#I swear why can’t tumblr queues be spread more I want to post once every couple days I really don’t have much stuff
jagi11 · 9 months
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If there’s one shameless headcanon about Maria I have is that she LOVES fancy underwear. She would never I mean it NEVER wear any plain undies unless she absolutely has to. She likes to be classy even when nobody can see! This is what that one drawing was about. Like, I know they wouldn’t put lace panties on the Maria plushie for reasons I can understand BUT STILL! CRUELTY!
This was the beginning of a big big rant on Twitter about my underwear headcanons for my various AUs so bear with me (under the cut!)
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Butterfly Agenda has probably the most lore but is the least explored for obvious reasons. I can’t really make you know them without making the comic spoilery can’t I? But still let me tell you that Prince Basa binds with bandages. Her thing is that she kinda struggles with her gender expression and sexuality because well a heir to the throne liking girls??? Can you even do that??? Of course she can but she thinks about it too much.
If you think about it, none of my AU Basas wear proper bras, because Bird probably doesn’t know what these are and Vow is a guy so he doesn’t have to have ones. EVEN SO I genuinely believe he’s the most knowledgable solely through getting dragged around shops by his Maria
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… have you ever thought about how Vow technically has top surgery scars but. on the back….
… can you tell I’ve been thinking about this song way too much lately guys
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