#I mean not that anyone needs 'permission' to do w/e they want in fanfic anyway but
majorxbennyxboy · 5 years
there’s a full moon in who by fire and irl November 5th of 1776 was...not a full moon by all accounts i've been able to find
there’s no william or john or isaac, and samuel dies unmarried and childless, meaning that the tallmadge line is drastically altered
anna’s children aren’t born until after the war
abe has a son with no real life counterpart
if i remember correctly nathan hale’s death was postponed by like a month, mentioned to take place in october instead of september 
sackett died early
many other altered events big and small
Turn absolutely takes place in an Alternate Universe and for all we know their future could be drastically different from the present we’re currently living 
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howsareeasy · 6 years
podfic: me & writers part w/e
I don’t know if podficcers are just too polite and nice or I’m just too harsh. Probably the latter, because recent interactions with writers have me getting all black European of West Indian Origin with the stare and sharp talking in the worst way. 
Check this tea:
A bit of background: due to how my life is set up right now, I stack podfic (via my PDF reader on my phone) during the week . When I’m away camping, I’ll sit in my caravan and podfic after I’ve come in from hiking, and before I sleep. I will edit the work in the week, but podfic like mad in the wilds on the weekends.  Please, please believe me when I say, my requests are time sensitive.
Writer 1: sent an ask if I could podfic her fic. She asked for time to think on it. I’m like, “ I will check back in a week for your answer. Okay?” 
Hit her up in a week, and she’s asking me questions like, what are my motives for the fic, the usual. It’s not my first rodeo, so I go with it.
I just want to podfic it and post it? Yes, I can post it under flock. No, you can’t prelisten nor preapprove it because it’s MY WORK? (this is new)
After a two exchanges in DMs, I say, “You’re uncomfortable with this, so I’m going to let it go. Have a nice day!”  (There are THOUSANDS of orphaned fic on AO3 if I have a podfic Jones, so either way, I’m GOOD, you know?)
They get back to me going, “Oh, no, please, here is my permission.” I’m like, “[REDACTED], I gave you a week to thrash this out in your head, my interest has ended!”
However, IRL I wrote back, “Thanks for your permission, but the request was time sensitive and the window has passed. However, if you can put a BP on your profile in order for this not to happen again to other podficcers, it would be helpful.”
Writer 2 and 3 (but 3 was really sweet when the shoe dropped, so I’ll bake her a pie).
Anyway, they do the whole, “I wish people would podfic my work!” moan in their Tumblrs.
I slide into their DMs like, “Do you have a permission statement on your profile? No? Here’s a hyperlink, links to information, here’s mine that you can C+P and tweak to your needs”.  Writer 2 gets bolshy, saying that her fic isn’t just availble for anyone. I laugh, and ask, “Do you really... want... people to put in a tender for your fic?”
She says no, but really you know that it’s a yes.
Writer 3 just didn’t understand, I think. But when I explained to her that yes, Virginia, podficcers do have anxieties too in asking people for things, and just as how a writer wouldn’t want to wait for permission from the original copyright holders to riff off when inspiration struck, Transformative artists do the same thing. Yes, you can say YES, NO or MAYBE so. Have a think on what you’re asking.
And... she understood!
To the point where she  just did it right away on all her author’s profiles and left me links to ask if what she did was okay. And thanked me for answering her questions!
What we’re NOT going to do going forward in Y2K18 and beyond is waste people’s time on fannish activities.
The first fic I liked a bit, but becauase the writer was being really arsey about it, I have lost interest. And even if they had BP around their whole work, I wouldn’t even glance in their direction ever again going forward, because they arsed around and insulted me by wasting MY time and expecting me to low key audition (FOR A FANNISH ACTIVITY). 
Writer 2, I don’t think we’ll speak with each other again, because it’s not like we’re social media acquaintances or anything.
Writer 3: we’re not in the same fandom (she’s in old school Hanna Babera cartoon fandom), but her stuff seems fun, so I’ll be podding her fic this weekend.
This is why I’m asking writers to put a Blanket Statement of Permission on their work, be it YES, NO, or MAYBE SO (please ask). Because what we’re not going to do on Beyonce’s internet in 2018, is WASTE PEOPLE’S TIME.
I know that I’m a stuck record (and going forward, I’ll put tags that say ‘blanket statements’ and ‘at times I hate my tribe’ ‘what a shower’) so you know the posts to avoid.
The more I get into podficcing, really, the more I’m baffled at the entitlement of my fellow FANFIC WRITERS. I know that I have a tendency to be too direct IRL and I’ve tried to temper it online (because words online are a funny thing), but you know what, sod that for a game of soldiers.
All I’m asking for is respect for my time, and efforts. 
If that means me standing outside your door with a pan and a spoon and blurting out,  PUT A BLOODY BLANKET STATEMENT UP UNDER YOUR AUTHOR PROFILE  SO WE CAN AVOID WASTING TRANSFORMATIVE ARTISTS’ TIME IN Y2K18, well, no one is going to be sleeping this year.
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