#I don't even know if half of this is even coherent buuuuut hope y'all enjoy
When Two Hearts Collide Chapter 4: The Clearing
Pairing: Tamsin/Lauren- Copdoc
Rating: T, eventually M
Ao3 Link - FF link
Summary:  It's finally Saturday at the University. So what are the two roommates supposed to do on their first official off day? Well Tamsin has a few ideas in mind, and one of them might just involve a picnic basket.
Lauren lasted another night without nightmares while she was in Tamsin's arms. In its place were strange images that dashed across her vision. She was a child again, completely aware she was back in her parent's home Something was in the house, but as she walked down the hall she knew if she opened the door it would gobble her up. Her mother's voice was permeating the door, and she wanted so desperately to go inside, but as she overcame her fear and her small hand reached for the knob, the surroundings changed.
Now she was at her brother's first baseball game when he was fourteen and she twelve. He had gotten onto the varsity team, completely surpassing the expectations of the junior team, and all eyes were on him. Her parents were in the stands, cheering him on, and an overwhelming feeling of pain and anger filled her. They never treated her like that, never cheered for her. Why didn't they love her? She was just their mule, someone to get refreshments for them when ordered. She was on the errand now, getting them hot dogs and popcorn, when she stopped by the fence to watch her brother. Her parents jeered at her and something hit the back of her head before-
She turned around and now she was inside of a dark padded room. Lauren was filled with an emotion that was not quite dread but not entirely complacent either, her arms chained to the walls as her knees kneaded against the hard concrete. She wore a dirtied white dress, her hair cascading down her face, and her awareness in the dream was so obtuse it was like her consciousness was standing in the corner, looking at her body cower. The door swung open and both Lauren's tried to shield their eyes from the bright light. The clicking of boots resounded on the floor, but even the disembodied Lauren could not see who the being was, and before she could overcome the white light, the hypnopompic state set in.
The first year could still see the images dancing through her mind, but she was also aware of her real body. Her fingers were curled around a fit stomach and her hair was being played with. She moaned lightly, her cognitive mind finally exiting sleep, before stretching into the body below her.
“Fingernails,” Tamsin practically purred, sucking in air and adjusting her body in lieu of removing her hands to soothe the area that Lauren hurt. She wore no shirt, just a black and gray sports bra, and green plaid pajama bottoms. Wonderful pink lines stretched from her back to her stomach, and she opened her eyes and yawned. Squinting from the sun permeating the room, she looked down at a still resting Lauren and combed her fingers through silky hair. “Wakey wakey, doc.”
The first year moaned again, burying her head into Tamsin's stomach. “Nooo,” she moaned, kicking out her feet before hiking her leg upwards in between the woman's. A moment passed before Lauren raised up, not as fast as the first night of laying on Tamsin but not slowly either. Her knee was firmly planted between Tamsin's legs, her hands on either side, and she studied the woman before her. Light blonde hair rained onto the pillow, Tamsin using her left arm to raise her head up high enough to peer down at Lauren, and the hand that was playing in Lauren's hair fell onto her stomach. A grin graced her features, making Lauren cock her head and smile. “I'm... sorry.”
“No you're not. Besides, it's kinda weird apologizing for sleeping on a bodacious babe like me.” That caused a chuckle to escape Lauren's throat before she lowered and shook her head. Tamsin would be lying if she said the ends of the woman's hair didn't tickle her where they brushed across her bare stomach. “Come on, you should get ready.”
“For what, Tamsin?”
“I'm taking you out today. You don't have any classes, right? It's Saturday.”
Lauren raised onto her knees after moving to Tamsin's side, running her hand through her hair and looking lost. True, she didn't have any lab or clinic duties today, and all of her classes were on hold until the following week, but she never thought Tamsin would suddenly be so kind to... It was certainly a roller coaster of emotions, she had to admit. First she burst into the room, laid claim to everything especially the bed, and was rude and horrible to Lauren. And now not even a week later she was being so nice as to have a day planned for them? It didn't help that she felt happiness to be included for once, especially that she was getting along with Tamsin, but it was still a bit sudden. Did that mean she was going to say no? Doubtful!
“Sure. Let me just-” Lauren practically fell off the bed, righting herself at the very last moment before popping back up and nervously chuckling. She had gotten her things together, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, before she realized Tamsin was right behind her with her own pair of clothing. She began to stammer, “Wha- um.. Tamsin what are you doing?”
“I need to shower too. I can't always smell like rainbows and rain forests and-”
“Mahogany and vanilla,” Lauren cut in.
Tamsin grinned, moving in closer, her body practically touching Lauren's. The woman drew in a breath, feeling the uncontrollable urge to capture the light blonde's lips, but before she could she felt the door behind her open. Lauren draw in a breath before letting it escape, clearing her throat and smiling up at Tamsin. The taller woman let her go first, following behind her as they made their ways to the shower area.
It was a large place complete with many wide stalls. Some had curtains in front of them for easier access, while others had larger frost pane glass enclosing the area for more security. Some of the larger showers had sitting areas, while others had places to set shampoo or body wash. Lauren left Tamsin with a soft smile before excusing herself, closing the glass with a snap, and getting on with her business. She didn't take long, not wishing for the woman to have to wait on her, and she stepped out onto the open flooring. There was a large divide in the room, set in the middle was a long row of sinks and mirrors. She stepped towards it while trying to capture any droplets from falling onto her shoulders with the towel, brushing her teeth before looking into the mirror again.
Something, more like someone, caught her eye and she watched as Tamsin came out of the stall that was next to hers. She was wearing a black spaghetti strap, it seemingly made out of leather like most of her ensemble. The black jeans she sported were definitely form fitting, and the long pendant that hung down her body attracted the eye to the right places. Her hair rained down in curls while some of it was pulled into a ponytail. Lauren, on the other hand, wore a tight white button down over black slacks.
Tamsin whistled, coming up behind Lauren and folding her arms after putting her belongings down. “You clean up nice, doc.”
“Well you're not so bad yourself.” As if catching what she had said, Lauren continued nervously, “So where are you taking me today?”
“It would be much of a surprise if I told you now, doc.” Tamsin winked. “Now come on, we can't spend all day in here.”
Lauren followed behind Tamsin, stopping by the room to grab their boots and drop their shower accessories, before departing out. The campus was rather lively today, the student body having time to themselves since the beginning of the semester, and both women moved through the sea of people slowly. A tall boy bumped into Lauren on his way to catch a football, almost making the woman sail to the ground. Tamsin caught her in the last moment, pulling her back up as if the momentum meant nothing to her, and after a moment she let the first year go. Not completely, however, and her hand slipped into Lauren's and didn't let go.
They continued to walk for what seemed like hours, before finally they stopped outside of a building that had tinted windows. It didn't appear to have been built with the campus, perhaps being the reason why it was so far removed from the area. Lauren couldn't see a sign to name the place, or inside of it, but Tamsin pushed through the doors as if she belonged there. Her hand was still wrapped within Lauren's, and so the woman was dragged along, happily so but with slight hesitation of what she was about to get herself into. The inside of the place did not look as dreary as the outside, and old lamps hung from the ceiling to light the place. Pool tables marked the back row while tables were dotted around the establishment. A large bar wrapped around the far left of the room, filled with liquors Lauren had never heard of before, and as they walked in the barkeep made a sweeping gesture of the place.
“Welcome to the Dal Riata, friends. What's your poison?”
Tamsin didn't let go of Lauren's hand until they were at the bar and sitting down on a chair. Lauren stood for a moment as Tamsin got comfortable, before sitting herself. “Not staying long, barkeep. Just need that thing I asked for.”
The man smiled wide and nodded his head. “Ah, yes. I've got it right in back.”
With that he was gone, leaving the two women alone in the bar. Lauren knew it was rather early, but to have this entire place empty? Maybe it was due to the area the bar was located, she thought. Shaking off the numerous ideas, she looked to Tamsin and raised her brow. “So if we're not here to drink, why did you bring me here, Tamsin?”
“I'm just full of secrets,” she responded, raising to her feet and grabbing a bottle from behind the bar. She shushed Lauren, who was fervently trying to make her put it back between fits of giggles, and held it low between her legs. When the man came back out again, she smiled cheerfully as if nothing had happened.
He looked suspicious, why in the world would Tamsin be smiling that hard, but instead put a quaint basket on the wood counter. He swayed his hand over it and smiled, as if it was a major feat he had gotten her what she asked for. Tamsin winked before taking the basket, yelling a quick thanks before hurriedly putting the stolen liquor in the container. She placed up three fingers in farewell, grabbing Lauren's arm and practically running out of the building. They both began laughing uncontrollably as they got into the cool air, beginning to walk down the sidewalk and describing the humorous event.
“Oh my God, Tamsin! Please tell me you know him well enough to do that.”
Tamsin threw her arm around Lauren, their height difference becoming apparent. “Or what, you'll turn me in to the feds?” She let go of the woman, putting her wrists together before making a pitiful face. “You've got me now, copper, but you'll never break me!” Her fake accent got even heavier, sounding exactly like a 1950's telemarketer, “But if you turn me in, see, you'll never get the goods!” She raised the basket higher, indicating it was what she meant.
“And what's in the basket?” Lauren asked seductively, playing into the fantasy Tamsin had created.
By this time the women had traded a concrete road with a dirt path, the forest spreading around them densely as they walked deeper. There was no way they were still on campus, but the thought didn't even cross Lauren's mind. She didn't even feel fearful of following a woman she barely knew, that she did not have the best rapport with, into the woods so far removed from civilization it would be lucky if someone could hear her screams. Yet still she followed, laughing and talking the entire way, never for once thinking it could be a trap. The feeling her initial nightmare had given her, the fear that was building inside of her from the zombies and Stacy and even for Tamsin, had dissipated completely. There was no reason for Lauren not to trust her, and she would rather like it that way.
“I thought it would be pretty obvious, little lady,” Tamsin said, finishing out her accent. She stepped in front of the woman, making Lauren stop, before swooping down in a grand gesture. “Welcome to the Clearing. The best picnic spot in town!” A little lower she said, “Yeah, I know it's a dumb title, but I named it myself so...”
Lauren's eyes widened as she looked at the expanse of green in front of her, lightly touched by mildew of the waning morning, and the sun hit the angles just right to bring out the beauty of the place. Tamsin led her into the middle of the clearing, placing down the picnic basket and pulling out a large checkered blanket. Placing it on the ground, she sat and patted next to her for Lauren to do the same. From the basket she grabbed the bottle of alcohol, grapes, sandwiches, cheese and crackers, and even more savory treats. It made Lauren laugh, thinking it was like a clown car that just kept spitting out people from such a small space, and she looked out at everything Tamsin had brought and the surrounding area.
“This is... amazing, Tamsin.” She chortled, combing her fingers through her now dry hair. “How did you find this place?”
Tamsin swallowed her food, encouraging Lauren to begin eating before replying, “Would you believe I was on a morning stroll through the woods and just happened upon it?” She laughed as Lauren threw a grape at her, it landing in her cleavage. “No, I didn't think so.” Tamsin fished it out and ate it, exaggerating her features as Lauren made a faux disgusted face. “Okay, okay, it wasn't me who actually found the place. My sorority sister found it awhile ago, and she kinda left it to me after she moved on.”
“Moved on?”
“...Yeah as in moved on from the school.” She raised the bottle of liquor to her lips and took a long drink. She offered it to Lauren as she said, “The things I do for friends I can’t stand.”
I don't think that's true. “I think you could stand her quite a bit,” she whispered before taking a swig. It hit her like a load of bricks on her chest, the burning sensation and warmth filling her throat. She could practically feel it traveling down her gullet and into the pit of her stomach. She laughed suddenly, the only thing she could do to offset the powerful overload to her senses the alcohol brought, before waving her hand in front of her. “Sorry, I didn't expect that.”
Tamsin seemed glad the subject was changed and she chuckled. “The barkeep doesn't know the concept of weak liquor. Good for us, bad for him.”
“Because you'll keep stealing it?”
“Exactly, doc.” Tamsin quirked her brow before taking another drink.
Lauren was going to reply with something witty and charming, but an intrusive thought struck her sharply. She gulped down the drink, the burn in her chest no longer from it but by her notion, and she took a moment to collect her thoughts. “Tamsin... Is this all to apologize for what you said? Because if it is,” she said, cutting off the other woman before she could speak, “I'm telling you again, it's okay. People say things they don't mean in a moment of anger, and to apologize sometimes overcompensation happens and-”
“Doc,” Tamsin interjected, practically clamping her hand onto Lauren's mouth. “Look, I'm trying to have a romantic date here, okay? I didn't want you to... I just didn't want to make your life here miserable. You deserve a lot more than that.”
She tried to hide her last words by speaking them more so into the bottle, but Lauren heard the muffled sentence. It made her smile pitifully, looking up towards the sky before lowering her head. Her orbs peeked from a curtain of hair when she softly murmured, “Thank you, Tamsin.”
Another beat passed before Tamsin struck the woman's knee, throwing up her hand. “Enough of that sappy shit. We're supposed to be having fun!”
Lauren swiftly threw another grape towards Tamsin, acknowledging the woman needed a change of pace back to the good times, and their conversations did not touch upon the subject for the remainder of the picnic. Instead they both finished the bottle, their speech becoming more slurred and flirtatious, and before they knew it the food was all but gone. The sun waned, marking the afternoon, and it was Tamsin that slapped her thighs and got up first. She lowered her hand, grinning when Lauren captured it with her own, before they packed up the remnants into the basket and set off. Lauren had thought they would go back to the dorm room immediately, and she was surprised when they stopped back at the bar.
“Gotta return the borrowed item,” Tamsin explained, winking and going into the bar.
This time she was not holding Lauren's hand, and the woman followed shyly behind her. She was expecting no one in the bar again, thinking it more of a night spot anyways, but she would be surely disappointed when she saw none other than Stacy standing in front of the bar. Her hands were on the expanse of wood, her body language making it seem as if they had just been fighting, before she rolled her eyes at the sight of the two.
“Ah, my basket,” the barkeep said, as if completely disregarding the fight they had possibly just had.
Tamsin's smirk was wider than usual, and she set down the container harder than she needed to. “As promised. Thanks for letting me borrow it. Stacy,” she said shortly.
“Tam-Tam,” Stacy responded before looking to Lauren.
Tamsin moved in front of her, blocking the view from the woman, and she cocked her head. “Good chat! Thanks again, barkeep.”
The man nodded and smiled, watching Tamsin turn on her heel and walk towards Lauren. Before the latter could say a word, her arm was tugged but released. She waved sheepishly toward the two, more so toward the man, before she followed Tamsin outside. They walked in silence for a few blocks, neither one of them looking back to make sure Stacy wasn't following them, before they reached the small cafe that Lauren liked to frequent.
When they passed it, Lauren spoke up, “So... Stacy...”
“What about her?”
Lauren clapped her fist into her other hand and said, “Not the reaction I was hoping for.”
Tamsin stopped suddenly, looking down at Lauren and making a face. “Let's just forget about Stacy for the rest of the night, okay? I would rather just eat pizza, drink a beer, and watch a stupid horror movie.”
Whether it be from the alcohol or her wish to have a good ending to the night, Lauren nodded her head. “I would like that, Tamsin.”
The woman nodded, taking Lauren's arm and draping it over hers. They walked the rest of the way to their dorm unhindered, stopping at the grocer to pick up a twenty pack- Tamsin continuously saying a six would just not do- getting inside and taking turns changing into pajamas. Pizza came soon after, and both women curled up in bed. The blue vibrator was replaced with the twenty pack, and Lauren was the one that chose the movie.
“The Stuff?” Tamsin asked through a mouthful of pizza.
“You are in for a treat!”
Tamsin surely was, and even through frustrated questions that were never answered and the woman beside her laughing at random parts of the movie, she had to admit the night turned out quite alright. And she would think between drinking and stealing glances at the woman next to her, who was so engrossed in the movie to even notice, she wouldn't trade it for the world.
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