#I love Damian so much and he doesn't deserve any slander
daytimevigilante · 2 years
I hate it whenever I see Damian haters talk shit about Damian, what kind of problems do you have against a young child?
It gets to the point where I would see Damian haters critique Damian for having FEELINGS and expressing them in his own way. What do you want Damian to do?  For example, other characters in the bat family can express their anger and take it out on others, but suddenly when Damian shows that he’s angry, apparently he’s being an annoying brat? Make it make sense. Do you not want him to have feelings? 
It gets to the point where Damian haters say they hate him for having OPINIONS of his own, even if other characters in the Batfam think differently, when that is the entire point of writing a story. No two or more characters are ever going to think or act in a similar fashion, because they have their own issues ( internal and external),  biases, flaws and strengths that differentiate them from one another. What do you want Damian to do? Do you want him to have no opinions at all? 
It gets to the point where I would see people write entire long posts about why they hate Damian because of the stunts that he would pull or the decisions he makes, even though other (white) character(s) in the bat family has made the same actions in the past, if not then something similar. 
The way that some people would try to pick Damian apart and critique him to the point where the only story they want from him is for Damian to stand in the background, with minimal dialogue and to be nothing more than a side character for the white members in the Batfam.  That’s how annoying the Damian haters can be. 
Obviously, comic readers should read what they want and what they enjoy. So if some people don’t like Damians comics, thats perfectly fine and everyone should read what they enjoy. 
But in my opinion, there’s no real reason to hate Damian with a burning passion. Of course he can be critiqued as all characters should,  but don’t hold him to an impossible standard that you would never even think of putting on the white characters in the batfam. 
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