#I love fun anon asks I never fuckin get em they're nice
raymondshields · 2 years
That anon is the exact reason so many people shut the fuck up and don't talk about their shit and why people are so scared to be honest. What fucks up someone's mental healthy? Getting that kind of ask to be honest. People who do that can fuck up someone who's healthy into doubting their reality and I have seen someone start doubting their active therapist because of concern trolling. Fuck those people. I want to be a proud freak too. My freak-ness is what makes me healthy but I don't go to thearphy [because I'm healthy] so I don't have a safe defense to shove them off without them fucking with my reality so it's cool seeing someone who can. I started to ramble but fuck anon be proud and strong and be aggressively angry! You deserve it with this sanism borders on gaslighting armchair bull.
No kidding - especially because like, if someone just up and went "lol u faker c--t" I'd just react with a supernatural gif because that's the only effort they deserve. It's harder to do that when people weaponize concern and falsify empathy, especially when you're susceptible to those sorts of things.
Like, I grew up on 2014 otherkin tumblr when death threats from antikin were all the rage, so none of this shit bothers me. I can totally agree that being a freak makes me healthy: I know people who try to deny their freakishness, okay, and there was a time when I did that. Forcing a queer person to act a cishet role is a majorly triggering horror story for me. (It's also why I can't really talk to my friends who are closeted and have to remain that way about those issues. It says "this is what happens if you stop fighting tooth and claw to be what you are" and that's terrifying.)
I'm in therapy largely for unrelated reasons (had to battle off a potential case of PTSD and succeeded, and am now focusing on getting that ADHD diagnosis) but like, I opened with being otherkin and having been plural before, she's fine with it, it's all fine.
But of course, I've never said that on this blog, so clearly it never happened, and I just uhhh, need to try CBT because that's the first therapy tool anyone hears of and the only one most people know. Must be a miracle cure!
Also, note the fact they used 'alters' when I exclusively use systemmate, and soulbond if I'm getting technical. I've been very clear that I don't have DID. So either a) they don't even fuckin know what DID is or b) they're assuming I'm lying about my experiences, because of course I am, it's not like pretending to be a DID system wouldn't make my online plural experience significantly easier or anything. /s
(for clarification on that last point: DID is a hell disorder and I don't wish that level of dysfunction on anyone. But online in most plural circles I've seen, saying you have DID is a free pass to do basically whatever you want as a system and never get fakeclaimed. It is literally easier to say you have DID than it is to say you're endogenic. No DID system is going to lie online and say they're endogenic for clout or whatever. It's just not a practical move.)
But yeah no it's fuckin like. It's so obviously "oh I was weird and then I went to therapy and realized it was ~all in my head~ and I want you to realize all your weirdness is ~all in your head~ too uwuwuwuwu" like. That's a horror story, fuck off with your concern trolling bullshit.
I'll stand up to anyone, I don't fuckin care. I may not be entirely functional and I may not always know which systemmate is saying what without thinking for a second, but I'm me, and I know what I am, and I'm happiest that way.
Anyone who wants to take that happiness and pride away from me is gonna get bit. And then their hands broken probably. I dunno, would have to put more thought into deciding.
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