#I love my friends from uni so much i cant fathom that i didnt know them a year ago
newvision · 8 months
life will be living hell and then you’ll spend one evening with your friends laughing until you cry and suddenly it’s all so much less hellish. if god is real his greatest creation was friendship
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kill-sang-woo-blog · 7 years
I think Sangwoo was shitting his mom [Chapter 18]
So he tells Ji Eun a lot of things and Sangwoo is like really transparent this chapter. I have like 3 key notes for this chapter. His target. His mom. His feelings for his mom.
this is purely my opinion.
1. Remember how Sangwoo kills women that are like his mother? We got the ashy brown hair and the mole. But there’s a new link! Sangwoo kills women who look like his mother and women who have lived well. Like CEO’s daughter. She’s pretty and rich and Ji Eun who, in his eyes, is pretty and sheltered. Also all the women seen with Sangwoo seem to be pretty and lived a peaceful or good life. Everything was handed to them. Even the bar guy had a family and job and a house. Which is why Bum is different because nothing has been easy for him and no one appreciates him (except Sangwoo maybe )
He also complains about ungratefulness a lot. He kinda accuses Ji Eun of taking for granted everything that has been given to her. He complains about Bum’s porridge scene and the clutches scene. He dislikes ungratefulness so I guess he targets people with pleasant lives because he thinks they take it for granted. I think he feels a lot of injustice. Like how people take for granted their lives and how he had to live his.
He also has this thing about proving the ugliness of a person. CEO daughter was her Pride. Bar dud was his Lust. Ji Eun is probably her Envy. He has also called out Bum on multiple things. The Ugly Truth is his main. He probs killed his dad this way too
2. His Mom. I have this really stupid theory. This is really irrelevant. I just need it out. I think his mom was mid class or from an established family before his dad happened. His dad was abusive and I think he didn’t worked enough to leave cash. He was a disgusting slug or something. I don’t think he bothered saving cash for his family. So if he didnt, why is Sangwoo in uni and with a car or a well-kept house? I know organ harvesting is a possibility but I have my reasons. I think his mother had money and left that for him. His house has a basement for fuck’s sake! I think his mom had money. I just have this awful gut feeling that she was from a nice family with enough money. She was sheltered and happy but then the Dad happened. Maybe she was naive and was deceived???? Like she was promised a nice family life but that didn’t happen.
3. What does Sangwoo feel towards his mom? Love. A whole lot of love and a whole lot of other things. Like Norman Bates “A boy’s beast friend is his mother,” LOVE
So Sangwoo was telling Ji Eun that “yeah, you are pretty, but if you break your character and slowly reveal the real you, would people still think you pretty?” I think he was shitting his mom.
So as a child, sangwoo saw his mother as an affectionate, nice, loving, caring and gentle person. She was his ray of sunshine. Like your typical mommy’s boy, she was the prettiest in his eyes. But she slowly changes. I think this is when she begins to abuse and emotionally manipulate Sangwoo. Maybe she grew dependent on him too? Remember AHS coven? How Evan’s character and his mom lived? Speaking from experience, I have seen mothers cling to their children after their partner leaves or hurts them. She wasn’t the loving mom anymore, she was the desperate one I guess.
Sangwoo then says that even if your true self is disgusting and you look like it, people will be horrified or pity you. this goes for everyone but his mom. even if his mom did those to him, i think he still loved her because she was a victim. And whatever 'ugliness' she had inside of her is justified in his eyes. like he understood why she did those and outwardly justified her actions or accepted them. So for Sangwoo, his mother wasn’t abusive, she was a suffering victim. He’s on a Mother defense mindset. With his oedipus complex, he probably has a hard time fathoming his anger for his mom or he represses it so much that his outlet is killing. He did mutilate and shame his victims to prove that they were as hideous outwardly as they were inside. This has been his "fix" or "sub" or proxy. I think it’s because he subconsciously wants to see his mom as who she really was but he can’t. It’s a repressed need so as he tries to bury that need because that’s his mom. It’s like screaming at a kicked puppy. It’s betraying your country. No matter how bad it is, he can only love and stand by her. It is unconsciously causing him to degrade, humiliate, mutilate, torture and etc people. the ugly truth is his main speech. He calls everyone out except for his mom. His called his dad abusive, he called bum a creep and etc but never his mom. even when he talked about his hallucination. He never talks shit about his mom directly. His mom has no faults. She cant. Whatever she did is best for him or best for both of them. He justifies her possible abuse towards him because she was her mom and she was abused. But his main is the ugly truth so whatever happens he has that undying unsettled ignored need to see her a disgusting. It’s so repressed, he might think it non-existent. But it kinda exists because boi his victims look like his mommy
Idk just random thoughts after school and all the depravation i had to go through for 24 hrs
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