#Charlene looks like a pathetic nerd
graftisms · 1 year
location :    evening / post-challenge / terrace
featuring :   @guttcd
Her mind was still reeling from what happened in the dressing room. With all that excitement she found herself in desperate need of a breather and maybe a moment to process everything,  so she made her way up to the terrace. Once she makes it up there, she immediately spots Callie. “Doing some stargazing, are you?”
turning to glance over at charlene, she offers her a small smile, shaking her head. "nah, just catching my breath." it's pathetic to admit that she had come up here to think about frankie, try to make sense of all the information thrown at her in what had been known as their spot. she's grateful for the distraction, waving charlene over, while her arms rest against the railing. "are you waiting on someone else to come up here?" nobody really goes to the terrace alone.
“so you’re saying i can’t try to impress you with my knowledge on constellations?” she did mention she used to be a total nerd right? “no I just… needed to catch my breath too. crazy night huh?” once charlene joins joins callie’s side, she gives her hip a small bump with her own. “are you?” waiting for someone she means.
"i'm not saying that," she laughs, sitting up a little straighter. it's certainly be a welcome distraction right now. "how much knowledge are we talking about?" callie knows why it's a crazy night for her, but she can only assume charlene feels the same from it being her first day and all. she gives the girl a nod. "nope, just me."
“Enough to tell you the myths behind them. I used to be in the astronomy club in high school.” Her eyes set to the sky, squinting slightly as she searches for constellations. It’s been a minute.  “I wish they let me bring my old shitty telescope. I don’t get to stargaze much in Manhattan.” A small wind passes through them, causing Charlene to shiver slightly. Thankfully,  had changed into her pijamas, now sporting boy shorts and an oversized Earth, Wind and Fire tshirt. “Good. Being around everyone is fun and all but I like our little one on ones. Did you have fun tonight?”
"really? that's very nerdy of you," she teases, eyes glancing up at the sky when charlene does. "this must be a neat first date trick. actually no, you probably can't see the stars in new york, huh?" obviously not. despite all the production lighting around them, it's not hard to see them up there. charlene's comment makes her smile, once again not sure if she's hitting on her or if it's solely friendship. she's beginning to feel like it's the former, but frankly, she likes the attention. "for the most part, yeah." she takes a deep breath. "got into a bit of a tiff with naomi, because apparently that's what i do now."
“I warned you, didn’t I?” She remarks with laugh. “Nah, I usually have to go out of the city for that. Make a whole trip out of it. It’s fun though. The Leo constellation only pops out during spring so I can’t show you that one.” She looks disappointed by the fact. Charlene takes a pause on the star gazing to look at Callie. “You and Naomi?” She frowns. “ Was it because of something that happened tonight? You don’t have to talk about it you don’t want to.  I know I talk a lot but I promise I can be a pretty good listener too!” Or so she likes to think.
"how often do you do that?" she asks, trying to paint the picture in her head. not that she can picture much of new york, but all the photos make it seem so bright, like nothing else can shine through. "what about the aquarius one?" she offers, "nobody ever did tell me what they're known for." her eyes cast back down to look at charlene, offering her a strained smile. "yes and no," she admits. "mostly, she told me that frankie hit on her two nights ago. y'know, while we were together. not together together, obviously," she adds, with a roll of her eyes, "but... you get me. sorry, i'm a little bitter."
“Not as much as I’d like to since I work most nights. This is like, the first time in months that I’m gonna go to bed at a decent time. I’m exhausted.” In many ways. Not just because of the threesome. “I could show you the Aquarius one in a few days! That one pops out later in the summer. I think the best word to describe Aquarius are… free-spirited.” Yeah that felt right but it was hard to talk about herself when she was too  focused on what Callie was saying “I get what you’re saying. Shit, Callie. I’m sorry. Are you… How are you feeling?“
"right, that's got to be hard for your social life," callie muses. "do you sing at the same place always, or are there a few different venues?" all she remembers is her talking about a specific boss, so maybe one? "free spirited?" eyebrows raise lightly, a little teasingly. "is that what you are?" she knows charlene's just trying to help, but she makes a face at the apology. not like it's charlene's fault. "kinda feeling like a mug," she admits, lips blowing out a bit. "but i'm glad i know. kinda puts being here into perspective. nothing like finding out you're more single than you thought."
“I have a pretty solid social life. It’s kind of nice cus I get most of the day to do stuff. It’s my romantic life that took the hit.” She laughs. “Just the one venue. It’s pretty hardcore  — I’m not allowed to perform at another bar unless im promoting my usual one” which kind of sucks but hey, at least the work was steady. “Just a little” she punches her index and dumb together, looking at Callie though the tiny little gap. “Enough to get me in trouble, sometimes.” Instead of placing her hand back  and the railing, she placed it on Callie’s shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. Seeing Callie like this was close to heart breaking and Charlene wishes she knew what the best thing to say was. “She should have communicated that to you. It’s shitty that she didn’t.” Charlene didn’t know Frankie but she can’t help but think that she’s a fool for fumbling the bag with Callie. “You deserve someone to be all in for you, Callie. Seriously. If she’s not able to do that then… you’re probably better off.” Was that harsh? She didn’t want it to be but she can’t help it after seeing how Callie was the whole day. Clearly missing Frankie.
"when was your last relationship?" she asks--a basic love island question, so may as well get it out of the way now. "so, like a residency?" her brows raise, impressed. "will tonight be the night you sing for me?" it had been a gamble bringing frankie up to charlene, a near stranger who isn't totally her friend and isn't totally trying to get with her, but she's glad she had. it feels nice to dump it on someone with no connection to frankie, and hardly a connection go naomi, except for toe licking and neck kissing. she hasn't forgotten that. "no, i mean..." callie sighs. "she had, yesterday. she basically told me if someone came in she was interested in, she wanted to get to know them and me. but... that's the kinda thing everyone says, you know? it's easier when it's a hypothetical person that may never actually come. but her hitting on one of my closest friends here, and failing to mention it? it's muggy." and she's so mad frankie isn't here to be angry with her properly, because now it means they can't make up. she has to just sit in this anger. "yeah, maybe," she sighs, looking back up at the stars. "it makes being here so much harder, though. and i wish it didn't."
“I’ve uh, never been in one.” She sighs. A part of her found the fact a little embarrassing but it was better for her to just own it at this point. “What about you? When was your last relationship?” Her eyes brighten at Callie’s suggestion “You want me to sing for you? Really?” It wasn’t often that she got a chance to sing for just one person. She had always wanted to, like when Danny sings to Sandy as they dance in Grease. Something about it felt so romantic to her. “God, I wish we had a piano.  Then I could really show off. You probably wish you had a surfboard too, huh? I wish I could see you in action.” Charlene is patient as Callie speaks, nodding along every now and then to show that she is listening. “Yeah. I think I remember seeing that. She should have told you Naomi was one of the people she wanted to get to know. So then Naomi said Frankie made a move on her two days ago but she didn’t would be open to talking to other people until yesterday?” She frowns. “That’s not fair to you. Especially when you’ve been spending the whole day missing her. Like, why didn’t Naomi  say anything beforehand?” Surely there had to be a reason. Naomi was with Callie’s brother after all. “Hey — it’s okay for you to be annoyed with this and to find this whole thing overwhelming. It’s disappointing but it’s not your fault. You deserve to be here and to find someone who doesn’t make you feel this way.” Another squeeze of her shoulder.  “And you will. You’re seriously like, the coolest girl I have ever met Callie. Frankie was lucky to have you and it sucks she didn’t realize that sooner.”
knowing there's nothing to really say about that that wouldn't feel patronizing, callie just nods. "about a year ago," she admits, always feeling weird talking about her past relationship, despite being the one to bring it up. "yes," she laughs, having mentioned wanting to hear her earlier in their other convo. "i don't care what, really. but mate, seriously," she nods, "i'd kill for a board, especially on beach days. i can't remember the last time i went this long without surfing." except she can, but she won't relay the broken leg story again. "god, seriously?" she cringes, knowing everyone’s seen it. "how bad was it? i was afraid to ask for details." maybe it's worse asking charlene, but oh well. she's comfortable with her. there's no reasonable answer to charlene's questions so she says nothing, just shaking her head. "thanks," the smile she offers is small, but she does mean it. "i don't know about coolest you've ever met," she laughs, clicking her tongue, "but i'll take, like, top five." doesn't love hearing frankie's name in past tense, though. "i'm really glad to have met you," she admits, meeting charlene's gaze. "so far you're one of the best things to come from casa." though tbh low bar.
Shes grateful that Callie doesn’t hit her with the usual onslaught of questions she tends to receive. “How did it end if you don’t mind me asking?” Figure if she’s willing to talk about Frankie then maybe she would with her past relationships. “How long have you been surfing again? Your entire life?” A moment of silence hangs in the air as Charlene considers how to respond to Callie’s question. “It was kind of confusing? Honestly I didn’t think Frankie liked Naomi very much. Kinda feels like Naomi is everything Frankie dislikes, but after the spin the bottle Frankie was like, ‘I want to keep kissing you’ and then said admitted to having a crush on Naomi.” The details might be muddled but she thinks she got the major points out. Charlene responds to Callie’s smile with one of her own. One that grows when the other girl laughs. “Coolest person I’ve met in the villa?” She tries again, nudging her with her elbow slightly. Something about the way Callie looks back at her as she says she’s happy they have met causes Charlene’s breath to hitch. For a moment her mind goes blank and all she can think about is how pretty Callie looks. Her tongue darts to quickly wet her bottom lip, mouth suddenly feeling a little dry. “I’m glad I met you too. Really… really glad.” She giggles. “Would you say one of the top five best things?” She removes her hand from her shoulder and  looks away from her for a second, eyes darting to the villa. “You and Romi were planning on sleeping outside right? I don’t want to get in the way of that but if… its too cold out there for you, you’re more than welcome to hop into my bed. Only if you want. Or like, need to of course! No pressure.”
she grimaces, because somehow charlene's asked the one question she's been trying to avoid about relationships on the outside. "like shit," she admits, with a short laugh. "it was one of those on/off things that lasted longer than it should've... and i don't know, i think at the end of the day, she just didn't care about me as much as i did about her. not in the ways that matter, at least." which is probably why this frankie stuff hurts so bad, because it's cutting her on a healing wound. surfing is an easier conversation, a small smile sliding on her lips. "basically. my first lesson was when i was seven. i've loved the ocean forever, though. it runs in the family." hands grip the edge of the terrace railing as she listens to charlene describe the interaction, a blow to her chest at the word crush. "i shouldn't even be surprised," she laughs without humor, shaking her head. "naomi's got everyone obsessed with her. can't exactly blame them, either. look at her." charlene knows what she's talking about, if the toe-sucking was any indication. "i'll take it," she laughs, shifting positions so she's laying on her stomach, stretched out on the terrace bench, both elbows propping her up as she faces charlene. callie squints playfully up at her, as if trying to consider it. "top three," she admits, though thinking about it now, charlene may be number one. it's been a minute since she clicked this well with someone new here. frankie, probably, but that was a much different type of connection. though it's not like callie didn't enjoy kissing charlene in the challenge, though it went so quickly, it's hard to remember much about it now. "you don't think you're sharing a bed with anyone tonight?" she asks, surprised. "you should ask naomi. i think she'd really appreciate it." a pause. "but thanks, i appreciate the offer too, seriously. but we'll be fine."
Charlene may not be able to understand the highs and lows of a relationship ( or high school football ) but she did know the feeling of caring for someone and not having it reciprocated in the way you’d hope. It was gut-wrenching. Aggravating . “Stressful. I know it’s point out the obvious but… you don’t deserve that. Doesn’t really do much to take away the pain though, does it?” Her lips press together into a tight line, brows furrow in thought for me moment before she finally looks back at her. “That’s so cool! So is your entire family just like, this group of super bad ass surfers?  Are you close with all of them?” Her brows furrow once again at Callie’s humorless laugh. “That doesn’t mean it should happen though. Naomi is cool and all but she’s just a person.” A very pretty and charismatic person sure but still. Now she wonders if she looked like she is obsessed too after the toe thing. Honestly she couldn’t even remember what the dare was. Just heard she had to suck a toe and panicked. “Top three. I’ll take it.” She grins, clearly overjoyed by the words and the fact that it was coming from Callie of all people. She didn’t seem like the type of person to say something they didn’t mean. At the bed sharing question, Charlene simply shrugs. “Maybe. If everyone is as obsessed with Naomi as you say then surely she’s not short for options. Besides, I’m not sure if I have it in me to lose another bed competition.” She’s talking about Jenny. “Maybe I’ll ask someone to share on a friendship basis. Like another bombshell or something. I kinda feel bad that most of the ogs are sleeping outside.”
"yeah, thanks," she flashes a smile. "and i know. it just took a while for me to figure it out, as it usually does." she hasn't been in any other serious relationships besides maddie; maybe if she has, she wouldn't feel the need to be so serious about finding someone, but callie knows what it feels like to be burned. "oh, no," she laughs. "just my brother and i. but my dad is a fisherman and my grandparents have their own boat, so we all just really love the water. but we're all close, yeah. i grew up with my grandparents," she explains, in case it wasn't clear, "and my dad." it wasn't meant to be a dig on naomi, but maybe she's still feeling annoyed about the way she left off earlier. callie waves her hand away. "yeah, i know. but she's great, really. if you're interested in her... well, never mind. she's dating my brother. don't graft her," she laughs, "but she's a good friend, usually." it's said mostly as a joke though, because while she's not particularly looking to hang out with naomi tonight, her loyalty goes beyond a single argument. "and i know she's only going to share a bed if it's someone she doesn't think will stick it on her, and her and romi aren't good right now, as you can see, so..." she trails off. why is she talking so much about naomi? "so if you want a friend in your bed, i mean, she's an option. did you ask someone else already?" she hopes she's not the bed competition she lost.
Charlene smiles back, and a part of her wishes she had more experience with relationships. At least, enough to offer some sort of comforting words. She appreciates Callie opening up like this though, so she doesn’t want to ruin it by prying too much. “Your brother seems really nice. I wish I had a sibling. Being an only kid is like, super lame.” Charlene notices the ‘usually’ bit, but makes no comment on it. “Hm... Is everyone obsessed with Naomi or are you?” She teases, making a show of it by bumping her fist playfully on her upper arm. “I noticed some tension between them but… I have no idea why. I thought they were really close.”  She shakes her head. “Nah, not officially. Just you.” It wasn’t a lie. She technically didn’t ask Jenny to share a bed outright.  “Well,  the offer stands if you change your mind. I know you have a lot on your mind today so I promise I’ll be the perfect gentlewoman.” One hand is on her chest, over her heart and the other is raised in the star trek symbol. “Unless you don’t want me to be. The ball is in your court tonight, Cal.” Would she like to at least cuddle Callie? Of course, but something about making a move on her when she just opened up about her current problems with Frankie felt slimy.  "Have you ever slept outside before?"
"he's the best," she nods, feeing a small tug in her chest for whatever dylan's doing right now. "like me, but he's way nicer." callie flashes her a smile to show that she's joking, although it's not far off. "okay," she scoffs, rolling her eyes. everyone, she wants to say, but charlene's made it clear she's harped on the subject of naomi long enough. she was trying to be helpful! "what else could it be about: josh," her eyes roll again, and it's nice to be able to talk to someone about him without having to stay nice about it. one can only feign interest for so long. "they'll be fine eventually, i think. i just hope it doesn't last this whole time, because i'll go mad." callie's already counting on herself forgiving naomi, because it's too inconvenient not to. that won't make her any less upset about the situation. "were you gonna ask anyone else?" considering the naomi aversion charlene has made pretty apparent, callie has no idea who she's trying to graft, though she's starting to get the feeling that she's on the list. "if romi and jude end up sleeping together, i'll probably join you," she nods, "but if you ask anyone else in the meantime, go crazy." because she'll feel really bad if charlene doesn't ask anyone else and callie ends up sleeping outside anyway. "alright," she huffs out a laugh, shaking her head. "i'm warning you now, i wouldn't be very cuddly tonight. i think i'll end up falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, i'm so beat." if only she knew rip. "oh, a bunch of times. kenny and i liked sleeping out there," she smiles wistfully at the memory, at how long ago it feels, "and frankie and i slept on the terrace the other day. it was a lot comfier than it sounds. but i also like camping." so she's used to sleeping on the ground in far worse conditions. "it's nice because you get real privacy--and when dylan and naomi were together, it was that or sleep with ear plugs."
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #141 - The Librarian: Quest for the Spear
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Spoilers below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: I don’t think it’s ever been shown in theaters, so no.
Format: DVD
1) The opening to this film (Flynn inside the pyramid then it turns out it’s just a class project) creates a nice juxtaposition between expectations and reality going into this film, especially when it comes to the establishment of Flynn Carsen.
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Noah Wyle as Flynn is a really interesting character who is in a lot of ways a counter response to your typical male adventure hero. At the time of release (and an argument could be made for today as well) Flynn wasn’t different. He’s not Indiana Jones with brains and brawn to match. He’s not debonaire or smooth. He’s a giant NERD who is painfully awkward in social situations and is afraid of living his life. But he never comes off as pathetic or annoying or gripping, something I think can be attributed to Noah Wyle’s fine performance. This was one of Wyle’s first major efforts in comedy, having starred on “ER” for about ten years at the time of the film’s release. Wyle is able to perfectly capture Flynn’s nerdish and awkward qualities and a likable, fun, and interesting way. He also doesn’t make Flynn feel like a know-it-all jerk like Sherlock Holmes. He doesn’t have much of an ego, he doesn’t seek knowledge to show off how smart he is. He truly is just interested in knowledge for the sake of knowledge, a bedrock which creates for a fun and unique character.
2) Wyle has a fun chemistry with Olympia Dukakis.
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(GIF originally posted by @j2stwincestiel)
There is a bit of that awkward, “He still lives with his mother,” thing going on but there are nice moments between Wyle and Dukakis very early on which show you that their relationship is not unhealthy. This isn’t some bullshit Howard Wolowitz and his mom relationship from “The Big Bang Theory”. They actually love for each other, care for each other, and Dukakis as Mrs. Carsen is supportive and caring towards her kid. It’s a nice relationship we get a small peek into.
3) The whole idea of the Metropolitan Public Library in New York sending out this letter looking for it’s next Librarian is something I like a lot. It gives the whole world of The Librarian sort of an extra bit of mythology, a Harry Potter vibe if you will.
4) Jane Curtin!
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Jane Curtin isn’t in the film much but she is able to create a memorable character from the moment we meet her as Charlene. A bit of a tight wad who takes her job seriously, Curtin is also able to bring some extra X quality to Charlene. Maybe it’s just me, but by watching her you sort of just KNOW there’s this extra warmth hidden under the surface. Curtin does a nice job in the movie.
5) I love this, and not for reasons I usually do.
Charlene: Tell me something you know that nobody else who has walked in here could tell me.
Flynn: You have mononucleosis. Your marriage broke up two months ago. You broke your nose when you were four, and you live with three cats. Is that what you had in mind? Swollen parajugular lymph nodes and distended eyelids are clearly mono. It takes three months for an indentation on the ring finger to completely disappear. Yours is two-thirds gone. Your plastic surgeon gave you a terminus paralateral scar, which is given to children under the age of six, and I can clearly see three distinct types of cat hair. A white Himalayan, a tortoiseshell, and an orange striped tabby.
Usually when a character whips this out it’s because they want to show off how smart they are, but not Flynn. There’s no ego in his analysis in Charlene, he didn’t sit down and say some bullshit like, “Oh, how’s your divorce going?” just to show off his smarts. No, he only did it when he was asked and clearly isn’t gloating in it. He’s just doing what she asked of him: telling her something he knows no one else could have told her.
6) FYI - just like Flynn - I would lose my mind in The Library!
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When I was a kid I was big into myths and conspiracies. Indiana Jones, National Treasure, those things were my bread and butter. The Library would have my going NUTS!
7) Bob Newhart as Judson
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Bob Newhart is a comedy legend and I have never once seen him be bad in anything, and The Librarian is no exception. He’s able to play Judson with such subtlety and heart while still making some of the film’s best jokes, it is absolutely wonderful. He would be nominated for playing this role in the third Librarian film, but he’s just as good here. Newhart brings an extra level of heart and humor to the film that helps make it as good as it is.
8) Some of the jokes in this film just have me floored.
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(GIFs originally posted by @flynnscarnation)
9) I think the fact that this film decided to personify Excalibur (and in later installments give it even more personality) was a smart decision. It not only give The Library an extra flair of magic but also another unique character to add to its halls in addition to Judson and Charlene.
10) I think the entire idea behind the villain of this film being a former Librarian is a good way to kick off the series. It shows just how corrupting/tempting this power can be (an idea later seen in depth in Return to King Solomon’s Mines) and also what can happen to Flynn if he’s not careful. Contrarily, however, it creates a nice juxtaposition between Kyle MacLachlan’s Wilde (who is very much your typical tough guy/fine-as-hell action hero turned villain) and Wyle’s nerdy Flynn.
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Charlene [after the bad guys come and steal something]: “They knew about the fail safe.”
But they DIDN’T know about the security cameras?
12) Honestly if I were ever in an action/adventure movie situation, I’d probably be Flynn.
Flynn: “The fate of the world is in my hands? That is just so...sad”
13) Ugh, femme fatale intros. The moment when a female character walks on screen in slow motion with saxophone music or something playing behind her while the male lead ogles her. A clear indication that this is more of a trope than a character.
14) However I will say, despite that introduction, Nicole Noone ends up being a pretty interesting character. I personally don’t think it makes sense that she sleeps with Flynn after having her heart broken so recently by the (supposed) death (and eventual betrayal) of her last love, but on her own she is fairly well written. Tough as nails, we understand her sense of humor, what makes her tick, her sense of loyalty, what gets her to smile, what gets her to cry, we get a pretty nice peek into who she is as a character. It’s a shame the franchise would lose Sonya Walger (although I do like the female characters in the proceeding films) as she does a pretty great job in this movie, but I’m glad we got her here.
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15) While this film does work against some established tropes with action/adventure characters, it unfortunately does fall into, “Super attractive woman falls in love with someone she disdains at first AFTER we make clear just how HOT she is.”
Nicole [to Flynn]: “I’m WAY out of your league. WAY out. If your league were to explode I wouldn’t see it for days.”
It does establish Flynn’s reasoning for calling her egotistical throughout the early parts of their relationship, but still. It would be so refreshing to me - personally - if we had a movie where two characters like this formed a deep friendship instead of a romance. Not that it ruins the film by any means. It just reminds me of tropes I am bored with in cinema in general.
16) I love the running gag of Kelly Hu’s Lana seeing Flynn as this brilliant Librarian and having a massive crush on him.
Rhodes [Wilde’s thug]: “That’s the Librarian?”
Lana: “Don’t underestimate him.”
Lana [after Nicole pushes Flynn out of a plan with no parachute]: “He brilliantly lowers our expectations then dives without a ‘chute! Remarkable!”
Kelly Hu is great in general but this running gag just makes me chuckle every time.
17) The reason I say I’m Flynn is not because of his brains or anything, but because of how he reacts to what’s going on around him.
Flynn [after Nicole pulls out a sword]: “How did you get that on the airplane?”
18) We don’t get much of a peek into the relationship between Flynn and his late father in this film. That’s coming up in the sequel.
Flynn: “My mother said my father was a dreamer...”
19) While I do greatly enjoy this film, I think it misses some opportunities to increase how fun and adventurous is. This is an observation I’ve made mainly through comparison with the film’s two sequels (which were directed be someone else than this film), but still. An example of this is the scene where Flynn and Nicole make their way across the rotted bridge in the Amazon. I personally feel that with some faster pacing in moments and the addition of music it could have been a lot more fun, a lot more adventurous, but that’s just me.
20) Flynn and Nicole do have fun chemistry, more when they’re bantering than anything else. But Flynn is also shown to understand Nicole, despite her claims to the contrary. There’s not only a whole scene where he tells her what he’s noticed about her character, but also fun lines like this:
Flynn: “Why are you smiling? I don’t like it when you smile. It means you’re about to do something dangerous.”
21) I will say, any issues I have with the bridge scene, those issues do NOT apply to the temple waltz scene. The fact that the only way Flynn and Nicole can only get through the booby traps by doing a waltz is just so fun and well paced, while also providing some nice character interaction between the two. I love how Nicole leads in the dance and how she dips Flynn. It’s just a lot of fun, and that’s when this movie is at its best. When it’s having fun!
22) Lana is so turned on by Flynn just speaking a dead language, I love it!
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23) Another moment I find sort of weaker in the film is when Flynn falls off the mountain on the way to Shangri La and Nicole has to save him. It sort of just happens, I feel. Its over and done with out of nowhere with little tension. It doesn’t feel real, if that makes sense. But again, maybe that’s just me.
24) Are we not going to address the fact that these supposedly peaceful monks just start fighting out of nowhere? Do they train in fighting? Did they ever have to use their fighting skills before today? I must know!!!!
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25) Okay, in this moment I’m Judson.
Flynn [upon learning a former professor is evil]: “I should’ve known he was evil. He gave me an A-.”
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26) Bob Newhart gets a fight scene! Bob Newhart has a fight scene! Bob Newhart has officially done everything! Well...probably not. But still! Fight scene!
27) I like how Flynn is able to outsmart Wilde into causing the pyramid to crash down on him instead of taking him on in a straight fist fight. It is a perfect illustration as to how Flynn isn’t your typical action/adventure hero.
28) I would love to see the whole “Time Traveling Ninjas going after HG Welles time machine” adventure this film ends on. Maybe not as a full movie, but in some format that’d be fun.
While I do prefer the sequels to the original, The Librarian: Quest for the Spear is an exemplary start for the franchise. The unique mythology is established in a fun way, Wyle excels as Flynn Carsen, Newhart and Curtin give A grade performances which will continue throughout the series, and we just are taken on a fun adventure for about 100 minutes. Because that’s what this movie is: fun. If you’re looking for something a little more off the beaten path than Indiana Jones or National Treasure, this film is a worthy substitute.
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