#He's straightening his tie and spritzing cologne on as he comes up with Date Ideas
tswwwit · 2 years
Any more headcanons for that oneshot you made where Bill is Ford's familiar? How does Ford react to Bill getting close to his nephew? How does Bill use this to his advantage? If Dipper can't get a slice of Bill's power, how does his magic shape up in the end?
Sure, why not!
This got longer than I wanted, so it's under a read more. Also, here's the link to the snippet in question.
I think that Dipper and Bill end up hanging out a lot, honestly. Dipper's a lonely guy, and Bill's bored out of his angles, so he's going to be on at least sorta decent behavior, since Dipper's providing more entertainment than he's had in decades. (Ford is unaware of this)
Still very much Bill, though; he absolutely tries multiple tricks in the book to try and get Dipper to break him out, or subtly trick him into getting Ford into a fatal accident. Dipper's been warned, though - I don't think any of them work!
Eventually Dipper gives in and offers a deal: He'll banish Bill back to his realm (He's been trapped in a basement for thirty years, no surprise he wants Ford dead, that sort of thing just straight-up sucks-) as long as Bill doesn't harm him or his family. Bill, once again in a terrible position to bargain, is happy to get the hell out of reality rather than be stuck in a circle for another decade or so.
This.... probably ends up in a pretty big fight between Ford and Dipper. Once he notices Bill is missing. If the Stans weren't already at odds, that'd be the kicker to set it off.
Little does Dipper know, but now that Bill's 'free' - he's gotten his stuff in order, hummed a little tune to himself - and decided it's the perfect opportunity to start courting that cute little mortal in earnest.
#answers#Ford's still bonded to Bill and that'll be true until he dies#But since it likely wasn't an accident in his case he doesn't have Mindscape access#His prisoner has escaped and he's absolutely furious. Does Dipper have *any idea* how much havoc Cipher could cause#Dipper meanwhile has gotten Emotionally Attached at some point and goes off about maybe keeping PRISONERS for thirty years is fucked up#Dipper has a restless night of upset sleep#And wouldn't you know it Bill pops in with some creepy gift (flowers?? A screaming head? In a bouquet of flowers)#What can he say? The kid's real cute. He's been pretty decent company. He betrayed his uncle for Bill!! VERY Sexy of him#And MAN that MIND#He's straightening his tie and spritzing cologne on as he comes up with Date Ideas#Cue: Dipper Not Getting that Bill's 100% after him romantically now#Bill might be stuck with a familiar bond to Ford but since he's not powering THAT guy#Nothing stops him from going 'aw you're cute. Have a little magic why don'tcha' to Dipper#Like a rich man slapping a huge wad of cash in their partner's hand and pinching their butt while they tell 'em to go shopping#Demons *can* give power to mortals - they just don't usually do it without taking something in return during a deal#I enjoy the mental image of Bill taking a page from Hua Cheng's book and going 'oh you need some energy?? Sure!!'#'We gotta lock lips to make the transfer though so pucker up'#Dipper has no reason to question this statement even if he is skeptical#Anyway it probably all works out well in the end! With presumably Bill causing chaos more directly this time#Dipper all not realizing he has a crush until Bill shapeshifts human one time and he goes 'oh no I'm in danger'#I should stop before I get tempted to write this#I have other stuff to do damn it
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