#Catch Paz and Amity getting into a phsyical fight on who has the cooler girlfriend
vegalocity · 3 years
Fluff 25 for a Mabifica and Lumity double date, please?
Prompt meme || @starsfic
“I think (she/he/they/I) rubbed off on you.”  
Brb making up some backstory bullshit
“And so  I looked Emperor Belos right in the eye and said 'I may have lost but so have you!' and I SLAMMED the magic staff down and the fire glyphs all ignited at once and blew up the magic door!”
“Wowzers! That sounds incredible! And you were fourteen?”
“Yup! Not bad for a Freshman huh?”
“Not bad at all! I was in Seventh grade when my brother and I fought our Boss Battle! And Bill wasn't an easy corn chip to fight!”
“Evil cornchip? With a silly name? Well now you have to tell me THAT story!”
“...well I'm legally obligated in the state of Oregon to answer that with 'Never mind all that!'....but we're in California SO HERE GOES-”
Luz and Mabel were leaned over the shared table, both ranting excitedly about their adventures from their early teens. Luz's adventure was about four years ago, Mabel a solid six years, and they only had recently met in their recently ended shared senior year, and had decided to set this up.
“You get the feeling WE might be tagalongs on THEIR date?” Luz's green haired girlfriend—Amelia? Some sort of 'A' name—leaned in and whispered conspiratorially in Pacifica's ear.
“No doubt.” She responded equally quietly, but it wouldn't have mattered, Mabel's boisterous storytelling easily drowning her words out if one wasn't paying attention.
“And Pacifica had to borrow my Llama sweater because she was basically wearing a potato sack by that point-”
“Hey! I wasn't exactly wearing an outfit built for exercise when the whole thing hit! I'd like to see you keep a whole look in order while you're running for your life!”
“It's not hard.” the green haired girlfriend—Amity, she remembered after a beat—Spoke up. “Luz and I destroyed Gromethus bringer of terror in our Grom dresses.” She paused for a second “Well, dress and Skirted pantsuit.” Amity shot her a smile, a challenge.
“Oh it was that easy for you?” Well if that was the challenge then far be it for her to turn down. “Well I'll have you know that the Wierdpocalypse was a little more challenging than one monster. And if we're talking singular showdowns I fought a level ten ghost in a floor length gown without getting a spot of mud on my dress!”
“Oh boy...” Luz muttered as Amity leaned forward onto her arm. “This ain't good.”
“Paz, it's not a contest...” Mabel tried to gently pull her away.
“Did you know that Luz discovered—entirely on her own—an entirely different way to cast spells and perform magic that was lost centuries of not millenia ago!”
“Well Mabel took out an entire Gnome kingdom with only a leafblower! And she's legally a congresswoman for life!”
“Yeah? Well Luz dismantled an oppressive regime and saved her home dimension!”
“Mabel did all of that before she was even technically a teen!"
“...They're gonna keep going on like this, aren't they?” Luz leaned over to whisper to Mabel.
“Yeah probably.” Mabel huffed. “What's 'Luzura' anyway? I heard you guys talking about it earlier..”
“Oh! Good Witch Luzura! See it's this story I had in my head when I was younger, I tried publishing it on the Boiling Isles, but... schenanigans... Anyway Amity's been helping me work on the story so it isn't as much of an Azura clone as it was when I was fourteen.” Luz continued on as Mabel eagerly listened. Pacifica and Amity's game of 'my girlfriend is cooler than yours' passed until their entrees got to the table.
And when the entrees were gone Luz and Mabel continued their discussion, now deep in depth about the practicalities of grappling hooks in battle.
“Hey, what are those things stitched onto your cardigan sleeves?” Amity was apparently uninterested in their pre-dinner challenge.
“I'm not super familiar with the creatures of the human world.” Amity tucked a lock of hair behind her pointed ear and Pacifica was forcibly reminded just why their double date was taking place in Piedmont, where the Pines Twins brought weird with them like a storm brings rain. “And those things look... kinda like horses, but too long. And they're not giraffes I don't think...”
“They're llamas.” Pacifica explains, holding the sleeve of her cardigan across the table for Amity to better examine. “They're South Ame... They're from the mountains in the far south and they have really sturdy fur, Mabel actually made this for me out of llama hair.”
“....Didn't she say in that story that you borrowed her sweater with a llama on it?” Pacifica shrugged.
“It was my part of the Prophecy wheel. Never got around to returning the sweater and it rubbed off on me.”
“I think she rubbed off on you.” Amity grinned around her drink at Pacifica “Way before you two got together.”
“Oh most certainly.” Pacifica agreed. “But you can't look me in the eye and say nothing of Luz rubbed off on you.” Now it was Amity's turn to shrug.
“Well, fair enough.”
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