#I am soooo tired with the medusa stuff you can't imagine
alatismeni-theitsa · 26 days
Debi Mazar is cast as Medusa in Netflix' Kaos. Sure web will get the r4p3 story... Again. I heard even the Percy Jackson series took this direction (in the books there was no assault, her affair with Poseidon was consensual), for once i would like to see Medusa as a proud Monster lady, part of a chaotic, outrageous, proud monster family, teaming up with her Monster Sisters: the other 2 Gorgons, the Graeae, Echidna... The only mass media product that was a but close to this was Jim Henson's Storyteller...
Ιιιιιχχ.... I try to avoid the Medusa rape storylines cause I can boil with frustration only so many times because of people's willful ignorance. Just make her a monster , pleaaaaseeee 😭😭😭Stick to the Greek story for once!! 😭 She's supposed to be meenaciiiing! To strike fear in the hearts of the enemiiiiies! She doesn't have to be a giiiirlboooooss
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