#Harley tutored Jazz at one point
nelkcats · 9 months
Therapy needed
Danny needed therapy, that was pretty obvious. After the whole "my future self killed everyone because my family died" thing it became pretty obvious that he needed to acknowledge his traumas and deal with them properly before another Dan happened or his emotions just exploded. The fact that his parents wanted to kill him and no one would acknowledge his death was making things worse.
So he asked his sister for help, but Jazz being annoyingly responsible commented that he couldn't become her patient, something about how personal feelings could cloud her judgment and family can't give each other therapy. Danny thought it was a bit hypocritical considering she used him as a lab rat with her psychology books but decided not to say anything.
The fact that Jazz could not be his therapist made everything 10 times more complicated. First of all because Danny had a trauma with psychologists (and wasn't that ironic? He blamed Spectra for that), and secondly that no one would believe his whole life story or keep it a secret. It was unfortunate that the Yetis were general health doctors and not mental health doctors because that would have solved his problem.
Just as he was about to give up and continue to treat his traumas as a recurring joke, Jazz introduced him to someone. Her name was Harleen Frances Quinzel and she was completely crazy, but according to Jazz she was excellent at her job. Danny had his doubts but in the end he agreed to have an appointment with her.
Strangely, Harley Quinn lived up to his sister's expectations, not being upset when Danny asked to change the decor of the place (Spectra had done a number on his head, common offices became uncomfortable for him), nor when Danny almost froze her by accident. Harley was patient, attentive and considered all his suggestions, accepting or denying as needed. Danny liked it.
The only complaint the halfa had were about the stalkers on the roof who were always watching him on his way to and from Harley's house, it was getting very annoying. One of them panicked when Danny came out crying - couldn't a ghost face his traumas in peace!?
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chaolavry · 4 years
sooo this is chaol like kale, and im harley like the motorcycle *finger guns* and i’d love to plot with all of you this is dumb long so i apologize !
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『DANIEL SHARMAN ❙ CISMALE』 ⟿ looks like CHAOL AVERY is here for HIS SENIOR year as a BIOLOGY student. HE is 24 years old & known to be IDEALIST, BRAVE, DETACHED & OVERCRITICAL. They’re living in MORIS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ OOC HARLEY. 23. CST. SHE/HER.
random bits.
pinterest board.
before college.
chaol was born into a family where the parents should probably have skipped being parents, they were detached, aggressive and infrequent their love was built on weekend long drug binges and screaming matches all day.
the kids were a shock, they were a beacon of the idea of change and as soon as they were born things would look up before crashing down just as fast, and eventually they would be shipped off to distant family members.
chaol was the last born and by the time he came along they had given up on the idea of change and hope, so as a young kid chaol witnessed everything that they would throw at one another figuratively and literally.
when chaol was around ten his parents were fighting one night and it was pretty standard yelling, blaming him, his father blaming his mother, anger i think you get the point. eventually his dad got a bit too aggressive.
( tw violence, abuse ) his anger was pointed towards chaol and that led to him hurting his son and while his mom wasn’t mother of the year she stepped between them.
in the morning once his dad was passed out drunk, chaol woke up to being left at his aunt and uncles. 
did they want to raise him nope, did they for a while yes - chaol was an angry child he was always getting into things he shouldn’t have been, always skipping class - staying out late, sneaking out the older he got the more things he did which just caused a bigger headache for his aunt and uncle.
as the years progressed and his anger at the world controlled him his aunt and uncle would eventually lose chaol to group homes but they didn’t really care it was a weight lifted. 
the group homes would lead to a foster home where he found discipline and someone that really believed in him and help calm him down
he was encouraged to try and apply for college, his grades were good he was smart but he never showed it, he was fine everyone seeing him as a grumpy boy.
he enrolled with no idea what he wanted to study he eventually landed on biology and was graced with a scholarship which is a shock he hasn’t fucked up
still kinda angry a lot currently also works part time as a barista and hates it, honestly is stupid and edgy because ‘feelings get you hurt blah blah’
chaol isn’t like as bad as he claims to be if you can push the dumb shit aside he has a good heart and really just wants to find a place to belong.
also does the occasional tutoring session for a little extra cash but i think he just does whatever he can to stay busy so he doesnt overthink
his birth mom recently has come back into his life and he feels like he owes her something so he ends up giving the money he makes from his job to her only saving a little for himself.
spend a lot of time high, talking nonsense or like skating around campus probably doing some tagging here and there
has a giant stuffed alien in his room, and probably only wears black, likes parties but acts as if he is tooooo coool *edgelord*
a set of bad parents let chaol to develop an anger that would follow him into his childhood and teen years causing him to lash out. eventually he would land himself in group homes and eventually a permanent foster home. now he is here in college finishing his senior year as a biology major tryin to not be so trash
plots. these are just some ideas but im open to whatever ~
family he lived with - so basically the cousins whose parents raised him he was either little asshole to them or they had broke those walls down and got the nicer chaol
group home/foster home - probably the closest to family i guess all the misfit toys in one island ya know
exes good term - ya know a shockingly ex that turned out good maybe they just both felt like hey this isn’t working and we are better off as friends
exes on bad terms- we crashed and burned and now we’re both just angry
good influence - someone who is positive and all that jazz
bad influence - lets party and get drunk spring break vibes but also lets just do shit we shouldnt
tutor - he can tutor them ~
roommates - like roomies in moris 
ex friends - I mean i get it
we were in a threesome together and now its awkward - okay hear me out threesomes happen and ya know it was probably a drunk thing but now no one ever talks about it just like hey i saw your “insert here” and now its weird because maybe they were friends at one point
childhood friends that drifted - people grow up and apart and thats what happened here, maybe they can rekindle it but maybe the damage has been done
ride or die besties for life - probably have been attached at the hip forever also probably had some fights here and there but always stuck together
friends with benefits - nothing more nothing less
smoking buddy - lets get high and convince ourselves that the lady who runs the dry cleaners and go is an alien
friends - all you need is friends
exes mixed terms -  is it bad or is it good one moment we are electric the next we are strangers
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haikujitsu · 6 years
THE SHADE IN SHANNON'S HOUSE. WHAT THE FUCK. Does being on the thermos for so Iong affect VIad's mind? WiII Shannon ever find out about the shade? Do Shannon and Danny stiII hang out afterwards? Does Shannon ask for ghost stories from Danny? WiII Danny's Doctor continue studying paranaturaI stuff after Danny? What was your favorite SOAD scene to write? which scene was the hardest? What wiII Danny go on to study, how often does he get to see Shannon and the gang?
Hokay, where to start…
Favorite Scene to Write
Oh, gosh. This is hard because it’s such a flippin’ long story and I wrote it over such a long span of time. I think… hmmm.
I really loved writing the Jack and Danny reunion near the end. Jack was one of those characters I didn’t like much initially, but he grew on me as the years passed and now honestly he’s one of my favorites. Being able to bring Danny home and letting them hug it out just felt so satisfying and cathartic.
I also enjoyed writing Mrs. Foley because she’s so wholesome and such a good influence on literally everyone. The Spectra cameo was also neat since she’s one of my favorite ghosts and bringing her into a psychological drama seemed fitting. Also that action scene where Maddie steals a ghost bike and rides it home? Super fun to write.
Hardest Scene to Write
Easily Maddie and Danny’s confrontation at Shannon’s (which in the end was split over Ch. 59/60). It needed to be a balance of getting it all out in the open, acknowledging the truly devastating nature of what Maddie had done, and yet allowing room for empathy and understanding and forgiveness.
It’s incredibly hard to make that choice to face your own pain and accept someone’s repentence– and incredibly powerful to see it happen. I did my best to bring the characters to a point where they were capable of that reunion. I spent weeks reworking and tearing up and reassembling the dialogue to make it feel real and hit alll those notes of anger and grief and loss and love in a way that felt sincere. It didn’t ring true for everyone, but I did what I could.
Yes, it seriously affects Vlad’s psychological health, not to mention brain function. More on this in another ask!
Being able to fly upwards of 100 mph makes it surprisingly easy to maintain a friendship across state lines. Danny’s a little shy about visiting at first, but Shannon is so matter of fact about it that they end up having monster movie and spaghetti nights once or twice a month.
Shannon mostly leaves the ghost topic alone because she senses that Danny wants to get away from ghost talk– but when he brings it up she always settles in for a crazy story. Once you leave the borders of Amity Park even the existence of ghosts feels more and more unbelievable… but Danny sitting at the table (or sometimes floating above it) is a constant reminder of the strangeness of the world.
He has to learn to be careful about the superpowers though, since there’s invariably someone staying in one of Shannon’s spare rooms. In a year or so she decides to become an official foster mom and the kids she takes in get a lot younger (grade school and teens). Danny develops a reputation as someone who doesn’t care how dark your problems get; he can also make bullies mysteriously lose interest and is pretty good at video games too. Danny finds out he likes being the big brother for a change.
Shannon’s place becomes a sort of safety zone for Danny. When he has a bad day, when he needs a break from ghost hunting, when he has a problem that he can’t talk out with his friends, when his parents cross a line and he needs some space. Shannon starts keeping Todd’s room reserved for his visits, which, depending on the reason, can last for a few days.
The Shade
Recap for those who don’t remember: There’s a shade (powerless proto-ghost with minimal self-awareness, only visible to humans with spectral abilities) that haunts Shannon’s house, and it’s heavily implied that this is Shannon’s long-lost younger brother, Todd. Danny, Gabe and Harley are aware of its presence but Shannon is not.
Shannon still hopes that her brother is alive, so at first Danny doesn’t tell her. But sooner or later it gets to him– maybe talking with Jazz and realizing how heart-wrenching that uncertainty is, maybe Shannon reminiscing about Todd, maybe just visiting and seeing the shade drifting around in perpetual purgatory.
He tells her. That’s a whole heart-wrenching conversation as you can imagine, but in the end Shannon believes him and accepts that Todd is dead. That’s not enough for Danny, who can see the shade literally inches from Shannon even as they talk about him. Danny wants to reunite them somehow.
So he goes to his parents. Which, by the bye, is a huge step because Danny’s still super uncomfortable with them in their role as ghost hunters/scientists. Maddie and Jack realize that and they handle this as delicately as they know how. Which is…not very delicately, but they try.
They know that if they just present raw ectoplasm to the shade that it would manifest in a seeable, sentient form. But it’s dangerous because the sentience and visibility that ectoplasm provides comes at a price– it typically enhances aggression, self-fascination and obsessiveness to the point where the ghost becomes a simplified charicature of his former self.
If Todd were to become a ghost like Ember or Technus, he might not even remember Shannon at all and would very likely be a threat to humans.
Danny, as usual, turns out to be the key. Because the ectoplasm used in creating the portal was so carefully purified, he escaped the worst of the ectoplasmic side effects. The Fentons theorize that if they create a controlled environment where they can slowly introduce purified and denatured ectoplasm, they can give the shade a physical form and encourage sentience without causing insanity and aggression.
With Shannon’s permission they rig up the living room with equipment and are able to trap Todd’s shade and try out their theory. He manifests successfully. Whether they can only sustain it for a few minutes or it’s a lasting solution, I don’t know. But at the very least they see each other, and Shannon can say goodbye.
Dr. Wagner
I feel like ectoscience is one of those things where, once you’re aware of it, you can’t just… stop being involved. It’s too niche, too bizarre, and too interesting.
Especially since Dr. Wagner is now one of three medical professionals (four if we’re counting Dr. Kerza) aware of the existence of ghost/human hybrids, period. He’s one of the few people informed enough to competently treat Danny, Valerie, and anyone else like them.
So yes, getting involved with Danny forever changes Dr. Wagner’s life. After his residency is up, he moves to Amity Park and gets a job under Dr. Stein–that’s Danny’s original doctor from his first hospital stay post-PoT; he was brought into the loop about the halfa thing at Dr. Wagner’s insistence.
The two doctors trade off patching Danny up on the occasions where he needs serious medical attention, and in the meantime work together to create legitimate scientific studies pertaining to ectoplasm and its interactions with human physiology. As the epicenter of ectocontaminated injuries, Amity Park General Hospital is the ideal place to conduct this research.
Most of the existing data has been collected by either the GIW (which rarely publicizes its findings) or scientists in non-medical fields with varying levels of scientific integrity, so this turns out to be an excellent way for a young, hardworking doctor to make a name for himself.
He also dates a certain redheaded psychology grad student for a while, but nothing comes of it… except a very awkward few months of ecto-charged glares from his primary patient.
Danny’s Studies
Danny does eke his way into community college with the help of some online classes and Jazz’s tutoring. No one can figure out why his new campus has a sudden spike in ghost activity, though the Fentons make a public statement with some handwavey ‘spectral wave pattern fluctuations’ explanation.
I’m honestly not sure what he’d end up majoring in… I do feel that he’d change majors at least once before he settled into something he liked. His academic performance is directly linked to the level of ghost crisis in Amity Park–though he’s gotten much better at sharing responsibility with Valerie and his parents.
He’d probably go in with an interest in Engineering, Applied Science, and Astrophysics despite his bad math grades–which, let’s be honest, are probably a direct result of his ghost hunting and not a lack of intelligence. I think he’d surprise himself by doing really well in Sociology and Anthropology-related courses. Nothing like being thrown into a bizarre xenoculture made of a mishmash of human history to prepare you for higher education, ey?
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