lovely one I hope, one of those long haired cuties.
AH: uhhh I was just thinking like, a generic cat, I'm not that great with animals.
AH: what kind are you talking about. because I don't know fuck shit about cats, honestly. They eat squeakbeasts and roll around in catnip. That's it.
VV: ♚ ~ A long haired, cutey one it is. I got one for my dearest, Dolora recently here they look like this.
_VV has sent meowmeow .jpg_
SA: cats are much more precious than that.
RS: | Dolora has a Meowbeast | ? | How Charming |
SA: No, Sipara's comment about emerel and pheres banging and Hadean's kink 101 lessons quite did me in.
AH: Oh that's kinda cute.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! I'm glad the darling honeycomb didn't expire.
SA: I don't want to eat anymore.
SA: ever, actually.
AH: ...their WHAT now
RS: | I didn't Think He wa the Ty
AH: never mind
RS: | What |
AH: I don't wanna know
VV: ♚ ~ And yes my dearest Dolora has a meow-beast. A lovely troll named Steamy said I should get it for him. So he is less lonely when I can't be around.
AH: lol, STEAMY?
VV: ♚ ~ Also....Prisma excuse me but what
AH: What kind of name is that.
RS: | Yes | I think | I am Going to Ignore That as Well |
RS: | Because I also Do Nott WAnt to Know | Frankly |
RS: | Tell Us about Your Cat | =:B | ! |
AH: also lmao at Hadean. I bet he's a total virgin.
AH: It'd explain his bad mood.
VV: ♚ ~ I think the blue blood here is much more interested in intimate details of others than a purrbeast. 0:
VV: ♚ ~ I haven't a clue as to what sort of name that is for a Madam but it was the one I was given so Steamy it is. Is your name any better for that matter though? I'd truly love to know it, as it's only polite seeing as I've given my own~
AH: what, mine?
VV: ♚ ~ I'd say no the other AH initial having blue blood, but I really do admire your boldness! So yes you deary.
AH: Idk, maybe you were talking to Pheres, I don't know your life.
AH: I'm Gliese.
WC: ~(Hello hello ^_^)
AH: well somebody's cheerful.
WC: ~(Wait did someone say my name?)
AH: cull an enemy or something?
WC: ~(I still regret giving you the idea for that poor cat) WC: ~(Is it at least getting fed?)
WC: ~(Haha, no. I'm just like this, I guess!)
AH: oh my god
VV: ♚ ~ Please to meet you Gliese-- VV: ♚ ~ No no it's a great cat!! It's being extremely well taken care of. I LOVE Prince Player Slayer.
AH: Your lusus actually named you _Steamy._
AH: ahahaha oh my god
VV: ♚ ~ And I'm sure Dolora does as well
WC: ~(Prince what)
AH: You named it fucking _Player Slayer_.
AH: That's the stupidest thing ever, I'm laughing my face off.
VV: ♚ ~ PRINCESS Player Slayer.
WC: ~(Well isn't that a bowl and a half of sugargrubs)
AH: bowl and a half of idiot crazy, lmao.
SA: what does being a "total virgin" have to do with someone's ... mood..
SA: I too am a "total virgin" and it doesn't change the fact i've been lobotomized.
WC: ~(Oh, it's just a silly insult!) WC: ~(There's really no problem with being the not pailing type!)
SA: I ordered sushi.
AH: I was joking, Prisma
SA: again.
AH: jeez
SA: I don't believe you.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes, Prisma, has the right idea. Being judgmental of my darling Princess is not a thing to do.
VV: ♚ ~ Who apparently has many things also going on . Enlightening.
AH: oh come on I _know_ Hadean's grumpiness just comes from his inherent trash fire of a personality, not a lack of being laid
SA: He isn't a trash fire. I rather like him.
AH: Oh I think he's great
SA: You on the other hand are another story.
AH: but he's a total trash fire
SA: My little princess, I'm sorry I kept disappearing on you,
WC: ~(Who's Hadean again?)
SA: I'm happy to have finally seen you.
SA: You are very cute.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh~? A trash...fire...sounds interesting.
WC: ~(I can barely keep up with all these names!)
AH: he's ID on here, redblood dude, professional food moocher and picker of stupid fights.
VV: ♚ ~ Thank you ❤ I thought so as well. You're just as handsome as your picture was. A pleasant surprise with how many simply lie.
VV: ♚ ~ Define a stupid fight. I want to know more now!
SA: a fight not unlike the one I was in with...
SA: I've forgotten their name 😦
WC: ~(ID? What?)
WC: ~(Wait that's right)
WC: ~(Different ID)
Sa: and of course. I have nothing to gain by lying to you about my looks 😃
SA: did you have fun at the fair?
AH: What, didn't you hear? He fought a jadeblood dude. a.k.a MN. a.k.a Emerel
AH: They both fucked each other up.
WC: ~(Oh my god) WC: ~(Are they okay?)
AH: Idk, haven't seen Em yet, but Hadean's fine...ish.
AH: ...I want to see Em, but I don't think they'd want me around.
AH: Which fair I guess.
RS: | That is About Right |
SA: Emerel is signifiantly less fucked up, but they still look like trash.
RS: | You had Plenty of Opportunity to Visit After the Fight |
SA: but I only saw them briefly
RS: | But He is Recuperating |
RS: | So | No | No Visitors | =:) |
VV: ♚ ~ A jade blood, oh my.
VV: ♚ ~ Sorry Honeycomb, I did have loads of fun but I'm rather intrigued by this supposed blood lust that has happened oh my!
AH: Oh please, Pheres, like you weren't freaking the hell out. And you wouldn't have let me in anyway. You don't have to pretend.
AH: I get it.
SA: it was exciting until it turned into a fight to the death.
SA: then it was less exciting.
RS: | Am I Pretending | ? | I thought I Said Outright | You are Not Wanted as a Visitor | =:? |
WC: ~(How awful) WC: ~(I certainly hope he recovers soon!)
AH: You said I could have visited after the fight, but I know full well that wouldn't have gone well.
AH: But it's fine. I'll see him later.
AH: I'm just glad he's recovering.
VV: ♚ ~If It was as deadly as is being told I truly wonder if a speedy recovery is possible?
RS: | Oh | Please | RS: | We have No Idea How that Would've Gone | Given You were Busy Fussing over Hadean |
SA: :3c
AH: Uh, yeah, considering he was in trouble.
RS: | But | Let's not Drag Out a Fight Into Public Like This |
WC: ~(Is this really what you want to fight about?)
RS: | It's Unbecoming |
VV: ♚ ~ No, no. It gives some good unbiased opinions on the matter!
VV: ♚ ~ There's two sides to every story and all that of course
WC: ~(Perdia. I don't feel like unbiased is the word you're looking for)
VV: ♚ ~ Oh but it is I promise!
RS: | Hahaha | Do You Constitute as Unbiased | ? | =:P |
WC: ~(Somehow I don't feel like unbiased is in your vocabulary)
AH: Sure there is, but your eagerness makes me kinda uncomfortable.
VV: ♚ ~ I have no idea who anyone or anything is. I have no bias. Negative.
VV: ♚ ~ Pure minded as they come!
WC: ~(Uh uh)
AH: So whatever, I guess.
WC: ~(Speaking of, why ARE you fake dating your matesprit?)
AH: wow.
WC: ~(What do you get out of that in terms of benefits?)
RS: | Perhaps I will Give You the Details in Private | Then |
RS: | In the Name of Gaining Relevant Second-ha | RS: | Hahaha | Heavens |
AH: one door closes another opens I guess.
VV: ♚ ~ I must admit the eagerness is in partial that I haven't had a particularly interesting--- VV:♚ ~ Excuse me
VV: ♚ ~ He is NOT fake
RS: | Who is Your Matesprit | Again | ? |
VV: ♚ ~ You can ask Dolora himself of our status!
SA: but little princess, that just means we can sabotage all of it.
WC: ~(You weren't exactly...good at hiding the fact that you don't care much about him)
RS: | Oh | ! | Dolora | ! |
AH: hahah wow
RS: | How Charming |
AH: who the heck is Dolora
VV: ♚ ~ I purchased him a meowbeast, to make up for my absence. I care a LOT about him
SA: Oh, perdia you have a matesprit?
RS: | She Does | ! | Evidently |
VV: ♚ ~ I do.
WC: ~(No, you got it to torture him)
WC: ~(I was there, remember?)
VV: ♚ ~ I did nothing of the sort.
WC: ~(Uh huh)
SA: Oh, that's exicitng news.
SA: I didn't know that.
WC: ~(If you say so >-> )
SA: 😢 now you will never truly be my little princess 💎
VV: ♚ ~ It's incredibly exciting and romantic and pleasurable. Being accused of anything less of my dedication to him it's rather upsetting--
SA: I'm teasing.
WC: ~(If you say so, dear.)
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! You almost had me Honeycomb
SA: If she says it';s romantic and pleasurable and exciting and she says she's faithful
SA: then she's faithful.
SA: why antagonize her furhter.
RS: | Oh | Don't Worry | Prisma |
RS: | Teasing or Not |
SA: Why so, Pheres?
RS: | Young Love is Rarely a Lasting Thing | =:B | Give It Five Sweeps |
RS: | I am Sure She will be There | To be Swept Off of Her Feet |
VV: ♚ ~ Hmph
SA: then what's your current relationship?
RS: | | I am Teasing | By the Way |
AH: lmao I side with Pheres on this one.
TT: i swear To fu(\/)king god if anoTher shiTTy ass supporT main ruins anoTher one of my games i am going To piss on everyThing everyone loves and break someone's fooT.
AH: young quads are - LOL HI
TT: also whaT did i miss
AH: not much
AH: sounds like you've been having a hell of a time though lmao
VV: ♚ ~ Is there a plan to be sweeping me off my feet? VV: ♚ ~ Ah, the crabby one has returned
WC: ~(Why don't you tell us how you really feel)
RS: | Hahaha | Unlikely to Last Past Ascension | Given Our Castes | RS: | But You Know That | So It's a rather Unkind Thing to Bring Up | Prisma |
VV: ♚ ~ You sound the sort to piss on anything regardless of being angered enough to do so
RS: | Did I Upset You | ? | =:( |
SA: It was unkind of you to bring it up to perdia as a joke or not.
SA: feelings are very real, no matter how short they are.
SA: or how idealistic and naive.
TT: all i feel is anger and vinager running Through my veins
AH: you are not the dude I expected a defense of young love from, Prisma, so I admit this kinda throws me
WC: ~(Would you like a chocolate bar)
AH: what're you gonna do
AH: beam it to them through the internet?
SA: i find feelings to be very important, seeing as I cannot feel them myself
TT: my lusus Tells me To never Take (\/)andy from sTrangers when he was alive
TT: buT The biT(\/)h is dead so whaT flavor
RS: | Heavens | I did Upset You | RS: | My Apologies | ! | It was a Joke | One that She Herself did Not Appear to Take Remiss |
WC: ~(That wasn't literal, Gliese)
AH: Then how can you find them important if you don't feel anything.
SA: It's fine.
WC: ~(I don't even have any chocolate anyway!)
SA: I am calm.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm not, dearest Honeycomb. HAHA!
SA: like always 😒
TT: i haTe This (\/)haT everyone lies
WC: ~(I'm sorry you had a bad day) WC: ~(I hope it gets better!)
SA: You're not what--
RS: | Calm | ? |
VV: ♚ ~ Calm. but I also kid. I'm fine. It's fine.
SA: oh. Good.
VV: ♚ ~ Everyone's just so incredibly colorful here.
SA: this is good.
VV: ♚ ~ what isn't there to be calm about.
SA: I'm always calm Pheres, that was the joke.
SA: Hah. I have gotten you.
SA: like you have gotten me.
RS: | | | | Haha | =:? |
WC: ~(Sorry! >=<)
VV: ♚ ~ Chocolate, rage and vinegar. You're going to keel over and have a pusher attack at this rate my god.
WC: ~(My matesprit brought me some earlier but I kind of....ate it...all of it.......)
TT: i am like eighT i (\/)anT die so TT: anyway ThaT is unforTunaTe if They really loved you They wouldve given you more (\/)ho(\/)olaTe
SA: food is the ultimate display of love.
AH: booooring
WC: ~(I think he was also being chased by angry bluebloods or something at the time) WC: ~(So I didn't see him for long)
AH: why not having cool adventures together as the ultimate display of love.
WC: ~(Oh, we do!)
AH: That wasn't at you but okay cool.
WC: ~(Whoops, sorry)
AH: good to know you're not totally boring
SA: Pheres, you called emerel habibi
SA: are you from that area?
SA: I speak that language.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Haha | Ah | Yes |
TT: The only boring one here is The one Talking abouT languages To be Tbqh
SA: and I don't care what you think since you're pissing on things that make you angry like a spoiled grub 😃
AH: Languages aren't bad.
WC: ~(I wish I had a crunchy chocolate bar to offer you)
SA: I didn't spend very long there, but I remember the ocean.
AH: Man, get the stick out of your bum, it's not even funny anymore.
SA: I wish I could go back.
RS: | Well | Why don't You | ? | It's hardly Moved | Haha |
TT: you wish you goT The sTi(\/)k in your bum ba(\/)k????
WC: ~(Scandalous!)
SA: i feel like if I did it would ruin the illusion. You know, like rosetinted classes.
SA: perhaps I'm only fond of it because I don't completely grasp it.
WC: ~((. ◕ o ◕.))
SA: Do you visit it, very often?
RS: | The Ocean is Nice | Ah | My Hivestem was Farther In-land than That | But | RS: | I Saw It as an Adolescent | It | - | RS: | Hahaha | Glasses | =:B |
SA: Oh.
SA: yes, glasses.
MD: Hello.
SA: 😊
RS: | Mm | ! | Meukit Lives in Hanhai | Which | is One of the Northern Regions | of the Southern Hemisphere | RS: | So I Visit It Frequently |
RS: | I Suspect Yours may be Farther South | We've only Got a Touch of Coast |
MD: Coast where?
RS: | ? |
RS: | Oh | Ocean Coast | !|
MD: What does that look like?
VV: ♚ ~ Ah, nice, travel talk. I come back to more pleasant things. I'm so delighted~ VV: ♚ ~ Yes, do describe it in great detail. Make a slide show even, a full presentation.
SA: Meukit?
SA: Oh, it most likely was... I just remember a very large, gleaming city. It was like marble.
DD: A busy ᵰight full of oceaᵰ talk. Color ᵯe surprised.
SA: that was it, though. That and the ocean.
MD: Hello, Servitor.
VV: ♚ ~ Sounds incredibly lovely~ VV: ♚ ~ Servitor....?
RS: | Meukit | ! | cerebral Cottontail | He is on Here | Sometimes | He's got a Lovely Fashion Blog | RS: | And | Oh | That sounds Lovely | Yes | It was not Hanhai | Then | Haha | RS: | Our Cities are | Mm | | | Sooty | or Else | They're Temasek | =:B |
SA: Oh, is he perhaps the blue one?
AH: Frickin' clown-filled Temasek.
RS: | You should Visit Us | Then | RS: | It can Hardly Destroy Your Nostalgia |
DD: Ah. Hello agaiᵰ.
SA: perhaps I will. I want to travel.
RS: | But | Perhaps You will Find It Charming |
RS: | Mm | He is the Blue One |
SA: I've met him, briefly. I think...
SA: they were interesting to talk to.
MD: How is your lusus?
VV: ♚ ~ Allow me to join you if you do Prisma! I'm rather interested myself...and am in need of some proverbial leg stretching. Dense cities get to be too much often.
SA: Do you live in Provenence, Perdia?
SA: Pheres, do the cities there have the early markets? I've heard about them while reading about other cities.
DD: Sated for the ᵰight. Aᵰd how are you? Have you beeᵰ reflectiᵰg oᵰ what I told you before?
MD: Yes sir. MD: I think I':ve been doing well.
RS: | Yes | ! | We Do | Haha |
MD: Thank you for teaching me, sir.
RS: | All of the Cities Do |
DD: Well it's the least I caᵰ do. Are you acquaiᵰtaᵰces with the other trolls iᵰ this chatrooᵯ?
MD: I know Pheres.
MD: Hi Pheres.
RS: | | But | Oh | Hold On | RS: | I'm Sorry to Cut This Short | But | RS: | There is Something I Need to Deal Wit | ? | ? |
SA: do they? That's amazing... I need to acquire fresh dates. We had dates, I think. Perdia, we could go to the market and get dates.
SA: Oh, yes.
SA: take care, Pheres.
MD: Oh MD: Bye.
RS: | Hello | ! | RS: | Ah | Forgive Me | I'm not Placing a Name to Your Handle |
MD: It's Cyrrus.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | Cyrrus | ! |
RS: | Hello | =:B | How are You | ? |
MD: Pretty good! Tallow isn't hurt today.
DD: Ah. The ᵯarooᵰ is Pheres. I see.
MD: So it's a good day.
DD: Well. Oᵰe of the ᵯarooᵰs.
RS: | | Wait | No | RS: | Ahh | Let Me Message You Later Tonight | ! | And We will Talk | I Promise | RS: | I need to Check on Emerel | =:( | My Sincere Apologies |
MD: What happened to Emerel?
MD: Is he okay?
VV: ♚ ~ I do not reside there but further inland actually Prisma!! VV: ♚ ~ Oh more guests~
RS: | Later | ! | I will Tell You Later | Haha |
MD: Okay
MD: See ya
VV: ♚ ~ Tah,tah~
SA: Further inland... That would be easy for me to reach. We could tour provenance if you would like.
DD: I hope I didᵰ't frighteᵰ hiᵯ off. ᵯarooᵰs caᵰ be so delicate.
MD: No MD: Emerel is his matesprit.
SA: I think Pheres is stronger than that.
MD: Did something happen? Does anyone know?
VV: ♚ ~ !! I'd adore that. Ballet is having some off time anyway, I should take hold of the opportunity. VV:♚ ~ I'm rather unsure actually if anything happened....Citrus was it?
MD: Cyrrus.
DD: Aᵰd Eᵯerel is...?
MD: His..matesprit. He's green.
MD: I don't know much else.
MD: He mostly talks to my friend more than he does me.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh that makes much more sense then. I'd have thought you wouldn't match such a fruit name after all.
DD: Ah. Hᵯ. Well good for the ᵯarooᵰ. Pheres. I'ᵯ sure greeᵰ is a good step for hiᵯ.
DD: Is the other ᵯarooᵰ botheriᵰg you ᵯD? Or. Cyrrus I suppose.
MD: I'm not : very fruity, no. MD: Whoops.
MD: Ah MD: It's okay. I don't mind.
VV: ♚ ~ Other maroon...
DD: Hᵯ. Well, if you say so. Yes, you. You're the other ᵯarooᵰ.
VV: ♚ ~ Excuse me, my higher hued companions, but I'd truly appreciate my name. Here! Let's start this over with proper introductions. VV: ♚ ~ Perdia Averic, pleased to make your acquaintance~
VV: ♚ ~ There~ Now I'm not just 'another maroon' I'm _a particular maroon_.
MD: Uh MD: Nice to meet you.
DD: Hᵯ. You ᵯay call ᵯe Servitor. Particular ᵯarooᵰ Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ Charmed I'm sure, Cyrrus and Serpintine.
VV: ♚ ~ Oop! I meant Servitor.
MD: Now you're just doing this on purpose.
VV: ♚ ~ Had my nails done today it makes typing tricky at times haha
VV: ♚ ~ I truly apologize from the bottom of my pusher.
DD: Lowblood two-facedᵰess is ᵰot welcoᵯe. Try to keep your ᵯaᵰᵰers.
VV: ♚ ~ Not two faced at all I assure you! A singular face truly trying their best at the moment dearest seadweller. VV: ♚ ~ I take great pride in my appearance so really, I do mean that my nails can make it...rather difficult to type. VV: ♚ ~ You'd be astonished just how untrustworthy talk-to-text programs can be.
MD: That's how you actually talk???
DD: ᵯᵯᵯ. I suppose you ᵯust treasure your looks while they reᵯaiᵰ.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you mean my speaking pattern or something else darling?
VV: ♚ ~ If it's the speaking then why shouldn't I put on my best voice for such high company?
MD: You uh MD: Uh.... MD: Not to be rude, but you sound like the overmade villianess in a story.
DD: Cyrrus. Have you ᵰot experieᵰced a lowblood tryiᵰg to please?
D: I ᵯust adᵯit. Soᵯe do a lot better thaᵰ others. But the poor thiᵰg is tryiᵰg.
MD: Of course I ha:ve.
VV: ♚ ~ My apologies if it comes across as such! -- I am no poor thing however I assure you.
MD: I just ha:ven't run into anyone this bad at it.
VV: ♚ ~ Mmmm I do have eyes I can read just as well as you can.
DD: Of course you areᵰ't, Predie.
MD: Perdia, this isn't a good place for you. MD: You should lea:ve.
VV: ♚ ~ I'll admit you both may be a tad correct however in it not being the right approach! It's enough for cooler hues but not ones of such a cooled hue such as yourselves. VV: ♚ ~ I'm staying.
AH: oh my god
AH: fucking fishfaces
AH: lol yeah fight the power
D: ᵰow Cyrrus, doᵰ't be rude.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia. Perdia. Not Predie, however close to pretty that name is.
VV: ♚ ~ I know for a fact you can read and write, despite what you're showing me right now.
AH: idk Perdia maybe they're just really good at faking
MD: Sorry sir. MD: Sorry Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ I've seen better faking from a wriggler pretending to rest.
AH: lmao wow
VV: ♚ ~ Am i wrong in my statement?
AH: probably not lol
DD: Ah. The little ᵯarooᵰ has teeth wheᵰ it coᵯes to a keyboard. How quaiᵰt.
VV: ♚ ~ Perdia.
AH: you do know you sound like a huge tool right.
MD: I...don't actually know why you keep talking about your reading abilities? MD: You just said you were on chat to text!
AH: Not saying her name doesn't make you look powerful or cool, pinky.
AH: You just look like a dick.
DD: I suppose that ᵯakes you. Brave by calliᵰg ᵯe Piᵰky theᵰ?
AH: If you get off on intentionally being an ass because society lets you then you're just pathetic lmao.
AH: It's not brave if I'm just calling it like I see it lol.
MD: Can we stop fighting please?
AH: what, haven't got the stomach for it
VV: ♚ ~ I am on chat to text but I DO read the screen. It's a program where i push ONE button instead of the many on my keyboard then SPEAK so it may type for me.
VV: ♚ ~ Fighting looks much worse dearest I assure you. A little harmless disagreement is all that seems to be. Any of this really.
AH: lmao yeah
DD: Really Cyrrus, this isᵰ't a fight. You're a tiᵯid thiᵰg, areᵰ't you?
MD: No sir. MD: It just seems like a wasted effort to argue in a public chat.
VV: ♚ ~ I think we're bonding!
DD: Yes. Boᵰdiᵰg.
AH: lmao, Cyrrus, the point of the internet is for public arguing
AH: duh
DD: Pretty ᵯuch. Though it's a bit less fuᵰ wheᵰ you just drag it out aᵰd shiᵰe a spotlight oᵰ it.
VV: ♚ ~ See! All normal. Nothing to fluff your gills over. Or what have you that seadwellers do!
MD: I don't fluff my gills.
MD: They don't even ha:ve fluff.
VV: ♚ ~ Fluff doesn't pertain only to fur or actual fluff, honey.
MD: Tell me about seadweller gills, please, Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ Simply to create volume etcetera
AH: lol I guess if fish know anything they probably know their own shit
DD: Soᵯe seadwellers have filaᵯeᵰts that are rather flashy.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you actually want me to talk about seadweller gills? I'd feel like a professor of some sort if I lecture.
MD: I didn't get that one. Just normal gills.
VV: ♚ ~ I know they're a weak spot for some and an EXCITING spot for others.
DD: Geᵰerally the surface seadwellers ᵯoreso thaᵰ the deeper oᵰes.
VV: ♚ ~ And that's my knowledge on that.
MD: Gross
VV: ♚ ~ I won't correct you on that.
AH: oh my god wow
AH: boy am I being _educated_ tonight
VV: ♚ ~ That was my exact reaction learning such a thing too!
AH: Lmao
AH: I'm sure it was
DD: I would chaᵰge it to a weak spot for all really though.
VV: ♚ ~ Not even from hearsay at that! You try having a nice meal with a seadweller and learning such a thing.
VV: ♚ ~ How can gills be a weakspot for all if we lower hues don't even have gills.
DD: All those with gills, ᵰaturally.
VV: ♚ ~ If you attack hard enough anything and anywhere can be a weakspot I'm sure. Which is easy for anyone brutish enough!
MD: How about we just make it a nothing spot and lea:ve it at that
DD: I'ᵯ sure you could teach us all about brutishᵰess Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ A primeballerina wouldn't know anything of the sort beyond brutal practices.
AH: lmao yeah pull the other leg
AH: dancing can be deadly as hell
AH: comballet never stopped being a thing
DD: Hᵯ. You are the secoᵰd lowblood I have spokeᵰ to iᵰ here that practices ballet.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh don't go and give all the secrets away shhh~ ❤
SA: i apologize I fell asleep.
SA: what have i missed.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm being bullied by seadwellers. It was truly awful.
AH: yeah they were dicks
AH: well mostly the fuchsia
AH: violet here seems more confused than anything
MD: Hey
MD: What did I e:ven do to you?
SA: Oh.
AH: nothing that's why you get 'confused' instead of 'douchebag'
SA: 🤺 i will fight.
DD: Bullied ᵰow. Hᵯᵯ. Truly I aᵯ sure you are cryiᵰg your eyes out.
VV: ♚~ Fight for my honor, my honeycomb prince :"(
AH: lmao
DD: ...What's wroᵰg with this yellowblood?
AH: Prisma? He's a little weird, otherwise nothing
VV: ♚ ~ I am. But at least my makeup is all waterproof so nothing is ruined from it I simply look amazing as usual.
SA: What would you think is wrong with me?
SA: It's the least I could do, dear little princess.
AH: lmao he's a fish probably thinks we're all wrong for not kissing his feet
VV: ♚ ~ ✨
SA: I still have plenty leftover from my last duel for your honor.
DD: ...AH. Is this... Roleplayiᵰg...?
AH: no, we'd have to have
AH: what's his face
SA: No, we are simply being silly.
AH: Tallow?
AH: We'd have to have him in here, that's when roleplay hour happens
DD: I see.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm never silly, simply....mmm...less than genuine for the sake of fun. There that makes it sound classier.
MD: He's sleeping.
SA: I don't kiss anyone's feet, also.
SA: Hyperbolic?
AH: lol yeah
VV: ♚ ~ Yes!
AH: who would _actually_ kiss someone's feet
AH: that's totally stupid
VV: ♚ ~ Oh you'd be surprised.
DD: I would rather you didᵰ't. Seeiᵰg as how I aᵯ at least 500 feet uᵰderwater. I thiᵰk it would be hard for you.
AH: oh god don't fucking tell me if people do
AH: I don't want to know
AH: god you're worse than Prisma, at least he has a sense of humor
VV: ♚ ~ I'll not tell you then!
AH: I've been saved
AH: praise be to mother grub
SA: in Hadean's world that may be part of Kink 101
SA: I will not let this go, I am so very upset.
DD: ...I... Hᵯ.
VV: ♚ ~ Kink 101...
AH: I'm gonna get him just for saying that. I'll buy him a hamburger and then _throw it away in front of him_
SA: cover your ears, princess.
AH: just to get revenge
VV: ♚ ~ I'm well ahead of you I'd truly rather not know oh my
DD: I do ᵰot. Thiᵰk I waᵰt to kᵰow about laᵰddweller kiᵰks.
AH: why are seadweller ones better
AH: and don't you dare fucking answer
AH: because I've never wanted to know anything less in my life
AH: but since you seem allergic to jokes
AH: I figure I'd better fucking clarify
MD: Why are we talking about peoples' kinks?!
D: Well. Siᵰce you said ᵰot to.
MD: How is that not pri:vate?!
AH: oh my god, what are you, 6?
DD: I could reveal soᵯe of the ᵯysteries.
AH: _No_
MD: Does it matter?!
DD: (c:)
AH: lmao you're being a weenie so yes but no seriously I am so gone if pinky starts revealing his true nature as a pervert
MD: Why are you obesessed with public kinks? MD: Are YOU going to go and trigger peoples' kinks?!
AH: oh my GOD I was KIDDING
VV: ♚ ~ Aw a 6 sweep old!! Hello darling aren't you precious. Oh I simply must turn the other cheek here, adorable. Really. Grubby I'm sure but adorable.
MD: No, I'm not 6.
DD: I aᵯ ᵰot goiᵰg to reveal aᵰythiᵰg. But it is fuᵰ. Kiddiᵰg.
SA: 😂
MD: I didn't e:ven say I was.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh boo. So you're just childish? Ahhh how utterly dissapointing.
SA: i love being facetious it went over 50% of the heads in this chat.
SA: i can rest well tonight.
DD: I'ᵯ coᵰcerᵰed there's soᵯethiᵰg wroᵰg with that yellowblood.
SA: I'm concerned that you find me concerning. I'm quite well, thank you.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm gravely concerned there's much more wrong with you and your friend .
SA: I do not need your concern nor do I want it.
SA: I agree with Perdia.
DD: Well we ᵯust agree to disagree oᵰ which side is coᵰcerᵰiᵰg I suppose.
AH: spoilers it's you
D: Agree to disagree. (c:)
VV: ♚ ~Being stubborn isn't very royal like you know~
TC: evenin all
MD: Hi.
TC: h=owdy
SA: i still wish to know what you find so concerning about me.
DD: ...Stubborᵰᵰess keeps throᵰes, soᵯe would say.
SA: most people think I'm a fucking delight.
DD: You appear to fall asleep at. Raᵰdoᵯ? Aᵰd scrolliᵰg up I saw ᵯeᵰtioᵰ of a lobotoᵯy?
VV: ♚ ~ Evening~
SA: Oh.
SA: Hah.
SA: I get tired very easily.
MD: Um, please excuse the concerned chat. MD: It's :very...concerning.
SA: Hadean isn't here to stop me from dumping my life story.
AH: yeah he just passes out but he's fine
SA: So I will exercise caution.
SA: and do it myself.
SA: 😃
VV: ♚ ~ Oh jolly, story time~
AH: lmao
DD: As far as I'ᵯ aware, ᵯost lowbloods do ᵰot get parts of their thiᵰkpaᵰs reᵯoved is all.
AH: it better be good, Prisma
AH: yeah well as far as I'm aware most fish don't start with thinkpans to begin with because they think money works instead
MD: !!!
MD: Why would you take out part of someone's thinkpan?!
AH: so what are we gonna do here
MD: I get it in a comic book but real life???
VV: ♚ ~ AH what was your name again? I need to take note not to forget. I really do enjoy your quips~
DD: I ᵯeaᵰ I would thiᵰk ᵯy fists work better thaᵰ ᵯy ᵯoᵰey. But I suppose you kᵰow best AH.
VV: ♚ ~ Kudos
AH: Gliese
AH: lmao that was weak but whatever
VV: ♚ ~ Maybe they lost their money....
SA: Oh, no.
MD: I'd rather talk it out.
VV: ♚ ~ And they only have fists to survive on...tragic.
SA: I'm not saying anything.
SA: for once.
SA; If you want to see it you can read the lowblood chat or scroll up.
SA; It's been there three or four times now.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm weeping once again from how depressing that thought is.
SA: I'm getting wiser.
DD: Oh. ᵰo. I have pleᵰty of wealth?
AH: lol, maybe I'll just ask Hadean
SA: Hadean better not tell you.
SA: or my little heart will be broken 😦
VV: ♚ ~ Are you never going to stop getting wiser, Prisma~?
AH: he'll probably tell me to fuck off
AH: let's be real
SA: I can be rather wise sometimes but usually I am rather mediocre.
SA: I am sorry, little princess.
SA: Maybe when I'm not very tired I will share.
SA: again..
AH: but then I can tell _him_ to fuck off and we can continue our beautiful bonding
TC: chats real busy this evenin
AH: lmao yeah thanks for the news captain obvious
TC: n=ot sure iffin i can keep up with all this chatter
VV: ♚ ~ No need to apologize my prince we can chat about lives and the like while traveling~
VV: ♚ ~ Do your best or just peruse, both are equally entertaining I assure you
MD: How are you tonight?
TC: if tha lowblood chat tweren't so empty all tha time I'd just linger there
TC: im d=oin just fine
SA: but then how would we get these lovely seadwellers here.
TC:fergetin my =own quirk is all
VV: ♚ ~ You seem unique enough with out it. Don't worry
MD: I'd talk to you in the lowblood chat if I could but MD: Well I could log into Tallow's account MD: He's not :very good at passwords
TC: i just pulled in ta the faire actually TC: im a bit late
MD: We were there earlier! MD: In fact, we're not far away still. MD: We ha:ven't made it home yet.
MD: It was really fun, though.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh look at you! You do have a friendly bone in that gelatinous body of yours! I'm absolutely stunned and delighted. VV: ♚ ~ Is it a one a day sort of use or were you simply grumpy?
VV: ♚ ~ It obviously had nothing to do with my own hue.
MD: Please lea:ve me alone, Perdia.
AH: lol wait
AH: you're at the ren fair?
AH: are you doing anything cool
AH: or are you just some lame kitschy souvenir merchant
VV: ♚ ~ I shant because you were rude to me earlier. I deserve and will take my revenge.
MD: And this is me hitting the block button that I just disco:vered.
VV: ♚ ~ Hmmm
VV: ♚ ~ I truly do despise when one is so hypocratic.
TC: i came ta d=o my usual TC: play a pleasant tune =or tw=o an maybe sell s=ome=one a quality hand made musical instrument
MD: Maybe we'll come back to hear you since we aren't far. MD: I'd ha:ve to wake up Tallow, though. He gorged himself on macarons and went to sleep.
TC: =ooh macar=ons
TC: well i'd be mighty flatterd if yall came back just ta hear me TC: id have ta play ya s=omethin real special
AH: lolwot, you're here too?
AH: figures
SA: I am...
SA: most likely going back to Provenence soon.
AH: what, not even gonna stay for Hadean?
AH: cold, Prisma
AH ...I'm kidding
VV: ♚ ~ Ohoho
SA: I would stay for Hadean and Sipara, or even Perdia, but I am also very tired and
AH: but at least say goodbye to the dude before you go
SA: I do not wish to be here if something else happens between Emerel and Hadean.
SA: I don't want to intervene.
ID: woowwwww what.
MD: Can someone please tell me what happened to Emerel?
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I'm no longer there, a costume is tedious to upkeep when it's so long .
SA: Of course I will tell Hadean goodbye. He is my friend.
AH: I'm not gonna let anything else happen between those two.
AH: God fucking help them if they try.
MD: Pheres didn't say he was okay and he normally would if he was, so what happened?
MD: Is he alright?
ID: damn right i'm the fucking devil.
ID: you chatty lil bitches. D:<=
AH: looooool
VV: ♚ ~ Ohohoooo
SA: 🎊
AH: yeah okay, this from the guy who runs his mouth 24/7 and has enough opinions to fill an entire gossip rag
SA: Emerel
SA: beat the shit out of Hadean.
SA: It was very bad.
ID: first things first- Emerel is fucking fine-ish. Because he's a fucking cheater.
AH: they kind of beat the shit out of each _other_ but yeah that's true
SA: But it is okay, because Hadean bea thte shit out of him too.
SA: and it was good.
ID: two, wow what the fuck prisma I beat the shit out of him too!
MD: Oh.... MD: Is Pheres okay?
AH: lmao he's fine
ID: it was very good.
SA: I just said that Hadean beat the shit out of him!
AH: prickly as ever
AH: so he's fine
AH: I know, I know, chill
MD: I'm glad. Pheres is our friend.
ID: damn right i did.
AH: It was just funny because I got there before you
VV: ♚ ~ Sounds like an eventful time has been had. Oho
SA: that was my single exclaimation point for the entire day now I have to wait to grow another.
ID: i shanked the fuck out of him. accidentally.
AH: oh _shit_
SA: you are ruining my fuck farm, Gliese.
AH: you used up your only one
AH: well damn, I guess I have to pay reparations now
ID: wait who taught prisma to swear.
AH: woe is me
ID: who is taking my darling boy's precious firsts from me.
VV: ♚ ~ Yes I'm wondering that too ID.
AH: probably the highbloods he grew up with we all have foul mouths
SA: ...
SA: What.
SA: Oh I've always known how to swear it is just usually polite to avoid it
AD: oO this chat is moving fast tonight~! Oo
SA: Why do you have unique swears to teach me, Hadean/
AD: oO that's new! Oo
SA: I am all ears, professor,
SA: Language 105.
AD: oO who's arguing tonight OuO Oo
ID: later pris.
VV: ♚ ~ You actually want to LEARN such a thing Prisma?
SA: No, I am being silly.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah, pity. There's some interestingly written on walls otherwise I could've shown you.
ID: uh. third. gliese i saw you being a shady twit and hauling my carcass off does not absolve you of that!
ID: so fite me you nubby bunny. =:P
SA: Perhaps next time, Perdia.
ID: ...also fourth what are you doing with the crown wench.
ID: pris is she taking advantage of you.
SA: who?
SA: Oh.
SA: little princess?
ID: yeah her.
SA: how so...
SA: She has been very polite and accomodating.
ID: has she asked you for anything?
SA: she even called me honeycomb prince because I didn't like mustard.
SA: ...I don't believe so?
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I hadn't realized you'd meant me I'm not a wench. Perdia. I prefer Perdia.
VV: ♚ ~ And I like it I think that's enough reasoning.
ID: hm. perdia i got my eye on you. don't mess with pris.
VV: ♚ ~ mess? How mess?
VV: ♚ ~ Me? Never.
ID: you know what i mean. so don't do it.
VV: ♚ ~ I adore him and his charms. I could never.
VV: ♚ ~ Would having your own crown make you happier?
ID: i don't need a crown to be a king.
VV: ♚ ~ I like that attitude.
SA: An entire royal court.
AD: oO crowns are so fun though! Oo
VV: ♚ ~ A good thought, unfortunatley I like the decorum of having one.
AH: lol come fight me at the banjo player's spot, Hadean, I'm listening to SICK TUNES.
AD: oO especially when they sparkle~ Oo
AH: oh hey Canela
AD: oO GLIESE!!! <333333 Oo
AH: what's up
ID: crowns are gaudy and only weaklings who need the power that an object can bring wear them.
SA: what about a tiara, Hadean.
AD: oO i just got done watching the joust thing! Oo AD: oO the one where people poke each other with pointy sticks! Oo AD: oO it was so fun! Oo
SA: much more secure and minimal.
VV: ♚ ~ Only Gaudy if you pick the wrong one!
ID: tiaras are just flimsier crowns.
SA: I'm buying one at the faire.
AD: oO tiaras are marks of pride Oo
SA: I will be pretty.
SA: since laedy refuses to acknowledge me as handsome.
VV: ♚ ~ Prisma get one yes! Let's match.
SA: I will pick the next best thing.
ID: ...pris you called lal ugly first i'm pretty sure.
AD: oO and even better, you can wear a tiara like a headband Oo
SA: Oh you're entirely right.
AD: oO which makes them infinitely better than crowns Oo
AH: you mean gouging chunks out of each other with lances, Canela?
AH: lmao
SA: Maybe I will get him a tiara too.
AD: oO yep! that one! Oo
AH: did anyone fall off their hoofbeast?
SA: do you think that will make him happy?
AD: oO i wanna try jousting someone! Oo
AD: oO sure did ~uO lots of people did! Oo
SA: I want it to have rubies on it.
ID: i think you buying him anything and telling him he's not ugly will make him happy.
AD: oO some guy got stabbed right through the shield too Oo
SA: Oh.
AH: Canela do you even know how to ride a hoofbeast
SA; that's much simpler.
AH: that's kind of important
ID: though i am firm in my belief that tiaras suck.
AD: oO i can learn! Oo
AH: okay fair
AD: oO you don't hatch knowing how! Oo
AH: do you have _time_ to learn though
AD: oO well.... Oo
VV: ♚ ~ So between tiaras and crowns which is better hm?
AD: oO probably not i guess...... Oo
AD: oO oh well Oo AD: oO maybe some other time Oo
AH: fuck 'em both, wear a flower crown
ID: neither. flower crowns are fine if you want to be palebait gliese.
AD: oO i saw some nice flower crowns at a stall back there Oo
VV: ♚ ~ It is getting warmer isn't it? A flower crown does sound rather fitting.
AH: fuck you flower crowns can be fucking intense
ID: intensely palebait-y.
VV: ♚ ~ Give me an example Gliese I want an intense one.
AD: oO gliese we should get flower crowns! Oo
AH: oh my god are you ever going to shut up about that
AD: oO and match! Oo
ID: yeah gliese. get a matching flower crown.
SA: Hadean is mad because I did not make him a flowercrown with the buoquet I got him.
SA: ...
AH: okay well if you have a crown with thorny roses, belladona, nightshade, and stinging nettles, _obviously_ that is a badass crown
AD: oO and she will look very intense in it Oo
AH: it could fucking kill someone
SA: ... What did I do with the buoquet did I leave it on the patio?!
ID: like the person wearing it.
AD: oO maybe someone made a flower crown out of it Oo
AH: he wishes he was as stylish as me - lmao yeah
SA: no it was for Hadean!
SA: and i just left it there on Pheres's doorstep...
VV: ♚ ~ I shall get myself a belladonna flower crown for the season then it's settled. VV: ♚ ~ And oh my Prisma....
ID: i'm sure pheres won't fuck with it pris.
AH: yeah he probably just took it inside or whatever
AH: it's you, he doesn't have anything against you I think
SA: please don't poison yourself Perdia...
ID: yeah. he saw that you brought it. it'll be fine.
SA: I feel very silly... I never forget things.
SA: I'll come and get it tomorrow.
SA: where are you staying, Hadean?
ID: uhh a hotel. i don't remember the name.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh I won't. Others may have to worry but I'll be fine enough. But really that's all that matters I think! I'm fine.
VV: ♚ ~ A name of your place of staying is rather important.
AD: oO who's still at the faire? Oo
AD: oO i don't really want to leave until i have to myself Oo AD: oO it's so fun! Oo
ID: it's beneath me to remember.
ID: uh i'm at the fair.
SA: professor Hadean has much better things to do than remember his own address.
VV: ♚ ~ Is that so?
AD: oO what are you doing there? is it fun? Oo
SA: I will be at the faire for one more day, but that's it.
ID: i foguth a jadeblood and it ended in a tie i think.
SA: I am unsure who you are, AD.
VV: ♚ ~ I left but do hope the rest of you have a decent time.
ID: which was kinda fun if you like ties.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you like ties?
ID: fuck no am i a fucking wriggler ties are for two losers.
ID: but it is what it fucking is.
SA: If it helps any you still have honor 😦
AH: I'm still here lol
ID: honor and a whole lot of fucking pain. =:I it's no longer the floating too-much pain, it's the fucking everything hurts and i'm angry pain.
AD: oO oh i'm canela Oo AD: oO hi sa~ Oo
SA: do you need medicine?
SA: hello, Canela. I am prisma.
VV: ♚ ~ Let the anger fuel and heal you? I believe I've heard someone say that at sometime or another. Ah well you seem the strong type.
AD: oO hehe good to meet you~ Oo
ID: pris, drugs do nothing for me, remember?
SA: Oh. Yes.
AD: oO was that the fight where gliese's friend got hurt D: Oo
SA: I have some of my drugs if you would like to try those.
VV: ♚ ~ Are you TOO strong?
AD: oO both of her friends, actually! Oo
ID: if by too strong you mean too fucked up, yes.
ID: and yeah that was me.
ID: i was the rustblood if you didn't figure it out.
VV: ♚ ~ I didn't mean that but that answered that I suppose!
AD: oO ouch Oo AD: oO you stabbed the other guy too! i saw it! Oo
AD: oO that was kind of a scary fight Oo
ID: yeah. and i bashed him in the face with a brick. =>:D
VV: ♚ ~ A dirty fighter with resourcefulness.
VV: ♚ ~ That's interesting.
SA: 🏆
AH: I was gonna answer but I found Emerel's signmate and Hadean got there before me
SA: I still take offense to your tent threats.
AD: oO is emerel doing well now Oo
SA: emerel is fine. as disappointing as that is.
AH: He's recovering I'm told - hey
AH: Em is my friend
ID: oh yeah, emerel is doing fucking cheery.
AH: Badmouth him somewhere else
ID: nu-uh gliese, he pulled some shit tonight, he gets some nastiness.
AH: ugh whatever
AH: you're both dorks, I'm talking to Canela instead
AH: Canela, what else have you been doing
VV: ♚ ~ Hmmm. Sweet Honeycomb, Gliese,....Canela I believe and....well I think that's all. It's been grand but I've business to attend to. Have a delightful night all ❤
SA: sleep well, little princess.
ID: woowwwww fuck you too.
AH: lol was that to me or Perdia
VV: ♚ ~ ❤ hehe
AH: because honestly could be both
ID: ms. artificial sweetener.
ID: but also maybe both.
AH: oh shit, the suspense will keep me awake at day
AH: how will I live.
ID: y'know. fake sweet that'll probably give you tumours.
ID: that's vv.
AH: I mean, I've met worse
AH: but lmao not gonna fight you there
SA: the likes of splenda and aspertame.
ID: damn right you ain't.
ID: yeah. your buddy there is like splenda pris.
SA: What makes you think so?
ID: because we're both maroons.
ID: she's using one of the maroon tricks.
AD: oO hey don't make fun of gliese's friends Oo AD: oO SO not cool!!! Oo
ID: gliese was splenda your friend.
ID: because if so, i'm gonna be hella disappointed.
AD: oO mostly i've just been walking around the cute little shops everywhere! Oo AD: oO i even got some new clothes out of it hehe~ Oo
AH: lmao, let me put it this way
AH: I'd take her over the fish
AH: and she wasn't that bad I guess
ID: ...the fish is. ad?
AH: but she's not like
AD: oO oh Oo
AD: oO okay Oo
AH: okay wait no
AH: not you Canela
AH: there was this fuchsia dickhead in here earlier
AD: oO i thought i did something wrong there! Oo
ID: oh. okay. so this fish is okay?
AH: and they were being a total prick - nah sorry
AH: Canela's cool
AH: like, the only cool violet I know
AD: oO <3333 Oo
ID: /oh/.
ID: well. good on you for aiming high there gliese.
SA: oh, you mean the one that kept saying I was concerning and strange?
AH: yeah that asshole
AD: oO you seem quite lovely to me! Oo
PR: Hey everyone
SA: do maroons usually try to trick people into giving them things?
ID: well don't worry pris, you're strange but we're all pretty fucking strange here.
SA: oh, thank you both.
SA: it warms my heart.
ID: maroons that are flatscans will try and latch on to a sparker for protection, yeah.
ID: oldest trick in the book, get someone to fight your battles for you.
SA: does she know my psionics though or just that I have them. I do not remember.
SA: has someone done it to you, Hadean?
SA: hello, PR
ID: i mean, they've tried before. but when you know what to look out for, it's pretty easy to avoid.
PR: If someone's 𝞃rying 𝞃o use you for psi, jus𝞃 give em a li𝞃𝞃le zap PR: Or wha𝞃ever you can do
ID: i'm backreading and you're going to travel with her pris?
AH: lmao, seriously?
AH: that's fucking sad, I know a flatscan rust but she never did that
ID: pris doesn't do much zapping. uh. pr.
AH: because even though she's a total ass she's not a weakling like that
SA: I may, I don't know. I would like to travel, but not alone.
SA: I do much more throwing. But it makes me tired and hurt
ID: hey, some rusts can only get by off of mooching off those with power. that or they get taken advantage of.
SA: what did you do when you found out?
PR: 𝞃ha𝞃's why I added "or wha𝞃ever"
ID: uhhh let's not talk about the past too much pris.
SA: oh. Alright
AD: oO ahhhh this dress is adorabubble~ Oo AD: oO i think i love the faire clothes! Oo
ID: but yeah. some maroons act meek and mild. roll over and hope they're not worth bothering to cull. and some just try to round up some poor suckers to take punches in their place.
ID: the bottom is a sucky cut-throat place sometimes.
SA: 😦 I wish I could protect more people
ID: ...pris that was not the lesson to take away from this.
SA: was the actual lesson to be wary and concerned about the people I meet who are overtly nice to me for seemingly no reason?
ID: /yes/.
PR: Oh 𝞃ha𝞃's a good lesson 𝞃o learn!
SA: what if I do both. Could I protect you and Sipara and Perdia?
SA: and be worried about taken advantage of by everyone else
SA: it is a formidable lesson
ID: me and sip take care of ourselves.
ID: perdia is one of the ones who you need to be wary of!
SA: but I want to believe she is genuine.
SA: I almost used a fruit emoji
SA: I am not used to knowing people who readily turn down my helping.
ID: i mean of course you do, you're like a freshly pupated wriggler in your hopes of everyone being wonderful and having your best interests at heart, but...
ID: buddy. most people suck.
PR: Aww
ID: and most of them will stab you in the back if it means they get something out of it.
SA: I can take them
PR: 𝞃ruuuueeeeeee
SA: but I will be more careful
SA: 😄
AH: I _guess_ but mooching off another lowblood seems dickish.
AH: mooching off highbloods, fine, we can handle it
AH: but trying to mooch off another rust just because they have powers seems assy unless you're also contributing somehow
ID: =:/ some of them make you want to stab yourself in the back just to make them smile too pris. and you're a good target for that.
SA: ...
SA: but you wouldn't do that, right
SA: 😖
ID: what. /no/.
AH: Hadean is not that particular kind of dick
ID: if i was gonna stab you i would've done it while you were napping.
AH: also sup Dahlia LMAO
SA: I would have woken up please do not that take as an invitation strangers in the chat.
AH: see?? he's good. in that department
PR: No𝞃 much, was dying of boredom!!!
SA: and irnwoild ahve veeb vad
ID: sorry to break your pumper btw gliese, but scamming highbloods isn't always an option.
AH: lol, you have nothing to fear from me, I don't care. hell I'd probably shiv someone who _did_ disturb you, Hadean would skewer me if I let you die
ID: like look at fucking. port port.
ID: damn right i would gliese, you both have to get along.
AH: and then I'd have to put up with his bitching
AH: which is horrible
AH: see???
SA: hello gliese.
AH: sup
SA: port port?
AH: Port Mina
AH: my ass end of nowhere desert town
ID: where gliese is like. one of three highbloods.
SA: I am glad you wouldn't take advantage of me, Hadean. 😃 I am also glad gliese would not attempt to kill me in my sleep
AH: yyyyup
ID: tons of lowbloods screwing over lowbloods there.
AH: four if you count the banker
AH: but who cares about the banker
SA: Eugh
AH: though even Lapyen's questionable, she's my friend and all but she works here way less now
ID: i'm here to make sure no one takes advantage of you pris. it's a tough job, but someone has to do it.
SA: perhaps one day if we all believe very hard I will be able to detect it myself
SA: actually that is a lie
SA: my clairvoyance allows me to detect immediate intention.
SA: but it does not work unless the person is actively trying to lie to me
SA: thank you, Hadean.
ID: i mean, anytime. and if the fake sugar bitch hurts you, i'll light her hive on fire.
AH: huh
SA: port Mina sounds like it may require help of some kind, Gliese.
AH: that's a weird kind of psi
AH: does sound handy in some cases though
AH: lmao Port Mina needs more help than anyone can give
PR: Wai𝞃, how far is por𝞃 por𝞃 from wai𝞃 shi𝞃
SA: please do not light her on fire. I think a slap on the wrist will be fine.
AH: don't waste your time worrying
PR: I can'𝞃 remember 𝞃he righ𝞃 name
ID: i'm lighting her hive on fire, not her.
ID: not my fault if she stays in the hive.
AH: _lmao_
SA: that isn't my only psionic, Gliese. I would have been a catastrophic failure if it were.
AH: ...why
AH: oh wait
SA: we'll ensure she's out of it please
AH: you don't wanna talk about it
SA: I am tired of talking about it. Yes.
AH: sure whatever
SA: but if I must I will
AH: nah I don't care
ID: man look at you go pris, not talking about- well.
AH: not like I enjoy _my_ psi
AH: do whatever lmao
SA: even better then.
ID: i will sit on my throne of best psi ever and throw beetles to you poor peasants. it's fine.
PR: La𝞃e, bu𝞃 I remembered how 𝞃o spell i𝞃
AH: Dahlia has best psi here
AH: plants forever
PR: How far is por𝞃 por𝞃 from Derevnya?
SA: when you are better. We should have a psionics fight.
SA: I bet I will win 💗
ID: uh pris i saw you need a nap after throwing some knives.
SA: but if Sipara gets worms maybe I will be better
ID: ...man pris don't talk about the worms.
AH: why, the worms are just worms
SA: oh. Okay
AH: what are you a weenie
ID: hush up gliese. it's just not info he needs to be talking about.
PR: Well aaaanyways, you guys know any good places for cake?
PR: Or like, swee𝞃breads
SA: I think someone in this chat is a baker
ID: there's a place in the greenblood circle that had good sweetrolls.
PR: Omg
AH: hope it's not the greenblood I just ran into because he looks sad as _fuck_
AH: and also just like Emerel
SA: clones?
PR: Well I live in 𝞃he middle of nowhere so i𝞃'd 𝞃ake a minu𝞃e 𝞃o go anywhere
ID: oh. yeah.
PR: Bu𝞃 a girl needs a swee𝞃bread, you feel me?
SA: I don't know what the prevalence of surviving identical twins is on alternia. I imagine it is low
AH: no lmao Prisma don't you know what signmates are?
SA: sweets are amazing ❤️
invertedDissident has sent glieselikemyshirt.png!
SA: no, my sign only exists for me.
ID: magic.
SA: 😂
ID: carefully.
ID: sips got it for me.
SA: he believed very hard
AH: lmao of course she did
ID: pheres owed me a shirt.
AH: fuckin Sipara
ID: but he had to fucking emerel wrangle.
AH: I guess that's true
ID: so sips grabbed what would fit.
AH: LMAO yeah none of Pheres's shit would fit you he's no taller than I am
ID: and it's too much fucking effort to take it off so i'm wearing it until it rots off me or my wounds heal. whichever comes first.
PR: Bru𝞃al!
ID: i mean we cut it up to get it on me so i doubt he'll want it back.
SA: why did you say that, now I have to get you clean shirts or at least something you can slip on
ID: i left my old shirt as payment.
AH: _lmao_ I'm sure he has more
AH: I bet he'll love it
SA: I'm sure 🙄
ID: i mean i think it got plenty of his blood and mine on it.
SA: he was loving it on the patio.
SA: I am swiftly becoming. Unpersonable. I will rest
ID: yeah well i hope you ate your sushi first.
SA: Hadean, I will bring you your flowers and shirts tomorrow.
SA: oh, yes.
SA: it was Jurassic park roll.
ID: alright- i have no idea what that means but okay.
SA: and salmon sashimi
ID: i will see you tomorrow, explain it then.
SA: I'll bring some
PR: Damn, you're ge𝞃𝞃ing spoiled!
ID: sure, i'll try anything once.
SA: goodnight, friend. Goodnight, Gliese
SA: goodnight PR
PR: Nigh𝞃!
ID: night pris.
ID: so pr, got a name.
PR: Dahlia
AH: Dahlia's cool
PR: 0;
AH: her psiionics are rad
ID: gliese your definition of cool is sometimes questionable.
ID: just saying.
ID: but nice to chat at you dahlia.
PR: Cool mee𝞃ing you 𝞃oo PR: Wha𝞃's your name, ID
ID: hadean.
PR: I'll remember i𝞃
PR: Bu𝞃 also my psi IS rad
ID: something to do with plants i think i saw earlier?
AH: my definition of cool is perfect fuck you
PR: Yep! PR: S𝞃andard florikinesis and more
AH: I know EXACTLY what is cool at all times
ID: uh-huuuuh gliese.
ID: huh. neat.
ID: i never remember the fancy word for my psi.
PR: Wha𝞃 can you do?
AH: Supreme Dork Powers
AH: that's its name
ID: Ergo...kinesis...?
PR: No clue lmao
ID: fuck off gliese, i'm the coolest.
ID: i make constructs out of energy.
AH: LOL yeah whatever helps you sleep at day
PR: Oh 𝞃ha𝞃's freakin swee𝞃
AH: look, it's better than my psi, but a rusty nail to the foot is better than MY psi
AH: yeah but he collapses like a wriggler afterwards
ID: let me get out the tiny violin.
AH: fuck you, I will steal your tiny violin and sell it
ID: fuck off.
AH: truth is pain
ID: let's see what you do when you overextend your psi.
ID: get to it. hop hop.
AH: oh my god
AH: was that a hopbeast joke
ID: probably turn in to a vegetable if you did though.
AH: Hadean that's uncreative as fuck
ID: i mean it wasn't.
AH: good
ID: but now it is.
AH: I hate you
PR: Burnou𝞃 could happen
ID: =:P
AH: are you _actually_ sticking your tongue out
AH: I wanna see that happen
AH: just to see how dumb you'd look
AH: if you looked dumber than usual I'd fucking clap
AH: what an achievement
ID: ....girl you wear the ugliest poncho known to trollkind.
ID: you cannot judge dumbness.
AH: I'm actually gonna ditch that I think.
AH: not because it's ugly, fuck you
ID: praise be to whatever wretched god is listening.
AH: but because it has my old quad colors on it
AH: Kiiind of outdated - oh my god eat a bulge
ID: \o/
ID: that's me praising right there.
ID: i'd fight with the strength of a thousand seadwellers to escape that fate.
AH: except you don't _have_ that dumbass
AH: you have the strength of one half-starved lunatic
ID: your poncho will inspire it in me.
AH: oh my god
ID: dahlia, back me up. it's an ugly poncho right?
AH: I will shove it down your throat - dahlia's never even seen me
ID: well trust me dahlia, gliese is a dork with an ugly poncho.
AH: trust me Dahlia Hadean is an idiot with dumb tattoos
ID: my tats are the coolest, your poncho looks like twelve generations of fleas live in it.
AH: your tats look like SHITTY CLOWN PAINT you fucking loser
AH: my poncho has never been anything but fucking pristine
AH: except for sand but I can't avoid that in the fucking desert now can I
ID: pristine garbage.
AH: is that your internet forum name
ID: left to rot in the desert for a perigee.
AH: you goddamn thin skinned pansy
ID: then pressed in to the form of a poncho.
AH: oh my GOD it's just A FUCKING PONCHO
ID: says the pansy defending her shitty poncho.
ID: worse fashion sense than pheres i'd almost say.
AH: you did NOT just say that
AH: this means WAR
ID: 0=:)
ID: when i win the war can i burn the poncho.
AH: when you lose the war I will shove the poncho up your ass
ID: man you're just obsessed with shoving.
AH: you infected me because you shove so much shit into the world
ID: first down my throat, then up my ass.
AH: from both ends
ID: don't blame your depravity on me gliese.
ID: it's alllll you.
AH: I will blame _all_ depravity on you Hadean
AH: you are the source of it
ID: ms. 'hadean hasn't gotten laid'.
AH: oh my god it was a joke
ID: nope. i'm now pure as the fucking freshly fallen snow.
ID: you're a depraved monster.
SA: kink 101
ID: kink 101 was not putting things in a chute that didn't belong.
ID: like a poncho.
AH: _wow_ rhfvolkmjnfhgvuio
AH: god I hate everything right now
SA: 👌
AH: mostly you
AH: but also everything
ID: mostly yourself you mean.
ID: i'm innocent.
AH: fuck you, I'm not a goddamn angsty shithead
AH: that's for losers and wrigglers
AH: LMAO you're as innocent as a full grown subjug
ID: /wow/.
ID: stop bringing clowns in to this.
ID: i'm sorry i'm not indigo enough for you. =:(
ID: further depravity, gliese has a clown kink.
AH: oh my GOD NO
SA: 😩😴 what kink class is that
AH: god no I hate purples.
ID: uh-huh.
AH: they all fucking suck.
SA: at least a 300 course
AH: I don't even KNOW any purples.
ID: I saw the clown horn gliese.
AH: _Prisma_
AH: Prisma why
SA: I work for a number of them sometimes...
AH: lmao you have my sympathy
SA: because I just now put on my jammies and laid back down.
SA: and thus I am barely awake still to antagonize you
SA: they pay eell
ID: gliese is the head professor of clown kink university.
SA: my handler was an indigo. As well
Sa: but I dislike clowns
AH: I have never read a worse sentence in my life
AH: and I don't think I ever will
AH: wow
SA: clown kink university
SA: alma Mater
ID: she got her phD in juggalonomics.
AH: too busy dying to squash this garbage like it deserves.
AH: why
ID: secretly has a 'down with the clowns' tramp stamp.
SA: a minor in face paint interpretation. She secretly knows exactly what your tattoos mean and it's her favorite
SA: does it have a squeaky horn under the text
ID: of course. pointing down.
SA: 😳
SA: 😴
ID: ...did we break her.
SA: gliese come back
SA: we love you
ID: speak for yourself there pris.
SA: do you islike plaronic loce--
AH: I need to drink to forget
ID: drinking is how you got the tramp stamp to begin with gliese.
SA: whiskeyyy
AH: _god I hate you so much_
AH: you know what Prisma.
AH: that's a great fucking idea.
SA: tequila is what you drink to make mistakes
ID: man she's gonna wake up covered in face paint and smelling of faygo again.
SA: sticky with a cheap red wig
SA: 🎉🎉🎉
ID: ....y'know what, that's the perfect ending to this chat to make everyone curious enough to scroll up and read. gj pris.
SA: ❤️
SA: I can't keep my eyes open
SA: feel better Hadean
SA: 😴
ID: getting there. thanks pris.
ID: go sleep.
OA: :o)
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
Sip made you all pretty while you chatted about beating Emerel's ass in. It was... Fun in a way you've never gotten to experience before, really. And hey, you were pretty enough to pull of anything.
And Sipara seemed sure that this goo wouldn't melt off your mug. She would know better than anyone else... You hope. Back in your normal clothes it seemed right to head to the fighting rings and see about scouting out your opponent. You'd had your fun at the faire, gotten to meet a bunch of trolls and have enough quality bonding time to last you a few sweeps...
That meant it was time for business. You absently tapped your staff against your shoulder as you walked, eyes sweeping over the trolls assembled. Honestly, you had no idea who you were looking for! Just that he was jade.
"Siiip. Which one of these dirtbags is Emerel? Fucker was hella rude, not even sending me a picture. He's not actually hideous or something, is he?" You had thought Pheres had taste. But... With what he was wearing... Maybe not.
You walk back into the arena, sweat dripping down your forehead that you can't be bothered to wipe off. Besides, it's kind of attractive. You had some rage to let out and you feel a bit better now. There's a bit of blood streaked across your garb and you're not sure if it's yours or that blueblood you took a quick drink from while he was knocked unconscious with a very rude halberd pole. Ironically, you're pretty sure that's the same blue you drank from during the faire where you meant Pheres. Small world. You decide you'll hang out on the benches with your waterbottle for now, thoroughly overheated and in need of something for your throat. Hadean will make himself known when he gets here, you're sure.
Hadean's pretty as a goddamn picture, and you _absolutely_ crammed your phone full of 'em. Between Pheres's horn-shining and your work, there's something deeply satisfying in how positively _glam_ he looks. And he'll look even better when he's kicking someone's ass in it. Empress, you miss being in the ring. "Ha~aaaaads," you drawl back, squinting at the crowd. "He's the mossball over --" You bounce up on your toes, peering at each troll in turn, before you jerk your chin towards Emerel. You've only seen him in person once or twice, but with as many pictures as Pheres's put up, he's kind of hard to miss. "There! And - eye-dee-kay, dude, he's not _my_ thing. You like 'em long and gangly and nubby-horned?" "Because if you do.. looks like you might have competition. Haha, holy shit, did he fuck around with a teal before he's _fighting?_"
Huh. First thought it he looks like a sweaty gross nerd. Second thought is woww, was he really fighting before your bout? "Looks like it. Hella rude, doesn't he know he was supposed to save himself for me? Might start bawling as soon as I try talking to him, I can already feel myself getting choked up." Well if he wanted to tire himself out before his fight, fine. You were used to being looked down upon for your blood color, obviously he didn't think you were worth his best. His loss, it'd just make it an easier win for you. You stroll your way over to the benches, whistling loud- like you would for a woofbeast. "Oh Emerel~ Are you always this sweaty and dirty, or was this your attempt at cleaning up for me?"
You're quietly minding your own business, drinking your waterbottle on your bench, when you're whistled at. It's not the first time someone's whistled at you, so you can't say you're bothered. You love it when strangers pay attention that kind of attention to you, usually. When he calls your name, however, you pause with your bottle still at your lips. You don't look towards the source of the sound and your only response is to tap your fingers on the bottle. "You could say-" You look over to him, snorting when you notice how prettied up he is. Even you know better. "-That I simply look the part of a man who just went to war." You HAVE been doing reenactments all day, after all. You stand up, setting the bottle down to look Hadean over. He's not much taller than you, horns notwithstanding, and the only thing about him that's really concering you is that dumb floating horn. You're sure you should be wary of that one.
"A man who went to war. Sure, buttercup." You make sure your voice is as dry as possible. War? Is that what he thinks fighting trolls one on one for a while is? Man, he's a dramatic one... But you guess it comes with the territory of being a fucking. Historical nerd. "Well, you need a little more time to freshen up, or are we fighting now? Because I came all this way to this stupid faire to beat you up. Might as well get it over with." You lean against your staff, giving him you best cocky smirk. You didn't have to get serious about it until you were actually going at it, after all. Let him think you the cocky lowblood who was getting in over their head. You could play stereotypes to your advantage any night.
You’re sitting in the stands with Sipara, watching Hadean and Emerel anxiously, but then Prisma really does come over! You beam at the yellowblood. “Hi! Are you excited for the fight? I’m a little worried, but…” You trail off and look at the two trolls. “…they both seem pretty capable.”
"I'm ready when you are. Question is, Hadean, just how good are you at putting your money where your mouth is?" You look to his face, a wide smirk crossing yours as you summon your halberd to your hand, copying his lean. For all your talk, you're making all sorts of immediate observations about him: Face tattoos. High pain tolerance. Floating horn. Some type of psionic bullshit. You probably shouldn't get too close. Staff. Another indicator that he keeps a distance. Cocky. It's a trick you know quite well. Tall. Inherently on the tough side. Long hair. Doesn't spend too much time in close range fights if he's not worried about getting his braid yanked on. You think you might try fighting close to him and seeing what happens. "But, you know, if you want to apply a little more makeup before we get into it, I'll wait. Be my guest."
"I am marginally excited. I am more excited to see Hadean destroy this mysterious jade blood," You remark simply, cocking your head lightly at Maidel. "You found time to get away from the booth, finally?"
You've locked up your shop in favor of wandering around until you find where you need to go. And it's not hard to spot the familiar face in the crowd once you remember what to look for. The greenblood and goldblood next to Nzinga are unfamiliar, but based on the chrome in the chat these are probably the other people you were just talking to. You walk over and take a seat at the end of them, nodding in greeting.
"Oh my god, clearly you've been watching way too many shitty movies with Gliese is you're going to spew that line and try to look cool doing it." You roll your eyes at him, but you're taking note of him while you trade jabs. But let him try to compartmentalize you! As much as he likes to think how good he is at fighting, you've just had a lot more time alive to fight. And you're used to fighting trolls that are physically stronger than you. "Now don't go tossing Sip's skills or she might give you a good kick when you're down. Are we going to stand around all night, or are we going to fight?"
 > LOKKIC & CO Somehow, all of you have managed to sit on the bleachers without causing a scene. Of course, it helps that you have yourself, your lusus, Nikola, AND Desmon in that order between Natali and Daiyel. It seems to be working as far as keeping them seperated goes. You're so glad. Your arm still hurts and you hope it's not infected. Where even is the med tent? You never were able to find it and you gave up.
"You say that, but I think you're just pissed that you're missing out on the movie night food. Too bad, it's good stuff too. Oh well. Sucks to be you." You shrug at him, twirling your halberd once and hoisting it on your shoulder as you approach the ring. You think you have a strategy worked out for this guy, at least for the first few minutes. You'll have to see what other surprises he has up his sleeve. "You're the only one still standing, Hadean." You look over your shoulder, winking at him. "Be sure to get a good look at my ass while you can because this is the last chance you'll get to see it."
“Well, Pheres will be here too!” You say. “He’s hardly going to miss his matesprit…so I think we’re just closing for a bit.” You say, shrugging, then realizing Prisma doesn’t know who Emerel is. “Oh, Emerel’s not mysterious! He’s very nice, really, and he’s a military history expert.” You wave to the redblood who you assume is VA, and you feel bad that you don’t remember her name. “Hi! You’re VA, right? Good to see you!”
 > CANELA Fight, fight, fight! You're so glad you found the fighting rings. You love watching people beat each other up! Especially when there's blood involved. And that is exactly why you're polyp-levels rooted to your bench, happily tapping your feet as you rest your chin in your hand. Your other one is reaching into your box of tasty fried crabs. You were so glad you found a seadweller food booth at the faire! She was such a nice girl, too. And she makes tasty crabs. You can't wait for the killing to start.
A military history expert... You raise an eyebrow at this, pursing your lips somewhat tightly. This is an increasingly odd collection of people. Even more so with the newcomer, and you look at the redblood appraisingly. They must all really believe in comraderie. "But then why are they fighting? For the sake of it?" You ask Maidel, turning your gaze back to them.
Even front row seats don't manage to make this a fight worth bothering to try and actually view. You're kind of having fun with the rest of it, though - Sipara's done up your face in a way that actually makes you want to preen, and you can already hear Hads and the other guy talking shit to each other. It's like a bad drama, and you're snickering into your left-over pizza plate as you wait for the real theatrics to start. You're probably not going to see much of it, but you're fully prepared to make fun of the crowd.
You give the greenblood a small, slightly awkward wave, "Aye. You're AC, right?" You catch the tail end of the yellowblood's question and hope that it gets answered. You're not so sure why there's a fight either, and it seems a little rude at this point to ask if it's a deathmatch or what.
 >SIPARA "Because it's _fucking cool_," you declare, looking up briefly from your phone to grin at Prisma, at the same point that Pheres huffs, from down against the fence: "- because they're a pair of _morons_, that's why."
You were right, the crowd is totally the best part. You lean over so you can raise an eyebrow at Pheres. "Ain't one of them your, like, matesprit?" you ask.
“Um.” You say. “I think they think it’s fun. Hadean really likes fighting in general, and Emerel does re-enactments.” It’s not your thing at all. “Oh! And I think some trolls bet on it, too.” You remember, then laugh a little as you look at Sipara. “Maybe Sipara will make some money!” “Yes!” You say, smiling at the redblood. “But my name’s Maidel - what’s yours?” You have to restrain giggles at Sipara’s statement - it’d be rude to laugh! Unfortunately a few escape past your hand on your mouth, your floppy ears flicking.
You can't help but grin at Pheres's reply, looking away to keep it politely hidden. It is strange they would let their matesprit get caught up in all this -- you're confused still by the connections everyone has. It seemed like too much to take in, and you sigh briefly. "Hadean likes competing. Emerel's interest seems more skewed, based on that," and then you quiet as Maidel reels to the other troll.
Ugh. Is he showing off to intimidate you, or to piss you off? Doesn't he know the brat section of this fight belongs to you? Well, he'll probably lose it when it gets to the actual fighting. No one can play dirty quite like you. "What, is getting to look at your ass a scare tactic? I mean, it is a pretty sorry sight." You stroll over to catch up to him, giving him your least impressed look.
Sipara's answer tells you that it's probably NOT a deathmatch, and the other rust's answer cements the idea, which is sort of a relief. Jade is kind of up there, but it would still be a shame to see them or a rustblood murdered in the pit. You lean forward, trying to not make the greenblood- Maidel switch between talking to you and the goldblood. You look between the two of them. "I'm Vatrra". "So, they're just gonna duke it out for the fun of it?"
"Well, if you want a better look to make a decision on that, all you have to do is ask~" You put your finger to your lip, giving him a one-finger blown kiss before stepping past the circle into the ring. You know he gets weirded out from shameless flirting. And that's something you're very, very good at. "Now are you going to fight me or weep mascara on my face?"
Being mean to Laledy would be dreadful, given how much Sipara chatters about him: she clearly _likes_ him, and that's rare enough. And you're fond of him, too. And it wouldn't do anything to stop your sulking. "Mm," you say, not quite an agreement, and watch Emerel spin in the ring. "He's the jade. Who're you betting on, Laledy?"
undefinedUgh. You keep you unimpressed look up, tapping your staff on the ground as you look around. "Oh, we're fighting. I just wanted to make sure we didn't have to do anything like cross weapons or bow or any of the other fancy shit that only historical losers would do!" Hah. You're throwing jabs and making constructs at the same time. Under your clothes where no one can see it, hardening your energy to take blows for you. Your psi are sneaky- there's some sparking of your horn, but not much to show for it. For all he knows the flames dim and flare naturally.
“I think Emerel likes showing off.” You say fondly. “He’s good at it! And aha, yes, Vatrra. They both seem really down for it, they’ve been talking about it for nights.” You smile at Pheres, and oh, there’s another jade! What unusual hair. Laledy? Huh. You don’t want to interrupt
them, but you’ll have to say hi at some point. Any friend of Pheres’s is always worth talking to.
You blink. Well, that's not exactly the answer you expected. Pheres's words don't say much, but his tone speaks volumes. Did you say something? "Nah," you tell him, "Ain't bettin' nothin'! And it's totes cos I'm a respectable and carin' friend and ish and not, like, cos I ain't got nothin' but pocket lint and pizza to bet. You doin' aight, pal?" You pause, debating, and eventually resign yourself. "... Got pizza if you want some," you say proferring your plate. You've still got two perfectly respectable slices on it. You can probably spare one, at least.
You chuckle, taking another look up and down him. He smells like he hasn't showered in a while. Or at least like he doesn't do it nearly as often as he should. Does he spend a lot of time sweating? Because old dirt and sweat is what it smells like to you. You vaguely recall that he travels. Talk about traveling on foot a lot. But that means he's probably got some good muscle built up, at least in the legs. So avoiding them is a good idea for now. Your most likely target is going to be his front: The face, neck, and chest. But you promised Pheres no lethal blows, so you think a good crack over the head and a kick out of the ring might work out here. "I only bow to people who aren't named Hadean, I'm afraid. So unless you change your name, that's out of the picture." You raise your weapon, tapping the handle on the ground twice. "We do do this, though." AKA, only you do it. But he doesn't have to know that. "Let's go."
"Oh wow. Did you stay up all day thinking of quips for me? Managed to rub those two functioning circuits in your thinkpan long enough for that one, good job." Huh. You just tap your staff twice before you shift it in to both hands. Your energy is a low hum against your skin, familiar- ready to spread when you're ready to reveal your hand. "Hope you can use that pig-sticker." You don't like pressing an attack, not at first. You set your stance a little bit, waiting to see what he'll do- if he thinks he's naturally got the advantage and come charging in.
This is going to be interesting. Since you don't know yet what Hadean can do and all your observations have indicated that you shouldn't take him lightly by any measure, you're playing the safe route at first. You ignore your buddies at the side yelling out their bets, deciding you'll try and fake him into making the first move. "You know, they normally wear something a little different in the ring." You shrug, tapping your fingers on your halberd which is still balanced on the sand. You note the tightness in Hadean's muscles and try to figure out where he's the least defended. "We normally wear a lot more padding. Even if we didn't, where's the fun in your jeans?" Before you've even finished speaking, you've made use of how long your weapon is, the tip of the axe aimed right at his face.
You would really rather dig holes into the fence post and seethe. But Laledy's trying to be kind, so you roll your eyes and slog up to his seat. Your smile's crooked, but at least you manage it. "I'm fine! Disappointed, but. Ah. We'll see how it goes. Thank you for asking, though. Sipara, scoot over," you demand, and as soon as she shifts, you cram yourself onto her lap. She's got her phone. It'll be _fine._ And you do steal a piece of pepperoni off of his pizza. Well, if he's _offering..._
Ah, the old keep them distracted with talking while you swing at them. Good to know he's not above using tricks! Means you can't rely on him playing by the rules, which is fine by you. You feint back and let your staff come up, trying to sweep his halberd- a test to see how much he'll fumble, knowledge of how long you might have to strike in the future. You don't press an attack now, you're still using a staff after all! It's a defensive weapon and you're going to take your time when you can get it. Build up some energy weapons under your shirt to play with. "Jeans are comfy. The fun is in beating you. Duh."
Pheres doesn’t look happy, but you can’t help smiling as he scoots onto Sipara’s lap and takes a piece of pepperoni off of Laledy’s pizza. You look down at Emerel and Hadean, wondering when they’ll actually start fighting. You’re nervous - naturally - but also excited and a bit curious - Ooooh, there goes Emerel. You suck in a sharp breath, until Hadean swings his staff up to meet him. Your eyes are still wide, though.
You can't quite read Pheres's face even when he gets closer, aside from a general smile. His tone is still stiff, though, until he shoves Sipara over and grabs a slice. Well, if the food's gonna help get the stick out of his ass. He's probably worried his boyfriend's going to get shanked, you figure, but it's not like these things are to the death. Besides, Emerel's green - and hasn't been living on fumes and duct tape for the past quarter-sweep like you. He's going to be fine. You nab the last slice of pizza for yourself (anchovies: not actually as bad as everyone has been making them out to be, but hunger is the best topping) so Pheres can't grab it if he decides he wants another, and lean back to munch on it as the fight starts. Well. "Fight." It's still mostly posturing, which is more fun if anybody asks you!
You shift your grip on your halberd and turn it, trying to use it for something resembling its proper purpose as you attempt to catch his staff with it. If you can disarm him, the better. There's a loud cheer from somewhere to your left as the weapons clash together and you admit you love the sound, even if this is a bad time to comment on that. "Comfy and also boring. No wonder someone had to fix you up for this. It's not like you can take care of yourself~"
Well, looks like he can use his halberd some. He probably thinks he's clever catching you, but you put your strength in to it as you clash, trying to lock your weapons together as a plan forms. You let him talk, it gives you enough time to hopefully hold your ground and let your energy gather, teeth bared as your shirt rips. RIP one of your three shirts. But you've got another arm now! Does an energy tentacle count as an arm? You think it does when it's armed with a knife. It's just like using any other limb for you, a little will springing it around you to lash at his middle while you hopefully keep his weapon engaged with your own. Thank god for buying the staff with a lead core in it, it's probably the only thing keeping your staff in one piece.
Well, your plan to disarm him isn't working. If anything, he's trying his best to make sure you can't move either. What's he planning? Your immediate instinct is to disengage and step back and when you hear the sound of ripping cloth, you feel like that was the right choice. Your weapon, however, is locked hard in his and you're going to have to make a gambit to tip things in your favor here. You hold your breath and hold still until whatever the hell he just made actually punches you staight in the stomach. You cough, holding tighter to the chapped leather on your handle as you use those locked weapons to your advantage. Hopefully he won't be expecting you to counter so quickly after being basically sucker punched. Which means he hopefully won't be expecting you to immediately swing yourself around via your trapped weapons and sweep your legs under his to knock him down.
Oh fuck, did you just straight up shank the fuck out of him. Oh yeah, that's the sort of flesh ressiting and then submitting to a razor edge that signals that your knife went riight in. He was supposed to dodge! What kind of troll stays locked in with a guy and just takes a gut shot!? The same kind of idiot who just sweeps a guy when he's still got a knife in him you fucking guess. You instinctively use the tentacle coming out of your back to try and catch yourself somewhat, to not leave yourself completely defenseless. The staff is gone, but you've still got psionics, and- oh yeah, your tentacle was still knife-ing him. You really hope your trying to catch yourself didn't slice him open even more. You focus on keeping your head and arms protected if he comes in for an attack while you're still trying to regain your footing, purposefully leaving your armor-protected legs and chest there for him to try and stab at. Unlike him, you don't just take a gut shot like it's no big deal.
You cough again, louder as blood pours over your lips and your chest burns and throbs. That fucking hurts. That hurts like hell, why did you do that? You hear what sounds like a distressed goat screaming somewhere and you think that might be Pheres. This is a weird time to want to laugh and you're going to stop chuckling now. You think you'll be just fine, though. You've been dealt a literally fatal blow and this isn't nearly as bad as you remember. Holy shit, you were not expecting those powers of his. At all. What are you supposed to do about them? You'll figure out something, damn it. You refuse to lose without a hell of a fight. At least it looks cool for the crowd, as they're getting louder. You stumble back, finally getting that damn tentacle out of your chest and that hurts even worse now that it's out. Okay, this is hurting as much as you remember now. "Fucking hell-" You mutter. "That's impressive." Your voice cracks and you promptly step on that stupid shitty braid of his, aiming the butt of your halberd at whatever gap in his guard you can reach, fully intent on butting his his eyes out if you can. He's lucky you're using the blunt end, honestly. Of course, this would be easier if you weren't busy watching the tentacles for more shenanigans.
Oh man you fucked up. How bad did you fuck him up. He's bleeding from the mouth, so... You're gonna err on pretty fucking bad. But hey! He's still talking. Is that good? You're counting that as good. Otherwise you're going to feel really bad at that screaming from Pheres. Okay, he's stepping on your braid. Less pity now. Especially when he's aiming for your face, fuck that. You raise your arms to block it and yeah, that hurts like a son of a bitch. You're used to pain, you can do this. Just gotta ride that adrenaline high and hope that nothing is fractured. ...Something is probably fractured. You whiz the tentacle at him again, just trying to force him to give you enough distance to get up. You're slashing at his legs, because step number one is trying to convince the guy who just took a gut shot that he needs to fucking move holy hell.
This time, you actually move. A second stab from that thing might legitimately kill you and you quite like being alive, unlike your sadsack of a brother. You spit a bit of blood at his face as you move your legs away from the tentacle before they end up shredded, quite content to see your blood dripping all the hell over him. Hot. The bitch can have something to remember you by for a while if he insists on not showering often anyway. Wait a second, how much juice does he have? You date two psionics, you know they get fried after a while. You grin rather darkly at that, realizing you know exactly what your plan is. "Hey, Hadean! Is that the best you've got?" You call out through your blood-choked breaths. "I'm still standing and I'm still winning that sweet prize!" It's a taunt, plain and simple. You put your foot in position, waiting for the second that he takes his arms down to kick sand from the arena at his face. "Why don't you get back up already and make my night a little more fun?"
Good news: He moved. Bad news: He fucking blood bukkake'd your face. Good god, he better not be diseased. If you catch something from his shitty jade blood you'll be pissed. You've got some distance, but he's still there, waiting. And taunting you. "I just had part of me inside you and then you blood bukkake all over my face and don't call that fun? God Emerel, at least buy a guy dinner first." You don't rise to his bait, not when you're already on the ground like this and he's looming so close. But your tentacle has him edgy and you can take the moment to draw some energy up your poor injured arms to shield them from the next hits, forming a shield as well to hold in front of you as you stand.
"Yeah, give me something I haven't tried before and we'll see about fun. Bitch, I'll make you dinner." You shoot back, weapon at the ready. You need to keep this plan going. But that means getting close again and not taking stupid shots that involve you getting stabbed. Your plan worked, but now you just look dumb. Oh well. You'll recover. You like yourself enough for everyone else anyway. As soon as he stands up, you're running forward fast to kick the sand up at him. It's not much, but it's some degree of a distraction. And sand blows, so you're not worried about his shield saving him from it. As you charge in, you keep a close eye on the tentacle. And that whole damn light show he's putting on right now. You can't afford to get hit by that thing again, or anything else he might have on him. You make like you're going to make a right step and slash at him, only to stop at the last second and slide left and swing your axe at his shoulder. It's time to see just how goo of a shield he can make.
"Oh, you blood bukkake everyone? You perv." Fucking sand. You were raised in it and this is how it repays you. Dirty trick though, you should have been hurling sand at him! If you weren't busy. Stabbing him. Yeahh..... Oops? At least it's a momentary distraction, because you have a axe coming at you. You get your shield up but not enough- thank god for the armor you constructed under your shirt that takes most of the blow. But you can still feel blood welling up, not enough to stop you from getting by unscathed. Shoulder wounds are so nasty- did he slice your tattoo? Fuck, you'll need to get it redone. The pains are adding up, but you press an attack with the tentacle at the same time you go for a shield bash, pulling your mangled shoulder away. It's pretty deep, but you've had worse. You switch hands that the shield is in and let the tentacle swing to your injured side to take over, hoping you've got enough time between attacks to form another one.
"What can I say? A man has needs. And mine include blood bukkake-ing everyone." Your chest is squishing with the blood and you deeply regret that gambit. It played out so much better in your head. That was a bad time to mess up that badly, but whatever. It is what it is, you guess. On the bright side, you think it's starting to heal itself already. Thank goodness for speedy healing. At the very least, you can make Hadean bleed to make yourself feel better. When you see blood bubbling up around where you hit him, you decide to go for a second opening while you have the chance before that tentacle gets you, jerking hard on his braid which is dangling in your arm's reach and aiming the blunt end of the staff at whatever unprotected point you can reach.
Boy, you're starting to hurt. Your arm is definitely protesting all this moving around you're making it do, and your body is already pulling energy away from your constructs to worry about the damage done. Stupid shitty psionics, not realizing you need to win the battle before you worry about repairs. Your hair is getting a lot of yanking today, you don't like it. You pull the shield in against his staff hit but the injuries make it flimsy- instead of absorbing the hit it shatters and you still get a nasty hit that will no doubt leave a mark. You don't like this, you're starting to get angry- your shield is gone so you just reach out to grab the arm wielding the halberd with one hand while you blindly let your tentacle form a projectile, flinging it at Emerel's face. Well, it's the right color for a brick at least?
His defenses are weakening. You can see it. He's moving more slowly and even his powers are having trouble keeping up. You're winning. You just need a few more good hits and you can finally knock his ass right out of the ring. You raise your knee, getting ready to kick him out of the circle the two of you are inching closer to, when you suddenly wraps his hand around your halberd arm. You twist your body and move your arm to break it out of his hand past the thumb. You're already pulling back to kick at his chest while you're at it. What you didn't expect, however, was the light coming at your face. You immediately duck, but it's too late; there's a searing pain in your face and the pain is shooting through your eye and all the way into your neck. You let out a shout and swing your halberd blindly at Hadean, your pan frantically trying to figure out what the hell even just happened. "What the fuck are you doing?!" You snap at him, finally going through with that kick to the chest you were trying for in the first place.
Haaaa, sweet sweet face contact. Followed by nearly getting gored by him flailing his halberd, but you dodge that by the skin of your teeth, riding high on his shout. Well, until he fucking kicks you. Oww. You nearly buckle, your poor torso is really not doing alright, but he sounds so pissed. "Just improving your face a little bit Em! Fans might find a facial scar charming! And you'll get to look in the mirror and remember this fight for the rest of your life." Was that too much? Fuck it, who cares? You got to hit him in the face.
"Uggh, you-" Oh, now you're mad. You're shaking mad. You've been hit in the face before during these fights, but it's specifically when Hadean does it that you're pissed off. This was supposed to be a no kill fight and that's the second blow that could have legitimately killed you, even if the first one was your own damn fault. undefinedImproving your face a little bit, Em. He says that that's it. That's just it. You grip your weapon so hard that the leather is digging into your palms. You hiss as him, loud and sharp and more animall than troll. Your fangs are bared and you're lunging at him, one hand aiming for his throat, the other raising your weapon (which, miraculously, is still set to the blunt end) to hopefully stick in his skull
Oh. Ohhh he didn't like that, did he? That's a nasty noise coming out of him, and a nasty look, and- fuck, he's gonna try to kill you. You knew that look just fine, makes your pumper skip a beat before the survival instinct kicks in. He's got a hand on your throat and it's enough, he's going to try and kill you? He's dead. If only you knew how dead he really was. It's just a light glow, outlining his hand around your throat as your psionics open up and swallow his lifeforce in. It's always such a heady feeling- you imagine this is what being high might be like, might be trying to capture this euphora. To be able to hold the stuff that lets a troll breathe, let them love and grow and be- and to take it away. To make it so you breathe. But the euphoria fades about the same time as your body jerks, eyes and horn jerking from rust to jade. Something's wrong. Why do you feel cold? What is this? What did he do? You can't identify the anti-life, the death trying to spread through you- not while your pan is screaming that you're dying. You crumple in to the sand and you can't move, your body is spasming but you aren't controlling it. It feels like there's acid in your veins, but instead of burning it's freezing. You might be making noises, you don't know. All you know is that it hurts. In other words, you're fucked.
You really don't know what you're doing. Somewhere in the back of your head, Pheres' worries about your temper flash and you get a cold feeling as you realize just how well he actually had you pegged there. You're about to let go of Hadean's throat and punch him or something instead when he starts fucking glowing. Oh no. Shit. Instead of the sharp, piercing pain that you were expecting, however, you get a hollow, light feeling. Your head feels light and fuzzy and all at once every muscle in your body feels like it's made of lead. You shake and tremble, clutching vaguely at your chest as you literally lose your ability to breathe. Hadean is seizing up like he's having an attack and all you can think is that something has gone very, very wrong. He's screaming. Are you screaming? You think you're screaming. You collapse to the side of him, shaking hard and gasping for air before you finally feel too heavy to struggle anymore. You feel warm blood on your face and then nothing else as your eyes close and the sweet embrace of...something...takes you over.
You were running toward Hadean even before he fell. Before _both_ of them fell. These _stupid fucking morons._ You hate both of them! You’re going to skin them and use their hides for _leather!_ You don’t know what just happened, but it doesn’t take a genius to realize it’s bad. Hadean’s rust. He’s in more danger. You feel a stab of guilt - but Emerel has Pheres, he has caste on his side, and something really bad just happened to your lowblood friend. You pick him up, struggling under his lanky form, but you put him over your shoulder regardless with blueblood strength and start marching off, looking for a mediculler, looking for somewhere you can keep him so that nobody tries to _cull his stupid ass._ He deserves it. Fucking idiot. But you drag him to the mediculler’s hut anyway, and the yellowblood doctor there immediately starts working on him. You get up, worrying, worrying, guarding the door in case anyone gets a bright idea. You’d attack almost anyone right now if they tried anything - Hadean’s _yours._ He’s stupid, he’s reckless, but he’s _your_ friend and damned if you’re going to let him die from some stupid fucking fight.
The fight seems to be turned on its head within seconds, and with that you're standing up and looking over the ring with confusion. What the hell was going on? You'd known this was foolish, and turning quickly into a furious blood bath, but at the sight of Hadean seizing you feel like you should act -- before that, though, a blue blood is darting out towards them You reach out briefly, brows furrowed, and then you're physically hit by something. It causes you to suck in sharply, covering your mouth and causing your heart to contract in -- fear? You aren't sure. It's not something you're familiar with. It blooms quickly from your chest, turning into a horrific split of lightning through your head that blurs your vision and sends shocks through your map of the area. Everything is alive, and then suddenly it isn't, and when you are able to fight through the feeling, you push through to follow after the blue blood snatching Hadean. Was it Hadean? Where did the other... Emerel...? Why couldn't you feel what they were... It didn't matter. Someone should have broken them up -- you, actually, should have broken them up. Inhibitor be damned. It's strange feeling... anger? Why were you able to feel this suddenly? You arrive at the hut, clutching at your eye as if that would stop the pain behind it. There wasn't really anything you could do but wait. You aren't foolish enough to try to get in the middle of this -- and you aren't foolish enough to see what touching Hadean would do to you -- or him.
You watch the fight in pure shock and horror, your mouth hanging slightly open as you watch Em let out that unnatural hiss. You feel the chill race down your spine when you realize that the fang bearing and screaming that he's doing, that leap, that choke attempt...they're all things that you've done before, when you were a different person. Is this really some type of genetic lineage bullshit? Regardless, you're on your feet and racing at top speed to Emerel when you see him convulse and fall to the ground. What did Hadean do to him? Whatever it was, it clearly hurt him too. Whatever. That's not what you're worried about. You kneel next to your 'brother,' trying hard and failing to shake him away. "Emerel, get up. Come on." When that fails, you at least pull your apron out of your inventory to wrap around his chest. You could at least try to help with the bleeding.
You're in too much pain to really register that you're moving- but you do notice that you're being carried by someone just spilling over with energy. You can judge it as blue- gliese, some frazzled corner of your thinkpan provides. But you're on cloth, you can feel the energy but it's trapped away from you. You're put down, the energy retreating to be replaced by a candlestick, burning down to nothingness much quicker. Again, a barrier. You want to scream as you realize they're trying to heal you. You didn't have energy, they were going to be working on a corpse soon! But then, there's a hand against your shoulder, wonderful skin. You can't help it, you need it- you slip some of her life away before your thinkpan provides gliese again and you force yourself away. It's enough, you think. The pain is ebbing back, you don't feel like you're being frozen alive. Your psi sputters back to rust as you raise a hand to feebly wave at the mediculler. "Getchur pawsof me." Well, you tried.
You snort at him. Dumbass. But your ears raise and your eyes tinge orange as someone else arrives at the entrance and you lift your hand off your friend’s shoulder, ready to defend yourself and him, but it’s just Prisma. “You said you were his friend, so I’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and not stick you with my scythe.” You say curtly. “Don’t make me change my mind.” You watch him carefully as the medic does their work, ears slightly lower but still wary to any sound, any rustle of movement. Before your fleet training you might have been tempted to take an occasional anxious glance at Hadean, but if the military’s good at anything it’s taught you discipline. You’re focused like a good soldier.
You manage a heavy sigh, unconvering your eye briefly as you lean against one of the poles before you glower somewhat at Gliese. You're too frazzled by Hadean's twisting emotions to do much more in retaliation, though. In your state, it wasn't like you could take her. He wasn't dying, was he? You just met him... It's an empty feeling, though, replaced by a torrent of frustration, terror, breathlessness, help? Lock, trap, blue, trap, trapt, trapped, blue -- You inhale sharply and shut your eyes tightly. And suddenly it's gone. You hold your abdomen and look worryingly over to the rust on the table. You just met him... You can't even be frustrated. You just stare for a few moments until he moves, lacking the ability to feel proper joy or relief so much as the hollowness leaving you briefly. "Hadean?"
Red-faced, annoyed, you'd helped Pheres move Emerel from the sandy field to the stands as Gliese - _Gliese_, of all fucking people - hauls Hadean off. "He'll be _fine,_ he's _jade_," you tell him and the jade alike, your flaps all the way back. "Pheres, Maidel - you can spark 'em to the cart, but for fuck's sake, don't _lift him_. Wrap the torso, stick one of those bloodsacks on him, don't _jar the wound_ --" It takes longer than you'd like to actually wrest yourself free! It's a guilt thing, mostly. Pheres is furious and shaking and dry-eyed in that way that means he's contemplating murdering something, and you ought to pap him down - but he _dumped you_, and you're more concerned about Hadean's life right now than Pheres's emotional _fit._ At least Prisma's there to keep Gliese from doing anything stupid. "Pri!" you yelp as soon as you're at the hut of the mediculler, shoving your way through the door. "Is Hads okay? Like, what the fuck happened out there?"
God, this is so not your night. Everyone's showing up now, are they there to gawk? They're going to have questions that you... Really don't want to answer. But hard to avoid it now, isn't it? Hard to focus on them when you hurt so much. Especially your damn shoulder. And your arm. Breaks suck. Stupid shambling corpse jade bastards suck. As nice as it would be to just sleep, you don't know if you can. You still need an actual meal sometime soon- Gliese was enough to balance out the spiral that that undead energy had sent you down, but you still feel like you're running on fumes. The glow of your horn is probably a sad sight, sputtering flames as you try swatting at the mediculler again. "Need to go." You try to rise, and it doesn't- go well. Your body sends up a chorus of pain that lays you flat for a moment, choking on a curse. Getting the shit beaten out of you is never nice, being so fucking drained is just the cherry on top. But you're stubborn and you try again, baring your teeth at the mediculler. Hey, at the very least you might diffuse any hot tempers from flaring up in the tent.
You look immediately to Sipara when her burning presence bursts through the tent. Shaking your head, you can't even process what to tell her. "Hadean had some sort of reaction. I don't know, but I felt it. It may have been psionic, there is no telling," you attempt, at least, to offer something up. "But he was very hurt. And very scared. I didn't feel anything from Emerel, though. Nothing at all." It's stated like a report, as if you're coolly relaying a dispatch to an officer. As the laid out red blood begins to fight against the doctor, you take a step closer with a wary eye on Gliese. Clearly he didn't have enough energy for something - it didn't take a genius to figure that out if his horn was sustained psionically. It certainly couldn't be physical. "Go where, Hadean?"
ou like Pri, you decide. Unlike everyone else, he just rattles off information without even needing you to threaten him with it. It's for the best, because as soon as Hadean tries to sit up and chokes, you kind of want to kill something. "Thanks, dude. And what the actual fuck," you complain instead, stalking closer. Gliese might shank you for getting this close, but whatever, you don't care. "You can't even get up, dude. Where the hell would you be going? Is he feverish?" Being rude to the mediculler never helps. That doesn't stop you from trying to lay a hand on his skin, though, just to check.
Right, Prisma was an empath or whatever. He's feeling your shit. You might have felt bad for that- you probably will, later- but right now you're just focused on getting your sorry ass up. Easier said than done when you're getting a bunch of well-intentioned jerks butting in. You'd feel touched, but. They're interfering in stuff they didn't know about and didn't have to understand. "I just need to go." Man, even talking hurts. You just had to find someone, get them alone. You wouldn't be picky right now, even a maroon would do. Speaking of maroons, Sipara is coming closer. She touches you and there's the urge to drain, but no. She's a friend. ...But the parasites are another story. They're a shitty meal, really. Like trying to gorge yourself on fortune cookies. But it's the best you have at the moment without losing a friend, isn't it? You can't stop yourself from making a low sound as you take the energy, a mouthful of water when you're blistering in the fucking desert. Hopefully Sip can get the bastard off before it goes for her blood.
"Of course," you reply, just before Sipara launches into her spiel. Lord... "That doesn't make sense, Hadean. Your body can't sustain movement right now..." you say quietly, remaining at a distance with the other three tending to him. "You have to stay. If you go the injuries could tear again..." You're at a loss for words and action, instead looking with worry between Sipara and Hadean. You can't feel anything else from him, so he must be fine...? No, that's not right either. And what was with the noise... "What is it you need to leave for, so badly?"
You're not expecting him to touch your arm. You're definitely not expecting the flash of colours that means your prosthetics levels are plummeting - - but this time, at least, you've got the sense to snap off a _disconnect_ before the fangs dig into retaliation. The worm goes limp as the fangs pull out, sliding down your arm in the process, and you hasten it by half-yanking the rest off. It's already stiffening into a defensive curl when you drop it on his lap. "Don't be so fucking petty," you snap. "If you don't wanna be touched, you can just _say! _
Oh my god, you're dying and she's whining like you're killing her worms to spite her. You groan and try to force yourself up, slightly more successful this time- you sit up, even if you wobble. Your head is spinning, but you swallow against the dizziness. There's a worm in your lap and you grab it to see if there's anything left in it for you before you weakly shove it off. "Need energy." You squint at the floor, trying to judge if you can stand. How are you expecting to get past all four of them? You weren't planning, you just know you need to. Damn them for caring.
You flinch somewhat at the sharp reprimand, curling your hands at your side. What did he do to her... arm? You don't understand in the slightest, watching in some horror as she pries this grotesque something off of her arm. In another life, you might be somewhat nauseated. This time, you move to try to help Hadean steady themselves, "You should stand against someone, or the table. You could black out," You said hurriedly, "What sort of energy?" You look to Sipara, as if she might be able to produce an answer for all of you. Psionic energy? But... that was an extension of will. He said his was... no, he denied it was metabolic. So what was it? The puzzle is irritating.
His horn is a little brighter, is the first thing you notice. That's a relief; the way he isn't even bothering to bite back at your snap deflated you, quick as anything. Maybe he's feeling better? No. He's swaying just from sitting up. And Prisma's looking at you. And there's a dead worm on the ground, same as your last one. (When did he zap that one? When you said you wanted to fight him...?) "Tyrian tits, dude." You hate taking the prosthetic off of your bad arm, not least of all because it hooks in tighter: there's those pinprick flashes of pain as it disconnects from your nerves, but at least it's made to come off easier. And if you roll your shoulder after it's free, it looks like it's just asleep, not dead. At least, it better. You toss the freed prosthetic one handed at Prisma, trying not to frown too hard. You're settling a theory, that's all. "They've got psi, " you deadpan. "Let's see if he wants to cull that one, too.
You decide to sit down and curl up into a ball as Prisma and Sipara talk. A sudden apathy washes over you. You’ve done everything you can. You can only wait. Though you do frown as Hadean…what did he do? Sipara’s bug is just…dead. At least the mediculler doesn’t seem at all perturbed by Hadean’s insistence and keeps working, sanitizing, bandaging, and packing, cleaning him up. “He’s not feverish.” says the yellowblood quietly. “No warmer than a maroon should be.” “If you need psi - “ You finally say, hoarse. “ - take mine. My bloodline’s stupid strong, it won’t do anything.” Even if it did, you wouldn’t care. Hadean’s life is worth more than some lousy mind control.
Well, Prisma makes a good brace to just sort of lean yourself against. You tell yourself you'll just give yourself a minute. Then you'll stand. That sounds good. "I'll black you out, hush." Yeah. Keep acting tough, even when you're feeling weak as a half-squashed grub. You frown at Sipara when you notice she's doing something, then her arm is off. Huh. Neat. She tosses it to Prisma worm and all, and you might grab at it a little eagerly. Fuck the eyes watching you, you'd deal with it somehow... Later. For now you just focus on that little burst of energy you get from the worm, leaving it to have its death throes in Prisma's arms as you close your eyes. At least it's enough to give your horn a faint little constant glow, you're not just coughing up sparks for the moment. But you know it'll come, you have a lot of damage to repair. And oh, they're talking. "I don't eat psi." God, look at her just offering up her powers to you. That's the only thing that gets her that fancy desk job later in life, isn't it? Jeez... "Uh. Thanks for the offer." Hey, you can try to be polite. Even when you're three-quarters dead.
"I will see it coming. I do not recommend that, friend." You resituate how to support Hadean when Sipara tosses the... creature... to you. The last thing you wanted was to hold this in your bare hand, but you don't actually have any complaints-- at least until Hadean's touch causes it to seize and crumple. You drop it to the floor, staring down at it numbly before your attention is pulled towards Gliese's offer. If it's not psi... but it can be sustained by food... You purse your lips, eyeing Hadean beside you in silence and waiting for Sipara's authority. Until then, though, you are determined to either keep a grip on Hadean or keep them in arms length.
 >SIPARA He doesn't eat psi, but he's murdering all of your worms. And he fucked up Emerel fairly bad. And, yeah, now there's a glow worth noting in his horns again, and... You blow out your cheeks, trying not to look as alarmed as you're starting to feel. It's Hadean, he's _fine_, and besides, you're totally going down murder hive lane for no good goddamn reason. You've never heard of psionics working like that. They expel, they don't _siphon._ "Sit the fuck down, Hads," you say, curt. This is his deal. You don't need to shout it to everyone in the room, especially when one's blue. "You don't need to _hold_ him, Pri chill already. You need energy, Hads, we'll get you some." "How raw do you want it? "There. You're the queen of subtlety.
If he doesn’t eat psi, what the fuck is his deal? Oh. Energy. Weird. But whatever. And now Sipara’s offering, and you roll your eyes a little but don’t comment. At least she’s helping. …wait. Was that why - did he try to pull that on Emerel, and - ? Your eyes narrow, but now’s not the time. Though if he did, why did it fail on the jade? Emerel’s as energetic as anyone. You feel a stab of guilt for abandoning him, but he has Pheres and that greenblood to fuss over him, plus caste on his side. He’ll be okay. You’ll visit him later. “Yeah, Hadean. Name it. We’ll get it.” You say, wry.
Sip's smart, you have to give her that. But then of course she is, growing her worms and doing all that lab shit. You've given her enough information now for her to make a calculated guess. You're not sure what you expected of her when she started putting the dots together, but... This wasn't it. You just stare at her, wondering if this is a trick. Or if you're more fucked than you thought you were. Do trolls hallucinate when they die? Maybe. You settle on the bench, licking your lips as you try to figure out what the fuck you do. But there's not much choice now, is there? They all know enough. "Fuck. Fucking. Raw as it gets. Colder the better." You turn your head to stare down the mediculler, because they're an unknown in all of this. Would they blab? Maybe it was best to take care of them.
Your only response to the redblood glaring at you - Hadean, you’ve gathered, from everyone saying his name so much - is to raise one eyebrow. “Your powers are none of my business.” You say, shrugging. “Culling me is ill-advised. I can leave you all deathly ill with my psi before you do, so why bother.” The blueblood makes a frustrated noise. Too bad. “I’d like to test that - “ she says, going for her scythe, but before she can she chokes, her own esophageal cells multiplying and blocking her air intake before you cut them off again. “Don’t.” You say. “I shan’t tell. As far as I’m concerned - “ You say, looking around. “ - this was a normal treatment, and nothing unusual happened. I left you to go check on the jade.” Saying so, you pack up your gear and leave to do just that. Whatever they get up to now is none of your business.
The mediculler flounces with a flick of her fingers that sets Gliese to choking. It is manners alone that keeps you from grinning until you're out of the tent, and then you're fairly cackling as you walk away. You hate walking without your prosthetic. Your bad arm jangles next to you like a weight you can't feel, startling you every time it brushes your thigh, but luckily Pheres's cart isn't that far. The stall is still attached to the front, even, for all that the doors have all been shut and the curtains on the van proper drawn shut. And there's Lal, right where you left him. Well. Not quite. "What, he wouldn't let you in?" you ask, sympathetic. "Soz. Hey, wanna help me steal a goat?"
In your defense, you did try to get into the cart - but no amount of pizza peace offerings are going to calm Pheres down from the mood he's in. Understandably: you're pretty sure his matesprit is dead. That doesn't stop you from being anxiously restless as you strain to hear inside the cart and wait for someone to show up before a fairgoer decides your loitering is getting suspicious. Thankfully, Sipara comes loping over to your rescue. No worse for wear despite what you're sure was a tense situation, though with a little less volume on one side. "Depends," you declare, shoving yourself off the side of the cart, "That, uh, Pheres, on accounta the attitude and, y'know-" You gesture at your own horns- "Or the one that up and ate your frond?"
"Neither! We are stealing, like, a totally unrelated hoofbeast that's innocent of all crimes. Shit's gonna be wicked." He doesn't look chill. He looks, actually, pretty much the _opposite_, and you catch yourself looking at the van like you can peer inside. "So. Uh." God, you shouldn't ask. "Is he, y'know -" _Croaked it_ isn't a good term, not when Pheres might hear it. "How's he doing?" you say instead, twisting your mouth to the side.
"Well," you concede, hoping Sipara doesn't ask. "So long's I ain't gonna get short, mad, and fluffy on my tail. Cos, uh-" She asks. Damn it. So much for getting away from the death and angst card immediately. You lean back against it, shoving your hands into your hoodie pockets. "- I ain't a medical professional," you say carefully, awkward and a good bit quieter. "But, uh - green dude ain't, like. Aspiratin' or nothin'."
Laledy looks like it's _his_ clademate that just croaked it. You should feel worse, you think. But it's not you know Emerel! And it's not like Pheres's even known him for _long_. Still, he's still going to be frothing, so you puff out your cheeks, and with great reluctance, rap hard on the door. You barley get to a second knock before a window cracks open, and Pheres's voice drifts out. "He's fine," Pheres snaps. His voice's gone all _throaty_, in a way that makes your ears pin back at the sound of it. "And you're not allowed in, so just - _fuck off._" A moment later, the window snaps shut. "Well," you say, turning around. Your cheeks are warm. _Goddamnit._ ".. uh. Shit. Um. Thanks.. for staying? Y'know. During that."
Pheres sounds like he's either been crying or is about to, and that's just about more emotional vulnerability than you can tolerate from a guy that you're barely friends with. Sipara doesn't sound much less comfortable when she turns her back, and you're relieved at the chance to jog a few steps to catch up with her. You duck around until you're on the side of her good arm, pressing your fingers to her elbow so she can lead you to wherever you're going to... catch a goat, apparently. You shrug awkwardly. "Ain't no big. Gotta make sure a guy ain't gonna go nothin' - y'know, right?" Well, that's certainly a sentence that made sense. "He'll be fine. Pher, I mean. Ain't so sure 'bout his boo, but..." There's not really a 'but' that follows, and you're not entirely sure how to even have this conversation. The one boon to being stuck outside listening to make sure Pheres didn't, like, hurt himself or snuff Emerel was that you didn't have to talk to anybody about the potentially dead guy in the van. "Why're we gettin' a bleatbeast?" you blurt.
You have no idea what to do. It's a good thing that Budino's being quiet in the corner, because right now, you'd cull him if he said a word. It didn't work. He looks like he's sleeping, with scarcely a dent in his face to show it was ever injured, and he's not sleeping: he's _dead_. The saw is still lying where you left it. If you have to, you'll cut off his head. But.. maybe you'll just wait, first. It can't hurt to wait. "Maidel," you say, and you hate the way your voice rasps. "You should go. _Please._ Thank you, but.. Go."
You completely understand. You fixed Emerel - mostly - but it doesn’t seem to have done any good. You don’t understand. His body responded to your healing, but…he’s still… You don’t even want to think about it. You hang your head and don’t say a word, going out at Pheres’s orders, floppy ears sadly drooping even more than usual. But then those ears flip up slightly as you see Sipara and Laledy walking off, and tilt your head as the jade asks why they’re getting a goat. “Why ARE you getting a bleat beast?” You ask curiously. Maybe it’s none of your business, but you need something to do, and - wait, where did Sipara’s prosthetics go? You’ve _never_ seen her without them before. You hurry over to them, concerned. “What’s going on?”
Maidel looks like someone shot Kabiir in front of him, and then started eating. It is entirely too fucking depressing. "We're getting a bleatbeast to impress he-who-must-not-be-named," you murmur, quiet enough that Pheres won't hear. "C'mon, Maidie-baby, you're getting conscripted to help us out, on accounta the fact, like, I'm _totes_ down an arm." "And how else are we gonna carry it, if you don't come with?"
You suck in a breath through your teeth and realize - well, shit, you've now got one friend that's culled another friend's quadrant. At least Sipara doesn't seem to have forsaken Hadean - or you think so, anyways. Maidel catches up the few steps to the two of you, and you wave an awkward hello, briefly considering letting go of Sipara's arm before you decide you don't currently give a fuck. "Where we gettin' it?" you ask, "Cos, lemme tellya, it ain't been smellin' near's bad as I'd've figured for a place what's up and got bleatbeasts to spare. And, like, why's Hads want a goat?" You suppose it's better than him not needing a goat, on account of being dead.
You blink as Sipara tells you why, and you don’t really understand, but she is your boss, so you shrug and go along with it. Pheres would probably want you to keep an eye on the pair of them anyway, just to be safe. Besides, you kind of like the nickname. “I can take care of it.” You say, confident. You don’t even have to carry it - you can just stick it in a safe plane and retrieve it. That way you don’t have to worry about it getting loose. “Um, one second - “ You take your fair map out of your sylladex, looking it over, and then showing it to Sipara, waving a freckled finger over an area labelled ‘authentic historical food, slaughtered fresh!’. “They’ll probably have one, or something like it.” You walk with them, and even though you’re further away now, you still lower your voice to ask. “Is Hadean okay?”
 >SIPARA You give Laledy a long look. "Do you _really_ want to know why he wants a goat? Like, really? Really?" "And - yeah, we'll get it from there. Sounds good." Lal's clinging to your arm, and it's.. actually, weirdly sort of endearing. You need people on your arm more: if it weren't currently being dead-weight, you'd probably loop your others through Maidel's. "Hadean's.. aright. Why wouldn't he be?" "He's not the dumbass that walked into a fucking _knife._"
You stare at Sipara. "Pal, the way you're goin', there's like a 50% chance you're about to tell me he wants to pail it, and a 50% chance you're gonna say we're summonin' the Demoness, and, gotta say, there's zactly one a'those options I ain't down for." Then she calls Emerel a dumbass for walking into a knife, and you bark an incredulous laugh. "Wait, for cereals? Even I ain't that shit at fightin'! Uh, crap-" You just insulted a dead guy and somebody needs to tape your mouth shut- "Then what'sa matter with 'im? I wan't half-sure he wasn't, like, also dead."
Your face knits in worry as Sipara questions Laledy, but you nod as she agrees. Then you’re puzzled again, but from her tone, you figure it’s better not to ask, and you wince at her last comment before trying to withhold slightly horrified laughter at the jadeblood’s remarks. “I don’t think Hadean has the energy for the first one.” You say, bemusedly. “And I think we’d have to offer the Demoness better than just a goat, probably.” You give the jade an alarmed look, but he seems to have realized his mistake - besides, you have no idea how well he knows Emerel. Maybe he hasn’t even met him properly. “He’s probably just recovering, I imagine.” You say, partially to help Sipara out. “Those wounds looked nasty.”
"Look, what I'm _saying_, Lal, is that we're gonna walk in, drop off a goat, and close our eyes to whatever fucked up shit goes down before we manage to get the fuck out. Why do you have to go 'n make it weird?" A beat. "'sides, why can't he do both? Hadean's, like, _talented_, dude." .. are you supposed to fight Laledy over him insulting Pheres's quad? He's dead. He can't exactly _object_, and Pheres isn't exactly here to _hear_, so... nah. "He's fine! He's just gotta sit, take a breath and then walk it the fuck off." You shrug. "You saw the braid thing, dude, 's just woozy," you drawl, light, and then you nudge Maidel with your shoulder. Thank god she's so tall. "Hey, babe, you leadin' the way? 'cause beeteedubs, I have _no_ fucking idea where this is."
 "Uh, right." The braid thing, whatever that was. "Ain't impugnin' Hads's many talents, pal, just wonderin' what choice I made in life that's let to this demonic cult I just joined, and also how you know the Demoness goes in for that kinda ish. Like, pal, if we're gettin' her a bleatbeast, seems kinda shit to get her a used bleatbeast!" You thought that maybe if you talked enough, it would somehow eliminate the awkward, but you forgot that you opening your mouth absolutely never entails a lowering in awkwardness. At least Sipara is half as lost as you are. You snort at her - the blind leading the blind.
You make a lot of faces as the two of them talk. You’ve lost count of how many different emotions you’ve been running through. “Oh! Yes, I’m taking us there. It should only be a few more minutes.” You reassure her. You keep switching between the map and the landmarks, anxious to keep the three of you on the right track, and you’re pretty sure it’ll be coming up soon. You laugh a little at Laledy’s comments. “I’m about…ninety percent sure, there will be no heraldic figure of doom summoning.” You say. “Oh! Yup, there it is, uh…hm.” You come up on the place, and you can tell by the smell and sound of it. There’s a very menacing looking yellowblood with a butcher knife, slicing a bloody haunch of meat at a stand, but peering around that you can see stalls from where bleating and mooing is coming. “Hm.” You say again, more quietly, thinking. “I think one of you might want to distract the stall keeper, while I get close enough to grab the bleatbeast…that part’s easy, I just need to make sure I won’t be getting a blade in the neck.”
"Dude, the fuck is your thing with demon summoning? You got _practice?_" You jeer at him: "-'cause if you do, don't tell Queenie. Pretty sure she's the only spoopy thing allowed in the shop." You lace your fingers through Laledy's, then use that to tug him forward. "We'll distract him," you declare. "C'mon! It'll be just like the musical dude, In Which Seven Young Signmates are In Need of Kismesises (And One Case of Auspisticism). You've seen that, right? Or - shit." You pause, peering at Maidel, your ears pricking forward. "Can you even carry a goat by yourself?"
"Duh," you tell Sipara, sticking out your tongue, "Ain't you heard? It's, like, emogoth chic, I gotta be true to my identity-!" You were going to keep going, but then Sipara actually grabs your hand, winding her fingers through yours like you're in a romcom, and now you're walking together instead of behind her, hands swinging between the two of you. Well, that's one way to shut you up. You're pretty sure you've gone green up to your ears. The last time you'd held someone's hand, Cateex looked at you like you'd rotated your head 360 degrees. "Well," you manage, though not without missing a beat or three, "If there's precedent - and, shit, pal, who's up and questionin' peeps' talents now? Maybe she can, like, carry two bleatbeasts, even! One for Hads, one for the Demoness."
You laugh, letting a few lime green sparks off from your eyes - not too noticeable unless you’re looking closely, but apparent to anyone within a few feet. “I don’t have to.” You say, smiling. “But I _am_ going to vanish with it, so we’ll have to meet up somewhere else. Pheres’s cart?” Aww, Laledy’s blushing. It’s kind of adorable. Are he and Sipara quadrants? Well, none of your business, you suppose. Maybe your bosses just like jades. “I could grab two, but I think one is enough to worry about.” You say dryly. “Unless you really want one as well, Laledy.”
"'sactly! And -" Wait, Lal's blushing. Why? .. over-exertion, probs. For fuck's sake, why'rne you always surrounded by a bunch of waifs? But you slow down, obliging up until Maidel chirps off that line. "Holy shit, _no_, not Pher's. You -" You pause, completely serious: "- you, Maidie, keep the fuck away from the cart for awhile, 'kay? 'til he says he wants you there. Like, either of us pops back up, he's gonna eat our fucking faces. Let him cool off." "Take it to the mediculler tents! Hads in the fifth one down."
"So he is effed up!" you accuse, "What's he gone to the mediculler's for? And what's the bleatbeast for?" To be clear: You are totally down for stealing a goat. You're just incredibly fucking confused, have no idea what went down the entire fight and how and why everyone is so injured, and this is, like, the one thing you can probably get a decent answer for so by the Mother Grub, you're going to get it. "And shit, pal," you tack on, midlly disbelieving, "The more the merrier! Just pop on over with one on each shoulder like it's nbd, yeah?"
You wince, but of course Sipara’s right. Even if you didn’t go in and just stopped by before taking the goat away with you, Pheres might be mad, and you don’t want to deal with that. “Right.” You say, nodding. “I’ll see you there then.” You snort. “Not really…but it’d take me too long to explain. The point is, I can do it and leave no trace. It’s a psi thing. Anyway. I’ll wait until they’re focused on the pair of you, and then I’ll dart in and get one. It shouldn’t take me more than a few minutes.”
You've been quietly sitting in your corner of Pheres' cart, not particularly wanting to say anything even if it didn't look like Pheres might eat you if you so much as breathed too loudly. You keep your knees drawn to your chest as you stare down at the floor. This is way too familiar to you and you hate it. This is why you try not to like people. It always ends up like this and you're starting to think your existence is just fatal luck to everyone else. You stand up, slowly padding over to Emerel's body when Pheres isn't looking, staring down at his face. This is distressing, how much he looks like you. Is this what you'll look like whenever something finally finishes you off? Somehow, the thought is...it usually comforts you, but now it just fills you with bubbling terror when you're actually looking your double in the cold, dead face. You keep expecting him to wake up and yell at you to get a new sign, but he won't. You know he won't. You sigh loudly, your shoulders slumping as you rest your arms on the table next to him, letting your forehead fall on them. Fuck. Everything.
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
EE: Wheeew, ånyone else feeling the recent heåtwåve?
EE: I just wånnå weår tånk-tops ålreådy but I cån't, so i'm DYING
ID: fuck the heat. seriously i traveled out of the desert to just end up in a muggier hot hellpit.
EE: Ugh muggy is even worse EE: So får the heåt here hås been dry, but I know we're in for å night of humidity ånd I dreåd it!!!
ID: it's like being in some giant's sweaty armpit around here. =:I definitely take dry heat any day.
EE: Omg, truuuueeeee
ID: ...fuck why didn't i think of that.
ID: you're a genius, uh.
ID: ...whatever your name is.
EE: Båsill!
ID: basill then. you're a genius.
EE: å genius tråpped in å not-cold-enough office TToTT
ID: complain to the boss about getting a better ac. that's something you can do, right? i've never worked in an office. you are working there. right? and just. slacking off talking to a chatroom?
EE: I åm the boss :'( EE: I'm on my lunch breåk
EE: ånd the åir works fine, but everyone else gets cold ånd complåins
AA: A N D R O U N D O N E B E G I N S.
AA: haha, j/k, they'rne fucking w/ each othern rnight now.
AA: fyi, loserns, name's siparna and i am yrn friendly neighornbornhood brnokern forn tonight! AA: pls place yrn bets now on if you think scrnuffy ass jade is gonna win, orn bighorns mcgee. AA: caegarns, beetles and chip trnansferns arne A L L accepted. >:}
AC: Ø .u. phew, I don't want to miss it Ø
SA: i believe in hadean.
AC: Ø .n. I don't want to bet against Emerel but I feel like it'd be mean to bet against Hadean too Ø
SA: I put all the money in my pocket on Hadean.
SA: which is a large amount, apparently.
SA: I will be seated on a different part of the stands, by the way.
EE: I'm not much of å gåmbling gål
AA: lmfao, phern's not paying attention, maidel. AA: he's too busy seething and wrninging his mitts in the stands. >:P
AA: you can T O T E S bet on whoevern you want.
AA: and wait, prni, wherne arne you sitting?? AA: come sit w/ us!!
AC: Ø .u.! yes! I'm with Sipara Ø
AC: Ø On the sitting with us thing Ø
EE: Go sit with them, it's good to måke friends!
SA: but we're using text to chat anyways...
AC: Ø and pfft. .u. that's true, Sipara, but Emerel might backread and he would never forgive me if I bet against him Ø
AA: and ee, yrn lame and that's fucking ternrnible. AA: wtf's the point of having blue cash if you ain't gonna flash?
AC: Ø bragging rights? .u. Ø
EE: I håve bills to påy :(
AA: and we arneee, prni, but, like. AA: if you sit overn herne, you can sharne ourn F O O D.
SA: ...
SA: okay, i will come.
AA: fuck yrn bills. AA: who needs bills? AA: go sleep in a
SA: wait a moment. I will find you.
EE: ånd I owe PP å nice lunch bc låst time I took å bet I lost
AC: Ø ouo!!! Ø
SA: here i am. feed e.
SA: love me marginally less.
AP: My money's on the red guy.
AP: Please make him less pretty, red guy.
EE: Shoot, lunch is over :'( EE: Hope the fight goes well
AA: y, y. dnw abt my hearnt level, brnah, we arne thrnowing food into you until we rnaise Y RN S. AA: rned hearnt orn fucking bust. >:}
AA: and aww, ty. AA: it will.
AA: i mean, not forn emernel, lmao.
AA: >:}
VA: Hey
VA: I fŏrgŏT T'say, buT i'm aT The faire righT nŏw
AA: !!!
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
AA: come see the fight!!
VA: ŏk, where ya aT?
AA: we'rne up in the AA: uh, bottom rnow, by the gate. >:}
VA: I'll head ŏver Then
VA: And I'm gŏnna say iT nŏw. VA: I am nŏT wearing a cŏsTume, sŏ yŏu're jusT gŏnna lŏŏk like an ass if yŏu Tell me hŏw "auThenTic" ŏr "rusTic" I lŏŏk
AC: Ø .n. I hope nobody does that! Though...most people are dressed up pretty fancy, hopefully not? Ø
AA: lmfao. AA: y, y, we will rmemebern. you arne always abt that 24/7 cosplay life. >:}
VA: ŏhhh my gŏd
VA: A Tunic dŏesn'T mean cŏsTume
SA: to some people it is.
SA: I don't think anyone will, though, AC.
VA: They're cŏmfy
VA: I Think I see yŏu guys
AP: It depends on who you ask. AP: A tunic is a costume piece, at least.
AP: Maidel, are you here?
AP: A ...very sparkly seadweller bought most of my stock, but I saved you a few things.
AA: n, she's watching the fight, dude, keep up.
AP: I'd like her to answer that, thank you.
AA: lmfao, 'kay, enjoy yrn rnesponse in the next thirnty.
AP: I will.
AA: a~and looks like they'rne actually.. mb.. gonna stop shit-talking and starnt fighting. AA: gee whiz. AA: ... n, false alarnm, still gabbing.
AA: booooooooo.
SS: (Oh em gee, the natterin's the best part, pal!)
SS: (Why you gotta be a killjoy?)
AC: Ø I am! I'm talking to a lot of people though. .u. Ø
AC: Ø but ooh! thank you Ø
AC: Ø ...oh, I think I see Gliese talking to that seadweller Ø
AC: Ø Huh Ø
AA: dude, n, shhhh. AA: say hern name thrnee times and she'll pop out of the ethern to bug us!!
AP: Gliese, Gliese, Gliese.
AA: jokes on you, dude, gotta have hern last name in therne, too. AA: but good trny, herne's a starn forn effornt. https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.13056045.3033/flat,800x800,075,f.jpg
SA: that star makes me angry.
SA: Look at it.
SA: It can't even try itself.
AP: I think that's a good star.
AA: awww. AA: chillax, brnah. AA: let me, like, ftfy.
AA: http://i.imgur.com/cGIay9e.png
AC: Ø I...don't think so, she looks pretty busy with that seadweller. And pffft. Those are some sad stars. Ø
VA: This is jusT awful
SS: (Sipa, negl... http://i.imgur.com/iRDM4n8.png )
AA: oh my god.
AA: O H M Y G O D.
AA: y. amazing. a+. prni will fucking love it.
VA: WhaT dŏes iT say?
SS: ( http://i.imgur.com/I4Ktcaf.jpg )
AA: but also, considern. AA: https://68.media.tumblr.com/8e2668725f5bdbf4a68f95a179462600/tumblr_inline_nxkqgwmYFJ1tn0tli_540.png
AC: Ø these are some rude stars, my goodness Ø
AA: which one, vatty?? >:}
VA: Dŏ nŏT
LL: ( http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/000/325/925/ca7.png )
AAA: don'tcha see how darnk they arne, maidel? AA: this is what happens when you don't have a pale, dude.
SS: ( https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTg6TYtpdVKWz85f1ZkRS2TamK5gQDIQPIrh62UQrNgl9Kr_C4 )
VA: And any ŏf The picTures hŏnesTly, I can'T read a single ŏne
AA: yrn language gets | Positively | Drneadful | >:P
AC: Ø ... .u. I have no idea what my not having a pale has to - PFFF Ø
AC: Ø Oh now I get it Ø
AA: >:}}}}}}}}}
AC: Ø Don't worry, Vatrra, they don't say anything important. Ø
AC: Ø Sipara's just being silly. Along with SS. Ø
VA: Sŏunds dangerŏus
AC: Ø the stars can't hurt you, only insult you umu Ø
AC: Ø they're just sad and mean Ø
VA: I meanT Sipara being silly
AC: Ø OH, hahaha Ø
AA: http://cdn2-www.craveonline.com/assets/mandatory/legacy/2013/02/man_file_1042548_3dc.png
AA: >:}
AA: okay, okay, enough starns. AA: we want nemorne, therne's lals fucking head herne.
AA: he's got, like, what...
AA: five horns herne.
AA: that's prnactically enough forn a starn. >:P
SS: (Nah, pal, don't you remember? Last time you checked, I have eight. (\eue/) )
VA: Hŏly shiT
AA: y, well, that's bc i counted beforne i snatched 'em off, duh.
AA: c'merne and i'll snatch the rnest of 'em, too. >:}
AC: Ø but Sipara, we're already about to watch a fight .u. Ø
AC: Ø I'm sure they can make space in the ring for that one later. Ø
SS: (Also, like, I totes can't fight. (\qnq/) It'd up and mess up the face you made me. Too bad, totes sad, mb next time. (\unu/) )
AA: well, shit, i didn't sprnay you w/ sealant, did i?? AA: gdi. >:{
AA: w/e, w/e, we'll fight L A T E RN, obvs.
SS: (Insert obnoxiously unsubtle fist pump at my narrow escape from certain death.)
AC: Ø huzzaaaaaah ouo Ø
AA: help, help, i'm being smotherned by a woolbeast.
VA: Happens sŏmeTimes
AA: >:"{
VA: Cry all yŏu wanT, ThaT's yŏur lŏT in life nŏw
VA: An armchair
AA: wherne the fucks' yrn rnusty solidarnity? herne i am, being, like, supern crnuelly C U L L E D in frnont of yrn verny own gandernbulbs, and yrn like. AA: trnoll darnth vadern. all stoic and shit. THIS IS YOUR LOT IN LIFE. AA: CRY ALL YOU WANT.
AA: well, jsyk, i am fucking weeping. AA: you just can't see it b/c my faces bein' eaten by hairn.
VA: Dŏ yŏu see hŏw much hair I have?
VA: I am nŏT sympaTheTic Tŏ yŏur siTuaTiŏn
VA: AT leasT yŏu have sŏmewhere cŏmfy Tŏ die, ThaT's nŏT sŏ bad righT?
SS: (Nm, I take it back! Pheres can up and help me defeat Sipa, she's clearly no match for us.)
AA: wtf is this trneacherny??
AA: someone narnrnate the fight forn me, i can't see shi.t
AA: shit.
AA: ffs.
SS: (It ain't treachery, it's tactics.)
AC: Ø They haven't come to blows yet but they're both holding out their weapons at each other. Ø
SS: (LOL. I'll be your oculars, pal. (\eue/) )
AC: Ø Probably not long now. Ø
SA: it is very disappointing.
AA: lmfao. AA: y, get the fuck down therne, lal. AA: be my seeing eye trnoll.
SA: I wish they would just get to the quick.
VA: Me Tŏŏ
AA: you and me both, prni.
AA: and v.
AA: wherne's the blood??
AC: Ø In the future. .u. Ø
AA: , , . n .
AC: Ø .M. Ø
AA: ònó
AC: Ø hahaha Ø
AC: Ø that's a great face Ø
AA: i am helping you make yrn emojis GRN8, dude. >:P
VA: -M-
VA: Was ThaT an emŏji
AA: omg, yes.
AA: gj, gj. >:D
AC: Ø that was a great emoji ^m^ Ø
SA: Oh, there they finally go.
SA: a miracle.
AC: Ø Red vs. green, dun dun dunnnn Ø
SA: the battle of ugly christmas colors.
AC: Ø Prisma, oh my god Ø
AC: Ø ...not wrong though .m. Ø
SA: are they not--
SA: see.
AC: Ø I feel _bad_ calling Em an ugly christmas color but .m. Ø
AC: Ø I mean Ø
AA: hey, girnl, don't feel bad forn telling the trnuth. >:}
AC: Ø .m. I mean he's not an ugly christmas color but. it is kind of funny in that context. Ø
AC: Ø ... .n. I hope he doesn't read this and get mad Ø
AC: Ø I mean, I'm green too, I can't really talk Ø
SA: yes but your green is more tolerable.
AC: Ø Em's chrome is nice...I mean, jade is better than olive. but. that's really nice of you to say!...I'm conflicted. .n. Ø
SA: embrace it. who cares what emerel feels about it.
AC: Ø .n. he's my friend Ø
AC: Ø I don't want to upset him Ø
SA: everyone here makes fun of everyone else.
SA: I dont think they will mind.
AC: Ø .n. I try not to though. I always feel bad. Ø
AC: Ø I don't mind if people make fun of me but I always worry about hurting someone. Ø
AA: giiiiiirnl. boy. bb.
AA: em dgaf.
AA: prnomise. >:}
AC: Ø ... .m. how long have you known him Sipara? Ø
AA: dude, have you hearnd phernes talk abt him??
AA: haven't even met him, and i feel like I'M the one quadded to the guy by now. >:P
AC: Ø Sometimes! Ø
AC: Ø Pfffff Ø
AC: Ø he's so tall, I think you'd have to like, get on a stepstool .m. Ø
AC: Ø ...though he's not nearly as tall as Riccin I guess Ø
AC: Ø I don't know _anyone_ as tall as Riccin Ø
AC: Ø ...except for one troll but I'd rather forget she ever existed Ø
AC: Ø So, Riccin Ø
SA: they are too tall.
SA: This is troublesome.
AC: Ø .u.! you know Riccin? Ø
SA: oh, no, but if they are taller than emerel they are too tall.
SA: I meant the fight, also.
AC: Ø Pfff - oooh crap. and Riccin is _much_ taller than Emerel, by...gosh, must be a foot, or almost Ø
AC: Ø and they're yellow! it's surprising Ø
SA: oh, he's bleeding.
SA: oh.
AP: Oh.
AA: welp!
AP: Shit.
SA: good.
SA: i enjoy this turn of events.
AA: L M A O.
AA: wow, didn't think you werne the blood thirnsty kind.
SA: it means Hadean is winning, doesn't it?
SA: surely no one expected this to be clean. that isn't how fights work with sharpened weapons.
AC: Ø ;N; Em Ø
SA: he will be fine. surely there are doctors here.
AC: Ø I saw a yellowblooded one .n. Ø
SA: he could have moved anyways, but he decided to unwisely make an offensive move when it would have been more intelligent to disengage or release the weapon and counter another way.
SA: Unfortunate.
AA: don't lose yrn shit, maidel, we alrndy got one mess on the stands. >:P AA: calm down, he's a mossball, he'll be fine.
AC: Ø ... .n. I guess Ø
SA: you can also look away if you wish, Maidel.
SA: I will give you a play by play.
AA: chilllll. he's obvs a totes bb at this, but eyy. AA: look on the brnight side, he'll be total pity-bait with that sornt of scarn.
AC: Ø I wouldn't. Em is my friend. Ø
SA: You can even hide in my shoulder if that helps.
AA: lmao, oh my god.
AA: prni. prni, if they'rne hiding theirn face, you don't wanna AA: give them AA: no, n/m, go ahead.
SA: emerel is the real winner of the fight emotionally.
AC: Ø .n. Emerel is the winner of first knife wound, more like. Ø
AA: c'moooooon, don't think of that.
AA: think of how much money some suckern made betting on the jade forn firnst chrnome. >:}
AC: Ø .n. wheeeeee Ø
SA: why do people call it chrome...
AA: awww.
SA: why not blood.
AC: Ø ...why didn't he dodge... Ø
AA: bc he's a newbie, duh.
AA: classic rnookie mistake. think yrn tough shit and get a knife to the gut.
AA: happens to, like, half of 'em. >:}
SA: did you make that mistake sipara.
AA: .. and blood's a highblood ternm, dornklornd.
AC: Ø But Em does these fights all the time. Ø
AA: lmfao, y, i totes did. AA: when i was S I X. >:P
SA: oh see that's a much more resonable time frame.
AA: ikrn?
AA: that's when yrn supposed to get all yrn gutwounds overn and done with.
AA: when yve still got yrn entirne pre-adolescent pupation to carnrny it off. >:}
SA: oh right. you all pupated.
SA: hm.
AA: ..........................
SA: regardless, Maidel, i am sure they both knew what they were signing up for.
SA: so just enjoy it.
AA: what, did you grnow in a vat, clonebb?? >:P
SA: shh... the fight.
AA: 😢 AA: 🤐
SA: is he stepping on his hair?
AA: y.
SA: couldn't that break his neck?
AA: naaaaaaaaaaaaah. who the fuck goes into an arnena w/o like, a detachable brnaid??
SS: (Sure, pal, if Hads up and tried real hard-like!)
AA: hads prnobs took a rnazorn to the frnonds just forn that.
SA: someone who is very attached to their hair.
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS: (Mother grub's saggy chesticles, HAH)
AA: i am in fucking love. AA: soz, lal, you arne eternally rneplaced, that was the wornst fucking thing i have evern hearnd and i fucking love it.
SS: (Best fight ever.)
AC: Ø ...you know, I can't even pretend to be surprised Ø
AC: Ø this is just how this is going Ø
SS: (S'cool, pal, but we're officially on for fightin on accounta: n, fuck you, he's mine.)
AC: Ø I am resigned now Ø
SA: I am greatly beginning to wonder who it was that decided that this was a nonlethal fight and yet allowed a psion with lethal abilities and unblunted weapons to be used.
SA: this is strange, and unnecessary.
SA: it would be like telling a soldier to go easy on a street fighter and yet standing by in horror as the injuries escalate.
AA: is anyone herne hornrnified?? AA: nobody uses blunted weapons in fights, dude. therne's no point to 'em if _someone_ ain't bleedin'. >:P
AA: no one's gonna pay to watch two fuckerns stand arnound in a cornern and hit each othern w/ sticks. AA: it's like, idk, cirncle rnacing. ppl pay forn the opporntunity to see someone get fucked up!
SA: what's the point of bleeding if someone doesn't die.
SA: it's a waste of time amd resources.
AH: to have fun, you goddamn twat
AH: ever heard of that
AH: though I'm fucking let down by Em right now
AA: lmfao. you bet on him?
AH: Lol, no
AH: I didn't know what Hadean's psi was until now, I'm no fool
AA: also, stfu beforne i crnam those twigs you call horns up yrn ass. AA: don't use that language w/ prni. he's fucking delicate.
AH: oh shit, my fucking bad
AH: Lol, big words coming from nubs almighty
AH: did you steal those from a wriggler?
SS: (Shit, pal, s'called 'wait your damn turn'!)
SS: (FIght's ongoing rn, ain't no need to be disrespectful-like.)
SS: (I'm sure there's, like, a proper queue somewhere.)
AA: y. you found me out. gotta steal all my mean jibes frnom the wrnigglerns. AA: i'm just sweet as fucking sugarn w/o it. >:'{
AA: and lmfao. y, rnight.
VA: IT's a gŏŏd fighT, nŏbŏdy is dyin'
AH: I meant your horns, brainless
AH: considering how minuscule they are
SA: oh, yes, because the chat needed another edgy pissbaby.
SA: tell me more about how much of a badass you are, AH.
AH: nah
SS: (LOL) SS: (Super delicate, y.)
AH: you don't deserve stories of my cool stunts
AA: he's got a delicate constitution, brnah.
AA: >:P
VA: SA is cŏŏl
SS: (Hey, pal, I ain't said nothin disagreeable!)
SS: ( (\uwu/) )
VA: I wasn'T direcTing ThaT aT yŏu SS, yŏu're fine
SS: (What? You sayin I ain't cool??)
SS: (Hashtag rude.)
VA: I'll leT yŏu knŏw when I reach a decisiŏn
VA: I'll send yŏu a cerTificaTe even
SS: (That ish better be notarized, pal, or else I ain't gonna know it's legit!)
VA: Yŏu knŏw iT will be
SA: regardless, i mean more to say that fun and practice can be attained with sparring with equal effort exerted and just as much skill gained.
SA: this is borderlining blood sport. it's painful to watch two people hold themselves back for the sake of attrition.
AH: lmao why'd you even come then
AA: y. to the cull matches arne way bettern, tbh.
AA: and pay bettern.
SA: When we sparred on the colonies it was either murder or handicapped practice.
SA: Because Hadean is my friend, and I will be there for him.
AA: but eyyy, therne's totally a benefit to, like, shitshows like this, dude. AA: it takes S K I L L to maim someone w/o just culling them.
VA: I like Th'nŏn-leThal ŏnes beTTer
AA: shit's a goddamn arntfornm.
AH: wow that's the first thing you've said that isn't just blah blah blah
SA: i suppose so Sipara. But i am hard pressed to see this drag on.
AH: fair enough
VA: Sipara has a gŏŏd pŏinT, maiming wiThŏuT culling is a fine line
AA: you need to hide yrn face in someone's shouldern?
SA: It just seems illogical to me. but that is fine.
AA: bc the left one's frnee. >:P
SA: no, it isn't like that.
SA: it doesn't make me sick it just makes me sick.
SA: ?
AA: >:?
VA: yŏu cŏuld Try Tŏ Think ŏf iT as sparring if iT helps
AA: prnotip, dude, squeamishness ain't just puking in the bushes.
VA: I dŏubT eiTher ŏne 's Them will cŏme away frŏm This wiThŏuT learning sŏmeThing
AA: .. also, lbrn herne, it's less funny now that, like, hads is getting hit.
AA: booooooo.
AA: and y, va, i agr
SS: (I mean, I'm up and learnin plenty tonight, vocab-wise.)
SS: ( (\eue/ ))
VA: Likewise
SS: (But, shit, all I ever learned from fightin's that you gotta get 'em down afore they get their fronds on you.) SS: (Idk what the pointa sparrin is when you end up effed up permanent-like if you ever let someone get that close irl proper-like.)
SA: usually violent stabbing and battering isn't part of sparring.
VA: IT can be if yŏu're dedicaTed
SA: dedicated or foolish.
VA: Usually ya have armŏr ŏn if yŏu're gŏing fŏr blŏŏd Thŏugh
VA: Like, armŏr armŏr
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
SS: (Sipa!!! (\qnq/ )
AH: oh it's the dumbass wonder himself
SS: (I ain't the dumbass this time, pal!)
AH: reeeaallly
SS: (Ain't nobody told me this ish was paid entry!)
AA: unless she gets cull-happy, and, then, idk. hollern?? AA: scrneam like a damsel to match yrn outfit. >:P
AH: oh my god
AA: laaaaaaal.
SS: (What!)
AH: where are you
AH: I'll come pay for whatever, you stupid fuck
SS: (Hoppin a fence, why?)
AA: you said sipa!!
AA: holy shit, dude, i totes told you when we parnked.
AA: it isn't my fault you went to go live in the ablution stall.
invertedDissident has sent chillingwithprismatotesalive.png!
SS: (I mean, uh, I'm bein a totes upstandin citizen that's practicin his wall-scalin skills and deffo ain't about to break a walkfrond.)
AH: get your dumb ass down, I'll come get you in so they don't THROW YOU OUT, stupid asshole
AA: no, fuck that. gimme yrn deets and i'll boost you overn. >:}
AH: when you were hatched did they remove your pan
SS: (Also, fuck you, I ain't heard nothin you said when we parked over the sound of my life replayin in my ears, and also your loud af bike.)
AA: paying is forn ppl too cool to brneak in.
AH: and you're a miracle wonderwriggler who functioned without it
AA: btw hads gj on being alive. AA: i'm prnoud, keep it up. >:P
AA: is that prnisma??
ID: totes prisma.
SS: (I'm a strong independent dumbass who don't need no woman, by which I mean brb I think I either just got caught or some sucker's takin a leak like ten feet from me.)
AA: tell me when you loserns arne fishfrnee and we can get pizza. AA: and - lmaooo.
AA: if you rnipped yrn shit, yrn gonna have to let phern drness you, beeteedubs.
AH: woooow
ID: is there even pizza around here. also prisma doesn't like pizza remember. hella rude.
AA: mb he hasn't eaten the rnight K I N D of pizza.
AA: and idk, idk. AA: therne's, like, big fucking cluckbeast legs. if they got that. AA: they gotta have rneal food, rnight? >:?
LL: (Breakin news!) LL: (Unlike the news, my walkfrond's totes not broken, tho I'm p sure the buntwin's chatterbox might be on accounta she's clearly contacted some sorta laughin disease alongside whatever parasite's eaten her sponge sufficient-like that she ain't fond of my outfit.)
LL: (And also, like, the fashionable twigs in my fluff.)
LL: (Also, the party's totes arrived!) LL: (To a place what smells real pizza-like.)
LL: (Also, wait, oh em gee.)
LL: (Buntwin, help me hide my ish, I want a boothbabe outfit, too! (\+^+/) )
AA: omggg. see, hads? T O T E S a pizza place all up in herne.
LL: (P sure it's called sommat fancy-like, like artisan-topped flatbread!)
LL: (But it's totes pizza.)
AA: okay, okay, so, like: AA: i have located the pizza place! AA: and lal, you can look behind you... AA: just about
ID: where is the pizza place. i'm hella hungry.
AA: yrn always fucking hugnrny.
AA: hungrny.
LL: (Just look for the new Empress, she's up and arrived!)
ID: ps i'm the emperor of knives now and i have the monkey to prove it.
AA: omfg.
LL: (Our queen overlord of the assholes.)
AA: is this a rneal monkey orn a dead monkey??
ID: neither.
AA: and y, ty, lal. yrn only allowed to addrness me by that title now btw.
AA: it is my new name, it's grn8.
LL: (You mean you up and got a bananabeast and it ain't for eatin?)
AA: ... how is it neithern??
LL: (And duh, I just said I'm gonna be up and respectful-like.)
LL: (Holy overlord queen asshole.)
ID: it's a stuffed animal.
LL: (Stuffed with food?)
AA: so it's a dead monkey!
ID: hold on i'll try to get pheres to hold it while i take a pic.
ID: i'm at the stall. prisma got tired.
invertedDissident has sent themonkeyhaschosenabride.png!
AA: aww. phern's got a coon. and coffee. AA: make him sharne and come hang w/ us!! >:} we'rne way
AA: tyrnian tits, dude, that's fucking huge.
LL: (Dude, I bet it's bigger'n me!)
AA: a doornstop's biggern than you, that ain't imprnessive.
LL: (Make Prisma sleep on that!)
AA: i bet it's biggern than prnisma, tho.
LL: (You ain't bigger'n me! (\eue/) )
ID: they only hand out these to the best of the best. at knife throwing.
AA: which: yyyyyyy!
AA: >:{
AA: ... whaaaaat, wherne do we get to thrnow knives?
AA: i bet i could thrnow knives bettern.
AC: Ø Prisma's resting peacefully. .u. Ø
LL: (I mean, you could be, if you had, like, a rack worth any height, but alack.) LL: (Peeps up and say alack in fairs like this, right?)
AC: Ø I'm making sure he's comfy. Ø
ID: in the event square. me and prisma faced off but i walked away with the monkey.
AA: people say stfu. >:P
AA: and y, good. see, grneenie, this is why yrn T O T E S employee of the pernigee.
ID: neither of you can talk about horn height, you nubsters.
LL: (Dude, that's great!) LL: (I'm great at shuttin up!) LL: (Like, a real pro at it!) LL: (Let me tell you 'bout how good I'm at shuttin up!) LL: (Cos it's, like super good!) LL: (Ain't nobody better at it!)
AC: Ø .u. I don't really have a lot of competition but I appreciate it! Ø
AC: Ø I mean, it's just Dolora and Zvezda besides me. Ø
AA: hads. AA: haaaaaaaaads. AA: haaaaaaaaaaaaaads. AA: come save lal beforne i shove pizza down his thrnoat. >:P
LL: (No, don't.)
AA: n, wait, arntisanal flatbrnead.
ID: i mean if it means i get to eat, sure.
LL: (I'm okay with this death.)
AA: ....... mb you'll get to eat.
LL: (Totes aces.)
AA: brning the monkey.
LL: (Omg.) LL: (Y, bring it!)
LL: (I wanna see if I'm up and taller.)
LL: (Cos we both know Sipa ain't. (\unu/) )
ID: fine. i will bring my war prize.
AA: yyyyyyy, good. >:}
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
IT: And so! ApoCalypse aside, 'tis the season for the CasCara HistoriCal SoCiety Faire!
IT: Pray honesty: who is meaning to attend?
IT: Or is, indeed, already in attendanCe?
IT: ;O
IT: I, myself, am banned from events put on by the CHS, for utterly sCurrilous reasons D:<
IT: Thou as well, Kayata? 'Tis UNCONSCIONABLE!!!
ID: faire is great, sucks to be nerds who are banned from the nerd convention.
IT: Perhaps 'tis merely beCause we are more adventurous than thee, goodtroll
IT: Nearly always, Cousin!
IT: Perhaps a shopping trip is then in order.
IT: I fear I must take my leave to make ready -- kindly ContaCt me in private
ID: wooowww i hope you both get crushed in a stampede. =:P
ID: now i don't have anyone to talk to while i eavesdrop. damnit.
ID: too busy being a hot booth babe for that!
ID: and because pheres is acting all dramatic over a tealblood. duh.
invertedDissident has sent boothbabeorboothbae.png!
ID: toldja. too busy booth babeing.
ID: idk pheres got it. i need venting he said. duh.
ID: i will pass your complaints on to him if you want. =:P
invertedDissident has sent mypimpdaddy.png!
ID: will pass the info along. and maybe a pic of me swooning in to pheres to add to your collection.
AA: 'kay, so, like, that's waaaaaaay too many folks at that booth, holy shit.
AH: I know right?
AH: Where the fuck is Emerel, I'm looking all over.
AA: which one's that again? >:}
AH: jade doofus, gonna fight Hadean
AA: oh, that suckern. AA: idk idk, ain't seen any jades at all, tbfh.
AH: lmao
AH: not even Laledy?
AA: RN E A L jades, anyway, all these chuckleheads w/ -- lmaoooo.
AA: he's obvs a rnust, dude, getcha globes checked. >:}
AH: oh my fucking bad
AH: I guess that's why he's poor, must be a caste faker
AA: can't you tell frnom his sweet-ass lingo??
MN: did somEonE call .ME.
ID: oh my god fish fucking suck. =>:I
AH: I already saw Hadean he looks fucking stupid - ahahaha speak of the fucking devil
AH: what
AH: you actually got a violet showing up
AH: ahahahahah serves you right
ID: bitch hit me. just because i called her a ministerror of wrinkles.
AA: omg. do i need to come overn therne?
AA: ...............
ID: which she was.
MN: dudE .GLIESE.I.m at ring thrEE in thE lowEr VillagE
AH: oh my god I thought there were only rings in the upper one, somebody mislabeled a fucking sign
AH: RIGHT, on my way
AA: lmaoooo. AA: pls keep insulting the gillhead, hads. AA: dd on how that wornks out. >:P
0 notes