#I haven't figured out yet who'd play Rose
autumnrose11 · 11 months
Thinking about how I would LOVE to have a TV series of My Dear I Wanted to Tell You. And my ideal cast.
Peter Locke would be DAN STEVENS. He would be beyond perfect.
Julia Locke - Lily James.
Riley Purefoy - James McAvoy
Nadine Waveney- Keira Knightley.
Mabel Zachary - Zoe Kravitz.
Mrs Orris - Dame Judi Dench.
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AU - Canon Divergence Masterlist
A Rose of Winter (ao3) - Nefertiti1052 (Succubusphan)
Summary: All Daniel wanted to do was escape the stifling life as a Stark of Winterfell and travel the world. Between the looming threat North of The Wall and the den of lions in the capital, he unexpectedly finds love in the midst of a war set to tear Westeros apart. Caught between loyalty to his family and duty, he is torn in a thousand directions that all point to one man: Philip Flowers.
A Toast to Now (ao3) - melapplesphan
Summary: It's Christmas Eve, 2016, and Phil Lester's plane home for the holidays has been delayed due to snow. In a fit of boredom, he finds himself taking an uncharacteristic leap and striking up a conversation with "DanielH."
Meanwhile, Dan Howell can't quite believe that AmazingPhil - the same guy who ignored his messages 7 years ago - just started chatting with him on Grindr.
After All These Years (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: They met her after tour. Martyn’s friend’s dog had puppies and Phil fell in love at first sight. Dan did too, but he’ll deny it if you ask.
Dan tries to keep his distance, because she’s Phil’s dog not his, but she isn’t having any of it.
All the sunlight of our past (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: YouTube is a mess.
Phil's been struggling with it for a while and has just taken a job as a video editor to make ends meet while he figures out whether he still loves it anymore.
Dan's channel has been dead ever since he started working at BBC Radio One and the two haven't seen each other in years.
During a chance meeting in 2019, Dan gets papped coming out of a gay club and his life is sent in to turmoil. He blames Phil, because it had been his idea to go there in the first place, so they're straight back to not talking.
The only recourse Dan has to salvage his career is to return to his YouTube channel after all these years and make a coming out video on his own terms. What he doesn't know is that Phil is the editor he just hired to help him with it.
and my fate has begun to change (ao3) - ovely
Summary: Dan has an inspiring piano teacher as a teenager and decides to dedicate his life to music. After he starts uploading piano videos to YouTube, he finds himself unintentionally becoming a popular YouTuber. Then he meets Phil, and slowly finds a life more like that of the Dan we know.
cause i remember the rush (when forever was us) (ao3) - commonemergency
Summary: If he were to go live on radio and have a chat about his life it would bring up a lot of old skeletons in the closet that he tried so hard to keep in there. He knew eventually that he’d have to clean it out to move on. or it's been six years since Dan has last seen Phil.
Christmas Coming Out (ao3) - FandomFeels17
Summary: He didn't intend to come out to his mum in his future mother in law's kitchen at Christmas... But here he was, doing exactly that.
Da (ao3) - Tarredion
Summary: One day can change your life forever. For Phil, his daughter Mel, and Dan, who'd have guessed that day would be one when they're out doing ordinary shopping together.
in a universe where the only difference is they never got together in 09, yet still harbor those feelings
Dan and Phil versus the World (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: In an alternate universe (where Poe the cactus survived), Dan and Phil revisited Japan after TATINOF. Now they’re back in London, but something's changed, leaving Dan tense and restless. Maybe they’ve been so busy selling Dan and Phil™ all these years that they’ve forgotten how to be themselves. Storytelling has a way of seeping into real life, but it only confounds things when you start to believe it.
Diary - i-love-phan-and-butts
Summary: Dan and Phil are playing his and seek when Phil hides in Dan’s closet and finds a load of sex toys and possibly a sex diary of dreams he’s had about Phil and Phil confronts Dan about it.
Disney World Misadventures (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrosepetals)
Summary: Dan, a law student with parents so strict they make him come home every weekend, gets ditched by his friends at Disney World in Florida during his short summer holiday. Alone, he runs into an incredibly attractive YouTuber who nerds out about anime with him, and even buys him a tiny Ciel figurine. Dan, meanwhile, quickly finds himself falling in love, especially after they get it on in a Disney World bathroom.
Dropping Anchor in a Storm (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: Phil wakes in the early hours to a thin beam of sunlight breaking through his curtains, and the soft sound of Dan breathing by his side.
He should be able to bask in the peace and stillness of the room, but his brain won't let him do that today.
for you are not beside but within me (ao3) - obsessivelymoody
Summary: Dan and Phil spend a day off in Vancouver
game plan (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: In another universe, Dan posted "the June video" in 2018 as originally planned, right in the middle of the Interactive Introverts tour. But how would he and Phil have handled the gaming channel?
In the shadow of your heart (ao3) - croissantbleu
Summary: Dan and Phil fell apart a few years ago, and if Phil seemed to have no problem getting used to his new life back in Manchester with his husband Noah, Dan has a few more difficulties moving on. But when Phil comes down to London to attend Louise’s party and ends up having to stay with Dan for a few days, who can tell what will happen
Magic Tricks (ao3) - queerofcups
Summary: Every magician knows there is no such thing as magic. They are masters of making things possible out of a situation that seems impossible. The key to getting what you want in life is to know that the only reason why something is, is because it was made possible. It can only be if it is possible for it to be. Make it possible and let it be.
A relationship in reverse.
Our Flaws Are Aligned (ao3) - phantasizeit
Summary: Dan and Phil are YouTubers, but they hate each other. Phil is reminded of this when he’s forced to interact with him at the Spain Creator’s Summit. Their situation isn’t helped by their complicated past when their firecracker relationship crashed and burned. When Stop, Speak, Support contacts Phil to be a headlining speaker in their tour across schools in the UK, he is more than excited, until he finds out he’ll working next to his YouTube enemy. Phil doesn’t expect their time planning the tour together to rekindle old feelings he thought he’d long since buried.
Retrace, Retry (ao3) - catboydan
Summary: In 2012, Dan left Manchester and Phil didn’t follow. Dan didn’t let him.
Now, it’s 2016 and Dan returns to retrace his steps and maybe, possibly, have a chance at a second try.
share you like an island (ao3) - JudeAraya
Summary: When Phil gets picked up by a beautiful boy at a uni party, he's expecting a one night stand.
What he doesn't expect is to keep falling into bed with the boy with a reputation. Who turns out to also be a youtuber. Who somehow becomes his best friend. It's not complicated.
Until it kinda is.
Ships that pass in the night (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: Dan and Phil are YouTubers. The catch? They’ve never met, and Phil doesn’t want them to.
so tell me darling do you wish we'd fall in love? (ao3) - furryphil
Summary: after being dragged to playlist live, dan expects a weekend of waiting in lines for a ridiculous amount of time and dealing with screaming fangirls. what he didn’t expect was to meet his teenage idol, AmazingPhil. he didn’t expect for said teenage idol to ask for his number and actually take interest in him.
Super Amazing Project: Unsolved (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: They find a hallway once they’re inside with a big, wide, broken window. It lets in more than enough light to film and the shot of the graffitied wall behind them is interesting. Phil sets up the tripod. They stand in frame, a safe foot of space between them. They both clear their throats. “Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of The Super Amazing Project!”
A fic about canon divergence and hauntings.
VETSCO à gogo (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: The guy is just really hot, and maybe Dan’s also a bit concerned he’s going to fall with all the times he’s watched him wiggle and wobble on seemingly unsteady limbs. He never does, or at least he hasn’t yet, but Dan would like to think he’s got his back if he ever does.
the twitch streamer who just can't seem to get his roller skating neighbor out of his mind
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