#I haven’t gotten an interview since November lolllllllollololol
crowcryptid · 4 months
Job board summary
1. Outdoor or non air conditioned manual labor paying $12-$16 with no benefits. Your manager worships the trump statue in the break room daily. (it’s hot as fuck 9-10 months out of the year)
2. Retail, food service, or customer service paying $12-$16 an hour with no benefits (Bilingual required. Please submit your 5 page essay describing in detail how much you want to be a slave to tourists to be considered for a rejection email.)
3. Regular office job paying $16 that requires a minimum 2 hour commute. You need a degree in this field and this field only and 7 years of experience and you need to know all 6 different programs we use (you have never heard of these programs before) and be trilingual and do a 20 minute recording of yourself in clown makeup telling us why you want to work for us for free to be considered for an interview (this is a fake listing and the position is for an internal candidate)
4. analytic data sales management 250k salary to sit in meetings. Please submit a photo of your OUT OF STATE license plate to apply!<- Florida joke. if you know you know.
5. Are you a pepper cause I grind are you a grinder cause grind coffee grinding on my girlboss till I ceo mindset are you people cause work hard always innovative go for it energy just do it people pleaser competitive grind hard play hard (it is a $15 an hour startup and you are doing 4 jobs at once)
6. Scam listing (repeat 20x)
7. Please army join please joing pleas TheArmy it need you please blow up
9. *45 nurse/other related jobs*
10. Work for the city :) please have degree and 3 years experience (pays $15)
11. Work for the city but senior position
And remember, if you want to not spend half your life in your car you better be able to pay that 3k+ a month rent!
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