#FFxiv2019 PSA
FFxiv 30 Day Writing Challenge SEPTEMBER 1st - 30th, 2019
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Welcome to YEAR 3 of our annual FFxiv 30 Day Writing Challenge, folks!
In 2017 we saw 2,451 written pieces ranging from three-lined haikus to multi-paged stories. 2018 ramped up even more with 3,641 written pieces! 
We are a merry band of prolific writers, FFxiv RP community, and I couldn't be prouder of our willingness to challenge ourselves creatively, using our RP craft as inspiration. Let’s see how we do in 2019!
Here’s the gist:
Runs from September 1st - 30th, 2019. During that timeframe:
Visit @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ once a day at 12:00pm (noon) PST for the prompt of the day. All prompts will be one word or brief phrase that you can interpret however you please.
You have 24 hours to write something for that prompt.
Submit the link to your entry post via this Google Form: https://forms.gle/EJV82Wh85BZpwaFa9  – Tumblr has been hiding @ mentions from my dash which means that I’m missing so many of your entries. :( Submitting a link to your post via this Form will ensure that everyone’s posts are seen and tracked! Please help me, haha. Tag @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ in your post, and use the hashtag #FFxivWrite2019.
There are no length or skill requirements (short & sweet is fine!).
There will be no 24-hour deadlines for the first week, September 1st - 7th.
Makeup/extra credit days every Sunday.
Every entry posted within its 24-hour deadline will count toward a participation prize raffle at the end.
You can join any time - late entries are welcome! They simply won’t count toward participation prizes - unless submitted on a makeup day.
If you’re an artist and you would like to volunteer to do a simple black & white illustration as a participation prize at the end of this challenge, please let me know!
RULES & MORE INFO below the cut~
What’s the purpose of this writing challenge?
First and foremost, the purpose of this challenge is to break the power of perfectionism over your personal creative process. Some folks frown on my 24-hour submission deadline but I think that it’s a critical part in getting people to just go ahead and submit something, even if it’s not perfect, and in doing so perfectionism begins to lose its power day by day.
If you’re someone who rarely creates because the fear of it not being perfect keeps you from starting or finishing, then this challenge is designed for YOU!
Of course, connecting FFxiv writers, of all skill and experience levels, and sharing our work is also a perk!
You cannot submit things that you’ve already written – Even if the topic is the same. All entries must be new and freshly written for this challenge!
No rough drafts and no redos – Relax! Use this as a low-pressure opportunity to loosen up and de-rust your writing chops. No one will be judging your work for quality or length. The purpose is to get into the habit of writing daily. Don’t overthink it, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself! It’s all for fun!
Submit the link to your entry post via this Google Form: https://forms.gle/EJV82Wh85BZpwaFa9  – Tumblr has been hiding @ mentions from my dash which means that I’m missing so many of your entries. :( Submitting a link to your post via this Form will ensure that everyone’s posts are seen and tracked! Please help me, haha. Tag @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast in all of your entries and use the #FFxivWrite2019 hashtag – Thanks to Tumblr shadowbans, using a hashtag alone is no longer a great way for me to track prompt entries. :( So! Tag me, please, so that I don’t miss your posts. You’ll know that I’ve tracked your post when you see a like from me (NOTE: sometimes it takes 48 hours for me to catch up to your latest posts). 
Select which Prompt # your submitted link is for in the Google Form  – There’s no longer a need to include the Prompt # in the title of the post unless you want to for your own tracking purposes. Include the prompt number in the TITLE of your post – Example: “Prompt #10: Your clever post name.” Entries without the prompt number included in the post title won’t be counted toward prizes.
You have until prompt #7 to back write for participation prizes – That means that if you discover the writing challenge a few days, or even a week after it’s started, you can still jump in and back write as many of the first 7 prompts as you want and they’ll count as entries toward the participation prize! After day 8, however, no back writing will be counted towards the prize - unless it’s submitted on a makeup day. That being said, it is totally possible for someone with only 1 participation entry for the duration of the contest to be drawn as the participation prize winner so don’t give up due to lack of participation overall!
Absolutely no griefing, harassing, or trolling other writers – This will earn you an automatic disqualification from the event.
Tag NSFW content with #NSFW and put it below a cut – Similarly, if your entry contains graphic or violent content that may be triggering to others, please include a brief trigger warning at the top of your post. Be considerate of your readers!
Make-up Days / Extra Credit Days:
EVERY SUNDAY will be a makeup/extra credit day. No prompt will be provided on these days. Instead, you’re welcome to back write and submit as many entries for previous prompts as you’d like! You can also make up your own prompt to write to for the day and submit that as extra credit.
Completing all prompts + extra credit will put you at 30 entries total toward the participation prize raffle.
Participation Prizes:
In early October, I will total up the number of all entries made within their 24-hour deadline, or on makeup days/extra credit, and draw winning numbers for a black & white portrait of their character drawn by one of our volunteer artists.
The number of available prizes depends on how many artists volunteer.
While we do have prizes, remember that getting a prize is not the ultimate purpose of this challenge. It’s a chance for you to beat the snot out of perfectionism in your creative process by just DOING IT! :D
As always, send me an ask or a message with questions. 
Let’s do this, FFxiv community!
(( FFxiv2019 banner art by @dantinmikannes ))
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