#GOD i need a dainrue tag. for my health
lovinggreeniehours · 23 days
🎫 here's a gush pass ^^ feel free to gush about whichever f/o you want, however much you want, then send this ask to 3 other self shippers! (@comfortingstars)
okay FINALLY a chance to use this. i have been thinking about dainrue <3 my dearest of beloveds,,,,,<3 i will be infodumping under the cut now. warning it's long
they are soo exes coded. emphasis on coded, because it's probably not canon. probably. i may not like dain.sleif all that much but i most definitely like doomed yaoi
so domino is my fon.taine s/i <3 he's been one of my favorite s/is to work on. he was originally from kha.enri'ah, and was a member of the guard. his original name was ruere, and we will ignore that gen.shin now has a character named peru.ere. he worked under dain.sleif, who often aided in his training. as colleagues (and friends) they had a good amount of respect for each other. ruere, especially, looked up to dain.sleif a lot, and hoped to become an impressive fighter like him one day
after khae.nri'ah fell, they were both very much in shambles. while dains.leif eventually found his purpose in hunting down the abyss, ruere was much more lost. he ended up in fon.taine and secured another job with the gardes through a lot of lying and forgery. despite this, he did not enjoy his job all that much. like dain.sleif, he was angry and resentful about the gods destroying his kingdom. but he needed a job to give him a reason to wake up in the morning. even if that reason was one step in a plan to topple a god's kingdom out of spite. after all, the gods gave them time. why not use it?
when dain.sleif found him again, he was lord domino of font.aine. domino developed a network of informants and used it to secure a place at the arc.hon's inner circle with the iudex. he's. very ambitious 😭 there's something very interesting to me about him and dain.sleif meeting again after all that time, and they have this distinct memory impression from the days gone by that they only share with each other,, and the way they are such different people now. do these memories even matter anymore? after everything?
they literally have matching wounds. the same nightmares of the same kingdom burning down because they failed to protect it. no one else will ever get to understand that pain but them
i imagine them meeting again at a low profile bar in fon.taine. it seemed like an accident, but really, it isn't. they're both too careful. they both know it. dainsleif heard rumors of fon.taine's new "king" and came to see if they were true. domino got reports of a strange man in exotic clothes moving around his kingdom and came to have it dealt with. dain.sleif asks domino for help to stop the abyss. he says no. and it is so painful to me when you look at it through dainrue lenses because it could be so easily read as dain.sleif just wanting his friend back. to have someone in his corner again,, especially since they would know how to protect each other,,,, like the last living piece of a past he misses so dearly just rejects him so so easily like 😭 😭 😭 😭 nooo,,,,,
like it HURTS. dain.sleif Knows ruere. NO ONE will know ruere like he will. no one will ever have met him and no one would ever recognize him like dain.sleif would. where lord domino is cold, dain.sleif sees and knows ruere is hurt but he can't do anything about it,,,,,,,, they're basically strangers now,,,,,,, ruere is dead to everyone but him
and domino is honestly just filled with so much guilt over what happened then. he never allowed himself time to process or express himself over it, and got so used to playing a part in fon.taine's constant masquerade that when he finally sees dain.sleif— literally his last living friend. the one single person in teyv.at that he cannot possibly hide from— he just loses his composure and lashes out. but he can't behave like this. he has an image to keep up. a plan to carry out. dain.sleif needed to leave
dainrue "only gay people can break up before they even get together" you are so special to me,,,,,, they're literally out in the world all alone staring up at the sky on the difficult nights, wondering how the other is doing,,
i have begun to entertain thoughts of domino going after him after the fon.taine arch.on quest. the original plan was to have him be captain of the gardes (which, he is though) after he and fur.ina step down, and i might stick to that. but dainrue is very fanon-ish to me hdsgkfshfsh i can easily see fanfic of domino leaving fon.taine and making out with dain.sleif in the crevice of a mountain 😭 😭
tldr if domino were a canon character i Know in my heart that dainrue would be popular i just know it. they would have at least a little pocket fandom of people obsessing over them and i would be right there with them
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