#Elden Ring's female character are either literally unfuckable--making sexualizing them that obviously contrived. (i.e misogynistic)
tlgtw ยท 1 month
I don't have any evidence but I feel there a palpable sense of 'desperation' among waifu-brained FromSoft fans who are trying to deal with a game that is not very interested in catering to them.
Certainly there are no female characters who are sexualized themselves, with Malenia, Ranni, and Fia being the most obvious examples of this, their being almost completely unsexualized.
Malenia is a broad-shouldered woman who literally does not have sexual organs, and Ranni who we outright see naked at the end of her questline has a featureless body of cracked ceramics and rope.
It's atypical: Compared to Dark Souls 1 especially the difference is really apparent. (Quelaag, her sister, and Gwynevere off the top of my head)
And you've noticed it, too, right?
That 'desperation' in the shit fanart and posts I'm talking about?
A lot of people appear unwilling to accept those facts for Elden Ring's prominent female characters. (Like outside of wishing to fuck them they're just unfamiliar with drawing or talking about those characters.)
It's arguable even that Elden Ring has no waif-like characters whatsoever. (Although the likes of Roderika and Hyetta dispute this, their lack of popularity notwithstanding.)
A first since even Sekiro had Emma, with Emma's character being a woman who was evidently far too normal to have ever been considered a waifu, despite her having more lines and screentime than the Doll, the Firekeeper, and more, combined!
If this pattern continues with the female characters introduced in the DLC, I wonder what we'll see, then xd.
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