#I GUESS technically all the Deer characters are TECHNICALLY in character through so I can't complain there
loregoddess · 2 years
I’ve more or less made peace with the fact that I just, simply, do not like the story pacing and writing choices for Golden Wildfire now that I’m almost at the end, but it still really irks me that the writers decided to completely ignore Cyril and all his significance in terms of worldbuilding, like, I get not making him playable, but it’s now really clear that the writers didn’t even bother to pay attention to him at all which I get he wasn’t that popular a character but still, if you’re going to ignore all the worldbuilding, both the telling and the showing, at least try to write a well-paced AU for your official spinoff game story.
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finkisun · 2 years
writing prompt: two friends explore the woods. comical shenangians such as a wild animal, a cliff, a hunter who can't tell the difference between a person and a deer, and other such things occur. Can be as serious or as goofy as you like. You can even write the 'two friends' as two fandom characters you like :3
i think.. this is a part 1.. because i didn't expect to make it so long!! (i'm going to pray that i actually make part 2)
summary: pierre and lotto became best friends through the shared trait that they are both.. ghosts!! they're on a search for pierre's brother's body as he has recently died. murdered actually. there's an issue. the body is in the woods
there is no descriptions of the murder scene!! only mentions of death
these are two original characters that i made up on the spot for this fic!!
1098 words
“The body’s here?”
The edge of the woods wasn’t the most appealing to consider venturing off to but it only made sense. The treetops crowded enough to cast shadows across almost the entirety of the forest floor. One of the more discreet locations to commit a brutal crime. Like a murder.
“Watched him get dragged here myself! Funny how we got something in common, I guess…” Pierre’s laugh trailed off more awkwardly than she would’ve liked, to which Lotto ignored.
“You watch your family in your free time?” The voice was playful rather than judgemental.
“What’s left. You would too if you…” Pierre didn’t need to look at the other to know there were dead eyes cast through her lack of matter. If Lotto could choke her, the chance would’ve been taken long ago. Although Pierre believed she would still have some sort of upper-hand. She was taller after all.
“My bad.” Pierre’s hands sprung up in defense. “Sorry.”
Initially, it sounded simple—Pierre’s brother died. Pierre loves the kid and didn’t want to leave him alone. So they find his spirit and take him in. Easy as that. Supposedly. There wasn’t much to discuss when Pierre came less than an hour again screaming about how they needed to run to the woods and how she’d explain on the way. Now they’re here.
“Doubt that. Lead the way then.”
Pierre didn’t move for what was unspokenly known as an unreasonable amount of time before sliding in front of her friend rather sheepishly with her hands behind her back. “About that- I… don’t know the body is- in there…”
Lotto followed up with a less-than-impressed glare. “You didn’t follow the murderer?!”
“Why would anyone follow a murderer?!”
“You know, that question would make more sense- IF WE WERE ALIVE!” Lotto threw her hands in the air before they grounded back on her face with a groan. She had turned away, her back facing Pierre now.
A slight change of plans—an extra first step. They have to wander to find the body now through maybe miles upon miles.
“We’ll- we’ll find him! I know he’s somewhere in there! It’s not like we have something better to do… You don’t want to bail anyway.”
“And how do you know that?”
Pierre crossed her arms, a smug but soft smile illuminating across her face. “Because this is important to me. So it’s important to you, too. Hey, I’d ditto that if it was you.”
Lotto could tell there was no lie in that. She turned her head just enough so Pierre could see a single eye, piercing back at her then at the ground. “Then like I said. Lead the way.”
“I never actually got used to being in water after all this time- It’s weird. You feel the water but you stay dry- like the water isn’t wet at all. It goes right through you.” Each massive step in the ankle-high water dragged shivers out of them both. It was a rather “out-of-body” experience, although everything had been an out-of-body experience since death. They felt through vibrations. 
Water. Has bad vibrations.
“Technically, water isn’t wet- but you’re right. I thought you liked weird, though. It’s what makes us special, right? Ghosts are weird.”
Pierre hissed, climbing over the remaining rubble and rocks past the water. “Don’t use my own words against me. Let’s just get through this creek- river- thing-”
Lotto followed. “Are we even going in the right direction? Why would he be over here?”
“Because it makes sense-”
“What does that even mean?”
“It means I know what I’m doing. Do you want to lead the way?”
The lack of voice was an answer itself as she lifted herself up to finally- feel dry ground. Water was not fun. Lotto’s hands found themselves rubbing down her own face before she peeked out from them to look up at Pierre who was… unmoving. Seemingly staring into nothing actually. “Pierre.” No answer. “Pierre, are we lost? Are you alright?” Before Lotto could move forward to see her friend’s eyes, Pierre had begun walking again and she hurried to pick herself up from the ground to follow.
“Lott… look, it’s a deer!” There was. A fawn, to be precise but no indication of another with them. With no other sense but enthusiasm, Pierre ran towards it. If enthusiasm was a 6th sense.
“Don’t- scare me like that! I thought there was something wrong!”
Pierre laid her hand on the deer’s body, its head jolting but it didn’t run. “But look!” It couldn’t see them. But it could certainly feel the vibrations and vice versa. “It can feel me…”
Lotto’s gaze uneasily switched between the creature and her friend. “That is… weird. Okay. We should probably-” And Pierre suddenly took hold of Lotto’s arm and made it rest on the animal. The deer’s vibration was a buzzing feeling and was so different from Pierre’s blowing-bubbles-into-water sort of rhythm, that it’d seem like an impossible task to focus on both at the same time. The suddenness itself wracked both Lotto and the deer itself. Some sort of equal or opposite reaction. She couldn’t recall what law that was but she couldn’t remember much from a middle school physics class. And that was… a certain number of years ago.
“Don’t- Don’t- do that… At least- warn me. Next time.”
“Next time.”
“You love my recklessness, admit-”
“PIERRE!” Lotto suddenly jumped towards the taller, arms out to push her before falling… straight through her just as soon as the sound of gunfire went off and the feeling of a thread piercing through Pierre. But nothing fell to the bullet. Instead, it went right into the bark of a tree. Oh. Right. Ghosts… At the same time, the sudden jump in movement startled the deer so badly it ran far and barely dodged a graze from the bullet.
“Did you just- try to save me? From a bullet?”
“I forgot that we’re dead already- And that- I can’t touch you- Look, I thought it was going to hurt you and I wasn’t thinking!”
“You forgot we were dead?” Pierre scoffed, watching Lotto scramble to get back up.
The gunfire came from a hunter from afar that Pierre only noticed now. The attention of the ghosts directed to watching the man hiss and stumble to get up, followed by more frustrated sounds and looked past the unseen entities to where they could no longer see the deer. “Damn animals can’t stay still for nothing..”
“… okay,” Pierre chuckled softly. “Well. I say… we keep going.”
“The better idea.”
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