#I feel attached to certain cases. Maybe because I don't want the victims to be forgotten.
ladyfarona · 10 months
There's like a million shows I could watch and instead of trying something new I once again turn on this 20+ year old crime show I grew up with.
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moonflwer-gutz · 11 months
So since six's plan was sort of a failure how's he feeling can alternates even feel?
So, Alternates can feel. To a certain extent. Not in the same way as humans, and they definitely don't have empathy or sympathy. However, they are conditioned to feel things like devotion, a sense of purpose, things like that. Their most powerful emotions are anger, vengeance, and other negatives like that.
The emotional range of an Alternate can depend on their power level, though. So typical drones and mimics who are like a one-time-deal feel basically nothing. They have a purpose, they carry it out, and that's it. Then there are some other Alternates, ones that stick around for longer, that feel a rush or gratification in the fear and carnage they cause, or anger and frustration at the fact that their victim hasn't succumbed to MAD yet, which makes them more aggressive and vengeful. This can be seen in the Alternate that tormented Thatcher regularly and also Cesar's Alternate. Then there's the elders. Gabriel and Six. They're special cases. The two of them have been around the longest and therefore have the most developed emotions. Do either of them care for humanity or the lives of others? No. They have their goal, take the Earth back from humanity. Scald the Earth. Destroy it. Exterminate the human parasites. all that junk yknow yknow. But Gabriel and Six are dedicated to that purpose and are willing to wait the long game to get there.
However, when it comes to Six specifically, the best way I can describe him is that he's the employee that's been at the company for basically just as long as the boss and yet still doesn't get enough recognition. Six is the reason that Alternates are able to use technology to infest faster and easier. He was the one to discover that. Of course, he's the master at it, but other Alternates are able to use televisions as a means of transportation and MAD-inducers.
He's less than thrilled that his sleeper experiment hasn't been going according to plan. Most of the kids don't seem to make it, Gabriel kills most of them due to how far into the darkness they fell. Six telling Adam to "Wake up, I don't want to wake the others" was less of a threat and more of a plea. Adam being the only sleeper to wake up immediately made Six feel an odd attachment to him. He could tell, from early on, that Adam would've been different than the others. It might've been because Gabriel had actually stepped in for Adam's creation this time around. It was basically like "yeah no if this one doesn't fucking work im throwing all ur kids in the fire and you're gonna get ur shit kicked in for wasting my time."
So, while Six is angry that his plan hasn't worked the way he hoped, he's intrigued--maybe even proud--of how Adam has turned out. He's definitely easier on him than Gabriel is. less of a "get your ass out there and kill" and more of a "you need to learn your nature. learn your purpose."
idk it's difficult to explain. Six does still want Adam to go feral and full Alternate, but he's a bit more understanding of Adam needing time than Gabriel is.
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 years
Hi! I'm warning you, this message might be very long, so sorry in advance. 😂
And it won't be grammatically correct (not an English person here 😂), so I'll try to be as clear as possible.
So, a few days ago I saw that some of you were searching for Hedatu (thank you very much for that btw 😁) and I was thinking about those ff that are incomplete or deleted from Ao3 or other archives. Then my thought evolved into another consideration: ff are a form of art (yours indeed, no doubt, I love them with every part of my fan-heart).
(Your job involve art as well if I remember correctly so you know this world better than me 😂) I was thinking about other ff that I can't read anymore and I thought:"maybe, just like Hedatu, these ff are in someone' computers, someone saved them and somewhere there is a way to find them."
But then another thought poped up in my mind. I don't know if you know about EffortlesslyOpulent situation. It was a pretty big thing back at the end of last year. I loved their ff, I read them multiple times and they gave me comfort in tough situations. I was very far from home when I started reading them and they gave me pure joy.
So when the "big reveal" happened I was really sad, sad for Sam, for everything they went through and I was sad because a part of myself, the one that enjoyed those ff where really disappointed in liking something from a person like that (not Sam of course).
During these last few months I thought about searching those ff, but I always renounce 'cause I don't want to give attention to a person that doesn't deserve it. I admit though that I miss them, I miss the feeling I felt when I was reading them and the joy they gave me.
So (and here is the core of this plethora of words) what do you think about art and artist? Do you think that there is a way to divide the art from the artist or it's impossible? I have an idea but because I discussed this matter with other people that have different opinions, I would like to know your point of you.
Thank you very much for your time. 😊
This is a tough question and I'm going to try and give a thoughtful answer here.
(Under the cut cuz it's kinda long)
I'm going to preface this by saying, my opinion is as biased as anyone else's. There's a lot of artists I learned about that truth be told were fucking awful people, so I've learned personal ways to maneuver through that. There is no right or wrong answer to this IMO, so take it all with a grain of salt.
I'm not going to go into the subject of EO but I still stand by everything I said both publicly and privately to Sam back when they came forward about their experience and what they went through, and I wish them all the best. I believe victims and EO tap danced her ass right off into the ether without a word so 🤷‍♀️ here we are.
That aside, it's ok to feel torn. We form attachments to pieces of media because these things are meant to evoke emotional responses. I get a little annoyed with people who shame others for liking work done by people who suck, personally, but in the same breath I do know where they're coming from. Because they don't want to uplift or support a person who is a literal POS, and when it comes to things like racists, homophobes, abusers, etc it makes it all the more visceral in not wanting to support them and denounce their successes.
For me, I'd say go on a case by case basis and what feels right to you. It's ok to still love a piece of media despite coming to learn new things you didn't previously know. Perfect example, Harry Potter. I think JKR can choke on a fist, but I still grew up with those books. People can point out the very problematic issues in the series that I recognize now as an adult, but still appreciate them for what they were to me then and the feeling of nostalgia of a younger me they bring. Those two things are not mutually exclusive no matter how much internet culture tries to make these things cut and dry.
If that were the case, very few classically loved artists, art pieces, authors, or literary pieces would/should be popular anymore. Very few movies would ever be allowed to be enjoyed more than a year later and tv shows should never be rerun again. You can address and callout bullshit and shitty behavior/people where it's due without punishing other people or yourself for still enjoying a certain thing that's linked to them.
Once a piece of media is put out in the world, the artist/writer does, to a certain extent, relinquish their ownership of it. People create attachments and feelings toward them, they create opinions and thoughts and a plethora of other things that the creator has no control over anymore. That story or art now lives in the world at large and is consumed and becomes a part of other people's lives. So those feelings you have about that story have little to do with the author at this point, and more to do with you as a person and your own life experiences from the past. Does that make sense?
Tl;dr I think you can remove the artist from the art in certain places, but whether or not you're actively supporting a person you know is shitty in the moment, that's a personal choice. And I don't think past media that hold nostalgic aspects necessarily count
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