#I scheduled this so I can't come to the call until roundabout six o clock
ahno-nimus · 1 year
A Note, Discarded on the ground.
Thanking you very well for a fun game! The fool got his good eats from this mazerunning shenanigans and will be happy to return in a year or such, if all the winds prevail. All you hep cats are very gracious for jiving your way and delivering the face of god to our buddy the fool who comes after march! And congratulations to our buddy @wizardpigeon for the new position among the tricksterfolks! And those of you who completed the quest do get a boon, that may be called in at any time between now and the next april fools day.
[The boon-havers being @silver-weaver @ratazom (if I missed you just tell me)]
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