#I don't blame liv for that - season 1 just had terrible writing most of the time
howtosingit · 2 years
Not unhappy about the idea of Iris returning, as it always felt like she had a lot of potential, especially for Carlos. Since we now know that 1x05 had a scene where Carlos talks about Iris, I think they originally wanted him to be a larger part of her story, and for her to have more impact outside of Michelle. They clearly shifted away from that idea as they wrote the end of the first season and kept her isolated for some reason. (It’s why that plot absolutely never worked.) My guess is that season 2 would’ve maybe opened that plot up if Liv hadn’t left, as she would’ve remained a focal point. All of this to say, I don’t know if she’s coming back for flashbacks or present-day material, I don’t know if she’ll actually have anything to do with Carlos or if it’ll be something completely different. Literally have no idea, and I’m unwilling to get my hopes up about it until we get more information.  However, I am very much hoping that we don’t see even a glimpse of Michelle Blake. Not a single emotionless, husky peep from her. No thank you.
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