#GioGio's Budew Adventure
Ah! Plz write a follow up to that!!
Being a psychic type, Bruno was more than used to clearing up some common misconceptions. He was fine with doing so, of course. Most questions he got asked were just genuinely curious, and there was a whole lot of confusion out there over what the psychic type actually entailed, so he was plenty understanding. 
The short version was this: No, he could not see the future. No, he could not read thoughts. He could sort of read emotions, yes, but that wasn’t at all the same as being able to properly read thoughts. No, he could not use mind control. No, he could not speak to the dead. What he was was telekinetic, and empathetic, and that was basically it. 
Still, though, he sometimes felt that he could understand a bit of where the belief in psychic type premonitions came from, because he was no stranger to the occasional gut feeling or sudden instinct that later paid off. When Narancia had flown off after a particularly big spat with Fugo, Bruno’s instincts had told him to go to the woods, and that had been where he’d found Narancia, stuck in the branches of a tree he appeared to have crashed into. When Mista had gotten poisoned by a Golbat he’d accidentally run into, Bruno’s instincts had lead him to a small grove near his team’s territory, where he’d been able to find a small stash of Lum berries left behind by some other Pokemon. 
In short, while Bruno may not have been clairvoyant, his instincts had never lead him astray before, and he trusted them whole-heartedly. So, when he suddenly felt the urge to wander toward a large patch of tall grass near the edge of the route he and Leone we were walking down, he did so without question. All the other Pokemon here seemed to be extremely low level, anyways, so it wasn’t as though what he was doing was particularly dangerous. 
The sight of a Pecha berry rolling across the dirt in front of him gave him pause, and he stopped, blinking curiously at the fruit before him. The only warning he received was a sudden sense of despair before an angry squeak hit his ears and a tiny body hit his legs, startling him enough that he lost his balance and fell back. 
A Budew. He’d seen a few of them before, they weren’t especially uncommon, but he’d never seen one quite as small as the one that was currently scurrying away with that Pecha berry. It wasn’t entirely green, either, which was also pretty new. It had a bright purple frill below its face, which probably would’ve made it stand out quite a bit were it not for the fact that this particular patch of grass was full of colorful wildflowers, allowing the strange Budew to camouflage even in spite of it’s unusual coloration. Clever little thing. 
A feeling of indignant rage passing through his mind let him know Leone had arrived even before he spotted the big grey brute bursting through the foliage, snarling at the odd Budew that’d surprised Bruno only seconds ago. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the over the top display of dramatics. He never would understand the Mightyena’s insistence upon approaching confrontations so aggressively, especially not in a place like this. Leone was at least 10 levels above the strongest Pokemon in this area; there was no need for any of that intimidation nonsense. 
That alien sense of despair from earlier came crashing back into Bruno’s senses, so powerful this time that he felt tears begin to prickle in his eyes. It took him a moment to realize that the source of that ailment was the odd Budew currently facing down Leone’s fangs. The poor thing wasn't just intimidated, it was terrified, trembling before the face of Bruno’s overly dramatic partner. 
He rose to his feet, preparing to tell Leone to leave that baby Pokemon alone for fuck’s sake, when everything went to shit real quick. He could feel Leone’s confusion as the quadruped sensed something strange about the little Pokemon, leaning in for closer inspection, and Bruno didn’t need clairvoyance to predict what happened next. Sure enough, the terrified Budew lashed out, striking Leone directly on the nose and using... Toxic? 
Oh boy. That was bad news. That was *really* bad news. Toxic was a nasty move, and if it hadn’t been for the fact that the berry the little Budew had dropped was a Pecha berry, Bruno would’ve been a whole lot more worried. As it was now, though, he was still worried- just not for Leone. Leone would be fine, but he was approximately two seconds away from smacking the absolute shit out of the baby Budew in blind retaliation, and Bruno’s instincts screamed that that wouldn’t end well. 
He acted quickly, using Yawn on the Budew to subdue the poor thing for a moment and telekinetically pulling it toward him before Leone’s paw could strike. 
“What the hell, Bruno?” Leone growled, clearly displeased. 
“How many times do I have to tell you?” Bruno replied, putting on a gently teasing tone to try and calm his partner down. “No beating up low level Pokemon!” 
“Wh-but- that little bastard poisoned me!” Leone sputtered, thankfully more indignant than angered. “It hit me with fucking *Toxic*!” 
“Yes, that... is unfortunate,” Bruno admitted. “But you’ve got a Pecha berry right there, you big baby. You’ll be fine.” 
“It’s the principle of the matter,” Leone argued. “That fucking Budew *poisoned* me- I should get to smack it at least a little!” 
“Maybe, if you don’t want to get poisoned, you should stop scaring the life out of every Pokemon you come across,” Bruno rebutted, finally scooping up the little Pokemon into his arms to make a show out of holding it. “Poor little guy thought you were about to eat him. I’d poison you, too, if I thought you were about to eat me.” 
“I wasn’t going to *eat* it!” Leone protested. He kept talking, probably continuing to grouse about the indignity of getting poisoned by a literally baby, but Bruno was no longer listening because now that he had the Budew in his arms like this, he could tell something was *wrong*. 
He hadn’t been wrong- it was *way* smaller than a Budew should’ve been, and way too light, too. It looked sickly up close, frail even for a young grass type, and a quick check of its health made him feel suddenly quite sick. He was extremely glad, now, that he’d pulled the Budew away when he had. 
“Bruno?” Leone’s voice came again, much closer this time, and he looked up to see the Mightyena standing right before him, clear concern on his face. “What’s wrong?” 
“He’s hurt,” Bruno said softly, carefully lowering himself to the ground in a seated position so he could set the little Pokemon in his lap. 
“Who, the seedling?” Leone asked, following him down to the ground to lay on his stomach, crossing his front paws over each other and leaning in to sniff carefully at the sleeping Pokemon. 
Bruno just nodded in response, running a worried paw over the Budew’s face. The baby Pokemon was only level 2, which was low even for this area, but its level wasn’t the only concerningly low aspect. Its health was so low he was stunned it was out and about in the first place. A stiff breeze would probably be enough to put it out of commission. If Leone’s angry swat had actually landed... An outside sense of horror let him know that he hadn’t been the only one to just reach that conclusion. 
“Shit,” Leone whispered, looking noticeably disturbed. “What’s this little idiot thinking, running around like that?” 
“He might not have much of a choice,” Bruno muttered. 
“What do you mean, ‘not have a choice’?” Leone asked. 
“Budew usually travel in herds, right? Especially at lower levels?” Bruno pointed out, and Leone nodded cautiously, clearly uncertain where this was going. “Have you seen any other Budew around here?” Leone shook his head slowly, finally seeming to put two and two together. “I don’t think he has a herd. I think it’s just him out here. If there’s no one else to help gather food and defend territory, then I don’t think he has much of a choice whether or not he goes out. Poor baby...” 
They sat in silence for a moment, both staring at the little Budew somberly. The idea that’d been quietly brewing in the back of Bruno’s mind for pretty much this whole time was finally becoming too loud to ignore, so he ended up voicing it. 
“You know...” he began, and he could already see Leone’s shoulders tense with suspicion. “Fugo could benefit from having another poison type around...” 
“Bruno.” Leone said warningly, but Bruno refused to meet his eye. 
“And really, all the kids would probably *love* having another packmate around their level...” 
“Bruno, no.” Leone groaned. 
“And it’s not like we don’t have the space,” Bruno continued, paying no heed to Leone’s growing exasperation. 
“Bruno, for fuck’s sake, we already have 4!” Leone argued. 
“Exactly,” Bruno countered. “Like Mista says; that’s bad luck! If we got another, we’d have 5, and that’d be perfect!” 
Leone made a noise somewhere between a sigh and a scream and planted his face firmly in his paws. Already, Bruno could sense the Mightyena’s protest caving, and grinned. 
Looks like they had a new friend to introduce to the little ones. 
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Holy shit it’s three am
Yeah uh so
My art teacher asked for an update on my art project, but when I showed it to her, she said I should do something completely different, even though we’re a third of the way to the deadline and I sunk hours on that thing AFTER she approved of my idea
Needless to say I’m kind of pissed
Sorry fam but the whole flowers in the ribs thing is scrapped :(
I’m supposed to be working overtime on my art project but every time I get started on it I get sidetracked by one of the prompts I’ve been loading up in my brain over the last week or so
Anyway, I said I wanted to draw Jojo x Pokémon shit, so here
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Sorry if the camera makes it blurry
This started off as a simple drawing but I got really into the doodles
I feel like they look better than the actual focus but that’s probably because I haven’t drawn traditionally in literal weeks and I was getting warmed up
I’m definitely going to look at it and hate it in the morning so take it before I chage my mind
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Mista finding Giorno and taking care of him is adorable. But I can't help but picture a Meowstic and a Mightyena taking a walk on day and just stumbling across our skittish and beaten up Budew. Like thank god plant pokemon can use the sun like regular plants to get energy because Giorno would no be able to defend any food he managed to get at all.
Sometimes, humans passing through the area would plant berry trees. It wasn’t often, and they didn’t tend to be left for long, but when those trees did crop up, it was always a big deal. 
Giorno had never bothered with trying to get any. It wasn’t that he didn’t want any of the fruits that grew from those short-lived plants, because he very much did, but his desire not to get trampled, eaten, and/or beaten up greatly overpowered his desire for a snack, no matter how hungry he may have been. He was a grass type. Not eating wouldn’t *kill* him, because even if the sunlight did nothing to abate the clawing emptiness of his stomach, it would still keep him alive, and that was what mattered. 
One day, though, one of those berry trees popped up only a few paces away from the little den he called his home. It had been a particularly fruitful season- there were plenty of other trees all around the surrounding area- so none of the other Pokemon seemed overly interested in that specific tree. For once, he might actually have a chance. 
Nervously, he crept out from his den, and made a beeline for the tree, quickly scooping up one of the pink berries growing from its lower branches and scurrying back to his den. In his haste, he ended up tripping (stupid stubby legs!) and accidentally dropping his long-awaited food... right at the feet of another Pokemon. 
Something in him finally seemed to just... break. That was *his*, dammit! He was tired of being scared, tired of being hungry, just *tired*! Against his better judgement, he squeaked defiantly, and head butted the other Pokemon. 
The blue, bipedal psychic type (psychic type; that was bad, that was very bad) must not have noticed him within the tall grass, because even though his head butt definitely wasn’t all that powerful, it still surprised the other Pokemon badly enough that it stumbled back and fell over, blinking it’s giant eyes in confusion. 
Quickly, before the psychic type (a Meowstic- *really* bad news) could seem to process what was going on, Giorno scooped the berry back up and *ran*. His den wasn’t far, and even if he wasn’t at all very fast, hopefully he could still manage to make it in there before the Meowstic recovered enough to attack him. 
He would’ve made it, too, if it hadn’t been for a set of four large, grey paws suddenly blocking his path. A second Pokemon. The Meowstic had bought a friend. 
He felt like he was going to cry, and if he weren’t already old enough to know that crying was useless, he probably would’ve just burst into tears right there. He knew he shouldn’t have tried to risk it. He should’ve just stayed put like always instead of acting like an idiot and trying to go grab food from the public area. If he’d just stayed put, he wouldn’t be standing here, sandwiched between a psychic type and a full grown Mightyena that looked about two seconds away from ripping him in half. 
He dropped the berry, terror having finally returned in full force and beat out whatever burst of courage had possessed him earlier, but the Mightyena didn’t seem appeased. If anything, it only snarled harder, and when he tried to back away, it followed. 
That settled it: he was going to die. These two looked fairly high level, so he hoped it would at least be quick, but the Mightyena looked angry enough that he wouldn’t exactly be surprised if it decided to draw things out a bit. 
From somewhere deep inside himself, he felt a sudden resolve begin to burn. Fine. So he was going to die. So what? This had always been inevitable. He was weak, and in this world, the strong devoured the weak. That was simply the way things were. Didn’t mean he was going to make it easy on them. 
When the Mightyena leaned down- presumably to take a bite- Giorno lashed out, and hit the dark type Pokemon with one of the few moves he actually knew: good old fashioned Toxic. It didn’t seem to have been expecting that, and yelped loudly, stumbling back as poison began coursing through its system. Giorno had approximately two seconds to feel proud of himself before the Meowstic struck, likely enraged by the poisoning of its partner. The Yawn hit him quickly, and he only just had the time to work out what move had just been used on him before it ended up taking effect, and he fell into a deep sleep.
[”Bruno, that little fucker just poisoned me!” 
“I know, dear, I’ve been here the whole time.” 
“A fucking Budew just poisoned me! That little shit!!” 
“Abbacchio, please calm down. It’s not that big a deal.” 
“I *cannot* believe-”]
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how long does it take giorno to start trusting the gang? im imagining fugo probably evolves from a nidoran into a nidorino before any of the other kids, and giorno is probably the lowest level out of all of them even after he finally trusts and befriends everyone enough to finally, and suddenly, evolve into a roselia.
It’s definitely a slow process. 
He spends pretty much the entirety of the first two weeks hiding in that shrub he dove into upon waking up. He’s pretty effectively made it his den now, and the rest of the gang knows better than to intrude into the private dens/nests of their fellow packmates, so they pretty much leave him alone. They keep leaving food outside the den for him, and some of them (Mista, Narancia, and Bruno, primarily) will sit outside the den and talk to him. He doesn’t really respond much, but that’s fine. They regale him will the tales of their day, or funny stories from earlier, and... he likes to listen to them. It’s comforting, somehow. 
It’s during one of these one-sided conversations, as Bruno describes a talk he had with a Girafarig a few routes down, that he feels something brush against his side, and has to resist the urge to jolt for fear of startling away his very timid visitor. Giorno has finally emerged from his den, though he’s still pointedly avoiding eye contact, and is leaning up against Bruno’s side, listening intently, so Bruno continues to talk. 
From there, Giorno gets a little bolder. He’s willing to come out every so often, even if he doesn’t particularly say or do much, and the gang is careful not to scare him off. He’s actually surprisingly cuddly, once he emerges, and starts participating more and more often in the impromptu gang cuddle puddles that tend to crop up during nap hours. 
A few months later, after Giorno has really started to come into his own as a member of the gang, it is in the middle of one of these cuddle puddles that Giorno suddenly begins to glow, startling those piled around him, as he evolves into a rather stunned looking Roselia. 
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Oh I remember a episode of the first season of pokemon where Ash's pikachu and Meowth had to take care of Misty's togepi, but when they were settling down to eat some pokemon food, togepi couldn't eat it because it was just a baby, so he had to mix it with water or milk or something liquid? to turn it into a baby food mush.
Yeah, Budew Giorno- like a lot of baby Pokemon- doesn’t really have much in the way of teeth. When he’s gotten ahold of food in the past, eating has been a real process for him. After joining the Bucci Gang Pack, finding food is no longer an issue for him. The gang keeps very enthusiastically trying to get him to eat (he’s too *little*!! Eat!!). 
One of the gang- Mista, probably- spots Giorno trying to gum at a berry, very slowly eating it, and Mista’s just like “??? What are you doing?? You don’t have teeth??” Giorno is both confused and embarrassed- even if he doesn’t necessarily understand what it is he’s doing wrong. 
Mista is the kinda the only one out of the baby Pokemon who actually has teeth. Fugo and Narancia have little buckteeth (Fugo’s a lot more prominent), but they don’t have much else yet, so it’s hard for them to properly chew. Trish and Giorno just don’t have teeth. Because of this, Bruno makes a whole lot of berry mush baby food for all them, (even Mista, because it’s tasty, don’t judge him). 
It’s a bit of a slow process. Giorno doesn’t know what his favorite kinds of berry are- he’s really just been eating whatever he could get ahold of- so he’d not able to give much input on what he wants when Bruno offers to help him out with the food. Eventually, though, Bruno settles on the safe bet that sweet is probably going to go over well, and he was absolutely right. He makes a sweet baby food berry mush for Gio, and Giorno is just like :0!!!!
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What happens when little budew gio wakes up? Are they still there or did they leave?
Giorno found himself extremely surprised upon waking up. In part, this was because he very much hadn’t been expecting to wake up in the first place. He’d been *certain* those two other Pokemon were going to kill him, so the fact that he didn’t appear to be dead was extremely confusing. 
Although, maybe he was dead, and this was just whatever happened after. The area around him certainly didn’t look like any place he was familiar with, and the shining sun above felt warm against his face, so he’d be plenty willing to believe that this was the afterlife. 
That impression was challenged, however, by the sound of snuffling, and the sight of a twitching black nose entering his peripheral vision. He was pretty sure nobody sniffed you in the afterlife. Though, then again, it wasn’t as if he was really qualified to say for sure one way or the other. 
The nose was close enough now that the continued snuffling was beginning to tickle, and the snout surrounding that nose was suddenly much clearer. A Growlithe. There was a Growlithe standing over him, and on the off chance that this wasn’t already the afterlife, he may very well be about to be headed there. 
His initial plan was to just play dead (assuming, of course, that he wasn’t already), but that plan got tossed out the window once those tickling whiskers made him sneeze, causing both him and the Growlithe to freeze in place. Crap. New plan: run. 
He just bolted blindly, having absolutely no idea where he was or where he was going. There was a large bush up ahead, and without a second thought, Giorno dove into it. It wasn’t as though he could realistically *hide* in here, since that Growlithe had definitely saw him run in, and it could just set the whole thing on fire to kill him anyway, but he wasn’t exactly thinking super clearly right now. 
For some reason, though, the Growlithe didn’t attempt to follow him. It walked up to the bush he’d “hidden” in, cocking its head curiously and sniffing at the outer branches, but it made no attempt to actually enter the bush proper- even though it definitely could just stick its head in to grab him. The problem was, though, that it also wasn’t leaving, and that meant he couldn’t leave, either. Though, even if he could, he wouldn’t know where to go. 
“Mista, what did you do?” A voice called, starling Giorno greatly. 
“What? Nothing!” The Growlithe protested, turning to look off to its right. 
“I told you to give him some space!” The voice chastised. 
“...Sorry,” the Growlithe said softly, its ears drooping sadly. “I didn’t mean to scare him.” 
“I know you didn’t,” the voice assured, and now there was a very familiar blue figure entering Giorno’s line of sight, moving to stand by the Growlithe. “You were just curious, and I understand that, but he’s going to need some time to adjust.” 
“Yeah,” the Growlithe (Mista? Giorno was pretty sure he’d heard that Growlithe referred to as Mista) agreed, affectionately butting its (no, *his*) head against the Meowstic’s side before getting up to his feet and stretching. “Sorry,” Mista said, and that was actually directed toward Giorno, causing him to start. 
Giorno couldn’t find the strength to reply, but it didn’t seem as though Mista had been expecting him to, anyways, because the Growlithe turned back toward the Meowstic. 
“Why don’t you go help Narancia?” The Meowstic suggested. “I think he’s been having some trouble with setting up that little game he’s been wanting to play. He could probably use some backup.” 
“Yeah, sure!” Mista chirped, big fluffy tail wagging as he bounded off somewhere unseen. That left only Giorno, and the Meowstic that ought to have killed him. 
“Sorry about that,” the Meowstic said to him- though he also, thankfully, made no attempts to actually reach into the shrub. “Mista’s a real sweetheart, but he forgets about things like ‘personal space’ from time to time.” 
“Wh-what’s,” Giorno squeaked out, then flinched. He hadn’t actually talked in quite a long time, so his voice was horribly raspy. “What’s going on?” 
“Oh, yes,” the Meowstic muttered. “You must be terribly confused, mustn’t you? I’m also sorry about that. My name is Bruno. I apologize for putting you to sleep, earlier. I sort of panicked. You were out for a long time, too- I was starting to get really worried.” 
“...Why?” Giorno asked, baffled. He’d *poisoned* Bruno’s... friend? He wasn’t exactly sure of the relationship between Bruno and that angry Mightyena, but they seemed to have been traveling together. 
“What do you mean?” Bruno asked. “Why was I worried?” 
Giorno just nodded. All this talking was pretty foreign to him, and it was hard to form words, anyways. 
“Well, I thought I’d accidentally hurt you!” Bruno replied, as if that was meant to clarify anything. Why would he have been worried about that? “I didn’t, right? Do you feel okay?” 
Giorno just nodded again, slower this time. No, he didn’t feel okay. He felt terrible, but it was the same sort of terrible that he always felt, so he supposed that meant he was ‘okay’. 
“Oh, that’s good!” Bruno sounded honestly relieved when he said it, and Giorno *couldn’t* understand. “That’s really good. Are you hungry?” 
Yes. Always yes. But it would be rude to demand food, so what he ended up croaking out was simply: “You don’t have to.” 
That made Bruno frown, and Giorno flinched. He hadn’t meant to upset the other Pokemon. That’d been the exact *opposite* of what he’d been trying to do. He wasn’t sure what he’d said wrong, but he braced himself nonetheless. He’d never actually been hit by a psychic type, before. He knew full well what it felt like to be burned, but he had no idea what to expect from psychic powers, and that uncertainty was terrifying in and of itself. 
“...I know I don’t ‘have’ to,” Bruno said after a moment, his voice cautious. “But I *want* to.” 
Giorno didn’t say anything, in part because his throat felt too tight to talk, and in part because he had no idea what he’d even say. He didn’t *understand*. 
“Okay,” Bruno said softly. “I’m going to go get some food, and I’ll bring it back for you. You don’t have to stay here, if you don’t want to, but please know that you’re more than welcome here. I’ll be back soon, alright?” 
And with that, he left, leaving Giorno alone inside the shrub with nothing but his own frantic thoughts to accompany him. Giorno was more confused now than he thought he’d ever been before in his life. 
The branches around him seemed almost to have him wrapped in an embrace, and the solid beneath him was far softer than the rocky dirt of the makeshift den he’d stayed in before. 
Giorno chirped quietly to himself, settling down into the dirt and waiting. He was tired, like always, but for once, he actually felt... safe. 
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worse for giogio and his new family: where giorno's mother goes, his step father follows or checks out later.
Bruno’s fucking Done(TM). That big old ape dude comes rolling up, sniffing around, and Bruno takes one fucking look at the absolute terror on Giorno’s face, remembers the Budew’s singed looking patches of skin from before he got healed and his persistent fear of fire, and just goes Off. 
He’s not having it. Just straight up; not having it. He literally just launches the fucker practically up into the stratosphere via telekinesis before turning to his pack and dusting his hands off, very brightly asking them what they’d like to do for dinner that night. 
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Do you plan to post the Pokemon x Jojo AU on A03? Sorry if you answered this beforehand.
Do you guys think I should? I’m not sure how exactly I’d do that as of now, but if you guys think that’d be a good idea, I could probably post it as a series of drabbles? I don’t know. It doesn’t have much structure as of right now, but if it’d make for a good AO3 fic thing, I’d be happy to make it one
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Oh, how did pokemon au Bruno meet/ befriend Abbacchio?
Bruno has never had a trainer. He was born wild, and he has lived his whole life wild. He has never had a trainer, but when he was but a baby Espurr, he met a human man.
The human man lived alone, in a small house by the sea that was surrounded by tall grass on three sides and sand on the fourth. The man walked along the beaches, helping beached water types get back into the sea and tossing seeds out for the hungry Wingull that flew overhead.
Bruno met him first by accident. He’d been wandering by the shore, enjoying the breeze that came off the ocean, when he’d spotted the man sitting there in the sand, staring out into the sea. Ever curious, Bruno had walked up to the man, catching the human’s attention when he walked pretty much right into the man’s side.
“Oh, hello little one,” the man had said, smiling at him. “Where did you come from?”
Bruno hadn’t understood him, of course. Human language was a mystery to him, but emotions were not, and he could sense that the man was sad, even though he could not understand the reasoning. He’d chirped gently, and butted his head against the man’s arm in a gesture of affection that he’d seen other Espurr use to try and comfort one another.
The man had laughed, somehow both happy and sad at once, and had placed his big hand on Bruno’s head, petting gently.
“Well aren’t you sweet?” The man had said. “Where’s your family, little one? You shouldn’t wander too far from your family. I’m sure they’re worried.”
But Bruno hadn’t understood him, and even if he had, he didn’t have a family, anyway. Espurr lived in small herds until they hit level 10, then went off on their own. Bruno was level 12. He had no family, and he could not understand, so he did not leave, instead nuzzling into the hand on his head.
“Ah,” the man said, and even as his eyes shone, his smile was bright. “Thank you, little one.”
Bruno stuck around, from then on. The man was nice, and he was so sad, but he always seemed to get a little happier whenever Bruno was around, so he stayed. There were pictures, in the man’s house, of a smaller human with eyes like the man’s, and when the man looked at those pictures, the sadness grew stronger. Bruno could not understand, but whenever he caught the man staring at those pictures for too long, he made sure to gently nudge against his hand, to catch his attention, and the man always seemed grateful.
One night, Bruno awoke to the sound of the man sobbing, holding one of the pictures in his hand and staining the glass over it with tears. Bruno cuddled up to him, trying to comfort him, but the man only seemed to cry harder, and even though he smiled, it felt broken.
In the morning, the man was gone. Bruno waited for him, waited so long in fact that the wood of the cabin around him began to rot, but the man never returned. Now, Bruno was the one who was sad. He’d been fine before, with being on his own, but now the loneliness ate away at him. He didn’t want to be alone anymore.
A storm hit one night, several weeks after the man had disappeared. The thunder was so loud the very world seemed to tremble, and the lighting split open the skies above. He trembled huddled up in the blankets of the bed where the man had slept and trying not to let his fear tear apart the cabin around him before the storm could.
He felt the sadness before the other Pokemon limped into the cabin. It was a Poochyena, shivering and soaked to the bone. The instinctive part of Bruno’s mind told him to be afraid- dark types were his natural enemy after all- but the empathetic part disagreed. This Poochyena was no threat. It was hurt, badly, and it was sad, just like him.
“Ah, crap,” the Poochyena hissed, having finally spotted him on the bed. “Look, I... I don’t want any trouble. I’ll leave when the storm’s over, but could I please just... hang around, until then?”
“Of course,” Bruno said quickly, and that answer seemed to startle the Poochyena, who blinked at him with bright yellow eyes. He slid off the bed, padding slowly toward the other Pokemon, who cringed away but did not run. Sunny Day created an artificial sun above them, quickly warming up the space within the cabin and drying the Poochyena’s soaked fur until it was all fluffy.
“I don’t know any healing moves,” Bruno said softly. “I’m sorry.”
The Poochyena just stared at him, seeming utterly baffled, and did not say a word.
“Would you stay with me?” Bruno asked, gesturing back toward the blankets. “It’s okay if you don’t want to, but... Sunny Day doesn’t last long, and it’s cold here.”
The Poochyena just nodded numbly, and limped after him to join him in the blankets. It startled a bit when Bruno snuggled up against its side, but it did not pull away, and Bruno was grateful for that, because the Poochyena was warm, and fluffy, and it had been so long since Bruno had had somebody he could cuddle with.
“My name’s Bruno,” he said after a moment, because making introductions seemed like the right thing to do.
“Thank you, Bruno,” the Poochyena replied softly, then shifted position to curl itself around Bruno more completely.
“What are you doing out here?” Bruno asked after another long moment, because he hadn’t had anybody he could talk to in a long time, either.
“...What are *you* doing out here?” The Poochyena countered, bristling slightly, and Bruno marked that topic down as one not to push on.
“I’m waiting,” he replied.
“For what?” The Poochyena asked.
“For the human that lives here,” Bruno replied. “He...” there were tears beginning to prick at his eyes. “He left, a long time ago, and he hasn’t come back.”
“...Yeah,” the Poochyena said finally, and its voice was noticeably tight. “Yeah, they do that.”
They lay there in silence for a long while, cuddled around each other beneath the blankets and listening to the rain pound against the wooden roof of the cabin, the waves crashing and the thunder booming in one giant percussive orchestra.
“My name’s Leone,” the Poochyena whispered.
“It’s nice to meet you, Leone,” Bruno whispered back.
“Nice to meet you, too, Bruno.”
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if baby budew giogio got to meet another shiny who traveled around the world with their trainer, he and the gang might understand why humans seem to freak out when they see pokemon that don't have normal colors. "oh they call us "shiny" pokemon because we're really rare to find. some people will breed a certain type of pokemon their whole lives just to try and hatch one, especially if they're aiming for good stats or certain traits. you're going to have a LOT of trainers after you."
They met a Lopunny with pink puffs of fur one day. She was traveling with a trainer who’d let her out to wander while they attended to Human Business, and she seemed quite happy to chat with the local wild Pokemon. She was a domestic, you see; a Pokemon hatched from an egg in a daycare center who’d been among humans her entire life. She’d never *been* wild, and was extremely intrigued by the lives of those who were. 
She lit up when she spotted Giorno, who’d cautiously wandered over to see what the rest of his pack was doing. 
“Well, I’ll be!” She exclaimed, dropping to a crouch to peer down at the tiny Pokemon. “I never thought I’d see another shiny!” 
Giorno was deeply confused, thought thankfully far less frightened by the presence of this stranger than he would’ve been a month or two ago. He was pretty sure he didn’t shine. 
“Shiny?” Mista asked, voicing his confusion for him. “What are you talking about?” 
“You know; a shiny!” The Lopunny repeated, not very helpfully. 
“I’m afraid we don’t know,” Bruno said. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard that term before.” 
“Woah, really?” The Lopunny seemed shocked. 
“Really,” Leone grunted. He’d seemed a bit bitter this entire time, glowering at the Lopunny that’d been chatting them up with a decidedly dark air about him. “Is it some kinda trainer thing?” 
“I guess so,” the Lopunny replied, seeming oblivious to Leone’s sour attitude. “A shiny is a Pokemon that’s got different colors. He’s purple, and I’m pink- we’re both shiny! Really, I’m surprised you don’t have a trainer already, little guy! They’d go crazy for ya!” 
Somehow, Leone’s mood seemed to grow even nastier at that. 
“Why?” He spat. “What difference does it make?” 
“None, really,” the Lopunny responded, shrugging a bit. “It’s just super duper rare, so that means trainers want it. Some trainers are downright nutzo over shinies. The amount of folks I’ve had trying to get my Lenore to trade me is honestly just ridiculous. I’m glad she says no, though. She’s raised me since I was just a little baby; I don’t think I could handle having her pass me off to somebody else.” 
At that point, Leone just left, and Bruno knew better than to try and follow him. 
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Oh dear, if Giorno is a shiny and just a wee lil level 2 bab, the gang are going to have to fend off quite a few trainers who want to capture Giorno for their own collection. I have a friend who would kill for a shiny Roserade, he loves grass types.
Yeah, the Bucci gang is a lot more blasé about getting near trainers than Giorno has been. Their territory is far away from anywhere humans frequent, but they wander near humans pretty casually. 
As I’m imagining it, there’s generally something of an agreement between trainers and wild Pokemon. The Pokemon that jump out at trainers are Pokemon that wouldn’t mind having a trainer. They make the trainer prove their worth, sure, but they’re into the idea of having a trainer. The Pokemon with no interest in having a trainer just don’t interact with passing humans, and the general agreement is that both parties will ignore each other. 
This works perfectly fine for most Pokemon, but when it comes to more rare Pokemon, things get dicey. Sometimes, trainers are so determined to have a certain Pokemon in their possession that they’ll completely disregard the agreement, and try to catch the Pokemon anyway, even if that Pokemon doesn’t want to be caught. 
Giorno’s just been avoiding humans in general, because he knows they can be nasty and he wants no part of it. He’s been staying in places humans don’t go, so he hasn’t had much issue in that area before. Now that he’s with the gang, though, they’ve been encouraging him to branch out a little. They know it’s not healthy to just hole up and hide all the time, so they try to take him for walks. Other Pokemon won’t bother them too much, because it’s just not worth it, so that’s not an issue. 
None of the Bucci gang really understands the concept of shiny Pokemon, though. They all realize that Giorno’s coloration is different, but it’s just kind of a “huh, cool” type thing. They have no idea that that sort of thing is a huge deal for trainers, so imagine their surprise when they run into a trainer that won’t take no for an answer. 
Bruno and Mista, who are the ones walking with little Budew Gio, are really confused. They keep trying to politely signal that they’re not interested (usually conveyed by making a point of looking away and refusing to engage), but this human won’t stop chucking Pokeballs at Giorno, and it’s really stressing the poor guy out. The human also keeps trying to get its Leavanny to attack them, but thankfully, the Leavanny doesn't seem to have inherited her trainer’s poor manners, and understands the common courtesy of not fighting Pokemon who don’t want to fight. 
They keep trying to be polite about it. Bruno greatly values diplomacy, and generally just tries to assume the best in people. Perhaps this trainer was never taught the proper etiquette. The Leavanny, who introduced herself as Silkie, was certainly very polite, and kept apologizing for her trainer’s behavior, so Bruno certainly had no quarrel with her. 
The problem was, though, Bruno was an empath, and poor Giorno was clearly freaked out by this human’s relentlessness. The Budew’s distress was seriously starting to stress out Bruno, too, and that was making it quite a bit harder for him to keep his cool with this human that keeps. following them. 
He can also feel the human’s frustration, but he doesn’t sympathize. He understands that it could be annoying for a trainer to be unable to catch a Pokemon, and he’s still holding out hope that this trainer is simply ignorant rather than malicious, but really, he doesn’t know how they could possibly make it any clearer that they aren’t interested here. 
The breaking point comes when the human finally gave up on the Pokeballs, and instead did something Bruno had never seen a human try to do before and lunge toward them, trying to just grab Giorno with its bare hands. The sound of Giorno’s terrified squeak, combined with the startled yip Mista let out when the human nearly trampled him to get to the Budew behind him, finally made Bruno snap. He was a male Meowstic, after all, and they were defensive of their loved ones to the core. 
With a quick apologetic glance toward the horrified looking Leavanny, Bruno exploded, lifting his ears to blast the errant human away from his packmates with considerable force. Non-lethal, of course, but still enough that that trainer was going to have quite a few bruises. He scooped Giorno up into his arms and hissed toward the collapsed trainer, just to drive the point home. The three of them made their way back to their territory, Bruno muttering under his breath all the while about the *nerve* of some people. 
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What would happen if Mista accidentally burned Giorno (as in the status effect so it's not just a small burn but something that lasts for lots of turns) since his step-dad was also a fire type and obviously being a grass type doesn't help anything.
Mista would be losing his shit. He’s just utterly *mortified*. He grabs Gio a Lum berry (Bruno has started keeping a stash after like, the third time Narancia accidentally paralyzed somebody), but then runs off, and Bruno finds him a little ways away with his face buried in his paws, crying about how he’s a terrible friend. Bruno has to calm him down, assuring him that it was just an accident, and that Giorno is fine, really, and doesn’t seem to care too much. 
Because that’s the kind of concerning thing: Giorno really *doesn’t* seem all that phased by the burn. He just seemed... resigned. If anything, he was more surprised by the fact that Mista was so upset about it, and healed him. 
When Bruno finally manages to talk Mista into coming back, Mista just starts frantically apologizing to Giorno, who just seems confused. 
“It’s alright,” Giorno says quietly. “It didn’t hurt that bad, really.” 
“Still,” Mista sniffles. “I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to, I should’ve been more careful. I could’ve really hurt you!” 
“It’s not a big deal,” Giorno protests. “It’s not like I haven’t gotten burned before, and look: I’m still fine!” 
That’s not new information to Bruno, who’s standing nearby and who’s seen the singed scars on Giorno’s body, but it’s still far from comforting to hear confirmed- especially with how nonchalant Giorno appears to be about it. 
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giorno is gonna be hell to be around when spring comes. when budew are healthy, they release pollen in the spring, and the healthier they are, the more poisonous their pollen is! giorno has been so unhealthy for years, so hell that first spring with the bucci gang might be the first spring he makes pollen too.
He’d be utterly *horrified*. He finally gets a family that loves him and *what* does he do? He starts emitting fucking poison! 
He’s an absolute wreck in the beginning. He accidentally poisoned Trish, and as a pure grass type, that’s pretty bad news for her. She was fine, obviously- got healed right away- but Giorno was still *destroyed* by the fact that he just hurt his friend. 
He burst out crying in the immediate aftermath of the Trish incident, sobbing that he was sorry and being terrified all the while that they were going to get rid of him for this. It took a long time to calm him back down. 
He ends up spending most of the spring cuddled up with Fugo, since Fugo is literally incapable of being poisoned, and is more than happy to comfort his new friend. After all, Fugo is *very* familiar with the fear of accidentally poisoning his packmates- he’d pricked Narancia with his horn during an argument, poisoning the Emolga without meaning to, and had been utterly distraught. It’s just something they have to deal with, unfortunately. It’s a part of nature. No one holds it against them, same as they don’t hold Narancia accidentally tasering them against him. 
The rest of the gang comes to hang out with him in short bursts. Bruno is pretty resistant to poison, so he usually sticks around the longest. All of them are still happy to see him, even as he actively continues to create a biohazard in the air around him. 
Giorno is just... so, *so* happy to have them, and they’re happy to have him, too- even if he sometimes generates a whole bunch of airborne neurotoxins. 
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Lmao, you know some younger adult pokemon is gonna be the ballsy one and ask leone for tips on how he scored it with so many different types of females.
There’s a Gogoat named Grover who’s been chatting him up recently. Leone didn’t mind it too much. He’d challenged the guy to a match, of course, and even though he’d won, Grover had put up a pretty damn good fight. They’d sorta hung around each other afterwards. 
Lately, though, Grover’s been seeming a bit... off. There’s a somewhat nervous air about him whenever the two of them talk, and it’s starting to seriously piss Leone off. Still, though, he didn’t comment on it, because he didn’t really feel like getting into any sort of serious conversation with the guy. 
“So...” Grover began one day, fidgeting a bit from hoof to hoof. “I’ve uh... seen you around with some younger Pokemon, you know.” 
“Yes?” Leone grunted. “Those are the kids.” 
“Ah, yeah, that’s what I thought!” Grover exclaimed, sounding slightly relieved. “They’re real cute, you know. I’m naturally a bit nervous around fire types but damn if that little Growlithe ain’t just the sweetest thing.” 
“Ha,” Leone snorted. “They’re brats, is what they are.” 
“Aw, well, I suppose that’s just true of kids in general, ain’t it?” 
“Damn right.” 
“Hey, listen...” Grover began, clearing his throat nervously. “I-I gotta ask; how’d you do it?” 
“Do what?” Leone asked, and Grover started fidgeting again. 
“Well...” Grover was refusing to look directly at him. “Um, there’s this lady Zoroark down the way- name’s Kara- and... I... I really like her, you know? She’s real pretty, and real strong, and I really, *really* like her!” 
“Um... good for you?” Leone tried, uncertain of what exactly he was supposed to say to that. “Female Zoroark though, huh? That’s uh...” he whistled lowly, chuckling a bit. “That’s pretty brave.” Understatement. He’d scrapped with plenty a lady Zoroark before and they did *not* fuck around. 
“Yeah, well, that’s kinda what I wanted to ask you about,” Grover said. “I ain’t seen any little Zorua following you around, so I know you ain’t got experience with this, specifically, but I have seen a Growlithe and a Nidoran, so...” he laughed a little nervously. “I mean, you’ve clearly got experience with living dangerously.” 
“Wait,” Leone began, abruptly going rigid. “Wait wait wait wait wait- did you think all the kids were, er, *mine*?!” 
“Um, yes?” Grover sounded confused. 
“Holy shit *no*!” Leone protested, shoulders hunching up defensively. Thank the forces that be that Bruno wasn’t here to hear this- he’d never let him live it down. “No! They’re all adopted!” 
“Ohhhh.....” Grover breathed. “Oh. I, uh, I thought you had... I mean, everyone says you... hm. This is awkward.” 
“Wait, *what* does everyone say?” Leone demanded. 
“You’re, uh, kind of a legend around here, dude,” Grover said, chuckling awkwardly. “Everyone sorta thinks you’re some kinda... sex god, or something.” 
Leone’s soul made a valiant attempt to leave his body. He needed out of this conversation, right now. Maybe he could fake a heart attack? 
“No,” he croaked, shaking his head repeatedly. “I- just- *no*! I have a husband!” 
“Ah,” Grover sounded just as strained as he did. 
The two of them stood there in mutually mortified silence for several moments, both staring resolutely straight ahead at absolutely nothing. 
“Hey can we just pretend this conversation never happened?” Grover said suddenly. 
“Please!” Leone replied instantly, relieved. 
They never spoke of it again. Though, two weeks later, when Leone happened to spot Grover happily trotting by with a large Zoroark at his side, he *did* give the grass type a solemn nod of approval. 
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So in the pokemon au, how did bruno find all of the others? it's a pretty varied group of pokemon and most of them are babies/kids. and did bruno's dad die in this au too?
The equivalent to Bruno’s dad in this AU is the man by the sea, and yes, he did die. Bruno never managed to have that confirmed, but this is me saying right now that yes, the man did die, and that’s why he never came back. 
Bruno met Leone in the cabin by the sea, when an injured and recently abandoned Leone came limping inside, seeking shelter from the storm. 
They met Fugo a year or so later, when both of them had been traveling together for long enough that they’d evolved. Fugo had been a domestic, hatched out of an egg from a daycare center but discarded when he hadn’t come out perfect. He’d had no herd, no trainer, and no parents. They took him in. 
Fugo was the one to find Narancia. He’d been scavenging around in the forest, and had followed the sound of soft whimpers to find a tiny baby Emolga, curled up at the base of a tree with a broken arm. The poor little guy had fallen out of the nest, too young to properly glide, and the rest of his littermates had moved on without him. Fugo had been too afraid to try and carry him back on his own, terrified of accidentally pricking the little Emolga with one of his spines and poisoning him, so he’d squeaked loudly until Bruno had come and found them, refusing to leave Narancia’s side. 
Mista came a while later, and his introduction was far more active than any of the others before him. Fugo had accidentally caught the attention of a horde of Beldum, and they were basically just wailing on him when a Growlithe came crashing through the grass, yapping angrily and launching little flames at the Beldum, scaring them off quickly. The Growlithe had introduced himself as Mista, and explained that he just hadn’t been able to watch the Beldum- steel/psychic types- gang up on a poison type like that. He just sort of... stuck around, after that. 
Trish was their most recent member before Giorno. She’d been born on Alola, in the jungles, but had ended up accidentally getting transported to the Kalos/Hoenn/I haven’t actually decided which region this actually takes place in Region when she wandered onto a trade ship with a shipment of goods from the jungle. She’d obviously been terrified by the fact that she was stuck in a completely alien place, and Narancia had been the one to find her trying to hide beneath a bush on a route near the docks. Her bright coloration had made her an obvious target outside the jungle, and she was really freaked out. Narancia assured her he’d zap anybody who tried to eat her, and he led her back to the gang’s territory, happily declaring that he’d found a new friend. 
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I'm curious on what your take is on Meowstic! Bruno protecting his den and everyone inside it, like if a much higher leveled pokemon ends up stamping through the area on a war path, yawn not working to subdue the other pokemon. After all, the wiki says Meowstic can lift their ears and use their power to destroy 10 ton trucks
(Okay this got kinda out of hand lol)
Yeah, I believe Meowstic are freakishly powerful. They, like most all Pokemon, only use a fraction of their power in trainer battles because trainer battles are understood to just be for sport. Trainer battles are mostly just friendly competition- no need to bring out the big guns for that. It’s a different story in the wild. 
There’s a fundamental sex difference in Meowstic. Female Meowstic tend to be very individualistic, and a lot more competitive than their male counterparts. Females have a reputation for being highly aggressive and standoffish, so the more cuddly males are seen as being docile by comparison, but that’s not actually true. The truth is, all Meowstic have a massive mean streak, and the only difference is what sets that mean streak off. Male Meowstic are highly social, and *highly* defensive. They may be generally a lot more friendly than their female counterparts, but threaten one of their pack, and they turn into one of the most vicious Pokemon out there. 
In the wild, Pokemon have their own sort of society figured out. They generally leave each other alone, and sometimes scrap for sport, but things are overall pretty peaceful. Sometimes, though, things get nasty. Some Pokemon are just violent, and fights can turn lethal pretty often. 
The Banette probably thought she had an easy meal. After all, Leone- the only dark type- was out foraging, and that left only one psychic type to defend five baby Pokemon. She had both the type and the level advantage, but she hadn’t counted on one thing: resolve. 
That little Meowstic fought like the devil. It’d tried to put her to sleep, at first, but she never slept, and the Sucker Punch she’d hit it with in retaliation had sent it flying, terrifying the five little ones that’d been surrounding it. The Emolga had flown off, disappearing somewhere out of sight, but that was fine by her. She’d never liked the taste of electric types, anyway- always left her mouth feeling numb. Grass was far better, and she’d been moving in on the Fomantis when the full force of a Psyshock sent her crashing to the ground. The Meowstic was back up, and it looked *feral*. 
A distant part of her was jealous. She beat that Meowstic bloody, dealing double damage with every move against its weak psychic body and yet it still fought, pushing through the pain to protect its five little ones in the face of a monster. No one had ever loved *her* like that. She’d been tossed away and left to rot, and yet these five, useless little Pokemon were so *loved* that this Meowstic was willing to die for them. No, scratch that; she wasn’t just jealous. She was *furious*. She was going to devour every last one of these stupid little things- even the electric type- and she’d make the Meowstic watch. Love meant nothing in this world, and if she’d had to learn that the hard way, so should it. 
Although, she might just end up killing it, first, because the damn thing refused to stay down, and she was really starting to get sick of being tossed around like a rag doll (even if, technically, she was one). She charged up a Phantom Force, ready to put an end to the struggling psychic type, when she felt something jab her leg. Poison coursed through her system a fraction of a second later, burning up nerves she didn’t have, and she staggered back in shock. 
There, right by her feet, was the Nidoran, its tiny horn having been what stabbed her. It snarled angrily at her, stomping its little paws and growling as it placed itself between her and its bloodied guardian. She would’ve laughed, but before she could, she felt something brush up against her other leg, and the poison in her system abruptly increased, becoming painful enough to send her to the ground. 
The Budew that’d used Toxic on her skittered back out of her reach, flinching when she screeched at it in a rage. She raised one arm towards the seedling, preparing to throw a Shadow Ball, but sharp little fangs sunk into the limb’s pseudo-flesh as the Growlithe lunged at her and used Bite. 
She howled in pain, throwing the little bastard off of her and into a nearby tree, hard. It was low level, so it shouldn’t have been any problem, but the poisoning had left her weak enough that a dark type move of even that level was enough to cause some pretty serious harm. She seethed. How was this possible? It was one psychic type and a bunch of babies! She shouldn’t be forced to retreat from such laughably easy targets!
And yet, retreat was seeming like the best option. Toxic was a nasty move on its own, but combined with the Poison Jab from the Nidoran, it had become even worse. The poison in her system only grew stronger with every moment she spent not treating it. She had to retreat. Retreat, then come back later even stronger and rip these fucking brats to shreds. 
She made it only a few steps away before Static hit her out of nowhere, paralyzing her. Even with her body stuck, her eyes could still move, and it was in looking up that she spotted the Emolga swooping down from the tree above. Looks as though she’d been wrong about it running away. Even through her paralysis, she tried her damndest to take a swing at the thing, but was sent to the ground by a Grass Knot from the Fomantis she’d tried to eat earlier. 
From behind, she heard the rustle of grass shifting, and felt the world begin to hum. The woods around her trembled as if shaken by a storm as a high pitched ringing pierced the air, the sudden taste of ozone heavy on her mimicry of a tongue. 
Psychic energy- more of it than she’d ever felt in one place before. It would seem the Meowstic was back up. 
The last thing she heard was ‘boom’ so loud it would’ve shattered her eardrums if she’d had any, and the last thing she saw was the very world around her appear to warp and shatter in the face of the massive psionic energy blast that tore her to pieces. 
An easy meal, indeed. 
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